We improve the comfort of the UAZ, body, cabin, interior. Thermal insulation, noise insulation, vibration insulation of UAZ

A fairly popular area for refining and improving the performance of the 469 UAZ and its modifications (3151, Hunter) is internal tuning (refinement and changes in the interior).

At the same time, work of varying degrees of complexity is carried out. Starting from a simple replacement of gearshift knobs and ending with a complete replacement of seats and reupholstery of all interior elements (door cards, ceiling).

On this page we will try to consider all possible improvements and alterations in the interior of UAZs, Bobikovs and Hunters, which you can do yourself or order from a tuning studio. By the way, there are many companies on the market that professionally engage in UAZ tuning.

In the photo: complete tuning of the UAZ interior

It's hard to believe, but this photo actually shows the interior of a UAZ after the remodel.

Types of improvement work ( what can and should be done ):

  1. Noise - and thermal insulation;
  2. Padding;
  3. Aluminum cladding;
  4. Replacement of seats;
  5. Installation of a non-standard dashboard;
  6. Alteration or replacement of devices;
  7. Pasting with film (carbon, wood, aluminum);
  8. Rolling down windows instead of standard ones;
  9. Installation of electric windows;
  10. Air conditioning - installation and connection;

You can read more about much of this in the Interior Tuning section.

Viewing photographs will allow you not only to present the entire scope of work on internal tuning, but also to visualize the result of such changes.

Do-it-yourself noise insulation

Most often, at the initial stage - before the main work on further remodeling of the interior, partial or complete soundproofing of the UAZ interior is carried out. It should be noted that the more attention you pay to the sound insulation process (the correct selection of noise and heat insulation materials, the choice of glue and the method of fixing them) - the more impressive the results will be. That is, the daily operation of a popular SUV will become an order of magnitude (sometimes several) more comfortable.

The process of soundproofing the trunk and rear of the cabin.

Do-it-yourself budget soundproofing of UAZ doors.

Soundproofing of the floor and other elements - internal tuning.

More information can be found in the Interior Soundproofing section.

Noise and its features

To better understand the process of soundproofing (see Soundproofing a car is available to everyone), you need to know enough about the source. In this case we are talking about the noise of a specific machine.

As you know, each car is distinguished by its own unique individual manifestation of unpleasant and unnecessary noise.

UAZ hunter soundproofing

Note. The creation and implementation of full-scale sound insulation of a car interior is akin to scientific research. It is necessary not only to study everything carefully and thoroughly, but also to come up with new designs and carry out decent tuning.

In other words, it is necessary to highlight those special areas of the car that make the most noise and squeak. They may begin to rattle unpleasantly from the flow of air flowing towards them or from slight shaking on an uneven road.

Of course, functioning mechanisms are no exception. Thus, the UAZ is distinguished by the rumbling of the exhaust pipe and the operation of the engine. The trunk is no less noisy (see Soundproofing the trunk in a set of measures to reduce noise in the cabin), which plays the role of a drum on wheels in a noise orchestra.

UAZ sound insulation

Note. It is interesting that the noise level and range of sounds are so pronounced that even the most powerful and expensive speaker system is not able to cover it. The range from 20 to 20 thousand Hz for noise in the UAZ is an easily passable level.

It is clear as day that we must definitely fight this. UAZ is not a German car, where the level of sound insulation is high quality (although amateurs still carry out improvement work on foreign cars).

Let us also note that the characteristics of a car in terms of noise are influenced not so much by the body as by the various tests that the car undergoes. While driving, the car encounters uneven road surfaces and vibrations of its own engine, which over time loses its former fixation strength.

Sound insulation in UAZ loaf

So, it is necessary to combat such consequences, and this can be done in different ways. You can purchase ready-made kits (you can also make them domestically) and soundproof the car yourself, or try to eliminate the noise using improvised means.

Negative effects of noise

Negative effects of noise on the driver

The harm of poor sound insulation is clear. The driver quickly gets tired and his condition worsens. All this ultimately affects safe driving.

Note. It is no secret that most domestic cars, including UAZ, are significantly inferior to their foreign counterparts in terms of noise insulation. Experts say that this is what forced a whole line of excellent quality materials to appear on the market. They make it possible to increase acoustic and sound insulation properties with minimal effort.

Driver stress

UAZ 469 interior reupholstery

Also among owners of a popular domestic SUV, a fairly popular area of ​​internal tuning is changing the upholstery of some interior elements or the entire upholstery, including the ceiling, side panels and doors (sometimes the dashboard and steering wheel). In this case, various modern and classic materials are used for upholstery: fabric, Alcantara or leather.

Complete reupholstery of the interior with artificial leather, made by hand.

Replacement and (or) reupholstery of seat upholstery on Bobik.

Re-upholstery of the ceiling and load-bearing frame.

We recommend reading more about the intricacies and details of this type of work in the section Reupholstering the interior.

Replacing or altering the dashboard

Not so often, but still among UAZ owners there are those who do not ignore such “noticeable parts of the interior” - such as the instrument panel, dashboard and the instruments themselves. Which, in turn, can either be slightly modified (for example, changing the color of the scales or the backlight of standard sensors), or completely replaced with others, both from domestic cars and parts from foreign cars.

The process of making a homemade dashboard from plywood.

This instrument panel can be purchased from sellers of tuning parts and accessories. It seems that the choice of alternative plastic dashboards for the UAZ-469 in online and online stores is relatively large. And if you search, you can find some pretty decent panels.

Additional or alternative devices

Usually, when it comes to tuning the dashboard and dashboard , quite often the installation of additional auxiliary sensors and instruments takes place. Moreover, these can be not only purchased tuning devices, but also instrument indicators from other car models. And not necessarily foreign cars. Spare parts from domestic cars are often used.

Additional instruments on the panel in the UAZ Hunter interior.

Second fuel level indicator in the dashboard.

Installing an inclinometer with your own hands.

You can read about what to choose and how to install it yourself correctly in articles on the topic Additional equipment.

Installation of thermal insulation on UAZ cars

In the UAZ-469, another heater is installed for the winter or the standard one is replaced with a device of higher power. It all depends on the finances and taste of the car owner; we recommend the heater used on minibuses KITB.3221-8110010.

If your UAZ is equipped with equipment for running on gas, then an autonomous gas heater is suitable, but its power must be at least 2-4 kW. The electronics of this device automatically maintains the temperature inside the cabin, but a specialist must connect the device.

An additional heater is located at the rear, at the far end of the cabin.

Insulate the floor of the booth with warm linoleum or a set from the store, designed specifically for UAZ, consisting of foil foam rubber. We use the same insulation to cover the cabin ceiling, side walls, door panels and the area under the dashboard. The seals from UAZ Hunter fit all doors.

Instead of a tarp, install a hot polymer top and cover all holes and cracks inside.

When installing thermal protection on a UAZ-3909 or simply on a “loaf”, you need to try not to glue the standard ventilation system, creating a kind of thermos outside the cabin. If you accidentally turn on the factory ventilation, a large mass of condensation will form inside the car.

Polyurethane foam, coupled with film-coated foam, does not allow heat to escape from the interior and lasts a long time, so this coating is completely justified. Another option is to line the interior with 4 mm thick plywood or cover it with medium-thick foam.

It is also advisable to cover the floor of the bread bin with aluminum foil. If additional heaters are placed under the seats on such a floor, the heat in the body will be retained for a long time.

So for little money you can quite well insulate a UAZ loaf from the inside with your own hands.

To see how the UAZ interior is insulated with polyurethane foam, follow this link:

Replacing seats

Installing seats from a foreign car instead of standard ones is one of the best options for tuning the UAZ interior. Quite often in this process, the complexity of the work is at a relatively low level, and the cost of second-hand chairs is also often low, and the result can exceed the best expectations. Sometimes UAZ 469 or Hunter are equipped with leather seats from luxury foreign cars (BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, etc.). Examples of such installations can be seen in the photographs below.

Front leather seats from a foreign car (BMW X5).

Rear foreign-made seats from BMW X5 in the UAZ interior.

Replacing the seats and covering the floors and doors with corrugated aluminum.

Installing and connecting music in the cabin

To one degree or another, it is difficult to do without this with any approach to improving the interior (starting from ascetic options and even more so in the case of serious alterations). Car audio and multimedia in the UAZ are real, although in most cases it is extremely irrelevant, taking into account the peculiarities of off-road operation. Therefore, during internal tuning, in any case, you will have to deal with the installation of music. Moreover, not only the head unit of the system itself, but also all the accompanying car audio components - amplifiers, acoustics, subwoofers and other “bells and whistles”. Usually a simple UAZ gets by with a minimum of such equipment, but there are exceptions that amaze with the originality and power of the equipment.


1. Why UAZ 469? 2. Selecting the type of tuning and the preparatory stage 3. Tuning the interior 4. Changing the suspension 5. Exterior of the car 6. Engine tuning

Many people decide to highlight the anniversary car UAZ 469. This car is off-road, you can purchase a new one in the showroom in order to simplify tuning.

In order to evaluate the result of tuning, it is recommended to first take a photo before it is performed, and then after.

Subtleties of choosing an awning for UAZ 469

UAZ 469 with removable roof

Today, UAZ cars are in great demand, first of all, due to their practicality, reliability, and secondly, the ability to do anything with them. You can start lifting and installing the rear axle, which will turn an ordinary SUV into a stunning all-terrain vehicle that can cope with any strength tests, or you can start replacing the roof.

It is quite possible to change the types of UAZ roof depending on climatic conditions, the profile of the car and the car owner’s plans. But why is the UAZ 469 awning needed, what are its advantages?

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Brief review of UAZ 469

To understand the feasibility of replacing the roof on a UAZ 469, let’s look at the features of the car. UAZ 469 is a durable, unpretentious domestic SUV that first went on sale in 1972. At that time, practicality was put in first place, not aesthetics, so a car that could drive on almost any road, even the worst, was spacious, easy to operate and fairly repairable, was highly valued. The UAZ 469 was based on the previous model, the GAZ-69, but received significantly better equipment and a more modern appearance.

Why UAZ 469?

There are a huge number of SUV cars that can be modified. However, it is the UAZ 469 that is chosen by many connoisseurs of high-quality SUVs.

The reasons why you should choose this particular model include:

1. New models are equipped with a Euro-1 engine. This engine is simple in design, does not have an electronic gas pedal or a complex belt tensioning system. It is also worth noting the simple electronics that are installed in this model. All these features can be associated with the high reliability of such an engine, as well as the possibility of thorough tuning. 2. Old bridges have a good reliability indicator, and their design allows for modifications to improve cross-country ability or driving comfort. 3. The car was equipped with a five-speed gearbox, which ideally matches the installed engine. 4. The simple rear and front metal bumper will be replaced, but they will not add much to the value of the car. 5. Tailgate or door - many people ask themselves this question. If we consider this nuance, we can say that everyone’s preferences are different. Therefore, the type of rear door is not particularly important.

The cost of the car without various active options was almost 340 thousand rubles. This price is attractive, since some more investments will be made at the time of tuning. UAZ 469 tuning is the optimal choice for those who want to get a car with good cross-country ability, which will be unique.

Domestic materials and kits

As mentioned above, the range of Shumka products includes a wide range of different models. The kits, for example, contain all the required shaped elements designed to carry out full-scale coating on the internal parts of the body.

What can sound insulation provide?

Below are well-known materials produced in our country.


Soundproofing 469 yourself

Differs in the following features:

  • Well-known vibration isolator with a special composition. It is a polymer self-adhesive composition. The thickness of the material, as a rule, does not exceed one and a half millimeters. The material is finished with aluminum film;
  • The vibration isolator is highly durable;
  • Vibroplast is an excellent tool for quickly soundproofing the interior of a UAZ car. The unique properties of the material contribute to this: it does not require heating, is easily placed on surfaces with a non-standard design, and has the adhesive properties of a sealant;
  • Most of the internal surfaces of the car are treated with this material. Some people recommend placing Vibroplast on the front panel of the UAZ, both from the passenger compartment and from the engine compartment.


Vizomat STP

Material with the following properties:

  • A component with a similar purpose to Vibroplast. It is a special sheet that perfectly absorbs vibrations;
  • Vizomat is a polymer composition with a thickness of 2 or more millimeters;
  • Visomat sheets are covered with a sticky layer, which is protected by a film with anti-adhesive properties;
  • Vizomat perfectly eliminates minor vibrations that are inherent in the UAZ body. It also provides excellent noise in the internal areas of the body;
  • Vismat is not able to absorb water and has a long period of action.


Isoton sound insulator

This is no longer a vibration absorber, but a sound insulator.

Has the following features:

  • Isotone is a special sound absorber, which consists of a combined layer of lavsan, polyurethane foam, glue and metallized film. The thickness of the material is, as a rule, 10-20 mm;
  • It is used more for sound insulation of various areas of the car, including the engine compartment (the front coating of the material has ideal oil and gasoline resistance properties).

Izolon PPE

This noise absorber has the following properties:

  • Possesses the properties of an ideal heat and sound insulator;
  • The thickness of the material is usually 8 mm;
  • Another material called Splen often acts as an analogue of Izolon PPE. It differs from its “brother” in the presence of an adhesive layer, which greatly facilitates the surface treatment process;
  • Both Izolon and Splen are used mainly for treating floors, dashboards and wheel arches. It is recommended to apply them over Vibroplast, which will significantly enhance sound insulation and improve the quality of interior tuning.

There are a lot of other materials. We will not dwell on them in detail.

We only note that models such as Prolin and Bitoplast-5 are used for processing plastic elements of a car. They ideally eliminate the characteristic creaking of plastic parts.

Choosing the type of tuning and preparatory stage

Before carrying out work, it is worth noting for yourself what kind of car you want to get as a result:

  • Hunting version with increased cross-country ability.
  • An expedition vehicle that can be used to overcome difficult sections of roads.
  • Universal tuning that will allow you to use the car every day and for hunting or nature trips.

Work on changing the UAZ begins with the complete dismantling of everything that is not needed - standard wheels, bumpers, all interior decor, stove, and so on. Everything that remains after dismantling can be sold for reuse.

Tuning controls

Custom steering wheels, pedals, gear shift knobs, and other controls. This is only part of the list of accessories to improve the interior, the installation of which instead of standard ones already transforms the interior, and sometimes makes driving more comfortable.

A sports steering wheel replaces the conventional one.

Metal pedals.

Tuning the gear shift lever.

Interior tuning

When purchasing a domestically produced car, many people pay special attention to the interior, as it is always made with terrible quality. When creating a project to change the interior, in this case it was decided to create a multifunctional hatch that would be useful when hunting or simply while traveling in nature off-road.

The created hatch, which was obtained by tuning the UAZ 469, has the following features:

1. Large overall dimensions immediately determine that the hatch is a hunting hatch. 2. The hatch has two positions: with minimal opening for ventilation and fully open.

When open, two guys in winter clothes can fit into the created opening. Therefore, this addition will be useful for a car that will be used for hunting or as an excursion vehicle. To prevent condensation from forming on the surface at the time of use, the hatch cover was insulated. When open, the hatch is fixed.

The interior improvement didn't stop there. In order to improve the sound insulation of the car, the doors and interior sides of the cabin were disassembled, and the tailgate was also disassembled. The resulting cavities were lined with vibration insulation and then sound insulation. After laying the insulating materials, the interior was trimmed with aluminum sheets. All knocks should be treated with sealant, the floor was also changed: instead of a turtle, it was made smooth. All domestically produced cars have a simply terrible degree of heat and sound insulation. It seems that the UAZ plant has never heard of insulating materials. After completing the work, the car will become warm, quiet, and vibration will be transmitted to a lesser extent from the road to the interior elements.

The sequence of installing insulation in a car

First, select the material with which you are going to insulate the car interior. To complete the work you will need the following tools:

  • cardboard sheet;
  • scotch;
  • marker;
  • sealant;
  • knife;
  • rubber gaskets;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors.

First you need to go to a car wash and thoroughly clean the interior. Then it is advisable to disassemble all the seats in the garage, remove the door panels and disassemble the dashboard. All items on the back shelf should be removed.

After inspecting the condition of the body, close all holes with sealant. Take special care in the area between the engine compartment and the passenger compartment. Remove the heater core and seal all visible seams. Replace old worn rubber seals with new ones.

It is necessary to start processing the interior for insulation from the floor of the body. Thoroughly clean the underside of the car and treat it with solvent. Prepare templates from cardboard sheets.

Purchase the calculated amount of material plus a small supply from the store. Using the patterns you made, cut out the penofol of the required size. If you have material without an adhesive layer, you will also need to purchase Tilit glue to connect the seams of the insulation.

We move on to the doors, they are also thoroughly washed and treated with a solvent, and then we cut out holes for the handles. We glue the pieces of insulation in the same way as the bottom. In places with a pronounced relief, clamps are used, and we fasten them inside with furniture staples.

We took into account the general recommendations for insulating the car interior ourselves. In the next section we will look at installing insulation for various vehicles.

Suspension change

If we consider UAZ 469 tuning, we can take into account that it is possible to improve comfort while driving by changing the suspension. Despite the good cross-country ability and reliability of the domestic version, the Australian company DOBINSONS produces the best kit specifically for the UAZ.

When replacing the factory set of springs with a set from an Australian company, you can count on the following:

1. Suspension play and additional 5 centimeters of clearance. 2. The car's behavior on the road is significantly improved. 3. Increases comfort while driving.

This change is quite expensive and time consuming, but it is worth it.

Car appearance

Complete tuning of a car cannot be done without changing the appearance.

In this case, the following changes were made:

1. Considering the purpose of the car, special attention was paid to the light. Additional lighting has been installed taking into account the best location: the front part of the bumper gives the best view to illuminate the road. Also, high beam and work lights are installed on the expedition trunk. 2. Also, special attention should be paid to what wheels are installed. In order to increase cross-country ability, you should choose wheels with good tread and a large diameter. An option with dimensions 285x75x16 is ideal. 3. In order to protect your car, you should think about installing a rear and front winch. When choosing, it is recommended to pay attention to the U4x4 option, which has proven itself well. 4. To strengthen the body structure, a power body kit is installed. UAZ 469 body tuning is carried out with the installation of reinforced thresholds, a front bumper with a platform for an already selected winch and a grille with arches, which are necessary for quickly securing the cable. 5. Special protection for steering rods can be an important addition. When overcoming certain obstacles, it is the steering rods that suffer the most. 6. Side windows are often protected by bars. If the car will only be used off-road, protection can be installed on the rear and front windows. If the SUV is driven in urban conditions, such protection will significantly worsen the degree of visibility. 7. The rear of the car is modified using the OJ universal bumper, which combines a huge number of functions. So, when installing it, you can count on the presence of the following elements: platforms for the winch and hi-jack, a bracket for attaching a removable tow bar, a backlit frame and good license plate protection.

Body tuning can significantly increase the car’s protection from external influences when driving off-road. It is worth noting that some little things, such as additional lighting, can significantly improve traffic safety. Some body modifications also require electrical upgrades and other work.

Thermal protection equipment for VAZ family cars

By insulating the car interior, we create conditions to reduce heat transfer from the body and maintain a constant temperature in the cabin. At the same time, it also has excellent sound insulation, which significantly reduces noise in the cabin. After isolating it, we see how the car windows stop fogging up, and we feel more comfortable and safer.

Recommendations on how to properly install the heater on VAZ family cars:

  • First of all, get rid of household rubber seals, the poor quality of their manufacture does not allow heat to be retained, and drafts pass through the cabin. To do this, you need to identify stains on the sink and these places should be well insulated, they just leak. Install a new set of gaskets;
  • remove the pads and mats from the interior floor and install the selected insulation, most importantly penofol. This 3 mm thick foil material retains heat well and provides good sound insulation;
  • remove the ceiling trim, cut out the necessary pieces of foam rubber and carefully glue it to the cabin ceiling. Don’t forget to cover the niche and rear seat panel with insulation;
  • Remove the covering and vapor barrier on the doors. Prepare suitable gaskets from insulation and secure them to the doors with tape. Be sure to leave holes for handles and levers, reinstall trim, and check that windows move freely;
  • disassemble the dashboard, disassemble the heater radiator and check all the seams on it, carefully seal them. Such work will add an additional 5-6 degrees of heat to the cabin and will become more noticeable in cold weather.

We insulate the interior of other VAZ cars in the same way. When traveling in a VAZ 2115, 2110 and Priora in winter, many passengers sitting in the back seat often pay attention to the flow of cold air in this part of the cabin. The thing is that there are plastic ventilation gaskets at the bottom of the rear door. At speed, such ventilation significantly reduces the temperature inside the cabin.

To better insulate the interior, it is necessary to significantly reduce the flow of cold air. To do this, remove the plastic liners and cut out the insulation of the required size with a small margin exactly along them. We glue the material onto the front side of the lid with special glue. Fill the hole for the lid with Movil and install the lid, glued with insulation, into place. Now the cold no longer enters the cabin, ventilation is maintained and prevents the accumulation of moisture and condensation at the bottom of the door.

Engine tuning

Carrying out engine tuning is a responsible step. Despite the fact that the engine initially has very good performance, many people decide to make changes to the engine.

You can perform UAZ 469 engine tuning as follows:

1. The piston is one of the most important elements of the engine, the modernization of which will lead to a significant change in the operation of the entire engine. When looking for pistons, you should pay attention to forged options, and rings - from proven and popular manufacturers. 2. It is not recommended to change the timing belt, since its incorrect selection and installation can lead to a completely undesirable result. 3. Changing the intake and exhaust manifold is a typical tuning for the car in question. First, you should eliminate the formed steps between the heads and the collectors. The “teeth” should be removed inside the collector channels. This change will cause the engine to breathe more freely and the cylinders will fill evenly. 4. Native carburetors are distinguished by the absence of EPHH. A good replacement that is quite popular is DAAZ-4178. 5. The air filter can also affect engine performance. Many people decide to replace the filter with the “Volgov” version. Using such a filter, you can prepare a platform to reduce the resistance of the exhaust tract. 6. The cooling system also leaves room for improvement. Considering the fairly high loads that can occur when driving off-road, you should purchase a radiator from the SHAAZ plant. It has the best heat transfer rate. You can also install additional fans that will turn on when the temperature is high. 7. A hotter thermostat will improve the operation of the stove and make it warmer. 8. The exhaust system is represented by a standard muffler, which is recommended to replace the resonator from the Gazelle. 9. Electrical equipment can also be changed. Recommendation for all owners - it is worth installing a generator from GAZ 53.

Why improve the interior of the UAZ

Because there is no money for a Land Rover. This is the main reason for modifications to the UAZ 469. Tuning the interior of the photo of which we selected on the page is carried out more likely not to improve comfort, but to improve functionality. The car is used in different ways, and the nature of the modifications that car enthusiasts undertake depends on this. For a safari, the requirements for the interior will be the same, but for winter hunting - completely different.

And the tuning budget is also not rubber, although many, even those who can buy both a Rubicon and a Cherokee, will still improve the UAZ, since the car deservedly enjoys popular love.

Do-it-yourself modification of the UAZ interior

First, it’s worth deciding what’s wrong with the UAZ’s interior, what needs improvement, and what can be left unchanged, especially if the modification requires serious investments and some special tools or materials. From a comfort point of view, the 469's interior is a total flaw. But the main points that make you take up the tools:

  • cold and leaky interior;
  • high noise level in the cabin;
  • complete lack of automotive ergonomics;
  • lack of finishing materials;
  • audio training;
  • adaptation to specific needs.

In the warm season, the UAZ can still be used as a fan car, and streams in the interior leaks can be perceived as exotic. But not in winter. The car’s already weak stove is simply not designed for full heating, so it will have to be modified first.

Work to eliminate noise in the interior of the UAZ-31519

  1. Sound- and vibration-insulated hood (noise decreased by 20 percent)
  2. I installed a fan from a gazelle (less noisy than standard)
  3. I wrapped the muffler with an asbestos sheet and a galvanized sheet on top. (it’s better not to lay asbestos on a “dry” surface, but to smear it, for example, with silicate glue. Because it will pick up water on a dry surface, and therefore will rust faster, but not with glue.
  4. Tires Ya-471

In the future, the inside of the interior will be treated with vibration insulation. I must say, there is some result, it is especially interesting with the muffler: at a speed of 80 - 90 km/h, the low-frequency rumble that put pressure on the ears has significantly decreased.

Double door seal and electric motor fan (I have two). On the highway they start to turn on when the air temperature is above 25 degrees. Until then, they remain silent. And I covered the floor with foam rubber crumbs and bitumen mastic - it turned out to be a completely porous mass. And sound insulation and anticorrosive. And there is also an idea to move the main silencer under the rear - and the “belly” will tighten, and the exhaust tract after the resonator will increase... Again, the temperature of the silencer will drop - therefore, the galvanization will definitely withstand it.

I bought a foam mat at a sports store for 150 rubles. I removed the covers in the floor covering the path to the transfer case. I brought them home (possibly in the garage) oh. Dried it out. I cut out a piece of “foam” for each (holes for levers for later!). And I put everything on 88 glue. (it took two small tubes of 15 rubles each) from the side of the transfer mechanism, that is, as if outside the car, under the floor. Cunningly exhausted, he pressed everything down with various weights and left it to dry. In the morning I sprayed it with aerosol rubber-bitumen mastic (any anticorrosive rubber from a spray gun will do). By evening, everything that had dried was installed back on the car. Only Gerasim from “Mu-mu” will not feel the difference in the sound strength of the transfer case. Further. Since there was quite a lot of mat left, another piece was cut out and inserted without any glue between the “stove” and the engine compartment panel, there is a 6-10 mm gap there. I laid out a decent amount of the rug in the bathroom (at home). To complete the anti-acoustic measures, a nice noise-absorbing casing-cape for the area of ​​the levers made of shit substitute with a foam layer was purchased at the car market. The noise of the transfer case and the engine became somehow quiet, distant and even pleasant.

I put 0.8 mm galvanized sheeting on top of the rugs - in one piece, and on top of it there was linoleum - I just found this awesome one - strong-6 - it goes to the barracks and has a 10-year warranty.

Insulation of UAZ 469 interior

Naturally, insulating the interior makes sense only when the car is not tented, but has a hard roof, otherwise there will be no use in heating. At the same time, you can carry out sound insulation. Most noise comes from vibrating panels, so anything that vibrates should be muffled.

This primarily concerns the roof, since its area is quite large, so it will vibrate the most. There are practically no other particularly large planes without stiffeners in the car.

The entire interior, including doors, floors, roof, engine shield, is first sheathed with vibration insulation or similar material, which are commercially available in bulk. Construction foil insulation materials are ideal. They will be no less effective than special automobile ones, and are half the price. After insulating the interior, an aluminum sheet is placed on the floor and fixed to make it easier to maintain order, and then the interior looks in accordance with the fashion of recent years for polished aluminum, reminiscent of stainless steel.

Thermal insulation equipment for foreign cars

Cheap foreign cars are popular in Russia; they are distinguished only by better sealing and good stoves. Indeed, foreign-made cars do not have insulation as such.

It is mandatory to insulate the interior of a foreign car in our cold weather. If the engine insulation can be secured with a car blanket, then work on the body will need to be done. The best insulation material is penofol with its adhesive base and foil.

We remove the decorative door trim, cut the insulation to the required size, leave holes so as not to interfere with the moving parts inside the door, and glue the foil part on the outside. Everything is simpler with the trunk; by the way, there are even places for attaching insulation. Usually this treatment is sufficient.

If your region has a harsher climate, you can cover the floor with insulation and glue it to the cabin ceiling.

On foreign cars you can install a heat shield made of vibroplast - this material not only dampens vibrations, but is also good insulation in itself. We put them on the floor, on the ceiling, on all the doors and on the trunk.

We use a car blanket to keep the engine warm, although some manufacturers offer a plastic plate to cover the radiator, but this is clearly not enough.

In conclusion, it must be said that the more carefully and carefully you treat the interior of your car, the more comfortable and safe you will feel on the road.

The practical and reliable UAZ 469B, which began to be sold freely only after 1991, will suit everyone. A lover of comfortable outdoor recreation will not even think about buying a UAZ 469 simply because this car is not designed for comfort. This is indeed the case, we decided to look into this by considering some options for UAZ modifications aimed at increasing comfort in the cabin.


Salon for hunting and fishing

Hunting can be different, just like fishing. If the car is already sufficiently prepared on the technical side, then you can adapt the trunk for transporting equipment. Hunters often make holders for equipment and weapons in the trunk to gain quick access to it. In general, securing a load is a serious matter and needs to be approached thoughtfully. Depending on road conditions and the weight of the load, it can be fixed in different places, but it is advisable to place the center of gravity as low as possible.

Also a useful addition would be a hatch, which can also be cut into the roof, pre-insulated so that condensation does not settle. Just as in the case of aluminum floor coverings, all joints are carefully sealed. Since the interior of the UAZ is quite high, you can make several shelves with your own hands. In the standard cabin there are no places to store maps, navigation items, or even cigarettes. Therefore, a small console above the windshield will not hurt.

Aluminum corrugated sheet

Aluminum corrugated floor coverings instead of rubber mats and thresholds. My feet no longer slip. The technology is like this. First, you peel off the old anticorrosive and bitumen mats, clean the metal as best as possible (I did it with an angle grinder and a brush), then with a rust converter (I had BBF), when it was dry, wipe it with a rag and apply rubber-bitumen mastic Body-930 in three layers, slightly diluting it gasoline, on the third undried layer of mastic I put a layer of roofing material - waterproofing (a sandwich made of two layers of plastic film with bitumen inside), when everything was dry, I screwed aluminum sheets on top. Our floor is uneven, so the gaps facilitate ventilation and water does not stagnate... And the waterproofing protects the body well from water, and if it is well glued, it should last a long time (roofs last at least 7 years)... Among other things, the waterproofing is a good vibration suppressor.

Where to buy aluminum corrugated sheets (reinforced aluminum sheets)

If in Moscow, then in. From Moscow, after exiting the Moscow Ring Road to Khimki, take the first right turn (narrow Spartakovskaya Street. On the right there will be a fence with a gate, above it the inscription “Alros”. With your passport at the checkpoint, write out a pass (say it’s to Alros) for yourself and, if necessary, for your car. Then go into the territory, into the building, following the signs to the 2nd or 3rd floor. You pay. The best option for us is “Corrugated sheet 1.5x1200x3000 AMg2nr" - it’s easier to bend. If you need to cut a sheet, you immediately pay for cutting, but you can negotiate on the spot

UAZ salon AutoHERMES - official dealer in Moscow! UAZ Patriot diesel in Moscow from the AutoGERMES dealership.

Seats and instruments UAZ 469

There are no special complaints about the car’s instruments, they show it as best they can, and the panel can be sheathed with stainless steel. It will harmonize with the aluminum floor, although the effect is purely decorative. They also often install seats from cars that are more suitable for life; some interiors fit almost without modification at all, such as the interior from a Honda CRV. So, if you completely fold the seat, you get a huge loading volume.

Even with a very small investment, you can put the interior of the UAZ 469 in relative order by doing all the work yourself. The main thing is not to be lazy, and the UAZ will transform into a comfortable SUV for long raids. Happy roads and easy off-roading to everyone!

Materials for car insulation

Modern professional heaters are very effective, easy to install and, if necessary, quickly removed. You can insulate the car interior with your own hands using the following materials, which are well known and in great demand:

  • Isolon is a material with a good thermal insulation effect, used to retain heat in the engine compartment;
  • tiviplen-P - consists of three layers: glue, polyethylene foam and an outer layer. This insulation does not contain foil, but even without this component it retains heat well;
  • stizol and isotone - materials that give a double effect, retain heat well and provide reliable sound insulation;
  • isoflex - is mainly used as a sound-absorbing material, but also as insulation. It is in great demand among motorists due to its low cost;
  • penofol is polyethylene foam with a layer of aluminum foil. It retains heat well and insulates noise with a relatively small layer thickness. The cheapest material for most car owners. Lightweight and flexible, with a long service life, easy to install, retain heat in the cabin for a long time and remain cool in the summer;

  • polyurethane foam - applied by spraying, effective for sealing all existing holes and cracks, due to its low thermal conductivity even in a thin layer. It does not pose a danger to the respiratory system and has a reliable anti-corrosion effect. The main disadvantage is the need for professional equipment and specialists.
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