Category E excavator operator: what excavators can you work on?



Rights to a tractor – Gostekhnadzor

Currently, you can get a license for a tractor within 1-3 months. Gostekhnadzor provides a list of all driving schools that provide training for tractor and machinist training. It is necessary to choose an educational institution from this list, since the absence of a school in the Gostekhnadzor register does not give it the right to prepare students for exams in the above-mentioned specialties.

To be guaranteed to obtain a license, we recommend contacting our driving school, which has a reliable reputation and a staff of qualified teachers and industrial training specialists.

Categories of tractor licenses decoding

A tractor license or the so-called tractor driver’s license has several categories and subcategories.

“A” is the largest vehicle category, which includes four subsections, allowing you to drive motor vehicles whose speed does not exceed 50 km/h.

Subcategories A:

  • A1 – motor vehicle, which is intended for off-road driving;
  • A2 – eight-seater (without driver’s seat) off-road vehicle weighing up to 3.5 tons;
  • A3 – SUVs weighing more than 3.5 tons;
  • A4 – transport with a number of seats exceeding 8;
  • B – Tracked and wheeled vehicles whose engine power does not exceed 27.5 kW;
  • C – Special purpose vehicles with engine power from 27.5 to 110.3 kW;
  • D – Special self-propelled transport with a power of over 110.3 kW;
  • E – Tracked vehicles with a power of more than 27.5 kW;
  • F - Special machines that are intended for agricultural activities.

Please note: having one type of license does not give you the opportunity to drive vehicles that are not included in the existing category of rights.

Literature for the exam

Bookstores do not offer a very wide selection of books to help you pass the test . Among the most common is “ Excavator ,” author U. I. Saponenko. The textbook covers all the topics that a future bulldozer . Many also advise studying “Design, Operation and Repair” from A.P. Smolin. Despite the fact that the book was published in 1958, the information remains relevant today.

Conditions for obtaining a tractor license in 2022

Until 2015, citizens were allowed to study independently and come only to take exams.

Now, persons wishing to obtain a tractor driver's license must contact the Gostekhnadzor authorities to undergo training and pass exams.

The main conditions will be:

  • reaching the age required to obtain a license;
  • no medical contraindications;
  • passing the required exam.

You can obtain the necessary medical certificate after passing through a number of required specialists, the list of which necessarily includes a narcologist and a psychiatrist. The list of specialists directly depends on the type of rights that the applicant is going to receive.

Please note: the certificate received is valid for one year.

In addition to the certificate, before taking the exams you must provide a number of documents:

  • statement;
  • identification document;
  • honey. certificate;
  • certificate of completion of training;
  • photo with left corner, size 3x4;
  • driver's license in case of obtaining licenses of type A2 and A4;
  • When re-issuing a new certificate, you must present the old one.

The exam procedure consists of two stages:

  1. The theory includes an oral or written test of knowledge of traffic rules and the procedure for operating a vehicle.
  2. Practice, testing your driving skills and practical knowledge of traffic rules.

Passing the exams allows you not only to obtain a license, but also to assign a rank in accordance with the skills of the examinee:

  1. The second category - the control of self-propelled machines occurs under the guidance of an experienced driver. Self-repair of loading mechanisms is allowed.
  2. The third is independent control of loading machines, as well as repair of mechanisms.
  3. Fourth - with this category it is possible to unload, load and move cargo with vehicles whose horsepower is less than 100.
  4. The fifth is necessary for operators of excavators, bulldozers and for controlling equipment with a power of over 100 hp. With.
  5. The sixth is necessary for driving more powerful vehicles over 200 hp. With.

To obtain a higher rank, you need to do well not only the practical section, but also the theoretical part.

Citizens wishing to replace their old license with a new type license must pay a state fee of 400 rubles. (mandatory for everyone) and contact the Gostekhnadzor authorities.

Exam papers with answers

During the course, future excavator operators learn the theory, which consists of 45 tickets for each category, approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. Each has 8 questions, one minute is allotted for each task. It is prohibited to make more than 1 mistake. Often mistakes are made in official publications; it is better to clarify the information at school or before the exam at Gostekhnadzor . Several tasks given below will help you understand the essence of the exam papers for the CE excavator categories.

Question 1. Is it permissible to start an excavator engine with a faulty starting interlock device?

  1. Yes.
  2. It is permissible, but only if the launch is insured by a second person.
  3. Permissible when starting with a starter.
  4. Prohibited in all cases.

Question 2. Which of the following is allowed to operate an excavator?

  1. Persons who have undergone training at a specialized center.
  2. Persons who have experience operating loading and unloading equipment.
  3. Persons who have been trained and have a certificate .

Question 3. How to fix a damaged seat belt?

  1. Iron and sew up the damaged area with strong threads.
  2. Use rivets or bolted connections.
  3. It is permissible to sew up a seat belt.
  4. Replace the belt with a new one.

Correct answers: 1-4; 2-3; 3-4. It is worth noting that the tasks are given as an example. Some questions for the excavator operator exam contain pictures that you must pay attention to.

Features of preparation

You can pass the test only by doing additional studying at home. If you don’t have a computer with Internet access, it’s easy to find the literature you need in bookstores. Training manuals usually cover all the topics that will be useful to the future bulldozer operator. Information that is relevant today, even if the books are quite old.


Additional courses are required to improve the qualifications of an excavator operator. Employment organizations often have special requirements for people whose responsibilities are related to safety.

These positions often require high pay, but the employee's rank must be higher. New documents for the rank are issued after passing additional exams. Training is often organized at the place of employment. For example, in order to obtain category D, the driver is recommended to master some work techniques, in particular: using a grab, dragline, forward and backhoe. A driver in this category must be able to work at night, at the intersections of small rivers, on steep descents and ascents. High category forklift drivers must be able to start equipment at sub-zero temperatures, drive a trailer, and make repairs.

During retraining, much attention is paid to practical training. It is impossible to learn this part at home, so it is advisable to take a course at Gostekhnadzor. For an excavator operator applying for an increased category, questions regarding labor protection will be asked. For example, exam tickets for an excavator driver:

Ticket 1

  • features of medical examinations: periodic and preliminary;
  • features of overtime work;
  • features of admission to independent work;
  • inspection of the excavator before work;
  • safety features when the engine is running.

Ticket No. 2

  • actions of an excavator operator in case of an industrial accident;
  • causes of accidents;
  • features of engine starting;
  • safety during machine maintenance.

Ticket No. 3

  • registration of an accident;
  • working hours, duration of rest;
  • safety when using plumbing tools;
  • features of work near electrical networks;
  • work on a surface that has a slope.

Ticket No. 4

  • the procedure for issuing protective clothing and footwear to the excavator operator;
  • features of labor safety briefing;
  • transporting an excavator using a trailer;
  • features of the impact of exhaust gases.

Ticket number 5

  • financial liability of the excavator operator;
  • labor protection at the enterprise;
  • harmful factors of production;
  • Fire safety measures when working with fuel.

As you can see, this category of tickets does not require a choice of answer options; they must be thoughtful and provided in writing, so you won’t be able to download assignments online.

Obtaining an excavator driver's license of advanced category D and E is possible in one day and without interruption from work. It all depends on the characteristics of the enterprise, as well as the school providing the services.

Features of working as an excavator operator

The responsibilities of an excavator operator may include a variety of jobs. In addition to operating complex equipment, the driver is engaged in digging pits for buildings. A worker may be hired to build power line towers. An excavator operator develops soil when creating embankments or canals. The excavator is used in the construction of roads and communications. All these works can be performed by drivers of different categories:

  • 4 – ladle capacity. 0.15 cum.m;
  • 5 – rotary trenching unit with a bucket with a capacity of up to 0.4 cubic meters;
  • 6 – rotary trenching unit with a bucket up to 1.25 cubic meters;
  • 7 — bucket volume 0.4 cubic meters, productivity up to 4500 cubic meters per hour;
  • 8 – capacity up to 9 cubic meters, and productivity more than 4500 cubic meters. at one o'clock.

The last two categories are not assigned after courses. Excavator state technical inspection tickets for exams require professional education. In educational institutions, students study in detail the structure and functioning of an excavator, as well as the technical characteristics of the machines. The features of electrical, hydraulic and mechanical equipment are examined in detail. For example, the assembly and disassembly of suspended structures differ in their characteristic techniques.

Many schools today offer distance learning, which is convenient, but without the proper skills it is unsafe for further work. Online exam tickets for an excavator are used when it is necessary to certify existing excavator operators, as they allow students not to take time off from production.

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