Documents for a tractor: how to register and remove them

Purchasing a tractor requires its registration. The new owner needs to draw up documents for the tractor, as well as register it with government agencies. In general, registration does not take even a few days, but only if the person understands what package of documents needs to be collected and where to carry it.

How to register a tractor?

Regardless of which tractor was purchased, its registration must be carried out according to certain rules. They are prescribed in the legislation of the country and require absolute compliance. For example, you bought a Husqvarna mini tractor, you should immediately go through the procedure of registering the car.

To register a tractor, the owner needs to follow a certain procedure

  • Collect a package of documents (for the tractor, the new owner, insurance policy) and contact the registration department at your place of residence.
  • Fill out an application to register the unit.
  • Pass a technical inspection performed by a civil service employee.
  • Submit the documents to Gostekhnadzor, where they will be thoroughly checked. After this, permission to operate the unit is issued.

If during the inspection it turns out that some documents have inaccuracies or some paper is missing, the owner of the tractor will be notified about this. He will be given more time to collect papers and go through the procedure of registering his unit.

To register the unit, you should collect the following documents:

  • any document confirming a person’s identity (mainly a passport);
  • documents that indicate ownership of the unit;
  • insurance policy (not in all cases);
  • tractor passport issued by the manufacturer;
  • registration application;
  • receipts for payment of state fees;
  • transit number (if there was one);
  • receipts for payment of transport tax (in the case of purchasing used equipment);
  • certificate of registration of the unit, if it has not been deregistered;
  • inspection report drawn up by the inspector.

Legal entities should collect the following documents:

  • documents confirming commercial activities;
  • acts that confirm the registration of the company with the tax service.

It is very important that all documents are completed without errors and copies are certified. Otherwise, you will have to assemble everything again, which will take a lot of time.

How to register a tractor with Gostekhnadzor

Everything about registering tractors and self-propelled machines

Registration of a tractor, mini tractor, all-terrain vehicle, etc. special equipment raises a number of questions for the owner. The main one is – is it worth doing this at all? If you have to travel on public roads, then of course it’s worth it. Because a chance meeting with traffic police officers promises great moral and financial troubles. Of course, registering a tractor with Gostekhnadzor was not invented for protection from traffic police, but primarily to ensure the safe use of equipment. Answers to all popular questions about this registration can be found in this article. Contents
1. What equipment is subject to mandatory registration? 2. What liability is provided for lack of registration? 3. Is it possible to find out whether the tractor being purchased is pledged by the bank or under arrest by the bailiffs? 4. Is it possible to register a tractor under an exchange agreement; under a change of ownership agreement? 5. Is it possible to legalize replacing the engine of a tractor that is already registered with Gostekhnadzor? 6. What is the action plan and list of documents for registering a tractor? 7. What is the procedure for deregistering a tractor? 8. How to register a tractor without documents or “assembled in parts”? 9. What are the results of registering a tractor with Gostekhnadzor? 10. What to do with equipment registered in another region? 11. How to obtain a duplicate of the registration certificate, state registration plate, or passport of a self-propelled vehicle?

What equipment is subject to mandatory registration?

According to the law, all vehicles with an engine capacity of more than 50 cubic centimeters are considered tractors and self-propelled vehicles equivalent to them, subject to state registration. If there is not an internal combustion engine, but an electric motor, then with a power of over 4 kW.

Trailers and semi-trailers for them also need to be registered with Gostekhnadzor. And ATVs, and snowmobiles, and all-terrain vehicles too - for them there is a special clause “the maximum design speed does not exceed 50 km/h.” Moreover: walk-behind tractors are also subject to this provision. Not all of them, of course, but only those that are used as a “self-propelled four-wheeled vehicle” (i.e. with a cart).

There is a special clause that vehicles intended for sale are not subject to mandatory registration - that is, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs selling this equipment do not have to register it with Gostekhnadzor.

What liability is provided for failure to register?

In accordance with the law, within 10 days from the date of purchase of the tractor, its owner is obliged to contact the Gostekhnadzor body closest to his place of registration with an application for state registration of the purchased equipment.

Driving a tractor or other self-propelled machine without registration, in accordance with Article 19.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, entails a fine of 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles per individual; from 2 to 4 thousand rubles per official; from 5 to 10 thousand rubles per legal entity. The amounts of fines may be indexed in accordance with inflation and changes in legislation.

In addition, the traffic police inspector who records this violation has the right to apply paragraph 13 of Article 27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which gives him the right to detain a vehicle that does not have registration and place it in an impound lot. As a rule, equipment is taken away by tow truck if its owner is detained again for lack of registration; the first time they only issue a fine.

But the traffic police inspector will definitely use the right to confiscate equipment if the person driving such a tractor or self-propelled machine does not have a tractor driver’s license of the appropriate category (“tractor license”). This is Article 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

Is it possible to find out whether the tractor being purchased is pledged by the bank or under arrest by bailiffs?

In the PSM - Passport of a self-propelled vehicle - entries are made not only about registration and deregistration, but also about the encumbrance (i.e. being in collateral) of this vehicle. If it is pledged, then it cannot be removed from the register and, accordingly, cannot be sold. Certificates of absence of seizure of equipment are issued only to its owners. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to ask the seller to take and present a recent certificate stating that she is not under arrest.

Is it possible to register a tractor under an exchange agreement; under a change of ownership agreement?

According to the exchange agreement - yes, provided that it is certified by a notary. But Gostekhnadzor does not carry out registration under a change of ownership agreement, not considering it a title document.

Is it possible to legalize replacing the engine of a tractor that is already registered with Gostekhnadzor?

Yes, but provided that there is a document confirming the legal ownership of this engine (purchase/sale agreement). You just need to write an application for changes to the PSM in connection with replacing the engine and pay the state fee. Changes will be made to the PSM, and a new certificate of registration of the tractor or self-propelled machine will be issued.

What is the action plan and list of documents for registering a tractor?

  1. Find out whether a MTPL policy is required for the purchased type of tractor or self-propelled equipment. If yes, purchase this policy from an insurance company.
  2. Collect documents for registering the tractor:
  • application (fill out according to the sample on the Gostekhnadzor website);
  • applicant's passport;
  • self-propelled vehicle passport;
  • purchase and sale or leasing agreement with all attachments;
  • receipts for payment of the tractor and state registration fees;
  • MTPL policy (if it is provided for this tractor);
  • power of attorney (if it is not the tractor owner himself who submits for registration, but his representative).

Depending on each specific situation, the place of the purchase/sale or leasing agreement in this list may be taken by another document of title, namely: an exchange agreement; a court decision on the transfer of ownership; certificate of inheritance; summary act, order, order, etc. (when equipment is purchased from a military unit) or any other document of title that does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

  1. Gostekhnadzor sets a date for technical inspection, during which the technical condition of the tractor is checked and the numbers on its frame and engine correspond to the numbers in the PSM. The tractor must be located within the territory under the jurisdiction of this department of Gostekhnadzor.

According to the law, from the moment of submitting an application with all the above documents, Gostekhnadzor is obliged to register the tractor within 11 days, with the issuance of the corresponding document and license plate.

What is the procedure for deregistering a tractor?

There are three cases in which a tractor or self-propelled machine is deregistered. This means selling it to another owner, moving to another region, writing it off and then disposing of it. To deregister, you must provide the following to Gostekhnadzor:

  • Application in the prescribed form;
  • Passport of the vehicle owner;
  • Self-propelled vehicle passport;
  • Certificate of registration;
  • Receipts for payment of state duty and transport tax for the reporting period;
  • If write-off and disposal - then the write-off act and license plate.

In other cases, there is no need to hand over the license plate and replace it. If the tractor is sold to another region, then after deregistration, together with the PSM, to which changes have been made, a temporary transit license plate is issued for transporting the machine to another subject of the federation.

How to register a tractor without documents or “assembled in parts”?

It is impossible to officially register such a tractor and you cannot use it either. But there is still a lot of such equipment in the country, and it continues to work. For example, tractors that were inherited from collective and state farms that were wiped off the face of the earth. There are no documents for them; they have already been repaired many times on their own. But if you want, you can legalize such a technique. And there is no need to try to negotiate and promise a bribe to Gostekhnadzor.

This is done by filing a claim with the magistrate’s court at the place of residence for recognition of ownership rights by acquisitive prescription. This is the action plan.

  • Submit an application to Gostekhnadzor to register a tractor that has belonged to you for more than five years. To do this, you will need to attract two witnesses (not relatives) who will confirm this fact in writing. In the application, indicate the engine and chassis numbers of the tractor.
  • Gostekhnadzor checks these numbers in the database - that the tractor with the specified engine and chassis numbers is not registered and is not on the wanted list. The Gostekhnadzor inspector inspects the equipment to ensure that it is in serviceable, technically sound condition. You will be given a certificate “not included/not listed” and an inspection report.
  • The court is not interested in the inspection report, but the certificate, plus a certificate from witnesses that the equipment belongs to you, must be attached to the claim to the court. It is not necessary to hire a lawyer: you can draw up a claim yourself, using a model from the Internet.
  • Within a month, the court will consider the claim and issue a ruling allowing the tractor to be registered. It is possible that the judge will require an appraisal of the tractor, with the provision of a corresponding certificate from the appraiser, but this is in individual cases.
  • With the court decision (which comes into force 10 days after it is made), contact Gostekhnadzor, which, on its basis, will register the “rare” tractor and draw up all the necessary documents for it.

What are the results of registering a tractor with Gostekhnadzor?

After successfully completing the registration procedure, the owner of the tractor receives a state license plate, as well as a passport of the self-propelled vehicle with the corresponding entry on the registration action made; inspection certificate; certificate of registration.

In most cases, the time frame for registering a tractor is no more than five working days from the date of submission of the application and documents. 11 days is the maximum period specified by law for registration. The state registration certificate is issued on an indefinite basis and is subject to renewal only in the event of a change in the owner of the tractor.

What to do with equipment registered in another region?

It happens that equipment is imported for work from other constituent entities of the Russian Federation for a fairly long period of time. If it is imported for a period of more than two months, then with the written consent of the owner, the equipment is placed on temporary registration at the place of actual stay. PSM is not provided for the temporary registration procedure. It is necessary to provide Gostekhnadzor with an application from the owner, registration documents and a receipt for payment of the state duty. You can undergo a technical inspection in the region of your actual stay, and extend your temporary registration for a longer period.

How to obtain a duplicate of the registration certificate, state registration plate, or passport of a self-propelled vehicle?

In case of loss or irreparable damage to license plates, state registration certificates, or passports of self-propelled vehicles, they will be replaced with duplicates. In order to order a duplicate, you need to contact the local branch of Gostekhnadzor with the appropriate application and pay the state fee.

How to deregister a tractor?

The tractor registration rules provide for deregistration of the machine.

This procedure is carried out at Gostekhnadzor, to which the owner of the unit must bring the following documents:

  • own passport or documents of a trusted representative;
  • documents for the unit;
  • license plate number that was received when registering the tractor;
  • a document indicating that the tractor was registered in the past;;
  • act of preliminary write-off (in case of disposal of the unit).

You must also pay state tax and attach a receipt for this to your documents.

Deregistration of self-propelled vehicles is carried out within a few days. At the same time, their owners will be issued special certificates stating that the units are no longer registered.

How to apply

You can submit an application in person at the Gostekhnadzor office, online on the department’s website or through State Services (for individuals). Exclusively personal submission is provided if:

  • the applicant's age is less than 18 years;
  • the applicant does not have Russian citizenship or is considered a stateless person;
  • registration is carried out at the place of residence determined by the military command;
  • the applicant is in refugee or temporary migrant status;
  • documents are submitted by relatives by right of inheritance.

During your initial visit, you will be given a package of papers; you will need to return again to get a completed registration form.

In other cases, the application can be submitted online by choosing the registration service for new or used equipment. After reviewing the documents, you must contact the territorial body of Gostekhnadzor to pick up the registration form and at the same time provide all original papers submitted online.

If used equipment is registered, then the submission of a package of papers is preceded by a procedure for checking the main units with the technical documentation for the machine. To do this, the tractor is placed on the inspection site. You can also undergo a technical inspection at the actual location of the car, but when registering, you must submit the original report, which is valid for no more than 30 days.

The administrative regulations require the issuance of completed documents within 11 working days from the date of submission of the required package of papers.

How to get documents for a tractor if they don’t exist?

To legalize equipment without documents, you will have to go through more than one round of bureaucratic procedures. According to the law, such units cannot be registered, but if you try to make documents for them, then in the future the tractors can be registered.

To do this, the owner needs to go to the court at his place of residence and submit an application for recognition of ownership of the unit. In this case, the tractor must belong to you for more than five years, which can be proven by two witnesses (not relatives). The application indicates the chassis and engine number of the unit and attaches paper stating that the equipment is not listed as stolen.

The court considers such claims within a month, after which it gives permission to register the unit. Next, you need to contact Gostekhnadzor and show the court decision. Service employees will conduct a technical inspection of the unit and provide documents for it.

Document recovery

Before registering a tractor for which there are no documents, you need to find out at what stage the vehicle registration process is currently at. The algorithm for further actions will depend on this. The relevant information is provided by Gostekhnadzor employees.

  1. If the tractor is not registered, then for a fee you should obtain a purchase certificate from Gostekhnadzor. Next, you need to file a lawsuit in court and seek recognition of you as the owner of this “technical wealth.” This is not an easy path, since you will have to prove that this is your property, and you did not steal the vehicle, and that there are no other owners of the vehicle. To do this, you will need to bring witnesses who could confirm your ownership of the equipment, etc. The longer the period of ownership of the car, the better.
  2. If the equipment is registered (most often in some agricultural enterprise), then before you register the tractor in your name, you will have to go through an even longer and possibly longer journey (especially if the organization that owns the machine is located in another region of the country ). Your actions are as follows: you need to go to the institution that owns the tractor and negotiate with its boss on the spot. If the outcome of the case is positive, you will be issued a purchase and sale agreement, with which you can register the tractor without any problems. With a real DCP, registering your equipment will not be difficult. The main snag may arise if the head of an agricultural enterprise requires permission from the city administration to conduct a transaction for the sale of equipment. Obtaining it, of course, is very difficult, and also expensive.

These paths are very troublesome and costly, both morally and materially. It's much easier to take the path of least resistance. Namely: buy a ready-made set of license plates and plates, as well as documents for the vehicle of the corresponding model, make and year of manufacture.

Of course, this pleasure is not cheap - at the moment such a service costs 400-500 dollars. But after receiving such a kit, all you have to do is replace the existing numbers and/or plates on the units and frames of your vehicle as carefully as possible, in a “factory-like” manner.

Another variation of the above method is to buy “tractor junk”. The main condition and essence of this transaction is the availability of documents issued for unsuitable equipment. Otherwise, everything is the same - numbers and plates are efficiently “moved” to a functioning vehicle, which is registered without any difficulties.

Otherwise, registration of a tractor without documents occurs in accordance with the generally established procedure. How exactly will be discussed further.

How to restore documents for a tractor?

If you need to register or re-register a tractor whose documents have been lost, you should contact Gostekhnadzor.

The owner of the tractor writes a statement indicating the reason for the need to restore the equipment. Next, he is given special certificates in which he indicates the number of the tractor, its chassis and engine. This will allow you to check whether the equipment has been stolen.

After this, the owner goes to court, attaching documents from Gostekhnadzor. There, within a month, he is given permission to restore documents or obtain new ones. If you need to register a homemade tractor, Gostekhnadzor must check its technical condition and safety.

Procedure for submitting documents and payment

The Rules provide 2 ways to send an application to Gostekhnadzor:

  1. Personal submission to Gostekhnadzor.
  2. On the State Services portal on the Internet.

There are the following fees to pay when registering tractors:

  • 1500 rubles – upon receipt of a license plate;
  • 800 rubles – registration of a technical passport;
  • 350 rubles – making adjustments to the registration certificate;
  • 500 rubles – registration certificate;
  • 800 rubles – for transit plates made of metal;
  • 200 rubles – paper transits.

If you pay the state fee on the State Services website, you can take advantage of a 30% discount. This way you can save 1645 rubles. This promotion is valid until January 1, 2023. Previously, it was allowed to save old numbers from the previous owner of the tractor if the region code has not changed. From 2022 there is no such possibility.

How to transfer a tractor to another owner?

There are three ways in which you can re-register a self-propelled vehicle.

  1. Private individuals can complete a transaction with the help of a notary, who will issue a special deed.
  2. By issuing a special certificate-invoice for the purchase of equipment (in case of purchasing new tractors). At the same time, to register the unit, you need to obtain an acceptance certificate, a certificate of completed technical inspection, a tractor registration certificate and a purchase and sale agreement.
  3. For legal entities, it is possible to re-register a tractor using a deed of sale and purchase, in which the seals of both enterprises are affixed.

If all the documents have been collected and Gostekhnadzor employees have no questions about the tractor, registration will take no more than three days. Then you can use the technology completely freely.

Documents for registration

The list of required documents includes the following papers:

  1. Statement. It is issued at Gostekhnadzor, or sent electronically on the State Services website.
  2. Identity passport of the tractor owner.
  3. A purchase and sale agreement, or another document that proves ownership of the tractor (donation agreement, inheritance certificate).
  4. Tractor passport.

Sometimes other documents may be required:

  • a power of attorney, which is required when the owner’s representative contacts Gostekhnadzor;
  • certificate of temporary import into the country;
  • consent to registration in case of several owners.

At the request of the owner, you can provide Gostekhnadzor with a receipt stating that the state duty has been paid, a tractor insurance contract, as well as a certificate of conformity. However, these documents can be obtained by Gostekhnadzor without the participation of the owner.

Temporary registration of a self-propelled vehicle

Temporary registration of a vehicle is possible with the written permission of the owner at whose address the vehicle is listed. For this procedure you will need:

  • owner statement;
  • document confirming the identity of the owner or his representative;
  • STS, issued at the place of registration;
  • a check confirming payment of the state duty;
  • certificate of inspection of the technical condition of the tractor.

To perform the temporary registration of a self-propelled vehicle, you must:

  • collect a complete package of documents;
  • pay the state fee;
  • fill out an application form for temporary registration of transport;
  • pass a vehicle inspection;
  • receive an act and temporary certificate.

The temporary certificate, in addition to information about the owner and the tractor, contains the expiration date of its validity. By this date, the equipment should be taken out of the territory of our state.


After registration, the owner of a tractor or self-propelled machine must receive:

  1. PTS with all changes.
  2. A plate with a number.
  3. Registration certificate.

The certificate of registration is sometimes issued electronically, but a paper version of the document is also provided. Obtaining license plates for self-propelled vehicles and tractors has some nuances. If license plates of any series are issued for cars in one region, then for tractors only those series of numbers are provided that are defined in the Registration Rules.

What equipment must be registered?

Initially, you should understand which equipment is subject to mandatory registration. This includes all motor vehicles or motorcycles. All such means are classified as special equipment, the use of which requires a driver’s license.

Registration is carried out at Gostekhnadzor. Tractors, self-propelled agricultural or construction machines are subject to registration. Additionally, this includes trailers for the above-mentioned equipment. Registration is required for cars with an engine capacity greater than 50 cc. cm.

What duty is required?

Registration of a tractor with Gostekhnadzor is possible only upon payment of a fee. Its size depends on what specific actions are performed in a given government institution:

  • if a new tractor is registered, then it is necessary to obtain numbers for it, for which 1.5 thousand rubles are paid;
  • for obtaining a certificate confirming the registration of equipment, 500 rubles are paid;
  • To make the required mark in the equipment passport, you need to transfer 350 rubles.

Therefore, if a citizen or company buys a new tractor that does not have license plates, then you will have to pay a fee of 2,350 rubles.

If a company applies to Rostekhnadzor, it must pay the fee using its current account by wire transfer. Citizens can obtain at the institution’s branch the details for depositing the required amount of funds through postal or bank branches, terminals, online banking or electronic money services.

What documents are needed from individuals?

The package of documents required for registering a tractor with Gostekhnadzor may differ depending on the status of the owner of the property. If a citizen who owns a tractor applies to a government agency, he will have to prepare the following documentation:

  • an application in the approved form, and it can be found on the Internet or taken directly from the Gostekhnadzor office;
  • passport of the citizen who is the owner of the property;
  • if the procedure is performed by a trusted person, then he must have a passport and a power of attorney certified by a notary;
  • title documentation for the tractor, with the help of which you can understand exactly how the equipment became the property of the applicant;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the duty;
  • insurance policy for equipment;
  • a technical inspection certificate confirming that the equipment can be used for various purposes, and at the same time it is safe for use;
  • transit numbers, if they were received previously;
  • documents proving that the citizen paid the transport tax on time, and such payment documentation is not required if the tractor is new;
  • registration certificate, if the equipment was previously officially registered.

If necessary, other papers may be required, so it is advisable to clarify the exact composition of the package of documents directly with Gostekhnadzor employees.

Documentation for companies

If the registration of a tractor with Gostekhnadzor is carried out by a company, then it must prepare all the above documents, but in addition the following papers will be required:

  • a copy of the charter and other constituent documentation;
  • evidence that the tractor was registered with the Federal Tax Service, since the company is obliged to pay property tax for it, since the equipment is used in business activities.

The procedure for submitting documents can be performed during a personal visit to Gostechnadzor or via the Internet. Registering a tractor with Rostechnadzor is considered a simple process if you prepare all the necessary documentation in advance.

Where are special equipment registered?

Special equipment can only be registered with the State Technical Supervision Authority. State supervision over the technical condition of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment in Russia is an inspection body that registers the technical condition of equipment, road construction vehicles and trailers for them, assesses the level of safety of use by citizens and harm caused to the environment. The powers of these bodies also include inspection of agricultural machinery in order to verify compliance with the rules of the machines being operated.

How to transport a tractor?

Guys, the next question is: There is a Belarus tractor (MTZ). He's not on the move. In general, the tractor needs to be transferred from one city to another. Is it really possible to do this?

The tractor, which is not running, must also be loaded onto the trawl, which is where this equipment will have to be transported. Also, coordinate the transportation and route with the traffic police, you can’t do without them, in case some obstacle comes across, they will probably allocate an escort car.

SergeyP, The tractor is not moving because its engine is jammed. So it is fully equipped and there are wheels too. I decided to sell it, but I don’t know how to deliver it to another city.

Order a truck to transport equipment. The tariff will be from 21 rubles per km one way, but if the distance is not close, you can negotiate for 18. There is no other option, meaning a cheaper one.

Must be transported exclusively on a trawl. In addition, you should understand that you will also have to load the tractor onto the trawl. Do not forget to coordinate the route of movement with the traffic police.

Everything is correct, you will need transport to transport the tractor; a truck is the most acceptable option. I think that you can get information about such transportation on this site; you need to look at offers from cargo carriers.

I agree with those who suggest transporting with a hitch, it is cheaper and there are fewer problems with the traffic police; a jammed engine will not be a problem for this type of transportation.

It is more profitable to hire a low-loader and transport the tractor wherever you need it. Careful and safe transportation of goods in compliance with all transportation rules.

I would advise you to hire a trawl. You can also find trawl rental services on this website. I think that your cities are represented here. It will be much safer and faster to trawl than tow.

Natasha, Last year I transported a Tractor from Moscow to Krasnodar, I had exactly the same situation. I also thought that it would be cheaper with a hitch, but it was hard, and halfway through the journey I had to hire a trawl. From my own experience, I recommend transporting it on a trawl

In your case, you need to transport the tractor on a platform. Even transportation under its own power for tractors is set at a distance of no more than 30 km, not to mention the rigid coupling that many here recommend. Do you even know that a tractor must be towed by a tractor of equal traction class and the speed must not exceed 15 km/h. So for long distances only transportation on a car platform, or by train.

Can a regular dump truck transport such a heavy load? I think that if you carry out such transportation, then you will have to think about how to transport the dump truck. Its springs will not withstand the load.

Natasha, Natasha, if there are wheels and everything is in order with the chassis, tow it with a rigid hitch. It’s better, of course, to take it with a tow truck so that there are no problems with the police.

It’s no different, of course, on a trawl, and it will cost you a reasonable price, but I can’t tell you where to go, I didn’t have to order such a service, but you’ll find how to do it on the Internet.

I advise you to look at the options on the Internet or in newspapers, and also ask your friends. Take a look and you will choose the right option.

For a short distance, it is best to tow it on a rigid tie-down, and when you need to transport it far, a trawl would be a better option.

Reasons for refusal

Registration of a tractor with Gostekhnadzor is accompanied by officials studying various documents for the equipment, as well as checking its technical condition. At the same time, situations may arise when citizens and companies that own tractors are faced with a refusal to register. This may be due to the following reasons:

  • the design of the tractor does not comply with various standards or requirements that relate to the safety of citizens or the environment, and usually does not comply with the standards of vehicles that are homemade, since when creating such equipment independently, there is a high probability of making a significant mistake;
  • owners of equipment have filled out various papers incorrectly, so they contain unreliable information, typos or errors, so for further registration you will have to quickly make the necessary adjustments;
  • the use of false documentation, and for such actions citizens are not only denied registration, but can also be held accountable.

In some cases, you only need to make the necessary changes to the documentation, after which the tractor will be registered.

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