KAMAZ is creating an entire army against BELAZ: the Atlantis will be followed by career Jupiters and Hercules

In just one quarry in Kuzbass, several trainloads of coal are mined daily. But before you get to the mineral, you need to lift and remove hundreds of thousands of tons of waste rock. This is exactly the work that BelAZ trucks do. Their carrying capacity depends on the series - the world's largest mining dump truck 75710 transports up to 450 tons. Together with its cargo, the supermachine weighs more than a Boeing 747 and can literally move mountains.

At a coal mine in Western Siberia, work does not stop for a minute. In one shift, the dump truck transports so much rock that it could fill several Olympic swimming pools. BelAZ trucks ply through the quarry day and night - without weekends or holidays. During shift changes, drivers do not even turn off the engines, and it often happens that the cars work for several days in a row.

“KAMAZ-Hercules”: the BelAZ “killer” was shown to Mishustin [photo, video]

Details Category: News Published 06/05/2021

The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation was shown a prototype of the first KAMAZ-Hercules mining dump truck, which will become a competitor to BelAZ.

As the portal previously reported, the first KAMAZ mining dump truck received the designation KAMAZ-65805 and even its own name - “Atlant”. On June 4, 2020, the new product was demonstrated to the President of Tatarstan during his visit to Naberezhnye Chelny. However, this was not quite a “quarry worker” in the classical sense of the word. The fact is that the Atlant model is, in fact, an enlarged version of a conventional road dump truck. This was one of its main advantages - its size and weight characteristics make it possible to relocate it along public roads.


However, KAMAZ is also working on other mining dump trucks that could become direct competitors of the Belarusian BelAZ. We are talking about the KAMAZ-Hercules and KAMAZ-Jupiter families.

On June 3, 2022, the first Hercules prototype was shown to Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin during his visit to KAMAZ.

Mishustin at KAMAZ

As you can see in the photo, the prototype is in the process of being assembled - it does not yet have a cabin or body. However, even from the frame with giant wheels it is already clear that this model is radically different from the “younger” Atlant - it will already be a full-fledged mining dump truck.

Prototype "KAMAZ-Hercules"

The photo shows that the dump truck immediately uses LED optics, unified with KAMAZ generation K5 vehicles. The nameplate and radiator grille are also made in the style of the latest new Hercules products will include two wheel designs:

  • 4x4;
  • 6x6.

That is, in addition to the three-axle model shown to Mishustin, there will also be a two-axle version. The three-axle Hercules has an articulated frame, which increases its maneuverability and maneuverability.

KAMAZ-Hercules family

Models of the family will have an electromechanical transmission and the ability to operate autonomously in unmanned mode. At the same time, a three-axle vehicle equipped with a cabin implies the ability to work both in unmanned mode and with a driver behind the wheel. The two-axle truck, judging by the sketches, is initially designed without a cabin - it will be a completely unmanned dump truck.

"KAMAZ-Hercules" 4x4

The curb weight of the two-axle dump truck will be 25,000 kg, and the total weight will be 50,000 kg. Thus, the dump truck will be able to transport cargo weighing up to 25 tons. Maximum speed on the highway is up to 30 km/h.

The dump truck will be a hybrid - it will have both a diesel and an electric engine. Each bridge will have its own traction motor. The maximum power of the internal combustion engine will be 330.8 kW, the rated power of each electric motor is 380 kW.

"KAMAZ-Hercules" 6x6

The characteristics of the three-axle dump truck are even more impressive:

  • Curb weight: 40,000 kg.
  • Gross weight: 75,000 kg.
  • Load capacity: 35,000 kg.
  • Maximum highway speed: 35 km/h.
  • Maximum power of the internal combustion engine: 404.3 kW.
  • Rated power of the electric motor: 480 kW.

It is expected that production of such vehicles at KAMAZ will begin in 2023. Today in Russia there are no domestic manufacturers of heavy quarry equipment - all dump trucks used in quarries are either Belarusian-made (BelAZ) or foreign manufacturers: Komatsu, Hitachi, XCMG, Liebher, VOLVO, Caterpillar and others. Thus, KAMAZ may become the first Russian manufacturer of such equipment.

Photo: Avtospravochnaya, Press service of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, REC "KAMAZ-BAUMAN"

BelAZ-75710: the world's largest dump truck (39 photos + 1 video)

The BelAZ production line was significantly expanded, and primarily due to the underground theme, by joining the Mogilev Automobile Plant. The department of underground and road construction equipment, which provides design support for production at the branch in Mogilev, also joined the design service of the Belarusian Automobile Plant. The special design bureau of UGK BelAZ is developing the design of freight rolling stock produced at the Mogilev Freight Car Building Plant, which also recently became part of the BelAZ Production Association. Only recently have BelAZ developed and manufactured pilot production batches of:

— 90-ton BelAZ-75570 mining dump trucks with a 6-speed hydromechanical transmission; based on the test results, preparation for serial production is being completed, a pilot batch of mining dump trucks has been shipped to Belogorsk by Rusal Transport Achinsk LLC;

— 45-ton BelAZ-75450 mining dump trucks with a service life increased to 600 thousand km, a prototype of which was successfully tested in the Chelyabinsk region of Russia at OJSC Yuzhuralzoloto;

— 320-ton BelAZ-75600 mining dump trucks. The first machine of this series passed acceptance tests under operating conditions at OJSC Management Company Kuzbassrazrezugol in the Kemerovo region, which showed that the use of BelAZ-75600 dump trucks provides an increase in productivity by 35-40% and a corresponding reduction in the cost of transport work. Based on the main components of the 320-ton truck, the BelAZ-75601 mining dump truck with a lifting capacity of 360 tons was developed, a prototype of which was manufactured for the anniversary of the UGC.

However, it would be incorrect to say that the birth of quarry equipment, which was developed and produced at BelAZ for half a century, owes its birth only to the Belarusian soil. BelAZ managed to carry out a huge amount of research and design work when creating cars with hydromechanical transmission in the 60s of the last century thanks to the wide collaboration of the plant with many organizations, including NAMI, the Institute of Electric Welding, the Barnaul Transport Engineering Plant, the Yaroslavl Motor Plant and others.

The creation of the first model of a mining dump truck with an electromechanical transmission BelAZ-549 with a load capacity of 75 tons was carried out according to the program of the State Committee of Science and Technology of the USSR with the participation of co-executors, including the Ural Turbomotor, Research Institute of KGSh (Dnepropetrovsk), .

MOT for $100,000

Maintenance of each monster costs approximately $100,000 per year. BelAZ operates in difficult conditions. The rock is very heavy, hard, and has sharp edges. As a result, over the course of several years, the body of the dump truck is worn down by the stones almost to the point of holes. Approximately every four years, the body is sheathed with new sheets of metal.

Any breakdown of such a monster can stop the work of half of the quarry. Therefore, the condition of BelAZ vehicles is monitored around the clock in a special situation center. The screen displays the parameters of each car: location, load, fuel reserve and even engine temperature. If the operator sees a malfunction, he will contact the driver who is in the cab. Maintenance includes frequent cleaning of air filters, through which the dump truck “inhales” hundreds of cubic meters of air per minute and ventilates the engines. From the outside they look like headlights, but in fact they are the “lights” of the car.

According to BelAZ manufacturers, every third mining dump truck in the world is produced by them. This Belarusian supermachine can be found in hundreds of quarries in dozens of countries around the world. He is a little clumsy, gluttonous and almost always dirty, but he is excellent at mining coal, bringing light and warmth to people.

The manufacturing process of BelAZ vehicles can be seen on the “Science” channel - in the “Anatomy of Monsters” program.

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"BelAZ 75600" is the largest truck in the CIS... (36 photos + video)

The Bachatsky coal mine is one of the largest open-pit mines in Kuzbass. Its annual production is over 8 million 700 thousand tons. It produces fuel for the energy and metallurgical industries of Russia and many countries around the world. The mine uses 29 excavators, 63 dump trucks, 9 locomotives, 3 drilling rigs and 24 heavy bulldozers. The largest among the dump trucks is the BelAZ-75600, the carrying capacity of which is 320 tons, and the total weight is 560 tons! BelAZ-75600 is the largest truck in the CIS.

The Bachatsky open-pit mine is located in the city of Belovo, Belovsky urban district, Kemerovo region. The dimensions of the quarry are 10 by 2 km and a depth of 300 m.

It was put into operation in 1949. From 1967 to 1994, the enterprise was called the Razrez named after the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution. The mine was the first in world and domestic practice to begin open-pit mining of coking coal in 1966.

At the moment, 29 excavators with a bucket capacity of 4 to 33 m³ are in operation, of which 8 are used for mining operations, 63 dump trucks with a lifting capacity of 42-320 tons, 9 locomotives, 3 drilling rigs, as well as 24 heavy bulldozers.

In automotive technology, excavators EKG-10, EKG-15, ESh-13/50, ESh-10/70, RN-2800HR (), in combination with BelAZ-75138u, BelAZ-75303, BelAZ- 75306", "BelAZ-75600", "SAT-785V" (Caterpillar) with a lifting capacity of 110-320 tons.

The largest dump truck at the open-pit mine is the BelAZ 75600. And not only at the open-pit mine - it is the largest truck produced in the CIS and one of the largest mining dump trucks on the planet. The first 75600 arrived at the mine in 2006, and now there are already 4 of them here.

The carrying capacity of the BelAZ-75600 is 320 tons, and the total weight is 560 tons! In one trip, BelAZ-75600 is capable of transporting up to three railway cars of rock mass.

Length - 14.5 meters Width - 9.25 meters Height - 7.22 meters (3-storey house)

Equipped with an 18-cylinder diesel engine weighing 11 tons and producing 2610 kW (3500 horsepower). Engine capacity is 77.5 liters.

Created in 2005, BelAZ-75600 is the first dump truck at the plant using an electromechanical AC transmission based on the use of modular electronic units for converting the ballast system, an electronic system for monitoring and diagnosing the operation of systems, and a telemetric rear view system.

The total volume of the hydraulic system is 600 liters of oil, the pressure in the working circuit is 165 atmospheres. The BelAZ steering system has an emergency circuit - in the event of a failure of the main system or an engine stop, pneumatic-hydraulic accumulators come into operation, the energy reserve of which is enough to make a couple of maneuvers.

This colossus can reach speeds of up to 64 km/h.

The car has 3 control pedals - gas, disc brake and electrodynamic brake-retarder. When using it, the wheel motors begin to operate in generator mode, and heavy-duty resistors are connected as an overload. To cool them down, you need a 100-kilowatt electric fan. Conventional disc brakes are used only for the final stop, but on the descent they will quickly overheat.

All electronics are managed by the Siemens control system - the cost of the electrical cabinets next to the cabin is almost half of the 80 million rubles price of the BelAZ-75600.

Each wheel weighs 8 tons and costs about a million rubles, and for installation it requires a special loader-manipulator. Tires - tubeless, radial design, with a landing diameter of 63″

The manufacturer's website states that additional options in the dump truck include air conditioning, an air purification system in the cabin, an additional heater in it, electrically heated mirrors, an alarm device for approaching a high-voltage power line, and a radio tape recorder.

Loading rock from a 33-cc electric excavator R&N −2800 XP (“Harniscfeger”)

Excavator operator

The total length of the road network is 110 km, of which 55 km are technological roads.

After loading into dump trucks, rocks are transported to external bulldozer dumps, as well as for reloading with subsequent shipment to railway transport.

The cars, each with four drivers, work here around the clock, with service breaks every 250 hours.

During a twelve-hour shift, a 220-ton BelAZ travels about 150 km, transports 5–7 thousand tons of rock and consumes 2–2.5 tons of fuel.

In just a year, the car covers about 100 thousand km, and its service life before write-off is 600 thousand km.

As soon as the sun set, a series of explosions about 2 kilometers long thundered along the section. Moreover, the process of loading wells on the block is 99.4% mechanized.

In 2011, a 35 cubic meter Chinese excavator WK-35 and an American R&N-4100 XRS with a bucket volume of 57 cubic meters were put into operation.

75600 loading


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