KrAZ did not teach. BelAZ and MAZ workers risk repeating the fate of Ukrainians

KrAZ presented a new model for the military (photo)

AvtoKrAZ presented a new model - a military refrigerator based on the KrAZ-5401N2 (4x2) chassis. The vehicle is designed for the delivery of fresh, chilled and frozen products for the needs of food supply units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The KrAZ press center reports this.

The refrigerator provides short-term storage and transportation of products at temperatures ranging from -20 °C to -10 °C in the first compartment and from -5 °C to + 5 °C in the second. The process of cooling and storing products is automated.

The isothermal van body has two compartments with a removable partition. The first compartment is intended for storing and transporting chilled and frozen products, the second - fresh products. The vehicle meets all the requirements imposed by the rear of the Ukrainian Armed Forces for this equipment.

The car is equipped with cabin ventilation and heating systems, and has an autonomous heater.

The all-wheel drive KrAZ was initially created with military service in mind. From the very beginning of production, the KrAZ, first models 214, later 255 and 260, was widely used by the Soviet army both as a transport vehicle and as a chassis for mounting special superstructures. At the Army 2015 Forum you could see several of these vehicles.

With the collapse of the USSR, the KrAZ, which had become a foreign vehicle, began to be replaced by Russian Urals and KamAZs. Used KRAZ vehicles were written off or sold for scrap as they became worn out, and only for preservation these vehicles continued to be stored in their original form. They are gradually sold out, and once in private hands they rarely retain their original appearance. Army superstructures are dismantled, individual components and assemblies are replaced with modern ones - and go ahead, serve faithfully to the new owner.

I won’t hide that I was pleasantly surprised by the appearance at the Army-2015 Forum of three KrAZ trucks in almost perfect condition. Moreover, these were not standard trucks, but special vehicles.

Excavators on automobile chassis were widely used in the engineering troops. The most popular were excavators based on the KrAZ-255 - first cable, and then hydraulic. The EOV-4421 excavator from the Tver Excavator Plant shown in the photographs was put into service in 1977. It provides work within a radius of 4.34 m with a digging depth of 3.25 m and an unloading height of 4.5 m. The machine's productivity ranges from 70 to 100 m per hour, depending on the type of work. The excavator unit has its own drive from an SMD-14 diesel engine with a power of 75 hp... In addition to a 0.65 m bucket, EOV-4421 is equipped with a hook suspension and can be used as a truck crane. The maximum lifting capacity on the hook is 3 tons. The excavator is operated by 2 people.

The AC-10-260 tank truck is designed for transportation and short-term storage of light petroleum products. The tank is welded and consists of one compartment. Manufacturer: Kremenchug, base chassis KrAZ-260. The total weight of the tanker is 21.8 tons, the maximum speed is 80 km/h.

The USB pile driving rig on the KrAZ-260 chassis was accepted for supply in 1980. It is intended for the construction of pile foundations for supports of collapsible road bridges. The CSS consists of a working platform, a boom with a mast, a hydraulic winch, turning and aiming mechanisms, two diesel hammers, rigging and hydraulic equipment, an autonomous power unit and controls. The machine simultaneously installs two piles weighing up to 1.5 tons with a diameter of 18 to 30 cm. The installation crew consists of 6 people, productivity - 4 piles per hour.

However, KrAZ trucks have served their purpose in the Russian army. For now, they can still be found at sales of preserved equipment, but soon surviving examples can only be seen in museums.

Other articles about the Army 2015 forum can be viewed here.

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Army KrAZ released in a new version (photo)

The army all-wheel drive truck KrAZ-5233NE 4x4 received a new version - a command and staff vehicle was built on its basis.

A KUNG is installed on the chassis, which is equipped with all the necessary systems: filtering, air conditioning, heating, lighting and blackout, fire extinguishing equipment, as well as a platform with a diesel generator set and a container with two additional generators.

The KrAZ-5233NE all-terrain chassis itself has standard equipment. The originality for such machines is that all systems are powered by a 2 kW propulsion engine generator.

The command and control vehicle is a mobile workspace, therefore special equipment will be installed in both the KUNG and the cabin. To do this, the car has now gone to one of the radio-electronic factories, where all the systems will be installed on it.

After this, the KrAZ will be tested in one of the military units. If the test is completed successfully, the vehicle will be put into service.

"Laptezhnik" on the conveyor


However, the centralized tire pressure control system had another advantage. In case of a puncture or bullet holes, it compensated for air leakage. The compressor maintained the required internal pressure in the tire, and the car could move in this mode for tens of kilometers. An important difference from its predecessor was the installation of a more powerful V-shaped 8-cylinder engine YaMZ-238 with a power of 240 hp. With. It made it possible to significantly improve the dynamics and traction properties of the car. Thus, the maximum speed increased from 55 to 70 km/h, and the load capacity from 7 to 7.5 tons. The KrAZ-255B served as the basis for various modifications and the base for the installation of various special equipment. Based on the KrAZ-255B, both conventional truck tractors (KrAZ255V) and a version for operation as part of an active road train (KrAZ-255D + MMZ-881) were developed. A modification of the KrAZ-255BS was prepared for operation in the Far North. As an experiment, they tried to install a GAZ-99 gas turbine power plant on the KrAZ-255B. By order of the military, the KrAZ-255BM army truck was developed. Its main difference was the use of a multi-fuel diesel engine.

KrAZ did not teach. BelAZ and MAZ workers risk repeating the fate of Ukrainians

On Thursday, August 13, protests by BelAZ workers began in the Belarusian Zhodino. Factory workers went to the factory management and began chanting: “We demand a national strike!”

At first, the press service of the enterprise stated that a meeting was taking place between workers, the plant management and the city administration. However, those gathered broadcast it on the Internet.

, Dmitry Zablotsky, arrived at the entrance of the plant . He had to speak in front of an angry crowd and justify himself for the harsh actions of the security forces.

“For three days there was no killing on the territory of the city of Zhodino. Investigations will be carried out. Everyone will answer according to the law,” Zablotsky responded to the cries of those gathered under the building - the crowd chanted.

At the same time, the chairman of the Zhodino City Executive Committee had to make a promise regarding the plant’s products.

Later it became known about protests at another famous automobile enterprise in Belarus - the Minsk Automobile Plant. As the opposition publication Τ reported, MAZ workers reported that they were going to the plant management.

“We don’t know how this will end, so far a small number of people have agreed, we really hope that the rest will support us,” said one of the workers.

MAZ workers report that they are going out to the city,” said one of the workers.

— TUT.BY (@tutby) August 13, 2020

Thus, two flagships of the Belarusian automotive industry went over to the side of the protesters. However, this could end very badly for them. And it’s not about the brutality of the security forces.

Trucks are not for everyone

Sergei Shnurov responded to the protests at BelAZ .

“All problems come out if they haven’t been solved for twenty years. Strike, now at Belaz. There is great support for Lukashenko! Hundreds of people came out and shouted as one, Go away! Leave! Leave!" he wrote a poem about the protests.

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All problems come out if they haven’t been solved for twenty years. Strike, now at Belaz. There is great support for Lukashenko! Hundreds of people came out and shouted as one, Go away! Leave! Leave!

Posted by Shnurov Sergey (@shnurovs) Aug 13, 2022 at 3:10 PDT

However, workers may not be happy in the future. Among the protesters' demands was that BelAZ no longer provide vehicles to security forces.

“Let's ask that BelAZ no longer allocate cars to criminals (riot police - Ed.)?" — one of the protesters turned to Zablotsky.

“You don’t have to ask for anything. There will be no more allocations,” Zablotsky assured.

Belarusian goes on strike until election results are annulled


telegram – channel “NEXTA Live”

If Zablotsky manages to keep his word, the security forces may lose a good reserve of equipment. If such an initiative is supported by other industries, weakening the security forces and authorities, a change of power in Belarus will become more likely.

But does this bode well for Belarusian factories? There are big doubts about this.

The path trodden by Yanukovych

If the protest wins, Belarus will most likely be led by openly pro-Western forces determined to break off relations with Russia. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko repeated the mistake of the fourth president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych , and purged the pro-Russian sector in the Belarusian political arena.

At the same time, Lukashenko began to flirt with the West. The author of the popular Telegram channel “Bulba of Thrones” claims that since 2010, Belarus began to increasingly turn to the West.

“The West gained more and more influence and assets, civil society served as a mediator between the West and the Belarusian state, and also changed the mentality of citizens through a growing network, and the state, on a Soviet scale, cut out the Russian language, pasted everything with ornaments and transferred more and more control to the West. The population of the Republic of Belarus began to slowly, unconsciously change their views and associate the previously civil and rather conventional Belarusianness with ethnic markers: the demonstrative use of language, ornaments, embroidered shirts, Latin, rhetoric about Russia - the historical occupier and about the Central Europeanness of Belarus; The attitude of the population towards the Russian Federation began to deteriorate,” wrote the author of the TG channel.

Even those who treat this channel with significant skepticism and support the current Belarusian government admit that it tried to find a common language with pro-Western nationalists.

“There are miscalculations in the ideological sphere. The consolidation of society, mistakenly understood as the need for reconciliation with those who hold pro-Western and nationalist views (about 15-20% of the population), did not work out. Only at the beginning of the opposition rallies did we see timid attempts to combine the two symbols, flags, etc. But during the unrest, symbols and slogans of destructive nationalism reigned supreme.

That is, people who were allowed to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the BPR did not open stores with this symbolism and could not become supporters of the authorities, but on the contrary, received legal opportunities to promote and disseminate their ideas, including those directed personally against the president (T-shirts 3 % etc.). In fact, it turns out that it is not the majority that spreads its values ​​to the minority, influencing it beneficially, but the radical minority imposes them on the majority, which as a result becomes amorphous and eroded. This is a serious mistake,” admitted political scientist Alexey Dzermant .

The result is predictable: now the leadership of the protest is saddled with pro-Western leaders. Even if Lukashenko manages to cope with the situation, in 2025 he will be 70 years old. And it is unlikely that his successor will be pro-Russian.

But what does the future of Belarusian factories have to do with it?

KrAZ as an example

Now, when it comes to the once legendary manufacturer of KrAZ trucks, in the imagination of specialists it is not the Ukrainian city of Kremenchug that appears, but the hot lands of Nigeria. The publication wrote how a once legendary enterprise was on the verge of extinction in Ukraine. In short, the plant was crippled by anti-Russian sanctions imposed after the Maidan. The plant was unable to buy engines in Russia and sell its products there.

In order to circumvent anti-Russian sanctions, the owner of the enterprise, Konstantin Zhevago , decided to move production to Nigeria.

Another victim of sanctions against Russia. KrAZ lays off employees


“At the enterprise itself they say that Zhevago has granted the structures under his control the intellectual property right to all KrAZ developments and will now produce cheap trucks in Africa. This will allow him, firstly, to reduce the cost of production itself, especially since the main buyers are African countries. Secondly, the production of KrAZ trucks in Nigeria will give Zhevago the opportunity to circumvent anti-Russian sanctions. Now he will be able not only to take Russian engines, but also to sell finished products to Russia,” the Kremenchug.Today publication wrote in June 2022.

The main consumer of Belarusian automotive equipment is Russia.

“The plant’s products are supplied to more than 80 countries around the world. More than 50% of supplies come from the Russian Federation,” it is indicated on the BelAZ website in the “Consumers” section.

As for MAZ, according to the analytical agency Avtostat, the products of this plant closed the top five in the top 10 brands of the truck market in July 2022 in Russia. At the same time, MAZ is not only trucks.

As the KrAZ story shows, if relations with Russia cool, it is the ordinary factory workers who suffer first.

Half a century of Laptezhnik: KrAZ-255B celebrates its anniversary

Fifty years ago, in July 1967, production of the most famous KrAZ truck, model 255B, began. For its characteristic VI-3 tires measuring 1300×530, it was nicknamed Laptezhnik. It was created on the initiative of the military, but was widely used in the Soviet national economy.

Its design was not completely new. Rather, there was a deep modernization of the KrAZ-214, which was already outdated at that time. From its ancestor, the newcomer inherited the general layout with a “crocodile” hood and the famous wood-metal cabin.

The main difference was the new V-shaped eight-cylinder diesel engine YaMZ-238 instead of the weak two-stroke YaAZ-206. Engine power increased from 165 to 235 hp, which made it possible to increase the load capacity (up to 7500 kg) and reduce diesel fuel consumption from 120 to 70 liters per “hundred”.

Through a five-speed “mechanics” YaMZ-236H and a two-stage transfer case, torque was transmitted to all three axles by five driveshafts. Suspension: leaf spring with shock absorbers at the front and spring-balanced at the rear. Unlike its predecessor, Laptezhnik had a centralized tire inflation system. As the pressure decreased, the contact patch increased by almost 70%. Thanks to this, cross-country ability also increased significantly.

The world's best pontoon-bridge park PMP was installed on the KrAZ-255B. It was in service not only with the Warsaw Pact countries, but also with many other countries.

The Laptezhnik, as planned, became the main truck of the Soviet army for many years. Fuel tankers and radars, excavators and mechanical bridges were installed on its chassis. He served not only in the USSR, but also in many countries of the world, from Angola to Finland.

However, in civilian life, the KrAZ-255 was widely used: from logging to transporting heavy loads. Its use was relevant in no small part due to the lack of normal roads in the country

The first civilian model appeared in 1969, so its headlights are not yet in “boxes”. It was a KrAZ-255L timber tractor. With the TMZ-803 semi-trailer, its load capacity was 23 tons, but the speed was only 40 km/h

Constantly modernizing, the “255th” was produced until 1994. During all this time, more than 160,000 cars of various modifications were produced. Interestingly, the price of an on-board vehicle in 1989 was only 11,400 Soviet rubles - the same as one and a half Zhigulenka

However, it is this, the most popular, model that has become a symbol of the brand not only here, but also abroad.

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