How to plant potatoes with a walk-behind tractor, how to use a potato planter

Technology for proper planting of potatoes using a walk-behind tractor

Planting potatoes is a difficult task.
It takes a lot of effort and time. To make the work of gardeners easier, Russian companies have developed wonderful equipment - a walk-behind tractor. The most famous and popular brands are “Salut” and “Neva”. They are easy to operate, last a long time and rarely break down. But there are some rules that must be followed when planting potatoes. This article will tell you about the correct fit and nuances in using a walk-behind tractor.

Garlic seeder on a walk-behind tractor. Requirements for sowing garlic

Like any garden crop, garlic or onion cannot be planted in beds without strictly following the recommendations and rules.
In order for garlic to grow without problems of shading and mutual inhibition by plants, the garlic seeder must provide several basic conditions during planting: When moving the sowing unit along loosened soil, the most even and straight trajectory of movement must be ensured with minimal effort for a person; The clove dispenser should dispense seed as evenly as possible and, most importantly, without delays or omissions; It is especially important that the garlic cloves are planted in the ground at the same depth.

There are many options for seeders; in most cases, onion and garlic seeders are made by hand for relatively small areas. This can be a manual garlic seeder, or designed as an attachment for a walk-behind tractor. With this device you can sow up to a hectare of land. For large areas, you will need a tractor-mounted garlic seeder with a lot of auxiliary equipment, for example, humidifiers and a tank for adding fertilizer.

Important! Two main performance indicators depend on how accurately the seeder is adjusted - the quality of planting and the force applied to the coulter or planting drum. When working with a manual seeder, the quality of laying garlic cloves is easily checked after the fact, since the gardener always sees and controls the operation of the mechanism

For manual sowing, you need to look for a model that is easy to use. Garlic and onions are always planted in damp, heavily loosened soil, which is difficult to walk on, let alone push a hand seeder

When working with a manual seeder, the quality of the placement of garlic cloves is easily verified after the fact, since the gardener always sees and controls the operation of the mechanism. For manual sowing, you need to look for a model that is easy to use. Garlic and onions are always planted in damp, heavily loosened soil, which is difficult to walk on, let alone roll a hand seeder.

You can, of course, convert the device to a walk-behind tractor or tractor. This will make the work easier, but will require extreme attention to the operation of the device and constant adjustments. Otherwise, you can easily plant twenty acres of defective garlic and not even notice it.

Methods of planting potatoes

There are two planting methods. They differ in the tools they use:

  • Hiller with regulator
  • Mounted potato planter.

Both options are equally popular among summer residents. It’s just that the first option is used for a small area, and the second for a large area. But the first option is also cheaper. Good for those who like to save money. So, let's look at each of them.

Walk-behind tractor with hiller

Its design consists of the following elements:

  • Conveyor is a conveyor that supplies seed.
  • Furrower - lays furrows.
  • Distributor - with its help, tubers are planted in a strictly specified period of time.
  • Hiller - loosens the soil and covers the crop with soil.

This tool works on the following principle. Before you start working, metal wheels and a special hopper are installed on the tool. Wheels create furrows. They should be even, then the growing process will be simplified.

Potatoes are placed in the hopper, which will fall into the holes when moving. After this, the wheels are replaced from lug wheels to rubber ones and adjusted to the track width. This will prevent damage to the root crop.

Next, the hiller covers the potatoes with soil, compacting it at the same time. Apart from manually adding tubers to the hopper, the entire planting process occurs automatically.

Mounted potato planter

Before using the potato planter, you will have to carry out the preparatory stage for planting. First you need to plow the land. Then carry out harrowing so that the crop receives the required amount of water and oxygen. After this, you need to moisten the soil (if possible).

This type of walk-behind tractor has the following design:

  • furrowers;
  • special bunker;
  • disk device for filling potatoes with soil.

The structure of the walk-behind hiller allows you to plant potatoes in one go, since the tool simultaneously makes furrows, pours out the tubers and covers them with soil. Before use, you need to attach special wheels to grab the soil and an additional attachment - a potato planter.

Homemade potato planter for walk-behind tractor

Homemade devices for a walk-behind tractor can cope with the tasks assigned no worse than purchased ones. To make your own attachments, you need to know how to make them and from what. A do-it-yourself potato planter on a walk-behind tractor is made from the following materials:

  • sheet metal 2-2.5 mm thick or plywood (for a bunker);
  • metal pipes with a cross section of 25-40 mm;
  • wires with a diameter of 5-6 mm;
  • chains (the one that is installed on engines is suitable);
  • bearings;
  • profile steel pipe with a wall thickness of 2 mm (for frame parts);
  • wheels

Tools needed:

  • welding machine and electrodes;
  • grinder with a metal disc;
  • drill and drill bits;
  • pliers, hammer, screwdrivers.

Drawings of a potato planter for a walk-behind tractor

The first stage of making a potato planter yourself is design. The selected equipment parameters must be reflected in the drawing. First of all, choose the type of device, which will determine the features of the future device. There are 2 types of potato planters suitable for self-production:

  1. With spoon feeding of tubers. This design includes a belt with attachments for storing potatoes—spoons—attached to it.
  2. With a flat belt feed, in which the tubers are laid using horizontal belts.

Optimal dimensions of a single-row potato planter for a walk-behind tractor:

  • height from the lower end of the ripper to the upper plane of the hopper - 59-60 cm;
  • wheel section - 150-200 mm;
  • bunker height - 27-30 cm;
  • Hopper width - 22-28 cm.

The basis of the design is a frame made of a profile pipe, to which all elements of attachments are attached. For manufacturing, you can use channel No. 8. The frame should consist of two longitudinal spars connected by three transverse crossbars. If necessary, the frame is reinforced with metal profiles.

Bunker assembly

A suitable cone-shaped container can be used as a hopper. If this is not possible, make the bunker yourself. To do this, in accordance with the drawing, all the necessary parts are cut out of plywood or sheet steel. They are connected using metal corners. Regardless of the material of manufacture, the container is painted with moisture-resistant paint in 1-2 layers. To ensure that the sprouted tubers in the bunker are not damaged, the internal cavity is covered with thin rubber. The finished structure is attached to the frame using bolts.


The wheels of a homemade potato planter can be made with permanent lugs. In this case, you will need: a car disk, strips of metal and spokes. The lugs are metal plates welded to the base at a slight angle. The plates are cut from sheet steel.

Instead of homemade wheels, ready-made ones that are suitable in size are installed on the potato planter. They can be taken from garden carts or other equipment. Hubs are welded to the wheels, onto which 2 bearings are mounted. The wheels are attached to the frame.

Rippers and their holders

To make the holders, you will need a profile pipe, from which a square rod measuring 50x50 cm is welded. The rods are welded to the left and right sides of the frame. Rippers are cultivator paws assembled with holder stands. They are made of sheet steel and fixed using bolted connections.

How to plant potatoes with a walk-behind tractor

Pre-landing preparation

Before planting, it is necessary to cultivate the land: plow it and harrow it. Thanks to this, the soil will be saturated with oxygen and it will dry out a little. This is done using a plow or a special cutter.

The beds are crushed (harrowed) in two ways: using a hand rake or a walk-behind tractor. The choice of tool depends on the area of ​​the site and your own desire. But using the second option is preferable. After all, some tools loosen the soil very well when planting. In this case, the loosening depth reaches 20 centimeters.

After this, the rows are marked. In order for potatoes to grow better, you need to create free row spacing. The average distance between them should be 60-70 cm. The distance of the rows depends on the type of potato. After cultivating the soil, you can begin planting potatoes under the walk-behind tractor.

Landing technique

Regardless of how the work is carried out, one rule should be followed. The planting depth should not be less than 10-15 centimeters, and the distance between tubers (seeds) should be 20-30 cm. For ease of orientation, you can pull a rope. Potatoes will germinate better if the soil is fertilized after loosening.

Working with a hiller. First it is attached to the walk-behind tractor. Using the Neva apparatus, you will have to move the blades to increase the wingspan. This is necessary for proper placement of potatoes in the holes. When working with Salyut, you do not have to go through this procedure. The lug wheels are attached to the unit.

The track width of the walk-behind tractor for planting potatoes is 60 centimeters. The tops should be planted at the same distance. After sowing, it is necessary to remove the metal wheels and install rubber ones. In this case, the width should remain the same. The wings are at maximum distance. Now you can cover the crop with soil.

There is another option for using a walk-behind tractor - using it under a plow. Metal wheels and a plow are simultaneously installed on the apparatus. When planting in this way, it is worth throwing potatoes at the stage of creating a furrow. This must be done immediately, since when the tool creates a new furrow, it covers the seeds in the already created one with soil.

Planting with a hiller and a potato planter: what are the differences

Planting potatoes with a walk-behind tractor is done in different ways, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main difference in using a hiller and a potato planter is that in the first case the work is semi-automated, and in the second it is fully automated.

The landing speed also differs. When working with a hiller, after forming a furrow, you need to walk along the plowed row and place the tubers in the recess. After this, you need to fill the trench. The use of a potato planter provides higher labor productivity. In one playthrough, they perform two tasks at once: plowing and planting tubers.

Scheme of planting potatoes with a motor cultivator

Before planting potatoes, the soil must be loosened and, at the same time, furrows must be created. Potatoes should be planted at a time when the soil temperature reaches 8-9 degrees. At a depth of 10 centimeters. The furrows should be made as even as possible, and the distance between them should be about 60 centimeters. This is done so that when loosening the soil it does not touch the planted tubers.

Having finished cultivating the land, the potatoes are manually placed in the holes. The distance between tubers should be 30-50 centimeters. After this, the field is again processed with a motorized cultivator to cover the potatoes with soil.

At the same time, it saves a lot of effort and energy. All work and planting with the cultivator is carried out automatically. You will only have to work with your hands when harvesting.

If the site is located near groundwater, then the future harvest should be protected from excess water. In this case, potatoes can be planted directly into the ridges. The ridges are formed with a walk-behind tractor 20 centimeters high. But this method of growing potatoes will only help where the soil is well moistened.

Landing with a walk-behind tractor (video)

Below you can see how potatoes are planted using a potato planter (video):

Tags : hilling, harvest, use, cutters, correctly, do, garden, preparation, small, should, even, area, collecting, various, cultivator, basic, heavy, harvesting, most, care, carry out, cultivation, additionally, crops, rubber, labor, is, capture, technology, capabilities, cut, varieties, human, rules, simultaneously, vegetables, potato, go, disease, country, marking, occurs, optimal, second, identical, leave, pests, conditions, controls, universal

Harvesting potatoes with a walk-behind tractor


A month after planting, the first shoots appear. Now you need to hill up the potatoes using a walk-behind tractor. This process should begin when the height of the shoots reaches 15-20 centimeters.

Hilling itself is a replacement for loosening the soil and weeding it. At the same time, this procedure protects the crop in the spring from return frosts. It happens that before the emergence of seedlings, the temperature may drop slightly below zero. A layer of soil covers the fruits, warming them and allowing them to survive bad weather.

Usually they spud up 2 times: the first time as soon as the sprouts appear, the second time after three weeks. But you need to know what if:

  • The nest begins to grow wider, across the ridge;
  • Tubers peek out from under the ground and turn green in the sun

You will have to hill up a third time. There are times when you have to hill up potatoes 4 times a season. But then you get a good harvest.

Any hiller is suitable for this procedure - with one, two or three rows. If necessary, an additional attachment is installed on the walk-behind tractor and the soil is fertilized with its help.

You can see how a two-row hiller works in this video.

Hilling secrets

Many gardeners earth up potatoes in the hot summer. But it's not right. This can damage the shoots or the root crop itself. Because of this, the plant may wilt. In addition, the procedure negatively affects health.

Therefore, it is recommended to do this in the morning or evening. And not in dry weather, but after rain, when the soil dries out a little, but remains quite moist. This makes it easier to get rid of weeds and weed the beds.

And it is much easier to hill up wet soil, since wet soil does not crumble. Moist soil added to the base of the stem stimulates the development of new shoots. And this leads to an increase in yield.

Potato digger

Every rural resident knows what planting and harvesting potatoes is and how difficult it is. Once upon a time, whole families came out to clean it. Now manual labor is being replaced by automated labor. And if you have a walk-behind tractor MTZ-09N, then this is no longer a problem.

MTZ is compatible with a large number of different attachments, including potato diggers and potato planters.

From the manufacturer

The official website of the Belarusian manufacturer offers the following options.

Rotary potato digger KM-2

It is mainly intended for harvesting potatoes, but can also be used for digging beets, onions or garlic. In this case, the crops are not damaged and remain intact.

When working, she digs up one row of potatoes to a certain depth, then, using rotating iron rods, breaks up piles of earth, and the root crops lie next to the potato digger. In this way, large areas of crops can be cultivated without damaging the crop.

Features of the KM-2 rotary potato digger:

  • Thanks to its mechanism, the rotary potato digger can work on any soil, including hard soil.
  • The potato digger is connected directly to the power take-off shaft, and the speed of movement of the MTZ-09N walk-behind tractor together with this equipment should be around 3.8 km/h.
  • The Belarus walk-behind tractor can excavate 600 m2 per hour.
  • The maximum immersion depth of the knife is 18 cm.
  • The weight of the potato digger is 85 kg.

Review of the KM-2 potato digger for the MTZ walk-behind tractor

Vibrating-screen potato digger KM-1

The principle of its operation is to dig up a number of root crops, then crush and sift the soil using vibrating strips, and release the fruits from above on the ground.

The basis of the design is an active knife (for cutting the soil) and a vibration system (for sifting out the soil).

Features of the vibration-screen potato digger KM-1:

  • The immersion depth of the knife is adjustable. Usually it is about 15 cm, the maximum depth of the knife is 18 cm.
  • The width of a single knife grip is 36 cm, which is enough to process one row of crops. In this case, the frame of the potato digger should be parallel to the ground, and the shaker should be tilted back by about 2 cm.
  • The recommended rotation speed of the power take-off shaft is considered to be up to 500 rpm.
  • The weight of the KM-2 potato digger is 40 kg.
  • Additionally, it is equipped with lugs of the following sizes: diameter 16 cm and width 4 cm.


Basically, vibrating-screen potato diggers are in demand among people. And many manufacturers focus on them. But their characteristics are similar to KM-2, and there is no particular point in considering them.

However, there is another model, which in its design is something between a vibrating screen and a rotary one.

Potato digger KK-1

This potato digger is mainly designed to work with the Argo walk-behind tractor, however, it is also suitable for MTZ thanks to a special adapter for the power take-off shaft, which is included in the kit.

Features of the KK-1 potato digger:

This type of potato digger first picks up the soil with potatoes, then the potatoes fall on the first needle auger, which breaks up large piles of soil. After that, they are fed to a second screw of the same type, but it works twice as fast. It allows you to break up smaller, harder piles of earth. Then the potatoes simply lie on the ground behind the MTZ-09N walk-behind tractor.

  • KK-1 is capable of digging 100 meters of potatoes in 2 minutes.
  • The working width is 34 cm.
  • The weight of the potato digger is 25 kg.


A walk-behind tractor is convenient not only for planting potatoes, but also for harvesting them. This is done in early autumn (September-October) in dry weather. To do this, an additional attachment is installed on the unit - a plower. Sometimes it is called a “potato digger.”

You can see how the harvest is harvested using a plower in this video

But you don't have to use it. It is enough to use a single-row hiller. He will lift the ground, and the potatoes will lie on the edge of the bed. All that remains is to go around the area and collect the ripe crop.

To avoid potato germination, after harvesting it should be placed in a dark, cool place. There it should lie for 2-3 weeks. Afterwards, the potatoes need to be sorted by size. And only after that send it to the cellar.

Planting and harvesting potatoes (video)

The walk-behind tractor helps gardeners plant potatoes quickly and efficiently, saves energy and saves time. The video below shows the entire process of planting and harvesting potatoes using a walk-behind tractor. Here it is shown and described in detail how this is done on the Neva and Salyut.

Do you use a walk-behind tractor in your garden when planting potatoes?

Review of popular potato planters

All potato planters have a simple design and are easy to maintain. There are models recommended for working with specific brands of walk-behind tractors.

For walk-behind tractor Neva

The Neva walk-behind tractor is a small-sized piece of equipment, and special models of attachments have been developed for it. The universal potato planter is equipped with a hitch that fully matches the element of the walk-behind tractor. Characteristics:

  • weight - 25 kg;
  • the width of the formed row spacing is 60-70 cm;
  • productivity - 0.2 ha/h;
  • average price - 10 thousand rubles.

The video shows the process of planting potatoes using a Neva MB-23 walk-behind tractor and an original potato planter.

Adjustment is carried out by changing the tension of the tape. Simultaneous application of fertilizers is possible.

Automatic potato planter

Automatic potato planters come in single-row and double-row varieties. At the same time, planting and hilling are carried out, high ridges are formed. Designed to work with large and powerful motor vehicles. Expensive models have a hydraulic hopper control function and are equipped with a telescopic rod and marker. Furrow makers can be floating or rigidly fixed. There is a ripper depth regulator.

For mini tractor

For mini-tractors, models of two-row and four-row potato planters are more in demand. Farmers note the high quality of the “ASK-2 with hiller” model from TEHNOS. The equipment ensures simultaneous planting and hilling of two rows of seed. It is distinguished by the formation of high and wide ridges. There are functions for adjusting the distance between rows and tubers.


  • potato planter dimensions - 1800x1500x1400 mm;
  • distance between rows (cm) - 62.5; 66; 68; 70; 75;
  • distance between tubers (cm) - 18-52;
  • weight 320 kg.

Agrotechnical requirements for planting potatoes under a walk-behind tractor

Agricultural technology for planting potatoes does not depend on whether the corresponding work is done manually or in an automated way. The essence of the process, in any case, is to dig a depression in the ground of a certain size (in the form of a continuous furrow or separate holes), place root crops in it, keeping the distance between them as equal as possible, and then fill the hole again with earth. Sometimes backfilling is carried out by simply leveling the soil layer, in other cases a ridge is formed at the planting site (hilling up).

In addition, simultaneously with planting tubers in the ground, you can apply the necessary fertilizing in the form of organic matter or mineral fertilizers. In this case, the nutrient mixture is placed on the bottom of the holes, sprinkled with a small layer of soil on top and planting potatoes are placed on top of it. When using agricultural machines in the process of planting potatoes, it is necessary, accordingly, that the technical device can ensure the implementation of this type of work.

Design of a disk walk-behind tractor.
In particular, the walk-behind tractor is required to be able to:

  • it is guaranteed not to damage the tuber when planting it in the soil, regardless of the size of the potato (root crops weighing from 30 to 90 g can be used for planting, which is comparable in size, respectively, to a walnut or a chicken egg), depending on whether the tuber is planted whole or cut into fragments, as well as the presence of sprouts on it (the so-called vernalized or sprouted potatoes);
  • adjust the row spacing in accordance with the planned planting pattern, and it is desirable that the error be no more than 2 cm (the width of the butt row spacing, that is, the distance between the two outer furrows made by a potato planter, hiller, plow or other walk-behind tractor attachment, may deviate from the specified no more than 10 cm);
  • dig a furrow of a certain depth and fill it with a ridge of the required height, and in both cases the error should not exceed 2 cm;
  • lay the tubers at an equal distance from each other with the ability to adjust this distance in increments of at least 5 cm (for example, 20, 25, 30, 35 cm, etc.) and with an error of no more than ¼ of the specified parameter;
  • avoid omissions when planting root crops, which is especially critical when it comes to planting large tubers;
  • strictly maintain a straight line when laying a furrow, no matter how fast the walk-behind tractor is moving;
  • ensure local application of organic and mineral fertilizers simultaneously with planting potatoes - both by direct laying in the hole, and dotted on both sides of the tuber (relevant for mineral fertilizing), while the technical capabilities of the walk-behind tractor should guarantee the ability to strictly adhere to the planting location (2–3 cm from the root crop in depth and 5–7 cm to the sides) with an error of no more than 1/10.

Characteristics of walk-behind tractors

A walk-behind tractor is a type of small tractor with a single-axle chassis. It is often used in small farms, in personal gardens and summer cottages. This universal unit helps solve various agricultural tasks related to cultivating the soil, planting tubers or seeds, mowing grass, removing snow, transporting goods, etc. During operation, the device is held by special handles and controlled by following it.

The first prototypes of modern walk-behind tractors appeared about 100 years ago. Nowadays many different models are produced, differing in their design, engine power and equipment.

Let's look at the main technical characteristics of the devices in the table:

VarietyWeight, kgPower, l. With. Soil width, cmProcessing area
UltralightApproximately 203-3,560Up to 20 acres
LungsNo more than 403-580Up to 60 acres
Average40-605-690Up to 1 ha
HeavyOver 60-70More than 61001-4 ha

Ultralight and lightweight units are good for small areas, but usually only a hiller and cutters can be installed on them

Various models are equipped with additional equipment that allows for plowing, planting, hilling, harvesting, etc. For cultivating potatoes, a potato planter, hiller, and plow are usually used.

The devices can run on gasoline or diesel fuel. Diesel engines, as a rule, have low power, but are more economical than gasoline ones.

To choose the right model, you need to take into account several factors: the area of ​​the area being treated, the possibility of using additional equipment, the weight of the unit, power, and cost.

Preparing the site for planting

The biggest problems when growing potatoes arise on heavy soil - clay or black soil. It is physically very difficult to dig it up, and yet root crops place very high demands on the softness, looseness and lightness of the soil. The walk-behind tractor allows you to solve this problem quite quickly, while experts recommend equipping the device with special cutters instead of wheels.

Depending on the area of ​​the site, the composition of the soil, the model of the walk-behind tractor and your own preferences, you can prepare the site for future planting in one of two ways:

  1. Dig up the area completely, starting from any point on the edge and moving towards the center in a spiral . After digging is completed, the ground will need to be leveled by replacing the walk-behind tractor attachment with a rake.
  2. Digging in strips, moving from one edge of the site to the other, in accordance with the plan for future beds . When using this method, it is necessary to provide small areas up to 2 m long at one and the other end of the field, on which it will be possible to turn the machine around without any problems. Digging of each row is carried out twice - in the forward and reverse direction, while moving backward, one of the cutters of the walk-behind tractor should be directed into the newly dug furrow. This precaution ensures loosening of the soil to the required depth and ideally prepares the ground for planting tubers.

The wide distance between the outer rows will be very useful at the time of harvesting: it will be convenient to place dug up potatoes and tops in this area.

Selecting a potato planter

Choose the equipment that suits you

To make planting potatoes with a potato planter an enjoyable procedure, you need to choose the right equipment. What points are worth paying attention to, and what are not particularly important?

  1. Mechanism for picking up tubers from the hopper. Tubers from the bunker are transported on a chain or belt. Give preference to tape-type models. There are vibrations during operation of the unit. With strong vibrations, the chain begins to dangle. As a result, the tubers located in special holes - plates - fall out, and many voids are formed during planting. Before germination, it will not be possible to determine where there are voids, and after germination it is not advisable to plant potatoes. It is difficult to care for a plot of vegetable crops planted at different times. There are no such problems when using a bed belt planter.
  2. Transport wheels. Few people pay attention to this detail, but in vain. They are needed so that the unit can be easily deployed. In addition, the presence of transport wheels allows you not to turn off the engine while turning.
  3. Multiple speeds available. This function is needed in order to adjust the distance between bushes. The higher the speed of the unit, the greater the width between the bushes.
  4. Adjustable furrow cutter. Another feature that many people don't pay attention to. Do not forget that a potato planter, no matter small-sized or industrial, can be used to work with other crops. The main thing is that the planting material is placed in plates (swallows). It could be garlic, onion sets. And the planting depth of different crops differs.
  5. Volume of the bowl (ladle). Here we make a choice based on how many potatoes we plan to grow. For a small farm, the optimal option is 20 liters, for a medium-sized farm - 40 liters. There are medium sizes (25,3,35 l). If you need to provide potatoes for a family of 3-4 people, then it is not advisable to purchase equipment larger than 25 liters.
  6. When choosing equipment, we take into account the type of soil with which you will have to work. When processing loose soils, it is advisable to use equipment that has a sufficiently large gap between the ground and the bottom. Working on hard soil requires heavy equipment. If virgin soil is being processed, choose a massive potato planter with narrow wheels. It makes sense to install a reduction gearbox on a motor-cultivator. This will increase the traction force.
  7. It is worth paying attention to the cost of the equipment. Cheap models cannot be made from quality parts. The pricing policy also depends on the capabilities of the technology. A four-row potato planter is several times more expensive than a two-row one. But, for a subsidiary plot, a 2-row apartment will do. It is advisable to purchase heavy and super-heavy structures when it comes to industrial potato growing.
  8. The last point worth paying attention to is the disc hiller. It must be adjustable. It is important to regulate both the depth of immersion of the disks and the width between the disks. It is better that there are not 2 possible options, but 3-4. The adjustable width between the discs will allow the equipment to be used for planting several crops.

You can find a high-quality potato planter for a walk-behind tractor at an affordable price in Izhevsk, Orel, Kyiv, Vinnitsa, Khmelnitsky and Poltava regions.

You can additionally purchase a fertilizer sowing device designed for applying fertilizers during planting. There is no universal model today. Therefore, you need to select additional equipment for a specific model of potato planter.

Homemade units are suitable only for processing small areas. As a rule, they wear out quickly and are inferior in functionality to factory models. Therefore, experts recommend purchasing factory models.

Methods and technology of planting potatoes

The walk-behind tractor is a very convenient device due to the huge variety of additional attachments that can be used with this machine. Depending on what accessories are available to the farmer, various methods for planting potatoes with a walk-behind tractor can be used.

Video: planting potatoes using a walk-behind tractor

Walk-behind tractor with hiller

Planting potatoes using a hiller is considered the easiest and cheapest way to use a walk-behind tractor.

There are four main types of hillers for walk-behind tractors:

  • with fixed working width (lister);

  • with variable working width (in turn, they are single-row and double-row, the latter can significantly save operating time and energy costs, however, planting potatoes with their help is not very convenient, since you have to control two furrows at the same time);

  • disk (the most functional and convenient, but more expensive than the previous two);

  • propeller, capable of simultaneously loosening the soil, removing weeds and hilling).

Specialists from the Netherlands have developed a fundamentally new type of hiller, which allows you to adjust both the width and depth of the grip. At the same time, Dutch hillers are relatively inexpensive and much more energy efficient than their domestic counterparts.

Each of the possible types of attachments has its own advantages and disadvantages, therefore, when choosing an accessory, it is necessary to proceed from the size of the sown area, financial capabilities and other subjective criteria. Planting potatoes always begins with marking out future beds.

The next sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Install lug wheels with extensions on the device instead of conventional wheels.
  2. If the design of the device requires it (for example, a Neva walk-behind tractor), remove the wings and the central stop from the unit, replacing it with a hitch, to which the hiller is attached.
  3. Attach the hiller to the walk-behind tractor.
  4. Set the desired width of the wings (to make it maximum, you need to move the blades): for a two-row device, it is necessary to provide a row spacing of at least 70 cm, for a single-row device, 60–65 cm is enough.
  5. Start the machine in first gear along the marked area of ​​the furrow and begin digging the ridge.
  6. The depth of the furrow is adjusted using a hitch; for this purpose, there is a special handle on the device.
  7. Place planting tubers at equal distances into the prepared furrow.
  8. When the planting of potatoes is completed, the wings of the hiller should be spread to the maximum distance (on Neva and Salyut brand units, the distance between the wings remains unchanged, but to dig a furrow, the lug wheels must be replaced with regular ones).
  9. By pointing the walk-behind tractor at the ridge line, the furrow is filled with soil.

DIY making

You can choose a potato planter and other necessary attachments in a specialized store, or you can make such a device at home. You just need to have some plumbing skills and purchase the necessary materials to make a mounting device for a walk-behind tractor.

Tools and materials

To make a potato planter with your own hands, you will need to purchase:

  1. Axles, bicycle chain (or chain from a car engine), bearings for wheel movement, making a chain elevator.
  2. Metal sheet for making a bunker.
  3. Square or round metal profile for mounting a frame holder and other purposes.
  4. Welding machine for firmly connecting potato planter elements to each other.
  5. Several electrodes for welding.
  6. Grinder and discs for cutting metal sheets into the required parts.
  7. An electric drill and drill bits for it for drilling work.
  8. Fastening elements to add strength to the device.
  9. Nuts and screws for mounting the structure.
  10. Wire (several meters) for fastening some elements of the device.
  11. Sandpaper or file for sanding and cleaning parts.

Before you start assembling the potato planter, you need to carefully study the drawing, think about the dimensions of the future device, its appearance, and the method of attachment to the walk-behind tractor. The dimensions of the planter should not be very large so that the design does not become too bulky.

The volume of the bunker for filling tubers is determined based on the calculation of the double length of the bed. The volume of the container should be enough for a walk-behind tractor with a bunker filled with potatoes to pass two furrows and return to the place of re-loading.

Assembly steps

The production of a potato planter takes place in several stages:

  1. Frame construction is the simplest part of the nozzle assembly stage. To construct a frame, two long blanks are cut from a round or square profile for its longitudinal part, and two shorter ones for the transverse part of the frame. The optimal size of the frame base is 60 by 20 cm. Places of future welding of metal parts are cleaned with sandpaper or a file, processed and welded. The seams are also cleaned using sandpaper.
  2. Making a bunker . The metal sheet is cut into the necessary parts using a grinder. The parts are cleaned with sandpaper, processed and welded together in the shape of an inverted pyramid. The process of making a container for potatoes can be simplified by using a tank from a broken washing machine as a hopper. The body of the container is fitted to the designed frame, determining the optimal location for the location of the axis of the planter wheels so that the center of gravity of the hopper with potatoes loaded into it is 6-10 cm in front of this axis. This design solution will reduce part of the load on the walk-behind tractor during operation.
  3. Installation of axle for wheels and bearings . At this stage, you need to mark and try on areas for attaching bearings and mounting the axle. Bearings are placed on the frame using metal corners. For structural strength, it is better to choose steel parts. After this, the frame must be rotated, and the pipe must be firmly attached to the corners by welding. The weld seam is secured using pads. The pipe will house the wheel axle. In its cavity, the pipes secure support bearings, placing one at a time.
  4. Attaching vertical posts . Two metal posts are welded to the base of the frame, positioning them vertically. These structural elements support the attached bearings that support the upper axis of the sprocket holding the chain lift. The bearings are attached using clamps. To prevent dirt and soil from getting inside the bearing, you need to choose those that have a closed cage design. The optimal solution is to cover the axles with protective boots. After this, determine the location of the upper and lower sprocket using a plumb line. A grinder is used to make a cut in the pipe at the base of the frame. Then install the lower sprocket on the axle. Put a chain on the structure and pull it up strongly. Determine the location for attaching the upper axle and sprocket. Install the axle and bearings for the upper assembly and mount the device on vertical posts.
  5. Wheel fastening . To improve the feeding of potato tubers from the hopper, it is necessary to partially supplement the chain drive. When the walk-behind tractor is operating, the wheels of the planter will rotate the sprocket as they move. To prevent the wheels from turning in too soft ground, you can put special lugs on the tires. Such overhead attachments are more convenient to use than potato planter designs that have heavy, prickly metal wheels. It is also necessary to take into account that the larger the diameter of the wheels, the easier it will be to move the planter.
  6. Installation of ladles for feeding tubers . When constructing a potato planter, it is better to use a chain, axle and bearings from a car engine than parts from a bicycle. This system has a double-row chain, its dimensions and sprockets are best suited for the planter. Rings made of rolled steel wire must be attached or welded to the chain so that they do not impede the movement of the upper and lower sprocket. They will function as scoops that take potato tubers from the hopper.
  7. Installation of the device for a trailer . With its help, the potato planter will be attached to the walk-behind tractor. To do this, fastening parts are welded to the front of the frame. Most often it is provided with a number of through holes. This design solution helps to choose the optimal height of the handle for attaching to the walk-behind tractor.
  8. Cut a hole for the buckets at the bottom of the hopper . Through it, the ladles will flow inside. Two plates are welded at the bottom of the hopper. With their help it will be attached to the planter frame.
  9. Attach the tuber pipe . A pipe is attached to the hopper to lower the tubers into the furrow. It is made of metal. A part of a drainpipe can be used as such a device. It is best to add a corner element to its lower part, which will direct the flow of tubers.

To make it possible to plant potatoes while simultaneously treating the tubers with special preparations that protect potatoes from parasites, a dispenser and a container for chemicals are attached to the potato planter. A plastic bottle is used as a container. Another drive is attached for the dispenser. The chemical is distributed from the bottle using a hose into the center of the furrow.

After collecting a potato planter or purchasing a factory model, you need to properly prepare for working with this device: select tubers of the same size, wash and clean them from dirt, determine the optimal speed of the walk-behind tractor.

After the potatoes are planted, the device must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt. This way it will last much longer.

Planting potatoes with a walk-behind tractor

The use of a walk-behind tractor and attachments (grouser wheels, hillers, plow, planter) greatly facilitates gardening work on an area of ​​over 20 acres.

It is difficult for gardeners whose plot area exceeds 20 acres to manually cultivate the land when growing potatoes. Especially if the soil is clay or chernozem, which is considered heavy soil. Significant relief can be achieved by purchasing a walk-behind tractor from the brands Salyut, Centaur, Oka, Neva or any other. Relatively inexpensive mechanisms are best suited for field work in the Russian Federation.

Distinctive features


The larger the attachment and the more powerful the walk-behind tractor, the larger the bunker installed on it. And this is quite convenient, because the larger the volume of the loading hopper, the less often you will have to interrupt to refuel with planting material. However, if the area is small, then a 30 liter tank will be quite enough.

Adaptability with walk-behind tractors

The adaptability of attachments with a large number of different models of walk-behind tractors significantly increases its cost. However, today various adapters are produced that allow you to combine your favorite model of potato planter with any model of walk-behind tractor or cultivator.


It is worth taking into account that the larger the unit, the greater its weight. This can cause certain problems when transporting the device to the place of direct work. Small-sized models, on the contrary, can be easily delivered even by car. Of course, if you have your own house with a large garden plot, then purchasing heavy equipment should not create any special problems.

How to plant potatoes with a walk-behind tractor

In addition to the walk-behind tractor, additional attachments will be required depending on the planting method: hiller, plow or potato planter itself.

Potatoes in rural areas are used not only to feed the family until the next harvest. People grow it for sale and also to feed their domestic animals. The vegetable requirement is quite high. Large areas are planted, which require quick and timely care: weeding, hilling, harvesting.

Tips for choosing

There are a lot of types of potato planters, so making a choice is very difficult. When choosing a device, there are several points to consider. The most important thing is the weight of the device. A potato planter with a large weight, such as 40 kg, will be difficult to operate.

Planting potatoes

Weight will also affect the processing speed of the potato field. The capacity of the bunker also plays a role. If all the technical characteristics of the selected potato planter suit you, but the weight of the hopper seems too small, then it is better to choose this particular device.

Forklifts are a special type of warehouse floor transport that lifts, moves and lowers various loads using attachments (forks) and other devices included in its package. By clicking on the link, you will get acquainted with the technical characteristics, popular models, prices and options for their configuration.

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Firstly, the weight of a potato planter loaded with potatoes will be less, and secondly, if the potatoes run out, they can always be returned. In any case, the decisive choice is yours. Remember, the main thing is that planting potatoes is convenient and easy.

Planting with a disc hiller

Planting potatoes begins with plowing the area and treating the seed material from pests. Wheels with lugs are used to prevent slipping during fairly heavy work by the mechanism. The furrows are cut using an ordinary hiller, adjusting the minimum distance between its wings.

Recommended furrow parameters:

  • row spacing when planting is 55-70 cm - depending on the track size of the walk-behind tractor;
  • the potatoes are located in the furrow at a distance of 25-35 cm - depends on the type of soil, potato variety, and fertilizers applied;
  • planting depth 12-15 cm.

Planting potatoes with a hiller is the most profitable way, because... Apart from the hiller itself, no special attachments are required.

At the second stage, instead of special wheels, ordinary ones with rubber tires are installed, and the wings of the hiller are moved apart to the maximum distance. The mechanism is installed between the furrows with the potatoes laid out exactly in the middle, observing the size of the track. Two rows are filled simultaneously on one side and the other. Soft tires, passing along the row, do not cause significant harm to the planting material.

Rating of the best potato planters for walk-behind tractors for 2022

Single row

Bomet S 239, 90 kg

The Polish manufacturer managed to make planting root crops easier by making the process completely mechanized. The device can only form one row. The picture looks like this:

  • a furrow is created by the skimmer;
  • Potatoes are transported from the bunker into the ground by means of a chain planting device;
  • then hilling occurs.

The best designs are for farmers who have rented land plots and their own vegetable gardens, the area of ​​which does not exceed one hectare. The capacity of the bunker is impressive - up to 90 kg of planting material. The movement of the structure is carried out using lugs, which, rotating, force the chain of the unit to move. The speed of planting root crops directly depends on the speed of the potato planter. This allows for uniform spacing between roots, which promotes optimal vegetable growth and development.

Bomet S 239, 90 kg

Main characteristics:

  • planting depth – 10 – 15 cm;
  • row spacing – 29 – 35 cm;
  • row spacing - the indicator is set independently;
  • average speed – 6 km/h;
  • the recommended diameter of root crops is from 40 to 50 mm;
  • device weight – 130 kg;
  • parameters – 135 x 180 x 135 cm;
  • chain type conveyor.

How much does the product cost? The manufacturer recommends selling it at a price of 46,620 rubles.


  • the presence of two hillers of the “Strela” type;
  • there is another platform for a second operator;
  • operates with tractors having a three-point hitch;
  • presence of a chain mechanism;
  • the distance between tubers in the bed is adjusted;
  • spring shock absorbers on the hillers allow you to easily and simply overcome significant obstacles along the way;
  • high-quality assembly;
  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • delivery to any location;
  • possibility of cash on delivery;
  • ease of use.


  • There is no fertilizer bunker provided.

KS for mini tractor

Available for use with mini-tractors with a single-point hitch system. However, its characteristics are not inferior to those designed for mounting on tractors with a standard three-point hitch. An excellent assistant for wealthy farmers whose plots are impressive. Therefore, professionals advise purchasing just such equipment for planting potatoes. It allows you to get the job done in a matter of hours. The tests carried out confirm this.

The agricultural technical installation allows not only to get rid of grueling manual labor, but also to ensure excellent physical condition and the absence of severe pain in the lumbar region for workers. In the manufacture of components and mechanisms, the manufacturer uses high-strength steel with zinc coating and powder paint.

The optimal size of planting material is 40 mm; the tuber is evenly buried in the soil to a depth of 5 to 10 centimeters. The distances between rows are maintained - from 55 to 65 cm. Root crops are laid evenly - 18 - 40 cm between them.

The average price is 10,900 rubles.

potato planter KS for mini tractor


  • uniform deepening of root crops;
  • quality of landing;
  • does not tip over on uneven ground;
  • does not pollute the environment;
  • all key components and mechanisms are made of high quality steel;
  • presence of zinc and powder coating;
  • you can precisely adjust the landing parameters using the conveyor drive;
  • will handle dense soils;
  • copes with uneven soils;
  • increased hopper up to 50 liters;
  • direct free deliveries from the manufacturer;
  • Excellent value for money and quality;
  • service during a long warranty period;
  • possibility of payment in installments;
  • wear resistance;
  • ease of operation;
  • reliability.


  • no significant ones.

2 CM – 1

A device designed for seasonal planting of potatoes. It has the form of attachments attached to the tractor. The main feature is high efficiency. Completely mechanizes the process, reduces work time, and significantly reduces labor costs. Manufactured by a Chinese company. Begins to operate simultaneously with the movement of the mini-tractor.

The device is quite simple. The rotating wheels cause the chain drive to move. Potatoes from the installed hopper fall into furrows made by a small coulter. Then comes the turn of the bed former, which, thanks to the presence of two rear discs, carries out the technological operation of forming beds, filling up the fresh planting. The canopy is aggregated with a mini-tractor with a power of 16 l/s. This product is universal, so it can be used with various models of tractors, such as: MTZ 132/320, T-254, VTZ and their analogues.

The average purchase price is 33,000 rubles.

potato planter 2 CM – 1


  • unpretentiousness;
  • quality;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • comfort at work;
  • availability of a certificate of conformity and a one-year factory warranty;
  • significant container capacity;
  • Several types are available: wheels with rubber tires or steel lugs;
  • there is a bunker for applying fertilizers;
  • possibility of changing the configuration;
  • absence of plastic corners and mechanisms;
  • high productivity – up to 0.14 ha/hour;
  • completely replaces manual labor;
  • long service life.


  • The “cup” may not fit the size of the planting material.

Double row

Scout S 239, 180 kg

A two-row design that allows you to plant potatoes at an accelerated pace, mastering two rows at the same time, while completely freeing up human power and saving time. The unit simultaneously performs three operations:

  • the skimmer creates furrows;
  • a chain with special grips places the planting material in the ground to the same depth;
  • hilling furrows.

In specialized stores, the product can be purchased at a price of 48,840 rubles.

Scout S 239, 180 kg


  • the presence of three hillers of the “Strela” type;
  • designed for tractors with three-point hitch;
  • wheels - lugs drive the chain mechanism for planting root crops;
  • the manufacturer provides another platform for a second operator, installed behind the bunker;
  • there is the ability to adjust the landing pitch;
  • reliability;
  • ease of operation;
  • long service life;
  • the manufacturer provides a guarantee;
  • maintenance possible;
  • payment by installments is provided;
  • delivery of goods from the warehouse of the manufacturer for a minimum fee or without it.



  • no significant ones have been identified.

Bomet (with row spacing of 40 – 60 cm)

This high-quality product is designed to work with tractors such as YuMZ, MTZ, T-40 and other models, including those made in China. It is connected by means of a rear linkage device (RHL). Can be used with tractors that have a second category hydraulic spoiler installed. All operations are combined into one work cycle. Everything happens automatically: plowing furrows, planting tubers, hilling the soil and forming beds.

The row spacing parameters are from 62.5 to 67.5 cm, while the distance between the tubers can be constantly changed, setting it at 35, 32 or 29 centimeters. Planting depth is from 10 to 15 centimeters. The distance between the tubers is changed by changing the diameter of the running wheels.

The average cost of production is 39,585 rubles.

Bomet (with row spacing of 40 – 60 cm)


  • reliable;
  • durable;
  • minimizes the time of planting vegetables;
  • universal;
  • high-quality materials were used in production;
  • can be aggregated with different models of tractors;
  • can be ordered in the online store with payment in installments;
  • delivery to any location;
  • the manufacturer provides a warranty and provides service;
  • You can order an improved version.


  • significant ones have not been established.

Bomet S 239, 220 kg

The model is a universal additional structure with a significant weight of 220 kilograms. I am ready to develop huge plantations, quickly and efficiently planting potatoes on them. It is considered an indispensable assistant for large farms. Attaching to a powerful tractor occurs via a rear linkage device.

Why universal? Because all processes are concentrated in one production cycle. In addition to directly performing her professional duties - planting tubers, she is also involved in plowing furrows, hilling soil and forming beds. The minimum distance between planting material is 62.5 - 67.5 centimeters, the maximum is from 70 to 75 centimeters. The operator is able to independently adjust the distance between root crops if the planting depth is set to 10 to 15 centimeters. This happens due to a change in the diameter of the wheels.

The product is sold at a price of 60,520 rubles.

potato planter Bomet S 239, 220 kg


  • multifunctional;
  • benign;
  • powerful;
  • with a long service life;
  • saves time;
  • performs quality work;
  • can be purchased both at a specialized retail outlet and through an online store.


  • no significant ones.



A multifunctional, reliable and durable device for planting root crops, both sprouted and unsprouted. Soil of any type and quality is suitable for effective work in all areas where this vegetable can grow.

The planting mechanism has a chain drive that allows you to vary the distance between the planting material in fifteen variations, maintaining a range from 12 to 48 centimeters.

Both the basic model and its improved analogues are produced. Thus, Kora 4H is equipped with a hydraulic lifting basket, and Kora 4НР belongs to the category of semi-mounted devices with a hydraulic lifting hopper. However, models of this brand have the following standard equipment:

  • copy wheels;
  • sprinkling discs;
  • feed belt shaker;
  • tensioning device for the tape.

Additional characteristics of analogues are as follows:

  1. Kora 2 and Kora 4 – mechanical markers and 6 x 16 tires.
  2. Kora 4H – with tires 10.0 / 0.75 – 15.3, hydraulic markers and hydraulic lifting hopper.
  3. Kora 4HP is a semi-mounted design with 11.5 / 80 – 15.3 tires, hydraulic markers, and a hydraulic liftable hopper.

In addition to the basic equipment, you can order additional equipment:

  • fertilizer seeder;
  • a special device for planting sprouted tubers;
  • small and large packages of inserts for planting root crops;
  • hydraulic markers;
  • row spacing regulator up to 90 centimeters.

The price of the product is negotiable and depends on the model configuration.

potato planter Kora


  • reliability;
  • ease of use;
  • multifunctionality;
  • durability;
  • long warranty period.


  • no significant ones.

KSM – 4

The canopy structure is used for planting rows of potatoes on large plots of land. She is able to simultaneously apply mineral fertilizers. Works on any type of soil. The distance between the rows can be adjusted: 90, 75 or 70 centimeters. It is aggregated with tractors of the MTZ - 100/102 or MTZ - 80/82 class.

The device is loaded with planting material from any dump vehicle. Tubers weighing from 50 to 80 grams are used. Shown to be effective on loamy soils. Develops speed from 4 to 10 km/h. Captures four rows at once. The simultaneous work of two people is provided: a tractor driver and an agricultural worker.

The bunker is designed to load 1200 kg of potatoes. The planting depth is 5–15 cm, and planting is carried out evenly. The number of omissions is no more than 5 percent. Incorporation of tubers also occurs evenly. Device dimensions: 4750 x 4500 x 2650 mm.

The price of the product is 665,000 rubles.

potato planter KSM – 4[


  • long service life (at least 8 years);
  • reliable;
  • high quality;
  • quite effective;
  • high landing speed;
  • convenient loading of root crops into the hopper;
  • minimizes landing time;
  • helps increase productivity due to the possibility of applying fertilizers to the soil;
  • works on any soil.


  • no significant ones were found.


Quickly and effectively copes with planting unsprouted root crops. The main nodes are:

  • support – drive wheels;
  • frame;
  • planting devices;
  • furrow sealers;
  • openers;
  • loading hopper;
  • disembarkation frequency adjustment gearbox;
  • fertilizer sowing apparatus.

The average price is 202,200 rubles.

potato planter L-202-01


  • ease of operation;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • efficiency;
  • with a long service life;
  • you can adjust the distance between rows;
  • large hopper for planting material, very convenient for loading;
  • significant warranty period.


  • significant ones have not been established.

Planting with a potato planter

A potato planter is a mounted mechanism for a walk-behind tractor, consisting of a disc hiller, a hopper for planting material, a furrow maker and a conveyor that feeds tubers into the furrow - an integral complex that carries out planting potatoes. The person plays the role of process controller.

The planting speed is approximately 12 acres per hour, so on a small garden plot the use of an expensive mechanism is unprofitable.

It is recommended to adjust the trailed potato planter to the walk-behind tractor exactly according to the manufacturer’s instructions, setting the required parameters for the potato planting depth, the distance between the rows and tubers in the row and the angle between the hiller discs.


All devices for potato planters have approximately the same operating instructions:

  • The first step is to pour the potatoes into the hopper. In this case, it is worth choosing potatoes with a small diameter so that they move freely through the compartments of the potato planter.
  • Special spoons take the potatoes from the hopper and send them to the sowing shaft.
  • From the sowing shaft, the root crops are sent into the ground.
  • Cultivating discs bury the potatoes in soil.

Planting potatoes with a potato planter and a walk-behind tractor is much easier when compared to planting potatoes with manual labor. Almost everyone can afford to purchase this attachment for a walk-behind tractor. The price of the device is not so exorbitant.

In addition, automatic potato planting will save time and energy for farmers.

Planting potatoes under the plow

It is recommended to first loosen the soil with a milling cutter. The wheels of the walk-behind tractor must be replaced with lugs.

Planting work is carried out in two stages:

  1. First, a furrow is laid into which the potatoes are placed.
  2. On the way back, the vegetables are covered with a moldboard when cutting the next furrow. In this case, one wheel of the unit follows the laid row, as a result of which the same distance between the rows is maintained.

For this method, you can use a homemade plow for a walk-behind tractor.

At the beginning of the journey, the depth of embedding the plow into the ground is adjusted (usually the size of the shovel bayonet is used). The distance between the furrows is adjusted according to the track width between the wheels of the walk-behind tractor. The work is performed at first speed.


In large state farms and agricultural enterprises, sowing has long been carried out using special equipment, but for many years our summer residents were forced to loosen the soil, form furrows and scatter seeds manually. Of course, if you are the owner of three beds, then such work will not be difficult, but if you have a plot of 6 or more acres, it makes sense to “entrust” part of your work to little helpers - seeders for walk-behind tractors.

These mechanized devices are multifunctional units with several canopies. Thanks to the use of a seeder, almost all sowing work is significantly accelerated, while its quality meets all agrotechnical standards, and very little energy, as well as fuel, is consumed. Such equipment is designed for traction with medium and heavy walk-behind tractors, the performance parameters of which are 6 or more horsepower.

Landing on the ridge

How to plant potatoes in a very wet area:

  • high ridges of earth (height 20-30 cm) are cut using a disk hiller;
  • Potato tubers are placed on the top of the ridge and covered with loose soil taken from the rows;
  • Furrow depth and ridge height change as the angle of attack of the discs decreases or increases.

Planting potatoes is a rather labor-intensive process that requires a certain amount of physical strength and time. The best way out is to use walk-behind tractors with attachments, which significantly speed up the work. Different brands of mechanisms do not make fundamental differences when seedling potatoes.

Comparative cost analysis

KS-1AKS-1KSM-1Small potato planterPotato planter for the Neva walk-behind tractor
Saint Petersburg1400013000100001300013900

From all of the above, it becomes clear that the cost of potato planters directly depends on the model, compatibility with walk-behind tractors, dimensions and region. And the decision to purchase this or that model is up to you. However, before making such a serious purchase, it is necessary to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the purchased unit.

  • Author: Maria Sukhorukikh
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What types exist

Before choosing a garlic planter, the farmer must understand the rather complex classification of these mechanisms. They can differ from each other in a variety of parameters - in the method of sowing, the number of rows and the type of work.

To begin with, it is worth noting that the designs of seeders differ somewhat, depending on what crops they are used for planting. There are grain, vegetable and all-purpose models. Seeders with a bunker system are used for sowing beans, sunflowers and corn. In some cases, a vacuum system is used instead of a bunker system.

As for the garlic planters themselves, among other things, they are divided into two categories, depending on the size of the planting material:

  • small cloves, whose size does not exceed 2.5 centimeters;
  • large cloves measuring from 2.5 to 3.5 centimeters.

The design of the trailer unit also plays an important role. Depending on its availability and type, seeders are divided into:

  • manual;
  • for a walk-behind tractor or mini-tractor with a single-point unit;
  • for a mini-tractor with a three-point hitch.

As you can understand from this list, garlic planters can be either manual or attached to a mini-tractor or walk-behind tractor. This significantly affects the number of rows that the device can process at a time: from one to five. The choice depends on the size of the site.

A manual garlic planter is the simplest version of the device, but it is driven by human physical effort. Not only is it transported manually and moved in this way during sowing, but it is also customizable. Among all models, manual devices are the cheapest and are suitable for small plots of land, cottages and vegetable gardens.

A garlic cutter with a trailed unit is used on medium and large plots, since it can be mounted on a walk-behind tractor or mini-tractor of any design and any manufacturer. Thanks to the presence of this unit, the need for manual labor is significantly reduced. However, the disadvantage is the constant need to refuel.

In addition, seeders vary depending on the row spacing created. They come in 20 cm and 58 cm.

An important parameter that you pay attention to when choosing a device is the type of seeding and its accuracy. It is classified according to the following sowing methods:

  • nesting;
  • square-nested;
  • private;
  • dotted;
  • scattered.

The error with which the mechanism operates is always indicated on its body. A farmer should check his needs and research the features of a planter before purchasing one. In many cases, maximum seeding accuracy is an extremely necessary parameter.

The choice of the number of rows also entirely depends on the needs of the person who grows garlic and onions. Their standard number varies from one to five. There are some particularly large models that have more of them. Modern garlic planters can have removable containers that allow you to change the number of rows at your discretion.

The type of seeding is different for each device

The number of rows is the most important parameter affecting the productivity of the mechanism. The more of them, the more he can sow at a time and the faster he can process the allocated area. Most models found on the market are:

  • one-;
  • two-;
  • three-;
  • four-;
  • five-;
  • six-row.

But rowing is not the only indicator that is taken into account when purchasing a planter for garlic and onions. Weight and dimensions are no less important. Since it is made of metal, the mass can be impressive, exceeding 70 kilograms. Especially for 6 or 5 row models.

Choosing a manufacturer nowadays is especially difficult. Both domestic and foreign models are presented on the market. The price depends significantly on the country of production. Some craftsmen make garlic planters with their own hands, thereby significantly reducing their cost.

This is interesting: a mower for the Neva walk-behind tractor.

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