What is required to obtain a crane operating permit?

A crane operator is a specialist who controls self-propelled lifting mechanisms when performing loading and unloading, transport and transport operations. To be allowed to perform such work, the driver must have the appropriate document, for example, a crane operator’s license.

Performing professional duties, the specialist performs the following work:

  • controls the crane - lifts, lowers, and moves the load;
  • controls cargo securing;
  • follows instrument readings and signal gestures of the slinger;
  • performs technical inspection;
  • carries out preventive repairs of controlled equipment.

Responsible for issuance

A document allowing the use of a lifting machine is issued by a controller engineer of the State Technical Supervision. Issue is carried out based on the results of monitoring the condition of the main components, checking the operational condition and organizing maintenance.

If lifting equipment is not subject to registration with Gostekhnadzor, the procedure is carried out by the person responsible for accounting for machinery and equipment at the enterprise.

Documentation is required in the following cases:

  • need for use immediately after registration;
  • installation of non-self-propelled machines associated with a change in the place of its operation;
  • reconstruction of main components and structures;
  • repair of metal structures and replacement of design elements using welding.

In each case, without first obtaining permission, the operation of lifting equipment is considered illegal and threatens the safety of employees.

Recommendations for installation and safe operation of cranes

How to register a truck crane with Rostekhnadzor: what documents are required

You should find out how to register a truck crane in the following cases:

  • purchase of new or used special equipment;
  • change of owner of the truck crane (without concluding a purchase and sale agreement);
  • repair of equipment resulting in a change in registration certificate.

Each truck crane must be registered with Rostechnadzor.
In order to register a truck crane with Rostechnadzor, you will need to prepare a package of documents. First, the initial commissioning is completed - it is completed by the operating organization or the owner of the truck crane. The next step in how to register a truck crane with Rostechnadzor is to prepare the following documents:

  • Application to the state registration authority;
  • PTS (original);
  • Certificate of conformity;
  • A previously completed act of putting the truck crane into operation;
  • Special equipment is registered only in the name of a legal entity, therefore the company’s title documents are required;
  • Driver-operator certification certificates.

The agency’s specialists have 14 working days to register the truck crane with Rostechnadzor. After this period, a registration number with unlimited validity is issued. If there are any shortcomings in the documents, the applicant will be refused and the procedure will have to be repeated. Therefore, in order to register the truck crane with Rostekhnadzor as quickly as possible, it is necessary to carefully check the correctness of filling out the application and the execution of other certificates and certificates.

It is not necessary to register a truck crane with Rostechnadzor if special equipment is purchased for training purposes.

How to add a truck crane to the OPO register

You cannot operate a truck crane unless it is included in the register of hazardous production facilities.
Truck cranes, if their lifting capacity exceeds 1 ton, must be included in the register of hazardous production facilities - hazardous production facilities. This step is carried out after the previous one, when you already have a decision on registration with Rostechnadzor.

Rostekhnadzor is also involved in entering hazardous production organizations into the register - this is where you need to apply. The application is written on behalf of the owner or operating company.

To enter a vehicle crane into the register of hazardous production facilities, the following documents will be required:

  • The statement itself. The current version of the form and a sample form can be viewed on the department’s website.
  • Technical characteristics of the truck crane. They are also filled out according to the template form in 2 copies.
  • Insurance policy (its registration in Russia is mandatory for each unit of special equipment).
  • A document confirming the right of ownership and operation (purchase, rental or leasing agreement).
  • Photocopy of the technical passport.

It’s not difficult to figure out on your own how to register a truck crane with Rostekhnadzor. But it’s worth taking time to prepare documents so as not to be refused and not lose precious working days. Based on the results of consideration of the application, the department makes a decision and, if it is positive, the owner or operating company is issued a certificate of inclusion of the truck crane in the register of hazardous production facilities.

There are often cases when owners do not want to delve into how to register a truck crane with Rostechnadzor and include it in the register of hazardous production facilities, and they begin to operate special equipment without these documents. However, the issuance of permits is carefully monitored by supervisory authorities. If during the inspection it turns out that the vehicle crane has not been registered with the appropriate authorities, a fine will be imposed on the owner. In addition, the use of a truck crane is prohibited.

What is needed for registration

A certificate allowing use is issued only if the load-handling equipment is already registered with Gostekhnadzor. To do this, provide the following documents:

  • documentation for equipment from the manufacturer;
  • certificate of results of technical examination;
  • inspection report.

In case of major repairs of equipment using welding, you need to provide the following documents:

  • a certificate about the nature of the reconstruction work signed by the design organization;
  • new characteristics and drawings of kinematic and lifting systems;
  • electrical circuit diagram, kinematic diagram;
  • a copy of certificates for materials used for reinforcement;
  • characteristics of the filler material.

Additionally, the results of quality control of the welding seam are attached.

Documents for a truck crane - example of a certificate

How to register a truck crane with the traffic police

A truck crane is a vehicle, and it must be registered with the traffic police.
How to register a truck crane with the traffic police? A question that every owner of special equipment faces. Since the truck crane is mounted on a truck chassis, clearance is the same as for trucks. But first you will need to obtain a certificate of conformity of the vehicle design. Thus, if you buy or lease a truck crane with permission for conversion, then you can register it with the traffic police in the same way as a truck. If there is no permission for conversion, the procedure will be more complicated.

So, the first step in how to register a truck crane with the traffic police is to write an application for conversion, in which you indicate the characteristics of the chassis and crane installation. Package of documents for approval:

  • statement;
  • documents for crane equipment (must be issued by the seller upon purchase);
  • PTS chassis.

The application review period is 14 working days. If everything is in order with the documents, then you will receive permission to re-equip.

The next step is the technical work of installing the crane device on the chassis. This must be done by a licensed company. This is an important point, and without it it will not be possible to register the truck crane. Upon completion of the conversion, you will receive technical documentation.

The final step in how to register a truck crane with the traffic police is to provide the following package of documents:

  • statement;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee for issuing the certificate;
  • photocopy of the vehicle crane owner's passport;
  • photocopy of PTS and STS;
  • a copy of the technical passport of the crane installation (and other components, if any other work was carried out during the conversion);
  • conclusion on the possibility of chassis conversion;
  • certified copies of certificates of conformity of the company that carried out the re-equipment;
  • declaration of the quality and completeness of the work performed;
  • diagnostic card.

The question of how to register a truck crane with Rostechnadzor and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate is important and complex, but the problem can still be solved if you consistently approach the paperwork.

Previously, we wrote about what kind of device the KS-55727 truck crane has.

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Technical control

Monitoring the condition of crane machines to allow them to operate is carried out to check rope systems, the base chassis or main installation, and the strength of the boom structure. The reliability of the connection with the load-handling device and the uninterrupted control of the main operations are checked. Data on the performance of all nodes must be entered into a special report.

Video: Rules for the design and safe operation of cranes

Publications on the topic

The procedure for legalizing gas equipment on a car

What is needed to obtain rights to a manipulator?

How to register self-propelled vehicles with Gostekhnadzor?

Advantages of ordering a crane operator's certificate from Naukoved

Contact us and we will provide you with the following benefits:

  • Efficiency. Processing time: from 2 days.
  • Attractive prices. The cost of the document is from 4,000 rubles.
  • Guarantee. You receive a certificate after making payment (cash and non-cash forms are possible).
  • Prompt delivery throughout Russia. In Moscow and St. Petersburg it is carried out free of charge by courier service; to the regions - by transport company or Russian Post.
  • Reliability. We produce an official document of the established form.

In addition to paying the registration fee, you will also need a 3x4 photo.

If you have any questions, just call us! You can also submit an application by phone or using the form below.

Registration and storage

After complete completion, the waybill must be registered in the organization’s waybill register. This work is performed by a dispatcher or other responsible employee.

Starting from 2022, the journal can be maintained electronically; entries in it must be certified with an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

Important! Waybills must be used in work; during an on-site inspection, the Federal Tax Service or another department may request them. In the absence of waybills, administrative liability may be imposed.

Who is involved in filling out the waybill?

Most of the information is entered into the paper by the dispatcher or an employee authorized to do so. He fills out the header, the task for the driver, and checks that all the data has been entered correctly. The driver must fill out only his part - about completing the task, but sometimes he is assigned to fill out the entire sheet.

The health worker fills out his block with information about the driver’s permission to work. Information on payroll calculations must be entered by an accountant after the document is handed over to him at the end of the shift or working day.

Regulatory acts for Rostekhnadzor

Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”

Federal Law No. 225-FZ of July 27, 2010 “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility for damage caused by an accident at a hazardous facility”

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 2004 No. 401 “On the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision”

Order of Rostekhnadzor dated November 26, 2020 No. 461 “On approval of federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety “Safety rules for hazardous production facilities where lifting structures are used”

Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated November 30, 2020 No. 471″. On approval of the Requirements for registration of facilities in the state register of hazardous production facilities and maintenance of the state register of hazardous production facilities, forms of certificate of registration of hazardous production facilities in the state register of hazardous production facilities"

Order of Rostekhnadzor dated 04/08/2019 N 140 “On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision for the provision of public services for the registration of hazardous production facilities in the state register of hazardous production facilities”

Basic rules for safe work on a truck crane

Like any other profession, every crane operator must clearly understand and always follow the accepted rules for the safe performance of loading and unloading operations. Only in this case will it be possible to guarantee the preservation of the life and health of the crane operator himself, as well as the personnel on site.

Lifting work is strictly prohibited in the following cases:

  • cracks or damage to metal structures of lifting equipment were discovered;
  • the suspension is broken or cotter pins are missing;
  • more wires of the boom rope are damaged than provided for in the operating instructions;
  • the mechanisms responsible for lifting the load are faulty, which may lead to the creation of an emergency;
  • the braking system of the boom or the lifted load is faulty;
  • the wear of the hook in the throat is 10% higher than the original height of the section;
  • malfunctions of the closing device of the pharynx are noticed or the fastening of the hook is broken;
  • there are no additional supports for the truck crane;
  • malfunctions of the stabilizer with sprung chassis were detected;
  • there is no fencing for live elements of electrical equipment;
  • Cracks were found in rope devices or blocks that prevent the rope from leaving the grooves.

The operator should begin lifting work only after making sure that there are no malfunctions listed above.

To ensure safe operation, the operator must do the following:

  • clarify the work plan, and also familiarize yourself with the technological maps for loading and placing cargo on the site;
  • assess the readiness of the site for the installation of a truck crane;
  • determine the distance to the nearest power lines (at least 30 meters).

Before starting any lifting work, be sure to obtain permission from the person in charge and record the relevant information in the logbook. While moving loads, the operator should not be distracted by repairs or cleaning of crane mechanisms. When working with an intern, you should always warn each other about the need to leave the workplace. The trainee is not allowed to work independently without an operator.

It is strictly forbidden to climb on or off the crane while carrying out lifting operations or using any crane machinery. When making turns, the operator must ensure that the slinger and trainee are at a safe distance. If the truck crane is de-energized, the operator should check the position of the controller or steering wheel at the zero mark and only then turn off the switch.

When the vehicle crane is de-energized, before turning on the switch, the operator should notify his assistants about this by sounding a warning signal. When working under power lines, the boom must be lowered when not in use and when moving a load.

Studying the instructions

Before carrying out lifting work, the operator must study the instructions on the optimal methods of moving loads. In the absence of such information, the arrow is directed in the direction of movement. The boom should be in a similar position when moving the truck crane without a load. To ensure the necessary level of safety, loading or unloading while the crane is moving is prohibited. Installation of the truck crane on additional supports is carried out by the operator only in accordance with the provisions of the technical documentation of the lifting mechanism.

Permission to use a truck crane

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Admission of a crane to work is carried out according to a procedure based on the type of crane equipment reflected in the Rules for Cranes. In accordance with this document, there are two such types: the first type includes cranes that are required to undergo tests by technical supervision authorities, the second type of machines is not subject to mandatory registration with technical supervision authorities.

The first group includes all cranes, with the exception of equipment classified in the second group, as well as electrically driven trolleys equipped with a control cabin and excavators with one bucket, which involve working with a hook suspended on a rope.

An example of equipment included in the second group is an electric or manual hoist, a lifting winch designed to move goods or people, as well as crane equipment with the following characteristics:

  • Equipped with manually driven mechanisms (regardless of the weight of the cargo being moved). This also includes equipment with a manual movement mechanism and a pneumatic lifting mechanism. In other words, this is a lifting equipment that is not equipped with electric motors and operates on the basis of mechanical force produced by workers.
  • Bridge and mobile cranes of the slewing cantilever type of all designs with a lifting capacity of no more than ten ton-force inclusive and controlled from the floor using a pendant push-button remote control, traction type chains equipped with controllers, or a permanently installed remote control.
  • Boom, tower and mast lifting equipment designed to work with a load of no more than one ton-force, as well as stationary cable equipment equipped with wooden supports.
  • Boom equipment, with the exception of tower and portal equipment, designed to operate with a constant boom radius or not having a rotating mechanism or mechanism for movement. Such equipment, regardless of the working weight of the load, is not subject to mandatory testing by technical supervision authorities. An example is any tractor crane equipment of all existing models.
  • Adjustable type crane equipment installed on a structure being erected, such as a tower, pipe or mast.
  • Excavator cranes, which, in addition to lifting and moving loads, are designed for earth-moving work and can be additionally equipped with a grab. The exception is the excavator crane, with a magnet or hook.

See also: Up Down
Any tower crane equipment that is controlled using a radio signal or a ground-mounted control panel with a maximum permissible lifting capacity of up to one ton-force inclusive is not subject to registration with the technical supervision authorities. Also, such equipment is not registered if it is used for educational purposes in schools or during technical courses.

The general procedure determines the need to register crane equipment running on excavators (walking and rotary excavators). If the basis for the movement of the crane is a track machine or trolley, then its registration is mandatory if there is a mark from the Gosgortekhnadzor body authorizing its manufacture.

To begin the registration procedure, the owner of the first type of crane equipment must submit a corresponding application to the technical supervision authorities. In this case, the owner is the enterprise that contains this crane equipment on its balance sheet. To begin the registration procedure, lifting equipment of the second type must be registered with the enterprise itself. For these purposes, this equipment is assigned an individual number, which is recorded in the crane equipment logbook assigned to the given owner.

Lifting equipment is allowed for operation only after a technical examination, during which its serviceability and sufficient strength are confirmed.


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