Bleeding the brakes on a UAZ Bukhanka after replacing the master cylinder

Category: UAZ

  • Features of UAZ brakes
  • Bleeding brakes UAZ 469
  • Bleeding the brakes, sequence

The relationship between safety and the ability to stop in time is obvious; for this reason, bleeding the brakes of a UAZ loaf is a procedure that does not require delay. Do not forget that the correct execution and approach are directly related to the life of the driver and passengers operating the transport. Such concepts are not neglected, so studying the instructions before performing manipulations is a must.

As for UAZ cars (452, 469), the models received popular love and recognition for their unpretentiousness and endurance. The first is known as transport for emergency services, gas utilities, etc. The second is widely used in areas requiring increased cross-country ability.

UAZ-452 “Loaf”:


Comments 21

How do you know that not all the air has escaped?

The air in the VUT is not connected to the hydraulic brake system

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