Review of models of motor cultivators Mole. Engine characteristics, owner reviews

Just recently, I, an avid summer resident and gardener, every year with the onset of spring mentally prepared myself for long, exhausting work on my plot. I, of course, love my land, I like to see that my labors are not in vain and turn into a blooming garden and a wonderful harvest that feeds the whole family, but are there really no optimal options for simplifying this work?

My thoughts and searches led to a decision that has made my life much easier today. The Mole motor-cultivator does the lion's share of the work for me, and all I have to do is manage the process, enjoying unity with nature. But I’ll tell you about everything in detail.

Using the Mole cultivator

Owners of summer cottages, vegetable gardens, and such residents of rural areas certainly appreciated such time-tested agricultural equipment as the “Mole” motor-cultivator.
Motor cultivator Mole

Who is its manufacturer? This technique was born in the distant 80s in the Soviet Union on aviation. The manufacturer of the “Mole” cultivator gave everyone who engages in agriculture for personal needs a real mini-harvester.

The Mole motor cultivator can perform almost any agricultural work:

  • plowing of soils, including virgin soils;
  • planting potatoes;
  • hilling of plants;
  • weeding;
  • potato harvest;
  • snow removal in winter;
  • grass cutting;
  • transportation of harvested crops from one destination to another.


In the early eighties of the last century, owners of summer cottages and vegetable gardens were offered specialized equipment for the mechanization of agricultural work - a lightweight motor cultivator Mole MK-1 2.6 hp. The design of the unit was the simplest - a gearbox and engine on a frame, secured with bolts, a steering wheel, a bracket and a starter made of a simple rope.

A natural continuation was the continuous modernization of the unit, expansion of functions, equipping with powerful engines and durable gearboxes. Today, the Krot family of walk-behind tractors and walk-behind cultivators includes many different models, which are produced at the machine-building enterprise named after. V.V. Chernyshev (Moscow) and on (Omsk) with the trademark “Krot-Om”.


Time passes, technological progress leads us forward, and now new progressive (improved) models have already been created that delight their owners with more advanced functions.

Do you want to know everything about the “Mole” motor-cultivator - its modifications, technical characteristics, model features, and also how much does this or that type of cultivator cost? The answers to these questions, as well as video reviews and consumer reviews will help you decide on the “Mole” cultivator model.

Motor-cultivator MK-1A Motor-cultivator MK-3-A-3 Motor-cultivator Mole MK-4-03 Motor-cultivator MK-5-01 Motor-cultivator Mole R Motor-cultivator Mole MK-9-01

Models of the "Mole" motor cultivator:

  • MK-1A
  • MK 3-A-3
  • MK-4-03
  • MK-5-01
  • MK 9-01/02
  • KROT-R

Each of these models of motorized cultivator also has several varieties and improved modifications.

Let's consider the main characteristics and features of each of the presented units.


Note that this is the most compact unit, equipped with a small two-stroke carburetor engine (2.6 hp), which, meanwhile, is able to cultivate a decent amount of land. Due to its dimensions, it is in demand for work in greenhouses.

The cultivator of this model does not have reverse and is capable of moving forward at just one speed, but this does not diminish its enormous functionality (capabilities). The relatively light weight of the unit (48 kg) allows it to be easily transported in the desired direction.

Motor cultivator Mole MK-1A


Manufacturer countryRussia
Milling cutter diameter33 cm.
Power2.6 hp
Number of speeds1 forward/0 backward
Steering column1 position
Working width35-60 cm.
Grip depth25 cm.
Weight48 kg.
Dimensions1300x810x1060 mm.

MK 3-A-3

This unit is slightly larger than the previous one, and the weight is no longer 48, but 51 kg. However, it can still be transported in the trunk of your car or on the roof. The greater productivity of the Krot MK 3-A-3 cultivator is due to the greater power of the GeoTeck engine, which is 3.5 liters. With.

The main distinguishing feature of the MK 3-A-3 brand from the MK-1A is the new reverse function. Along with it, the performance characteristics of the cultivator have improved, and it has also become much more convenient to work with the machine.

Motor cultivator Mole MK-3-A-3


Manufacturer countryRussia
Engine makeGeoTeck
Engine makeGeoTeck
Power3.5 hp
Number of speeds1 forward/1 reverse
Working width35-60 cm.
Grip depth25 cm.


This agricultural equipment weighs 53 kg and has a 4.0 liter Briggs&Stratton engine. With. There is a reverse function and one speed forward and backward. In this motor-cultivator, the working depth and width have increased, which allowed it to perform agricultural work more productively and efficiently.

Motor cultivator Mole MK-4-03


Manufacturer countryRussia
Engine makeBriggs&Stratton
Engine makeBriggs&Stratton
Power4.0 hp
Number of speeds1 forward/1 reverse
Steering column1 position
Working width35-90 cm.
Grip depth30 cm.
Weight53 kg.
Dimensions1300x810x1060 mm.


This model is largely similar in its technical characteristics to the previous model, the same belt clutch and chain gearbox, weight, engine performance, width and depth of grip. However, the device is based on a completely different type of engine (Honda), characterized by endurance and power (4.0 hp).

Compact dimensions and weight of 53 kg allow you to easily transport the cultivator to the selected object.

Motor cultivator MK-5-01


Manufacturer countryRussia
Engine makeHonda
Engine makeHonda
Power4.0 hp
Number of speeds1 forward/1 reverse
Steering column1 position
Working width35-90 cm.
Grip depth30 cm.
Weight53 kg.
Dimensions1300x810x1060 mm.

MK 9-01/02

Convenient, functional unit with an engine power (HAMMERMANN brand) of 5.5 liters. With. This motorized cultivator is capable of conquering even virgin lands without much difficulty. Durable cutters and other mounted (trailed) equipment have made this cultivator an indispensable assistant on a personal plot, a small farm, in a vegetable garden and even in a greenhouse. The dimensions and weight of the unit will not create problems with transportation.

Motor cultivator Mole MK-9-01


Manufacturer countryRussia
Milling cutter diameter33 cm.
Power5.5 hp
Number of speeds1 forward/1 reverse
Steering column1 position
Working width35-60 cm.
Grip depth25 cm.
Weight53 kg.
Dimensions1300x810x1060 mm.


This agricultural device is designed for high-quality automatic cultivation of all types of soils, planting and digging potatoes, caring for plants (weeding, hilling), as well as for mowing grass, pumping water, removing snow, etc.

Along with the motor cultivator, the kit includes cutters with a diameter of 33 cm; the rest of the equipment (hillers, mower, potato planter and digger can be purchased separately). Many craftsmen independently make trailed implements for the “Mole” motor-cultivator, such as a snow blower and others.

Motor cultivator Mole R


Manufacturer countryRussia
Engine makeSubaru
Engine makeSubaru
Power3.5 hp
Number of speeds1 forward/1 reverse
Steering column1 position
Working width60-90 cm.
Grip depth25 cm.
Weight52 kg.
Dimensions1300 x 810 x 1060 mm.

A convenient reverse function (not available in the first models) significantly increases the convenience of working with the cultivator. The engine power of the Subaru brand is 3.5 liters. With.

Design, features, principle of operation

Motor-cultivators of the "Mole" brand have been successfully produced by domestic manufacturers for over thirty years, and over the years of their production they have gained wide popularity.
The first units appeared on the market in the late eighties, and since then, the brand has developed using new technologies and unique engineering solutions.

The modern “Mole” is a combination of high quality, sophisticated technology, variation in the choice of models and an affordable price.

Modern Krot models are able to cope with the following work tasks:

  • Digging up the soil, incl. and turf, which makes it an indispensable assistant in cultivating virgin lands;
  • Performs the function of planting vegetable crops;
  • Hills up the beds - now this routine work does not have to be done manually;
  • Gathers the harvest;
  • Replaces a mower and copes well even with tall grass;
  • With its help, you can quickly and easily clear the area of ​​plant and other debris, as well as snow in winter.

It is worth noting that modern models are equipped with a fairly powerful four-stroke engine that provides excellent performance for a long time.

Each model has its own distinctive features, based on which the buyer makes his choice, but the basic package includes the following:

  • Clutch and control handles;
  • A control system that allows you to control the carburetor damper mechanism;
  • Throttle tuning system.

The design of the basic configuration of the “Mole” is represented by a fuel tank, an electronic ignition system, a carburetor, an air filter, a starter and an engine. Now let's take a closer look at the model range of the Krot brand.

User manual

Milling cutter

Tilling the soil

The main purpose of any of the presented “Mole” motor cultivators is to plow the soil. For this purpose, durable cutters with a diameter of 33 cm can be used, or a mounted reversible plow attached to the cultivator at the rear using a special hitch. In the first case, plowing occurs thanks to moving cutters that are mounted on the gearbox shaft.

Okunchik T


When it is necessary to hill up the beds, a special device is used - a hiller. In this case, the cutters are removed, and wheels with metal lugs are installed in their place. A hiller is attached to the back of the “Mole” (remove the coulter).



Special devices will help in the fight against weeds - weeders, which are put on cutters instead of removable knives. If you attach a coulter to the back of the cultivator, then in addition to weeding, hilling will also be done.

Potato digger KRT-1

Planting potatoes

Planting potatoes and subsequent harvesting is a labor-intensive task for those gardeners who did not have time to purchase a “Mole” motor-cultivator of any model. In addition to the unit itself, you will need special trailed equipment - a potato planter and a potato digger. Having tried these devices at work just once, you will forever forget about back pain and incredible fatigue during planting and harvesting potatoes.

Mounted mower


Mowing lawns, lawns and pastures using the same unit will be carried out using a mower attached to the front of the unit. All you need to do is attach the pneumatic wheels to the gearbox shaft, put belts on the pulleys of the mower and motor-cultivator.

Pumping unit

Liquid pumping

To pump liquid, a mobile pumping station is used, which is also attached to the cultivator. Thanks to the V-belt drive, the unit is connected to the “Mole” engine, and do not forget to remove the V-belt drive from the gearbox.


Cargo transportation

Special carts attached to the walk-behind tractor will help transport the newly harvested crop (piece cargo, bulk, etc.) to the storage location. Special fastenings (rotating coupling mechanism) will prevent the trailer from tipping over. The maximum trailer load is 200 kg.

Question answer

What functions can the Krot walk-behind tractor perform?

In addition to the basic function of digging up soil, “Mole” will be extremely useful when planting vegetable crops, hilling, and harvesting. In addition, the “Mole” can replace a mower and also does an excellent job of clearing the area from leaves and snow.

Are there any disadvantages to the MK-1 A model?

This model has many advantages, but among the disadvantages we can only note the lack of reverse, which limits the movement of the walk-behind tractor along one path forward.

Which Krot models have reverse?

If reverse is one of the selection criteria, you should pay attention to MK 3-A-3.

“Mole” comes complete with domestic engines only, or do some models use foreign-made engines?

There are models that use fairly powerful foreign-made power units, for example, MK 9-012, equipped with an excellent Hammerman engine.

Does soil composition affect the choice of cultivator or does it not really matter?

Yes, this is one of the main criteria for choosing a walk-behind tractor. In cases where clay predominates in the soil or there is a high level of turf or cover crops, it is better to give preference to a disc walk-behind tractor. If the clay level is low, then purchasing a cultivator with teeth would be a rational choice.


Properly organized and carried out maintenance of a cultivator can extend its life and performance for many years. There are several operations that return the unit to normal operation:

  • washing and cleaning the motor cultivator;
  • inspection and technical inspection;
  • lubricant;
  • adjustment.

Important! All these actions must be performed regularly, immediately after using “Mole”. Then its service life will definitely exceed the stated 40 years.

The latest Krot models are equipped with imported two- and four-stroke engines. The following brands can be distinguished:

  • GeoTeck
  • Hohda
  • Subaru
  • Briggs & Stratton.

Follow simple maintenance rules:

  • as fuel it is necessary to use gasoline (A-76, A-96) in a ratio of 20/1 with autol (motor oil M-8B);
  • monitor the amount of oil and add it on time;
  • M-8B oil (Avtol) can be replaced with other brands, for example 10W-30 or SAE 30.
  • After carrying out work involving the cultivator, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and lubricate its parts with oil and lubricant, drain the remaining fuel and remove the unit.

When choosing a small amount of M-8B, remember that you can work with this oil at temperatures up to 27 degrees; higher temperatures are not recommended due to excessive consumption. Other recommended options are not used if the air temperature is below 4 degrees;

Mole cultivators - what is the reason for their popularity?

These Russian-made cultivators are superior to other domestic and some imported analogues in almost all respects. This technique allows you to install a plow, cutters and various hillers. These models successfully cope with the processing of virgin soil and heavy clay soils.

As practice shows, these units are best suited for working on areas of no more than 10 acres.

Distinctive features:

  • Availability of powerful two-stroke engines, mainly Honda, with power from 2 to 8 hp. With.;
  • Equipped with high-quality gearboxes that can withstand high loads;
  • The presence of ergonomic handles and good location of controls;
  • Compact dimensions and light weight;
  • High-quality sharpening of cutters;
  • Processing depth 0 from 12 to 25 cm;
  • The width of the covered strip is 30–110 cm.

The most compact model is considered to be the “Mole M” unit, with a power of 5 hp. With. It is suitable for plowing small areas using a wide range of attachments. If the area being treated has a large area, then it is worth considering representatives of a number of MKs - they are more powerful and reliable.

Owner reviews

Vladimir, 42 years old

“Having bought the Mole, I immediately put it to work. At first I was very upset, because the virgin soil did not give way, “Mole” clearly could not cope with its task. But having turned to a friend for advice, I realized that you can’t take such soils in the heat of the moment; you must first break in the engine, prepare it for such loads. Then I learned that it is better to plow such land in several stages, cutting deeper and deeper each time. Things went well. Over the past 7 years (from the date of purchase) I have purchased everything necessary for planting and digging potatoes, and last year I acquired a cart. I haven’t used it as a hay mower, there’s no need for it. So now I don’t regret the purchase.”

Andrey, 28 years old

“I bought Krot in 2014. At first, I spent a long time choosing, studied all the weak and strong points and decided to settle on the MK-5-01 cultivator with a Honda engine. Works stably without a break! I can freely take 10 acres at a time. I strengthened the frame a little last year, I try to keep it clean - problems with ignition, etc. I don’t care about! Over the three years of operation, “Mole” has earned its value many times over!”

Possible malfunctions and repairs

During the operation of the walk-behind tractor, various breakdowns and malfunctions may occur. Because of this, farmers have a desire to repair the Mole unit with their own hands. In most cases, problems arise with the following working bodies:

  1. Engine.
  2. Magneto, ignition system.
  3. Gearbox.
  4. Air filters.
  5. Carburetor.

To understand how to repair a Mole cultivator, you should understand in detail the main causes of problems and their solutions.

How to start

If the Mole motor cultivator does not start, this may be due to the following breakdowns and problems:

  1. No spark. The ignition spark may have burned out. To eliminate the defect, you need to replace the spark plug.
  2. The candle became covered with soot. To restore its functionality, it is enough to perform a deep cleaning with gasoline.
  3. If there is a good spark, but the engine does not start, you should look at the quality of the insulation. Sometimes it becomes necessary to replace the tip.
  4. Low quality fuel mixture.
  5. Fuel dripping from spark plug.
  6. Problems with the air filter. If it is covered with dirt, problems with ignition cannot be avoided.
  7. Damage to magneto. Such a unit cannot be restored, so you will need to purchase a new one.

How to replace the engine

The need to replace the engine arises when it fails. The problem is often associated with the absence or poor quality of the fuel mixture, problems with the ignition system, or decompression that has caused piston wear and deformation of the exhaust valve.

If the problem is due to low-quality fuel, then it is enough to replace it. If there are more dangerous breakdowns, you will have to install a Honda, Lifan, Subaru or other model engine.

Installing the engine yourself is not difficult. The main thing is to adhere to the diagram, which indicates the required installation parameters.

How to set the ignition

In case of malfunctions in the ignition system, it is necessary to check the functionality of the spark plug by first unscrewing it and inspecting it.

If the device is dry, then the fuel mixture does not reach the cylinders.

The wet spark plug represents the importance of drying the cylinders using the recoil starter. The serviceability of the spark plug is checked with a multimeter, which determines the voltage readings in the OM.


If the magneto fails, it will be impossible to restore it. The only solution is to buy a new, working device.


The role of the gearbox is to transmit torque from the motor to the shaft. If it fails, the operation of the walk-behind tractor will be impossible. To restore the system, you need to understand its structure and the specifics of repair.


Modern models of Mole cultivators are equipped with a reverse (reverse) gear option, which expands their functionality and performance properties. Reverse gear failure is rare, but if it does happen, it will need to be replaced.

Belt replacement

When replacing a belt, it is necessary to determine its size and performance properties. Their description is indicated in the technical documentation for the motor cultivator.

Operating rules for Mole cultivators

When using the equipment, the manufacturer advises you to adhere to certain rules. These include:

  • The engine must warm up for at least 5 minutes;
  • If the unit does not start on the fifth attempt in a row, the first thing you need to do is check the integrity of the clutch cable;
  • Use only fresh fuel mixture for refueling;
  • Do not keep the cultivator idle for more than 3 months;
  • Change oil seals and lubricate the gearbox in a timely manner.
  • Clean or change the air filter once every three months.

All these tips will help extend the life of your equipment. If you notice any problem, you can try to fix it yourself. However, if you have no experience in repairing a cultivator, then it is better not to risk it and take the unit directly to a specialist.

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