How to wind electronic and other types of speedometers, what is their difference

Sometimes when operating a car, it becomes necessary to adjust the speedometer readings upward, in simple terms, “wind up the readings.” In order to do this, a large number of different devices are currently sold at a variety of prices, and for those who are friends with a soldering iron, there are many circuits on the Internet that are offered to solder themselves.

For a finished “winder” they often ask for several thousand rubles, but in order to solder it yourself, you still need to purchase radio components and spend some time assembling the device. Don't want to waste money or time? And it is not necessary! Due to numerous requests from drivers, a special revolutionary method of winding a speedometer using a regular computer fan was developed in the workshop of a traveling mechanic.

We will need a computer fan “cooler”, to which 3 wires fit. Absolutely any fan with a 3-wire connection is suitable, from the power supply, from the processor, from the video card - from anything. Such a fan has a Hall effect tachometer inside, exactly the same as is found in car speed sensors.

We take such a fan, remove the connector from the speed sensor and connect the fan according to the diagram. The speed sensor in a car is located on the gearbox, and in 4x4 jeeps it is on the transfer case. We remove the connector and connect the fan instead of the speed sensor, turn on the ignition and let's go! The fan should start spinning and the speedometer should start ticking up the kilometers. The purpose of the speed sensor pins for most cars is shown in the diagram; do not forget that the “mother” connectors are mirrored. To ensure correct connection, check the “plus” and “ground” contacts with a tester; when the ignition is on, they should have + 12 volts.

Is everything sealed and the connector cannot be removed? No problem, we thought about that too! Extend the power wires from the fan so that they are enough to reach the battery and connect the fan to the battery directly. Attach a needle to the fan signal wire and carefully pierce the insulation of the signal wire from the speed sensor in an inconspicuous place and connect the fan signal in parallel. But with this winding method you will have to tinker a little. The fact is that the sensor outputs are made according to the “open collector” scheme, and if the magnets in the standard sensor are in the position where the output switch of the speed sensor is open, then the winder will not be able to work. What to do? You need to catch the moment when the standard speed sensor key closes, and only then start the winder. How to do it? The surest option is to jack up the rear wheel and turn it smoothly to catch the moment when the winder starts working, but you can try and push the car a little at a time, although this may be a little difficult. Do not forget that in any case the ignition must be turned on to start the speedometer itself.

Please note that different fans have different rotation speeds, the speed of the fan is written on a sticker, naturally, the faster the fan, the faster you can wind up the required readings, but meanwhile, in some speedometers protection has begun to be found against those who are too impatient and at too high a winding speed The speedometer stops counting. What to do in this case? Just find a slower fan.

Where can I get a suitable fan? Yes, anywhere, pick it out of a faulty computer, ask a friend, find it in a trash bin, buy it in a store. Coolers are available in any computer store, the price for them starts from 100 rubles, and finding a fan is much easier and cheaper than buying or soldering a “winder”.

And this. Don't steal too much, okay?

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