Excavator operator of categories B, C, D, E (4-6 category)

Examination tickets for category C

Our training center offers you training to become an excavator operator of categories “B”, “C”, “D”, “E” (4-6 qualification category).

You will go through the theory, and we will also prepare you to pass the exam to the Gostekhnadzor inspector without the practice of operating a bucket.

If you do not have work experience and want to learn how to dig, we offer additional individual practice with our instructor for 12,000 rubles (3 hours) with the issuance of a certificate of additional practice.

An excavator driver's license will give you the right to operate equipment and work as an excavator operator.

The program has been officially approved by Gostekhnadzor and developed on the basis of professional standards. Practice takes place on our own training ground under the supervision of an instructor.

Basic conditions for obtaining a driver's license for operating an excavator

A driver's license for a car or truck is not suitable for driving self-propelled vehicles. A tractor license is required , which indicates the permitted types of vehicles. This document is issued by Gostekhnadzor after completing training and passing the exam. Before becoming an excavator operator , it’s worth learning about the categories, because you can open one or several at once:

  • B - wheeled and tracked vehicles
  • C - wheeled vehicles with a unit with a power from 25.7 to 110.3 kW;
  • D - wheeled vehicles with an engine power of more than 110.3 kW;
  • E - tracked vehicles with an engine power of 25.7 kW or more.

Expert opinion
Evgeniy Viktorovich Zuevsky

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It is worth recalling that 1 kilowatt is equal to 1.3596 horsepower. The license notes not only open categories, but also driving experience, access to a certain type of special equipment (for example, a loader) and category .

A driver must take a training course and not just buy a license. Driving special equipment is difficult; often, even after exams, a person is not allowed to work alone - he is accompanied for some time by a more experienced driver. Training must take place in a school that has permission (license), its own racing track, and qualified teachers. The organization is obliged to conduct a course according to the state program in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 796 of July 12, 1999.

Required documents for training

In order to open category B, C, D or E in the tractor driver’s license The candidate must provide the training organization with a medical certificate of form 003-B/u of the new sample , a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a document, several 3x4 cm photos (the number should be checked with the school).

To pass the exam at Gostekhnadzor, you must provide a certificate confirming completion of the course. It may not exist if the candidate independently prepared for certification. Additionally, they fill out a driver’s card - the form is issued before the exam. What documents are needed to drive a tractor or excavator: license, compulsory motor liability insurance policy, waybill, registration certificate.

Useful tips

Before starting work, you need to study all the icons on the body and units of each excavator. Graphics and labels contain cautions, warnings, and danger signals. The signs are intended as a visual reminder, but should not be confused with safety instructions, which must be followed.

Initial briefing (introductory) is carried out upon hiring, repeated - at least once a quarter. In some situations, an extraordinary briefing is carried out (the driver switches to another model of special equipment, he has been issued a permit for hazardous work, he has violated safety rules or caused an accident, etc.). TB specialists record information about the training.

To ensure safe work, young excavator operators must always follow the rules and listen to the advice of experienced colleagues. Among the mandatory ones are simple but extremely important recommendations:

  1. Before starting work, the excavator operator must sound a sound signal. This way, nearby colleagues will be warned that the car is starting to move.
  2. The working area of ​​the excavator should be fenced off whenever possible. The operator must keep an eye on the job site and clear space while rotating the bucket.
  3. If you have to work on a slope or loose soil, you must first prepare a hard horizontal surface to prevent the equipment from tipping over.
  4. Before starting work, you need to study the area. Working near power lines or where underground utilities are located is dangerous.

With time and increasing professional experience, compliance with safety rules at work can be brought to automaticity. But experienced excavator operators are advised to repeat the safety rules from time to time and become familiar with those developed for modernized models of special equipment.

Where do they train to be an excavator operator?

The training consists of theory and practice classes. You can take courses at any center that trains drivers of special equipment . During the study, the driver gains the following knowledge:

  • excavator design features ;
  • workplace safety rules ;
  • performing special operations;
  • driving a special vehicle;
  • understanding drawings, maps and other documentation;
  • repair basics.

The practical part can be completed at the place of your main job, if possible. This is not about having an excavator of the required performance, but about an instructor. The candidate must be able to work with a front and back shovel, a dragline, and a grab - these are the basic exercises for passing the exam. During their implementation, attention is paid to the width and depth of the penetration, the type of bulk materials, while minimal deviations from the accepted indicators are allowed.

After training and passing the exam, the driver is assigned an initial rank, but what can a 4th rank excavator operator drive ? It is permissible to work on a single-bucket machine with a bucket whose volume is less than 0.15 m3. If desired, you can increase the rank to 8; at least one year must pass from the moment of retraining for the previous qualification. The remaining categories of excavator operators are presented in the table

Discharge capacity (m3)Excavator productivity (m3/h)
FifthUp to 0.4Up to 1000
SixthUp to 1.25Up to 2500
SeventhUp to 4Up to 4500
EighthUp to 9More than 4500

Expert opinion

Zuevsky Evgeniy Viktorovich

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Powerful machines are used in quarries for the extraction of coal and other minerals. To operate such an excavator, courses ; professional education is required. The driver, as a rule, works together with an assistant, and a whole team is involved in servicing the equipment.

How much do you need to study

The duration of training depends mostly on the level: professional, retraining or advanced training. It will take about 3-4 months to obtain a state-issued excavator driver's license It is not always possible to pass the certification the first time; some require several attempts. Advanced training and retraining take much less time - from 2 to 6 weeks. It is permissible to study remotely or part-time if it is not possible to take time away from production. However, this concerns only theory, since it is impossible to do without practice.

Get a license for special equipment or buy them?

It may seem like it takes a long time to complete a training program. Most people, seeing offers on the Internet to buy rights to special equipment, believe that this is an excellent solution. However, there are many pitfalls, not to mention the fact that it is illegal and entails criminal liability. You can get caught in a scam and end up with a “counterfeit” with fake stamps and signatures, or lose your money.

Accelerated training is now available under programs approved by the ministry. The course can be completed remotely without interrupting your work. Upon completion of the course, the student will be entitled to special equipment in the category for which the program is provided and a new certificate.

How to quickly get your license

Choose an accelerated learning program - this is a rational decision if you want to save time and money.

Companies offer to take the course in the most convenient mode:

  • Full-time education, attending classes at an educational institution. It is also possible to study by correspondence with teachers, visiting specialists only for the exam.
  • Remotely. It is possible to receive study materials via the Internet and take the exam online.

In order not to stop their work and not to come to the place of training in person, many scammers offer visitors to order licenses for special equipment such as tractors, excavators and other equipment, but this is contraindicated by law. You can only get a license in 2 places - at the Gostekhnadzor department at your place of residence or study.

Requirements for candidates

Not every person can operate a mini -tractor, loader , excavator or other self-propelled equipment. There are certain requirements for candidates. First of all, he must reach the age of majority by the time of passing the exam, and also have no health contraindications for driving vehicles. To work, an excavator operator must be proficient in special equipment, namely:

  • know the device;
  • be able to carry out repair work;
  • monitor technical condition;
  • work safely;
  • drive the vehicle confidently;
  • have practical skills in operating equipment.

In addition, during the training, drawings and diagrams are studied that the driver must understand. You need to know about the characteristics of different soils and bulk materials in order to do your work efficiently and safely. Persons who have passed a medical examination are allowed to work.

Why choose TC "AVTODOR"?

Our training center for continuing education is a guarantee of serious prospects for its students! To provide you with high quality training, we have:

  • Qualified teaching staff. All teachers have extensive work experience and theoretical knowledge;
  • Required technical equipment;
  • Modern educational materials and visual aids;
  • Computer classes. Thus, conducting lectures turns into an interesting and exciting process;
  • Autodrome – it houses modern technology. Here we conduct practical classes for future specialists.

Passing exams

Excavator licenses are issued after successfully passing examination tests. They are divided, like training, into 2 stages - theory and practice. During the theoretical part, the future driver needs to answer the questions on the ticket to demonstrate knowledge of the safe operation of machines, traffic rules and other basics.

In practice, you need to show driving skills and the ability to handle a self-propelled vehicle, but this stage includes 2 steps. First, you will have to practice the exercises on the race track, and then on the working route, which is prepared specifically for the exam. All data obtained during the internship is recorded by the inspector in the protocol.

Required Skills

Excavators are in great demand. This implies the priority and demand for top-class specialists. A professional in his field will never be left without money, because special vehicles are used for digging pits, rocks, trenches, and for loading construction materials into trucks. A person who plans to train as an excavator operator must possess a number of skills:

  1. Understand drawing and schematic documents.
  2. Determine the type of soil and the permissibility of working on it.
  3. Have knowledge of the construction and breakdown of outbuildings, plumbing activities.
  4. Have the ability to monitor the appearance of transport.
  5. Know the groups of lubricant mixtures and their consumption levels.
  6. Understand the operation of measuring instruments.

The procedure for conducting the educational process

To obtain a driver's license for special equipment, each applicant must go through several stages of training. During your studies you must:

Excavator driver's license - sample

  • acquire theoretical knowledge on the design of equipment, its characteristics, soil classification, working conditions and safety rules;
  • gain driving skills in operating an excavator in various circumstances that arise in real life;
  • confirm the learned material in the exam.

An excavator driver's license may have one or more categories (B, C, D, E), each of which opens after completing training. The longest process is courses to obtain a certificate. “Retraining” or “advanced training” is a faster, but no less responsible procedure for raising the professional driving level of a driver. Their result is the opening of another category.

What education is needed?

Curricula for training excavator operators were prepared by the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Vocational Education. Today, it is possible to obtain the appropriate specialization in colleges and technical schools, which will provide the full range of necessary knowledge.

Persons who have reached the age of 18 and have no medical contraindications are invited to receive professional skills.

Special training is conducted full-time and includes:

  • Theoretical lectures , where applicants understand the components of an excavator, study soil classes, and gain basic knowledge of safety.
  • The practical part , where vehicle races are held at specially equipped sites.
  • Exam , at which a technical supervision inspector is present, issuing a document marking the type of equipment that the driver will operate.

The time and cost of training courses are set by the training schools, taking into account the latest changes.

Organization of training in driving excavator equipment

To gain knowledge and skills in operating a special machine, the future excavator operator must complete a full course at a specialized training center. Such educational institutions must meet certain requirements:

Construction equipment simulator

  • have a license and State permission to carry out activities for training specialists;
  • have an equipped base for conducting practical classes;
  • have samples of equipment that meet the training program for specific types of machines.

Teaching and training staff must have appropriate qualifications and driving experience to share with students.

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