GAZ 3221 are popular minibuses with inexpensive maintenance. How many seats are there in a passenger gazelle?

Publication date: 07/12/2019

Depending on the intended purpose, buses are produced in different numbers of seats and dimensions. A rational structure of the bus fleet should include buses of all classes of capacity. Optimal distribution of transport for city routes: 12% small, 10% medium, 48% large, 30% especially large classes. The fleet of tourist equipment consists mainly of large and extra-large capacity buses, which have all the conditions for convenient transportation over long distances. A special feature of the layout of the passenger compartments of urban models is the possibility of convenient passage of not only seated, but also standing people. The exception is equipment of particularly low capacity, in which it is allowed to transport only seated passengers.

Gazelle passenger category number of seats

Utility-passenger What category is needed for the Gazelle, if we talk about all-metal vans? They can be either fully glazed, as they say in a circle, or half glazed. This design allows you to place several passenger seats, as well as make full use of the trunk, because it turns out to be very large; you can even transport refrigerators and washing machines, not to mention manufactured goods and boxes of products. Such Gazelles can be used for long journeys, trips to the sea with the family, especially in luxury versions. The seats in this car are quite comfortable for everyone. What category of license is required to drive such a car? Since the maximum permissible weight of the cargo-passenger Gazelle is less than 3500 kg, a category B license is sufficient to drive it. Only one condition must be met - the number of seats.

Category of rights to control a gazelle

But if you strictly follow the letter of the law, then here are excerpts from the traffic rules on speed limits for motor vehicles: 10. Driving speed 10.1. The driver must drive the vehicle at a speed not exceeding the established limit, taking into account the intensity of traffic, the characteristics and condition of the vehicle and cargo, road and meteorological conditions, in particular visibility in the direction of travel. The speed must provide the driver with the ability to constantly control the movement of the vehicle to comply with the requirements of the Rules.

If a traffic hazard arises that the driver is able to detect, he must take possible measures to reduce the speed until the vehicle stops. 10.2.

Gazelle (car)

It should be no more than eight, including the driver's seat. Then a license of category B will be sufficient. A license of category C for the Gazelle. However, a situation may arise in which a license of category B or D may not be enough to drive this vehicle. Sometimes a category C license is needed to drive this truck.

In which cases? According to current legislation, a category C license is required to drive a vehicle with a maximum permissible weight of more than 3500 kg. There are some modifications of the Gazelle, for example, the extended GAZ-33022, which has a maximum permitted weight of 3600 kg. Even if you do not fully load the car, the law still requires category C to drive.

What rights are required for a gazelle?

The power units installed on the new Next have also changed. Gasoline engines are available only from UMZ, and diesel engines from Daimler and Cummins. Overheating is now virtually eliminated thanks to the new large radiator.


This guarantees that the car will not boil over in long city traffic jams.
Even the simplest, basic equipment has power steering (power steering). Layout and overall dimensions of the Gazelle-Next truck When creating it, the designers took care of the safety of the driver and passengers. The model is equipped with airbags, although not in all trim levels. The new seat belts, produced specifically for the new car, will surprise you with their quality. Read also Gazelle fuel consumption Externally, the Gazelle has become more responsive. This was due to the cabin width being increased by 4 cm and lowered by as much as 7.5 cm.

Passenger gazelle how many seats?

Category B is required according to traffic rules to drive such a vehicle, namely with a maximum curb weight of up to 3.5 tons. Therefore, to find out whether it is possible to drive your Gazelle only with this category, you need to look at the technical equipment passport (PTS). It is there, in the maximum curb weight section, that there is a figure that is decisive in this matter.

So, if the PTS weight is less than or equal to 3500 kg, then this car can be driven with a category B license. “Gazelle” passenger It’s a different matter if we are talking about a minibus, such as the GAZ-3221. This part of the Gazelle family is very often used to transport people over short distances, for example, in commercial transport along specified city routes.

What category does the gazelle belong to?

Each category allows driving strictly defined types of vehicles. The driver has the right to drive only vehicles whose categories are indicated on his driver's license. Classification rights are divided into groups: “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E” confirm the presence of the right to drive vehicles of the corresponding categories. A category “A” driver’s license allows you to drive any motorcycle, including motorcycles with a sidecar. In addition, a category A driving license allows you to drive motorized wheelchairs. According to the traffic rules, motorcycles include two-wheeled vehicles with or without a side trailer.

In addition, category “A” allows you to drive three-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles that, when loaded, weigh no more than 400 kg.

Gazelle car models

Gazelle with a trailer What if you need to use a Gazelle with a trailer? What category of rights is needed then? In general, category E is required to drive vehicles with trailers, and several types, depending on the vehicle. According to the gradation of categories of traffic rules, if the weight of the vehicle and trailer does not exceed 3500 kg, then category B is sufficient. However, this does not apply to the Gazelle, since its weight without a trailer is close to 3500 kg. This means that even if the weight of the trailer is 750 kg, then in total the maximum permitted weight of the resulting road train is more than 3500 kg, and driving licenses of categories E and C are already required. That is, category C must be opened, and in addition category E. But some will say that you can bypass driver's license categories. The Gazelle can carry much more than the stated 1.5 tons.

What category is the gazelle?

Gazelle cars are very popular among the Russian population. The advantage of these cars is the versatility of the models, allowing: to transport cargo, transport people and go on a trip with a large family. The versatility of Gazelles requires different categories of rights to drive models of this type of transport.

What categories should be open to the driving license for a Gazelle driver? What rights do “B”, “C” or “D” need? Classifications and characteristics of categories, according to traffic rules of the Russian Federation:

  • Category “B”: allows you to drive a vehicle with a permissible maximum weight not exceeding 3500 kg, with a number of passenger seats of no more than eight, excluding the driver’s seat.

Questions and answers on cargo transportation and relocation

A brief history of the Gazelle model - belongs to a series of Russian light-duty vehicles. The model range of the series begins its history in the summer of 1994, or more precisely, in July. The main production is concentrated at the Gorky Automobile Plant, but there are several more factories located on the territory of the former Soviet republics and abroad.

They assemble cars from finished parts. Classic Gazelle truck with kung After 2003, a representative of the second generation rolled off the assembly line. Its differences from the first can be listed on the fingers of one hand. A new bumper, lighting fixtures and radiator grille were installed.

Not to mention the fact that, sometimes blocking the only passage, you can hear a lot of extremely interesting reviews that you didn’t even know about. Well, dragging things from the street is a very impractical process. Among other things, it is necessary to take into account road congestion.

The peak load occurs in the morning from 7.30 to 10.00. And the second wave (ninth wave) for the evening, usually it starts somewhere from 15.00 and almost until 20.00-21.00. Therefore, it is best to slip through the time window from 10.30 to 14.00.

What category of license is required to drive a gazelle? Gazelle or Gas 3302 is a light-duty truck used in cargo transportation, and has a weight of 1.8 tons and can carry a weight of up to 1.5 tons with a number of passenger seats of up to 7.

Gazelle passenger category number of seats

Recently, the Gazelle car has become quite widely used in the Russian Federation. The popularity of this car is due to many reasons: it is simple and inexpensive to maintain, quite comfortable and roomy. Since there are quite a lot of modifications of this vehicle, motorists have a question: what category is needed for the Gazelle? The content of the article

  • 1 What category of license is required to drive a Gazelle car? 1.1 Cargo model
  • 1.2 Passenger model
  • 1.3 Cargo-passenger model
  • 1.4 Category C license for Gazelle
  • 1.5 Gazelle with trailer
  • 2 Re-registration of category
  • What category of license is required to drive a Gazelle car? Each specific model of this type of transport will require its own category of rights.

    Location of seats on a long-distance bus. Schemes of the most popular ones

    Publication date: July 03, 2016.

    Bus tours are very popular today, and more and more people prefer the romance of traveling in comfortable long-distance buses to air travel. This type of transport has a number of features compared to the usual city buses and minibuses. First of all, tourist buses are equipped with comfortable soft seats with armrests. In addition, the ADS has the ability to transport oversized cargo; for this purpose, there are special compartments under the floor and shelves located in the cabin. There are also buses equipped with chemical toilets, water dispensers, refrigerators and much more.

    All these factors must be taken into account if you are planning a long bus trip. And of course, you need to choose the optimal and safest location in the ADS, especially considering that the seat is “assigned” to the passenger until the end of the trip and cannot be changed. Based on this, it will be useful to know the location of the seats on the bus, the layout of which may differ. And think: maybe you should inquire about the availability of free seats on a long-distance train so that the trip brings only positive emotions.

    Location of seats on buses

    In the bus fleets of travel companies you can find a huge number of a wide variety of regular buses, differing in modification. A unified numbering of seats on a long-distance bus, the scheme of which would be the only one, has not yet been invented and today different carriers have the right to equip ADS at their own discretion. Moreover, even buses of the same brand, same year of manufacture and upholstery color can have a different number of seats. Therefore, to the question “How many seats are there on the bus?” We can only give an approximate answer.

    For example, if we take a MAN tourist bus, the layout of seats on it may differ significantly. In a standard model there will be 59 of them, with the numbering starting from the first right seat. And if you drive a MAN Lion's Coach R 08, designed for 49 passengers, then the first seat will be in the second row on the right. The front two seats will have numbers 46 and 47. As you can see, even the brand of ADS depends on where you will sit.

    The same applies to other brands of buses. For example, in a small standard Mercedes 22360C there are 20 seats, and they are numbered generally chaotically, namely: two seats located next to the driver are numbered 19 and 20, behind the bus driver there are 1 and 2 seats, and then the numbering of seats on the bus goes to the right - left. But, if you transfer to a Mercedes-Benz 0303, designed for 45 passengers, then the seats will be numbered from left to right.

    Seat arrangement in the MAN Lions Coach R 08 busSeat arrangement in a MAN bus

    As you can see, the layout of seats on long-distance buses may differ depending on the ADS model. But this is not the only nuance; the carrier can also make design changes by adding service space, a dry closet and much more. In this case, the scheme will undergo changes again.

    Therefore, before purchasing a ticket, it would be a good idea to check with a specific carrier about the location of the seats.

    Let us give as an example several seat layouts for buses most commonly used in Russia.

    The presented diagrams are taken from the website of the State Unitary Enterprise SO "Sverdlovsk Regional Association of Passenger Motor Transport". On this same site you can find diagrams of other buses.

    But in addition to your convenience, you also need to take into account safety; the choice of the right place also depends on this parameter.

    Where is the safest place to sit on a long-distance bus?

    Since news reports are full of accidents involving tourist buses, you should carefully choose the area in which you plan to sit.

    In order to choose the safest seats on a long-distance bus, you must consider the following recommendations:

    • As when driving a car, the safest place is considered to be the seat located immediately behind the driver's seat. This is explained by the fact that in an unforeseen situation the driver, on a subconscious level, tries to evade danger in order to protect his life. Accordingly, the opposite side of the vehicle most often comes under attack.
    • The best seats on a long-distance bus are located in the center of the cabin. In the event of a head-on collision or impact that may occur at the rear of the bus, this area will remain the most undamaged.
    • After finding out from the carrier how the seats on the bus are located, try to give preference to the seats installed on the right side of the cabin (near the aisle).

    Dimensions and technical characteristics of gazelles

    Body dimensions: Width: 1.90m Gazelle height: 1.80m – 2.30m Gazelle length: 3.00m Capacity: 9m2
    Number of seats in the cabin: 3 seats Gazelle load capacity: 1.5 tons Description: Tent-covered GAZelle, ideal for small transportation. The car maneuvers well in yards, which allows you to bring the car to the entrance of the house.
    Body dimensions: Width: 1.90m Gazelle height: 1.60m – 2.30m Gazelle length: 3.00m (extended) Capacity: 9m2 Number of seats in the cabin: 6 seats Gazelle load capacity: 1.5 tons Description: Utility Gazelle, allows, along with the transportation of things, to carry out transportation of people.
    Body dimensions: Width: 1.90m Gazelle height: 1.60m – 2.30m Gazelle length: 4.00m Capacity: 16m2
    Loading capacity: 1.5 tons Description: An extended Gazelle, ideal for transporting construction materials, such as boards. Driving through courtyards with such dimensions becomes difficult.
    Body dimensions: Width: 1.90m Gazelle height: 1.60m Gazelle length: 3.00m Capacity: 8m2 Number of seats in the cabin: 3 seats Gazelle load capacity: 1.5 tons Description: GAZelle “van” is an excellent choice for transporting products or small-sized items. The advantage is the loading height and excellent maneuverability in yards.
    Body dimensions: Width: 1.90m Gazelle height: 1.80m-2.20m Gazelle length: 3.00m Capacity: 9m2 Number of seats in the cabin: 3 seats Gazelle load capacity: 1.5 tons Description: This vehicle is ideal for almost any transportation. Be it food or furniture. Excellent maneuverability in yards.
    Body dimensions: Width: 1.90m Gazelle height: no Gzelle length: 3.00m - 4.00m Capacity: 9m2-? Number of seats in the cabin: 3 seats Gazelle load capacity: 1.5 tons Description: Onboard GAZelle is ideal for transporting construction materials and other oversized cargo. The main advantage is convenient loading.

    Gazelle "Pyramid" - technical. characteristics

    Body dimensions: Width: 1.90m Gazelle height: no Gazelle length: 3.00m - 4.00m Capacity: 9m2-? Number of seats in the cabin: 3 seats Loading capacity of the gazelle: 1.5 tons Description: The gazelle “Pyramid” is designed for transporting plastic and other windows; this vehicle can also transport other fragile and large items.

    Gazelle "Tow Truck" - technical. characteristics

    Overall dimensions of the platform: Width: 2185m Length of the gazelle: 5100m Number of seats in the cabin: 3 seats Loading capacity of the gazelle: 1.5 tons Loading height of the tow truck: 900 mm

    Description: Gazelle “Tow Truck” is an excellent solution for towing cars of almost any brand of car. Good maneuverability and good loading height. This vehicle is not suitable for transporting vans.

    Gazelle "Passenger" - technical. characteristics

    Body dimensions: Width: 1.90m Gazelle height: 1.60m Gazelle length: 3.00m Capacity: 8m2 Number of seats in the cabin: 14 seats Gazelle load capacity: 1.5 tons Description: Gazelle “Passenger” (Gazelle bus) is intended for exclusively passenger transportation. The car has a capacity of 14 people. One of the most profitable options for transporting an average number of people.

    Fiat Ducato - tech. characteristics

    Body dimensions: Width: 1.87 m Gazelle height: 1.93 m Body length: 3.12 m Capacity: 11.5 m2 Number of seats in the cabin: 2 seats Gazelle load capacity: 1.5 tons Description: Fiat Ducato is an excellent choice for cargo transportation in the center of Moscow. No additional permits, roomy body. Maneuvers well in yards.

    Minibus Mercedes Sprinter passenger

    PriceRefurbishmentFull price
    on request

    Equipment for the Mercedes Sprinter passenger car

    1Full body glazing (glued glass).
    2Thermal and noise insulation of ceilings, floors, doors, walls.
    3Ventilation emergency metal hatch.
    4Interior lighting.
    5Passenger seats with high backrest (upholstery in ruffled fabric) with seat belts.
    6Interior decoration: plastic composite panels.
    7Interior heater of antifreeze type, 8 kW with flow distribution to 3 deflectors.
    8Plywood flooring + anti-slip floor covering.
    9Rear door locking device.
    10Interior handrails.
    11Side stand.
    12Exhaust system.
    13Emergency hammers (2 pieces).
    14The electric sliding door drive is rack and pinion.

    Car interior diagram

    Depending on the vehicles that are used for conversion into vehicles for transporting passengers, the InvestAvto special vehicles plant offers the following interior layout options.


    The number of seats is the seats in the cabin + the seats next to the driver (in the cabin) + the driver's seat . Seat dimensions:

    Length: 540 mm Width: 410 mm Depth: 410 mm

    Foreign cars

    Options for car interior layout for transporting passengers on a L4 length base (long wheelbase with an increased rear overhang).

    Mercedes Sprinter base car

    Smoothly adjustable heating and ventilation system with 4-stage fan control and two additional fan settings. deflectors to distribute fresh air
    Easy loading thanks to rear hinged doors with an opening angle of up to 180°
    Driver's seat with a wide range of adjustments for optimal positioning
    Steering with rack and pinion mechanism and hydraulic booster
    Central locking with remote control
    16-inch tires size 235/65 R 16 (for the 3.5 t GVW version)
    Two-way adjustable headrests with fabric upholstery on all seats
    ADAPTIVE ESP® incl. ABS, Traction Control (ASR), Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBV) and Brake Assist System (BAS)
    Adaptive brake lights
    Airbag (driver)
    Recoil system for cars with automatic transmission
    Three-point seat belts in all seats, for the driver's seat and single front passenger seat - with pretensioners and limiters
    Independent front wheel suspension
    Burnt out lamp warning system
    Front suspension stabilizer (for the 3.0 t version - as an option)
    Adjusting the headlight range
    Laminated safety windshield
    Wheelbase, mm4 3254 325
    High roof
    Cargo space volume, (m3)14,015,5
    Load capacity (kg)1 260 – 2 5101 210 – 2 465
    Gross weight (kg)3 500 – 5 0003 500 – 5 000
    Extra high roof
    Cargo space volume, (m3)15,517,0
    Load capacity (kg)1 230 – 2 4801 180 – 2 435
    Gross weight (kg)3 500 – 5 0003 500 – 5 000
    Number of cylinders644
    Cylinder arrangementV 72°in-linein-line
    Number of valves444
    Working volume (cm3)2.9872.1481.796
    Power (kW/hp) at rpm.135/184 at 380065/88 at 3800115/156 at 5000
    Rated torque (N•m)400220240
    Cargo space volume, (m3)11,515,5
    Type of fueldieseldieselsuper class gasoline
    Tank capacity (l)ok 75ok 75approx 100
    Fuel systemmicroprocessor direct injection system with common rail power supply system, turbocharging and charge air coolingmicroprocessor injection
    Battery (V/Ah)12/ 10012/ 7412/ 74
    Generator (V/A)14/ 18014/ 9014/ 150
    Drive unitrear 4x2, full 4x4rear 4x2rear 4x2

    Classification of city and tourist buses by passenger capacity

    The capacity of bus equipment depends on its dimensions. Based on these criteria, machines are divided into several groups.


    The equipment is used on city and near suburban routes. Conventionally, this type of bus is divided into 2 groups according to passenger capacity - especially small and small. The length of especially small ones is up to 5 m, and the total capacity, which is equal to the number of seats, is up to 10 passengers. Small cars have a length of 6-8 m, the number of seats is up to 20, and the total capacity is up to 40 passengers.

    Small-class tourist cars PAZ are developed on the basis of suburban models. Equipped with air conditioning, spacious luggage racks, adjustable seats with seat belts. Typically used for short and medium distance excursions.


    The length of medium-sized equipment is 8.0-9.5 m, and the total passenger capacity is up to 60 people. Number of seats – up to 30.

    Urban models are adapted for convenient changes in passenger flow, have convenient storage areas, and mechanical ramps designed for the movement of people with disabilities. The low floor position ensures convenient and quick disembarkation and embarkation of passengers.

    Large and extra large

    Large buses are up to 12 m long and can accommodate up to 90 passengers. The number of seats is 30-40. The length of a particularly large group (articulated) vehicle is 16.5 m or more, the bus can accommodate more than 90 people. The number of seats is more than 40.

    Low-floor articulated vehicles used on city routes are convenient for all categories of passengers, due to the absence of steps at the entrance, the presence of a ramp and convenient handrails for standing passengers.

    Tourist buses of a large capacity class are equipped with a spacious luggage compartment in the lower part. The seats are comfortable, adjustable in all directions, with armrests. Provided: individual lighting and air conditioning, climate control, audio and video equipment.

    GAZ 322132: technical characteristics, description

    Gazelle cars are a series of light-duty cars produced by the Gorky Automobile Plant from 1994 to 2010. In 2003, the Gazelle family released the second generation of cars. The new minibuses were distinguished by tail, bumper, radiator grille and lighting equipment. In 2005, the millionth Gazelle was produced. Buses from the Gorky plant can be found not only as minibuses, they are also used as special vehicles in the ambulance service, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the Ministry of Defense. In some cities you can even find Gazelle school buses.

    GAZ-322132 is a bus with a sliding door. Made on the basis of minibus 32213, produced since 1996. GAZ-322132, unlike the base model, has additional amplifiers and a different interior layout. Since 2005, this model has been painted in a special color – “golden orange”. In the same year, engineers at the Gorky plant modernized the interior heating system, as well as the anti-lock braking system.

    The GAZ-322132 car belongs to the H1 (M1) class, the permitted maximum weight of which does not exceed 3500 kg. To drive this minibus you need a license with category “D”.

    There are three modifications of GAZ-322132:

    — 322132-404 — the model is designed for 13 passenger seats, equipped with a ZMZ-40524 power unit, and has an anti-lock braking system;

    — 322132-408 — a car with 13 seats, the same engine and anti-lock braking system, but power steering is already provided;

    — 322132-531 — the model is equipped with a GAZ-5902 diesel engine, ABS and power steering.

    Model 322132 differs from the previous generation of Gazelles by sliding windows, the presence of a hatch, which significantly improved interior ventilation, and hinged luggage compartment doors. Overall dimensions of the minibus: length – 5500 mm, width – 2075 mm, height – 2200 mm, wheelbase – 2900 mm, ground clearance 170 mm. The total weight of the car is 2500 kg. The model is equipped with a carburetor inline four-cylinder power unit with a volume of 2.9 liters and a power of 84 hp. s., and a volume of 2.4 liters, and a power of 98 liters. With. Both engines work with a five-speed manual transmission. The Gazelle has a dependent leaf spring suspension with telescopic shock absorbers and rear-wheel drive. The braking system consists of discs at the front and drums at the rear.

    Since 2010, this minibus model has been discontinued, so the GAZ 322132 is sold exclusively on the secondary market.

    To summarize, it is worth noting that cars of the 322132 brand have become quite popular not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries, which is due to the low price of the car and decent technical characteristics. Now it is impossible to imagine large and small settlements that would not have these minibuses on the roads. And this perfectly characterizes the car. GAZ-322132 can be used as an excursion and tourist bus. Reliable sound insulation significantly reduces noise levels, thereby ensuring comfortable travel for passengers. The seats can be equipped with headrests and armrests. The minibus can additionally carry luggage weighing up to 300 kilograms.

    modern minibus on the roads of the Russian Federation

    At the end of March, the plant will begin mass deliveries of the new passenger bus to its customers. The first wave of Gazelles will seat 19 people, including the driver and front passenger. They promise to make the second wave of buses with 27 seats, but so far there is little information on this matter. It is only known that the plant’s management has set a priority goal for the production of multi-passenger transport, a typical “minibus” for urban and intercity transportation.

    Driver's seat

    The Gazelle Next dashboard has become modern and very similar to the torpedoes of its European counterparts. All sensors necessary for the driver are located under the steering wheel. There are not many of them: a speedometer, a tachometer, an oil level sensor and a fuel sensor. Unlike previous models of passenger cars in the Gazelle line, the steering wheel has become much more comfortable and functional. The steering wheel has control buttons for the audio system and power windows.

    To the right of the steering wheel is a multimedia system that combines the functions of a player and a GPS navigator. The system's display is touch-sensitive, making it easy to make adjustments or switch tracks on the go.

    Particular attention should be paid to the chairs. The Gorky Automobile Plant has entered into a contract with a world-class manufacturer - the ISRI company, which develops seats for most Mercedes-Benz car models. The front seats have their own armrests and seat belts.

    Passenger seats

    Like the driver's seats, the passenger seats are designed by a world-famous foreign company, which guarantees a comfortable fit. As for the arrangement of seats, the engineers did a great job. The rows of seats are arranged so that, no matter where the passenger takes, his legs will not interfere with the rest. There is enough space between the rows for even people with smaller builds to sit comfortably in the winter season. Regardless of the modification of the bus, there are 18 seats in the cabin.

    The seats are arranged according to the standard layout: 3 rows of two seats on the side of the driver's cabin, 4 rows on the opposite side and a combined seat for 4 seats in the rear of the bus.

    Ride quality

    The main pride of the engineers is the universal independent suspension. The new solution was developed by domestic specialists; foreign professionals were also involved, but only to clarify small but important points.

    Those lucky people who have already managed to drive the new minibus give high marks to its driving performance. When all seats are occupied, the bus behaves confidently even at a speed of 120 km/h, which hints at the possibility of using the Gazelle for intercity flights.

    Thanks to major changes, the bus gained greater speed, increased maneuverability, and increased dynamics. The manufacturer also changed the braking system, replacing the old solution with ventilated discs of larger diameter.

    Thanks to rack-and-pinion steering using a transverse stabilizer, the minimum turning radius was reduced to 6.6 meters.

    In order for buses to feel confident on roads of poor quality, of which there are plenty in our country, engineers used longitudinal springs with a transverse stabilizer when designing the rear suspension. The front suspension is based on coil springs, which increases the maneuverability of the bus.

    Technical characteristics and fuel consumption

    Gazelle Next passenger buses are equipped with a Cummins ISF2.8e4R129 engine, which meets environmental standards - Euro 4. The engine runs on diesel fuel, which allows significant savings on operation. The engine capacity is 2.8 liters, which allows you to achieve a power of 120 horsepower. Consumption per 100 km at the recommended speed limit will not exceed 11 liters of fuel.

    According to unconfirmed reports, a version of the Evotech 2.7 gasoline power unit developed by the Ulyanovsk plant will soon be released. Technical specifications are not yet known.

    Dimensions and weight

    The weight of the bus meets Russian standards, so using gazelles as municipal transport will not cause problems. Depending on the configuration, the entire weight can be 4252 kg or 4292 kg.

    The length of the bus is 6080 mm, height – 2720 mm, width – 2530. With such dimensions, the developers were able to achieve a ground clearance of 170 mm, which is quite enough to travel unhindered on Russian roads. If we compare Gazelle with its competitors, the data is approximately the same, which gives some advantage to the domestic automaker.


    Prices, start of sales and guarantee

    The automaker is already working to supply buses on pre-order. Therefore, it is not surprising that Gazelle Next will appear on Russian roads in early April 2014. The price for the basic model will start from 980 thousand rubles. In total, the bus will be produced in several modifications: tourist, school and passenger versions. The main differences are in the cabin class and the configuration of additional options, such as: GLONASS\GPS satellite system and multimedia system functionality.

    The warranty period for a Eurovan based on the Gazelle-Next vehicle chassis is 3 years or 150,000 kilometers, and the service interval is 20,000 kilometers.

    Class A city bus equipment


    Summing up

    Today, the domestic manufacturer has taken a serious step into the future by releasing a worthy competitor to foreign automakers. Despite some roughness and lack of production capacity, Gazelle is able to enter foreign markets. The main advantage over competitors is the price, which is lower from 30 to 60% of its closest analogues.

    At the same time, it meets environmental standards, is easy to control and has decent driving performance. Gazelle Next is unable to compete directly with Japanese or German manufacturers, but it can occupy a budget niche that only Chinese cars have so far claimed. However, progress is obvious and it is quite possible that in the near future the Gorky plant will surprise us and release a car that can outdo the most famous automakers?

    passenger gazelle 13 seats technical specifications


    Gazelle how many seats

    In the Technology to the question So, how many passenger seats should there be in front of a route gazelle?) (see inside) asked by the author Rush the best answer is a GAZelle car. Available with two passenger seats in front, with the exception of cargo-passenger models without a right sliding door . Where the rear passenger compartment is entered through the front door, there is one seat in the front. According to the manufacturer, GAZelles can work as minibuses. with a total number of seats 13. And what we see on city roads is more likely a consequence of poor quality operation than of poor car design. Although the car could have been better.

    Reply from
    22 replies [guru]
    Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: So, how many passenger seats should a gazelle have in front?) (see inside)

    Reply from Caucasoid [guru] You're right, everything is through the ass! It seems to me that they are making 2 seats just to have more seats. You've probably noticed that in some minibuses it's free (in the cabin), but in some you can't get through, only your knees stick out!

    Answer from Vyacheslav Ivanov [guru] This is because the prototype of the Gazelle was the FORD Transit, but it will be wider, and the box is different - it doesn’t interfere with the legs.

    Answer from wolverine [guru] 2 places... now all our cars do this (ugly)

    Answer from Igor Krutoy [guru] in public transport, the presence of a seat for a passenger in front of the windshield - near the driver - is not provided - only for the conductor!

    Answer from Garik Dobermanych [guru] Let's put it this way - the Gazelle passenger car system is not intended for commercial use, as a route transport. What we see on the streets of our cities is a violation of all kinds of norms and rules. Controlling organizations don’t give a damn about the life and health of passengers; they receive bribes from the owners of organizations that provide transportation services.

    Reply from
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    Hello! Here are more topics with the answers you need:

    Gazelle car on Wikipedia Look at the Wikipedia article about Gazelle car

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    Our offers

    You can choose a passenger bus for city and tourist classes of any capacity category. Most models are in stock.

    • modern buses from manufacturers with whom we work under direct dealer agreements;
    • the possibility of purchasing goods with payment of the full price or concluding an agreement for leasing installments for up to 5 years, down payment - 15%;
    • services of our service and warranty maintenance center.

    After choosing the appropriate model, contact our manager in a way convenient for you.

    More and more often, visitors began to come to our website with the question, how many seats are there in Mercedes-Benz Sprinter minibuses?

    And although the question is the same, the meaning is perhaps completely different.

    So visitors may be interested in transporting passengers from the airport to the city, for example from Sheremetyevo to Moscow, a regular transfer. But this means that each passenger has things and they also need to be delivered to the same address as the passengers, and therefore some are trying to calculate how many seats are needed to transport people, and even luggage.

    I’ll dispel these calculations right away. You need to order a minibus based on the number of passengers

    Each of our minibuses has a special luggage space for luggage. If you need to transport up to 14 people with or without luggage, order a 14-seater Mercedes Sprinter minibus. If you need to transport up to 18 people, then also order an 18-seater minibus. An exception is a 20-seater minibus, for transporting up to 20 people; the minibus can accommodate luggage for 16 people.

    School bus based on GAZ-3221

    PriceRefurbishmentFull price
    on request

    Equipment of the car "School bus Gazelle"

    1Body color - yellow
    2Colorographic design of the body "CHILDREN"
    3Thermal and noise insulation of the interior
    4Interior trim: composite panel + molded plastic
    5Floor covering: autolin (color: black, gray)
    6The interior glazing around the perimeter is transparent
    7Interior lighting (4 lamps)
    8Emergency ventilation hatch
    9Place to put things
    10Rear exterior lighting above the rear hinged doors to illuminate the surrounding area
    11Handrails in the car interior
    12Exterior side door lighting
    13Interior heater powered by the engine cooling system
    1412 V socket – 1 pc.
    15Seats with low backrest, fabric upholstery, non-reclining. (seats with 4-point seat belts)
    16Side door step
    17A device that prevents the bus from starting to move when the door is open or not completely closed
    18Vehicle speed limiter up to 60 km/h
    19A device that provides automatic sound signal when reversing
    20The driver's workplace is equipped with sound and light signals about the need to stop, activated from the places where children are placed
    21Internal and external loudspeaker device for the driver.
    22Each transverse row of seats has a “Request to Stop” signal button.
    23Aluminum thresholds along the perimeter of the cabin with waterproofing of seams
    24Interior rear view mirror.
    25Emergency exit hammer
    26Fire extinguisher - 2 pcs.
    27First aid kit - 2 pcs.

    Optional equipment:


    • Thermo Top Evo 4 (4kW)+ mini-timer
    • Thermo Top Evo 5 (5kW)+ minitimer
    • Binar 5D/B-Compact diesel/gasoline (comment) (with Japanese spark plug)


    • Planar 2D-12 (diesel)(2kW)
    • Planar 4DM2-12 (diesel)(3kW)
    • Planar 44D-12-GP (with Japanese spark plug)(diesel)(4kW)
    • Air Top 2000 ST B (petrol/diesel)(2kW)
    • Air Top 3900 B (petrol)(3.5kW)
    • Air Top Evo 40 B (diesel)(4kW)

    Air conditioner

    • Air conditioner SANDEN 7.5 kW under hood
    • Air conditioner SANDEN 7.5 kW roof


    • Alarm SHERIFF (central locking for 4 doors)
    • Alarm STAR LINE (central locking for 4 doors, feedback, LCD key fob)
    • Alarm STAR LINE (central locking for 4 doors, feedback, auto start, LCD key fob)
    • Alarm STAR LINE (central locking for 4 doors, feedback, GSM/GPS 2 CAN, LCD key fob)
    • Alarm system STAR LINE (central locking for 4 doors, feedback, GSM/GPS 2 CAN, auto start, LCD key fob)

    Lighting and electricity

    • Spotlight Finder
    • Additional illumination of the side step
    • LED strip on the ceiling
    • LED information board
    • Voltage converter 300 W
    • Electric sliding door lock


    • CD/MP3 + 4 speakers
    • Ceiling monitor
    • DVD player


    • Mezzanine with LED lighting
    • Mezzanine with air conditioning wiring


    • Plastic roof on Gazelle
    • Partition between the passenger compartment and the driver
    • Finishing window openings with molded plastic (check availability)
    • Portable washbasin
    • Tachograph
    • Driver call button
    • Anti-corrosion treatment
    • Motorist kit (first aid kit, tools, fire extinguisher, warning triangle)

    Photos “School bus based on GAZ-3221”

    Panorama of a School Bus at the Gazelle Base

    Options for interior layout of a school bus based on Gazelle


    The number of seats is the seats in the cabin + the seats next to the driver (in the cabin) + the driver's seat Dimensions of the child seat:

    Length: 500 mm Width: 350 mm Depth: 350 mm

    Option 1.

    Number of seats: 9 + 2 + 1 Rack for hand luggage and luggage

    Option 2.

    Number of seats: 10 + 2 + 1 Rack for hand luggage and luggage

    Basic car GAZ 3221 Gazelle

    Front wheel track (mm)1700
    Wheelbase (mm)2900
    Height (mm)2200
    Width (mm)2075
    Rear wheel track (mm)1560
    Ground clearance (mm)170
    Permissible gross weight (kg)3225
    Curb weight (kg)2260
    Length (mm)5700
    Cylinder diameter (mm)100
    Number of valves per cylinder2
    Number of cylinders4
    Piston stroke (mm)92
    Maximum torque (N•m)220.5
    Maximum torque speed, max. (rpm) 2500
    Maximum power speed, max. (rpm) 4000
    Intake typeInjector
    Engine ConfigurationRow
    Engine power (hp)107
    Engine capacity (cm3)2890
    engine's typePetrol
    Number of steps5
    Drive unitRear
    Rear brakesDrums
    Front brakesDisk
    Rear suspensionDependent, leaf spring, with telescopic shock absorbers
    Front suspensionDependent
    Combined fuel consumption (l/100 km)13
    Fuel tank volume (l)70
    Maximum speed (km/h)130
    Recommended fuelAI-92
    Turning diameter (m)11
    Power steeringPower steering

    The number and location of seats for school bus passengers depend on the make of the base vehicle.

    Bus Gazelle Next | GAZelle NEXT club

    The Gazelle Next minibus based on an all-metal van is designed to accommodate 16 seats. The new generation of Next buses is maximally adapted to ensure that passengers experience comfort and complete safety.

    The bus is designed for increased convenience when entering and exiting the cabin; for this, the manufacturers laid down several points:

    • the salon is equipped with a high ceiling of 1.90 m;
    • high side door;
    • there is a low step at the entrance;
    • ergonomically located seats with seat belts;
    • LED lighting;
    • panoramic glazing system.

    In summer, the temperature in the cabin is maintained by air conditioning, and in winter by a heating system of 3 units. The power elements of the car in the body, which may be subject to deformation during transportation, were equipped with increased rigidity. The body of the Next bus is galvanized steel, some elements were replaced with high-strength plastic. Thanks to these materials, Gazelle is protected from corrosion and functionality is increased.

    The Next generation of Gazelles has been improved with new technologies, which have a positive effect during operation:

    • use of Atsumitec Toyota Tsusho remote drive;
    • 80-liter plastic fuel tank;
    • The rear suspension was equipped with Mango shock absorbers and updated springs;
    • The frame is equipped with upper and lower reinforcements.

    Updating and introducing new technologies allows the Gazelle Next to drive smoothly on roads with any surface, while the driver and passengers feel calm and comfortable. The new van was created using old developments that have confirmed their reliability. For example, the new Next Gazelles use a chassis from a similar model produced in 2013. To make it easy to control the van, the following systems were used:

    • The driver's seat is adjustable in 5 positions;
    • The driver's cabin is cozy and spacious;
    • The brake is designed for twice the power;
    • Steering system is rack and pinion;
    • The front suspension is independent wishbone.

    The engines in the new Gazelles will be diesel and gasoline: Cummins ISF 2.8 and Evotech 2.7, which were previously used in the Next family.


    Technical characteristics

    Exterior colors

    Evotech engine (petrol)Evotech engine (petrol with LPG)Cummins engine

    1,410,000 rubles1,450,000 rubles1,570,000 rubles

    To buy a GAZelle NEXT, find an official GAZ dealer in your city, on our website you can do this on the GAZ dealers page



    How many gazelles have passenger seats |

    Gazelle cars: technical characteristics

    The need for transportation of small consignments of goods and cargo arose with the development of the market in Russia; the first in the class of light commercial vehicles (LCV) was the Gazelle. At first, the one and a half ton GAZ-3302 vehicles were equipped with ZMZ-402 (Ai-92) and ZMZ-4021 (A-76) engines, mechanical 4- and 5-speed gearboxes, and a “Tchaikovsky” rear axle.

    The cabin was designed for three people, including the driver; the lorry could be equipped with an awning, which all on-board vehicles were equipped with from the factory. The four-speed gearbox was frankly weak for a light-duty truck, and by 1996 the plant stopped installing them; cars were now equipped with only a 5-speed gearbox.

    Manual transmission. Also around this time, a bridge of its own design was developed for Gazel, and the Tchaikovsky (type GAZ-3102) was removed from the production line.

    GAZ-2705, cargo van (all-metal, 7 seats): description, characteristics, prices

    There is even a model of a truck tractor available.

    If the exclusive offer is not relevant, then you can buy a simple GAZ-2705 - a cargo truck with 7 seats in the cabin and a voluminous body will be another advantage of this commercial vehicle for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. GAZ-2705 is available in two versions: with a three- and seven-seat cabin (each There are no differences in the indices according to the factory specifications). The cargo-passenger Gazelle can carry up to 1000 kg of weight. To increase sales, the car's characteristics were brought into line with driver category B - the total weight of the car is about 3.5 tons, and there are less than 8 seats in the cabin. In the 90s in Russia, the Gazelle had one competitor - ZIL-5301, popularly called in a very original way: “Bychok”.

    Its total weight was 7 tons, and it no longer met category B. In the late 90s and early 2000s, the market demanded other products, and therefore ZIL-5301 did not fit into these requirements.

    Passenger Gazelle How many seats

    more info: Old.4 years ago How good is the Renault Master as a shuttle bus? In this video review you will see a re-equipped.Year agoChannel about various equipment: Subscribe to the channel: Review of the GAZ 22171 Sobol Business car.Year agoGazelle 3221 with 405 injection engine, minibus, passenger, 2007 g.v. In good working condition.Year agoA short review of my gazelle 2705, more than half a year has passed since the overhaul, the car was completely overhauled.8 months agotransport for transporting passengers.Year agoFor cooperation issues: Website: / Vkontakte: vk. com/nicecarofficial / Facebook: .Year ago6 years agoRegular workday.6 months agoReview

    What category is needed for a Gazelle - “B”, “C” or “D”?

    "Gazelle" cargo and passenger

    In addition, this car is produced even in neighboring countries, sometimes under different names. In addition to different names, the model was also produced in different modifications: “Gazelle” cargo, passenger and cargo-passenger. There are options for an extended model.

    Different cars require different categories of driver's license. "Gazelle" serves for various purposes, be it cargo transportation. So, which category is needed for a Gazelle, the law and traffic rules will help you figure it out.

    Each driver has a driver's license category.

    "Gazelle" cargo and passenger">

    What is a Gazelle cargo truck?


    This allows it to make regular commuter flights, as well as transport personnel of an enterprise located far from a populated area.

    This is a light-duty truck with a maximum permissible weight of 3,500 kilograms, which can carry 1.5 tons of cargo on board. However, this does not apply to all cars.

    In addition, the bus is capable of such work as organizing transfers to recreation centers, boarding houses or ski resorts.

    The thoughtful seating arrangement allows passengers not to feel cramped and also ensures quick boarding and disembarking. The key features of the power unit from Ulyanovsk are high torque, which helps realize the potential of the all-wheel drive transmission, excellent reliability and exceptional maintainability.

    A modern microprocessor injection control system helps maintain low fuel consumption and low levels of toxic emissions.

    In addition, the UMZ engine is compatible with gas cylinder units, which also significantly reduce costs.

    Van/combi "GAZelle-2705"

    The passenger seat is double, equipped with two seat belts (one lap) and rigid head restraints. The cabin upholstery uses high-quality plastic and fabric.

    The interior design echoes the exterior and, before restyling, sported rectilinear forms with low ergonomic controls. Subsequently, the interior was seriously redesigned and improved in terms of equipment, which had a positive effect on interior comfort, especially in the driver's seat. In the “combi” modifications (2705-406, 2705-410, 27057-541, etc.) the cabin received a second row of passenger seats for 4 seats.

    In both cases, the cabin is separated from the cargo compartment by a rigid metal partition. The body length of the GAZ-2705 van is 5500 mm, of which 2900 mm is on the vehicle’s wheelbase, 990 mm on its front overhang, and another 1610 mm on the rear overhang.

    Gazelle car models

    The second series was the leader on the Russian market until February 2010.

    It was at this time that the release began. And 3 years later, in March 2013, the first one came off the assembly line. From the old car it received only the gearbox, rear axle and frame; all other elements were updated. In the autumn of the same year, the automaker presented the beginning of a new series “Gazelle - Business CNG”.

    This happened at the international exhibition GasSUF.

    Towards the end of the year, the English agency INTERBRAND named the Nizhny Novgorod Automobile Plant the most influential Russian brand.

    Although in 2009 he took only 29th place. – an onboard vehicle with a carrying capacity of 1.5 tons. Produced since 1994. It was restyled several times (2003 and 2010).

    This model is unique with its loading height of one meter.

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