Hand-held cultivator for a summer residence Zemlerob universal 6 in 1 and 5 in 1, making a cultivator with your own hands according to drawings, video

About the device

In the fields, cultivation is carried out using special equipment with the necessary equipment, but as for small farms and plots, for their cultivation you can use light motorized equipment, such as cultivators such as an electric cultivator for a summer residence, a mini cultivator, Loplosh or manual cultivators.

If we talk about a homemade manual cultivator for the garden with your own hands , it is quite possible to make it.

It can be made without the use of any special materials or tools, and this can be done in a day or a couple of hours, depending on what exactly the future product will be - a simple hedgehog with a handle, or a modification of an old bicycle.

But you will definitely get benefits from such a product. It will be a well-kept garden, where a variety of crops bear fruit equally well, free of weeds, with soil that is easy to cultivate.

Such products operate solely with the help of muscle power, so there will be no costs for electricity and fuel, especially engine maintenance and replacement of parts.

All mechanical parts are extremely reliable due to their simplicity, and if they break down, it will be very easy to replace anything - you just need to make a new part from existing materials.

Also, the manufacture of homemade hand cultivators requires virtually no design or engineering experience, since they consist mainly of just a few movable joints.

For more information about the do-it-yourself hand cultivator, watch the video:

How to choose a mini-cultivator for your garden?

The range of cultivators is quite wide. In this regard, you need to learn to navigate the technical characteristics of such devices. Only in this case you will definitely not go wrong with your choice.

First of all, we recommend paying attention to the weight of the cultivator.

You don’t want to spend a lot of effort just to get your purchase to the plot of land, do you? But you also need to understand that very light specimens are not able to “bite” into the soil much - the layer they cultivate often does not exceed 15 cm. Is this enough for you? Depends on what exactly grows in your dacha. Perhaps the best choice would be a cultivator whose weight varies from 12 to 20 kg. For an elderly person, it is better to choose a lighter specimen, and for processing a large area, a heavier and more productive one.

To understand how quickly the cultivation process will take place, pay attention to the tillage width indicated by the manufacturer

. Practice shows that the lighter the device, the smaller this width. It comes to the point that in some specimens this parameter does not exceed 25 cm. But they are the most maneuverable - they allow themselves to be used even between rows. But if you have a very large summer cottage, then it is better to choose a cultivator with a processing width of at least 40 cm. Especially if you mean cultivating a potato field.

Finally, as we have already said, you should also pay attention to the depth of cultivation.

Again, it all depends on what exactly you are planting. You should also clarify whether the mini-cultivator can work with any attachments. For example, ultra-light specimens cannot offer such an opportunity - their tiny engine is ready to work only with cutters.

By the way, modern mini-cultivators have not only a gasoline engine. Nowadays, models with an electric motor are increasingly appearing on sale. They are noticeably more environmentally friendly, and their work is not accompanied by a lot of noise. However, most often light units that are not ready to handle large spaces are equipped with an electric motor. This is for the better - such devices often require connection to an electrical outlet, and therefore you will also be limited by the length of the extension cable. Larger cultivators often have a gasoline engine. Don't be alarmed. Refilling them does not cause any problems - to master this process, you just need to read the operating instructions once. Let us only note that such a motor can be two-stroke or four-stroke. The second is more powerful, heavier and often equipped with a gearbox.

  1. An important part of any mini-cultivator is the gearbox
    . It is called a unit designed to transmit torque from the motor through the clutch to the wheels and working parts of the device. Cultivators use the following types of gearboxes:
  2. Worm-type - not able to withstand any serious loads, but it has tiny dimensions and weight. Its main disadvantage is the self-braking effect. This means that pushing the cultivator causes its wheels or cutters to stop turning. And such a gearbox does not imply the use of a plow or trailer.
  3. A chain gearbox is a slightly more expensive gearbox, characterized by the longest service life and ease of troubleshooting (especially if this unit is collapsible). But a cultivator with such a gearbox will no longer be as miniature as we would like.
  4. Gear - used only in particularly powerful cultivators. It has large dimensions and very high reliability.
  5. Gear-chain is also a rather expensive solution, found only in powerful cultivators and walk-behind tractors. Again, it has a long service life.

Finally, we note that to solve serious problems it is still better to purchase a walk-behind tractor, the choice of which we have devoted a separate article to. As for mini-cultivators, we selected them based on customer reviews and reviews of specialized publications, whose experts are involved in testing farming equipment. In short, we will not give you any chance to make a mistake in your choice!

Necessary materials

In order to be able to independently produce various types of products useful for cultivating the garden, it is advisable to have the most necessary and frequently used materials on hand. Materials that should be in any workshop are, first of all, steel.

The more profiles, strips, rods and steel pipes there are on the farm, the easier it will be to carry out various works, carry out repairs and produce useful equipment.

Also, you definitely need a welding machine, with which you can quickly and reliably connect all metal parts.

This can also be done using metal screws, but their scope of application and reliability are not comparable to welding.

Advantages of the Tornado cultivator

  • The lineup
    Comes with purchase with rotary handle, a rod with a regulator, a working part with teeth, two mounting bolts and nuts.

    The model range of the Tornado manual cultivator is represented by the following new products:

    Manual cultivator "Tornado-mini".

  • Cultivator-potato digger.
  • Super drill.
  • Garden forks.
  • Miracle shovel "Tornado"
  • Manual cultivator with pedal lever.
  • Cultivator "Tornado" New.
  • The Tornado-mini root ripper works on the principle of its older brother, only it differs in weight category - its weight reaches just over 500 g . During operation, the rod is positioned vertically to the ground, the teeth go into the ground. The handle is turned 50 degrees to the right, then the tool is raised and shaken off the ground. With its help, you can loosen the soil, leaving all the malicious weeds in the tool, which are simply thrown back into the trash container and the work continues.

    The peculiarity of the work of the cultivator-root remover is the digging depth, which reaches up to 30 cm, in no way inferior to traditional digging with a shovel. This tool does not disturb the fertile soil layer, helps preserve microorganisms and moisture in it, and does not destroy beneficial worms. The most important advantage of this tool is its ability to improve the air-water regime

    The advantages of this tool are the ability to create minimal effort, evenly distribute the load on the body and increase the gardener’s performance. Loosening without bending your back is facilitated by the long handle of the tool with a regulator.

    The small-sized “Tornado-mini” will become an indispensable assistant to the gardener and will help maintain the beauty of the site without much stress and additional waste of money for many years.

    The Tornado potato cultivator has proven itself to be the leader in digging, making it easier and faster to harvest the crop in the fall. The principle of operation is to install the unit vertically down parallel to the potato bush and turn the handle around its axis. In this case, the teeth spiral into the ground under the bush with a slight rise in the soil and throw the tubers out. A huge number of reviews about this truly wonderful tool indicate that gardeners recognize it as a useful assistant when harvesting potatoes, and as a tool that has made digging a pleasant and easy task.

    The super drill "Tornado" is used to dig heavy loamy and virgin lands. The tool is equipped with an additional function of a lever-pedal, which helps reduce the load on the spine when lifting the tool from the depths of the soil. The principle of operation is also quite simple and understandable. The working part of the cultivator is twisted like a corkscrew into the ground and by pressing the pedal it is lifted from the soil. When working with this unique device for agricultural work, there is absolutely no stress on the back, muscles of the arms and legs. Any age category of people, even older people, can easily use this tool.

    The drill handle is made of metal, and heat-treated steel The teeth of the tool work like a corkscrew. They easily and quickly drill into soil with any soil composition. The cultivator drills holes in the ground to a depth of up to one and a half meters with a hole diameter of at least 250 mm. The light weight of the drill (less than 2.5 kg) allows the summer resident to drill without much effort.

Assembly instructions

The drawings will tell you no more about how to make a manual cultivator with your own hands than understandable words, therefore, in order to follow the assembly order and not miss a few useful tips, you should carefully read all of the information below on how to make a manual weeding cultivator with your own hands information.

It may not seem new to craftsmen with a lot of experience, but for those who have just started farming, vegetable gardening, such instructions will be more than useful.

Here you will find several options for solving the problem of quick, cheap and effective weeding and cultivating the site, bringing it to ideal condition, with fertile, well-breathing soil, free from weeds and pests.

Weeding cultivator

Weeding between rows is a very important process in gardening. It helps loosen the soil, remove weeds and allows beneficial plants to develop a good root system.

And in order to constantly monitor the cleanliness of the garden and the good condition of the soil, you need a manual cultivator for the garden to weed weeds with your own hands.

The best choice, in terms of equipment model, is a perfect do-it-yourself hedgehog manual cultivator; making it with your own hands is very simple, and the benefits will be no less than from a walk-behind tractor.

But before you use it, you should remember that this is a device that requires some effort to work properly.

Also, when making such equipment, it is necessary to take into account that, due to its small size, large stresses will arise in some parts - they should be strengthened before these parts break.

The main point of risk is the connection between the cutting holder and the rest of the structure.

In order to make the main working part of the product, you will need a steel, non-rusty pipe of small diameter, about 22 centimeters long, a steel rod, approximately the same diameter as the hole in the pipe, and a little longer - 23-24 centimeters, and also strong steel pins or fittings.

Several pins are welded onto the pipe strictly perpendicularly around the circumference, in rows with a distance of several centimeters. Just don't make them too long unless you have ground them to a cone shape - then it will be more difficult to work with such a product.

Next, you need to make a bracket from a metal strip in such a way that it has some reserve for bending. Holes are made at its edges, and a mount for the handle is welded to the end, on the other side. Next, you just need to insert the axle, with the hedgehog on it, into the holes and secure it with welding or cotter pins.

The product is now ready for use. If necessary, you can add another bracket to it, directed end down, thus adding loosening of the soil to the weeding.


One of the simplest products of agricultural implements is a do-it-yourself tornado manual cultivator . It is very simple to make, just like a cultivator for a vegetable garden. In order to start making it, you first need to become familiar with how it functions.

“Tornado” is a simple device that consists of three components - a handle, a handle and a working part, which is the main part of this device.

The handle, perpendicular to the cutting, is long and serves as a lever that facilitates the work of “twisting” weeds from the ground, using the lower part of the product - long steel rods twisted in a spiral around the central axis.

The principle of its operation is similar to a corkscrew, but much larger.

With light pressure, the “Tornado” is driven into the ground where the weed is located, rotates in place, although the direction of rotation does not really matter, and rises up.

How to make different elements

To expand the functionality of the motor cultivator, additional attachments are attached to it. For the manufacture of such nozzles, diagrams and drawings are used.


A useful accessory for the cultivating device is the stroke reducer. It is intended to reduce the speed of movement of the cultivator, which is necessary to redirect power not to speed properties, but to torque or traction.

You can easily make such a product yourself using the following components:

  • Generator housing.
  • Rotor shaft.
  • Flange bearing.
  • Steel parts.
  • Screws.
  • Pulley.
  • Gear.

Before starting work, you need to make several calculations. The role of a generator can be played by a part from the domestic Ural motorcycle. The main thing is that it is powerful and demonstrates stable torque.

The next stage involves constructing a drive shaft based on the shells of two bearings that will drive the gear. Flange bearings are placed on the opposite side of the gearbox, and a metal washer is left inside.

The gear is fixed on the driven shaft, and at the end of the work, the pulley with the driven shaft is secured. To do this, use a spring nut and washers.

After completing the installation work, the creeper must be checked by connecting it to the coupling of the unit with the wheels. If everything is done correctly, after starting the device, the wheels will spin more slowly, and the unit itself will press to the ground.

Milling cutters

The main task of cutters for a cultivator is to destroy weeds. The cutting elements are also capable of plowing the soil, mixing soil layers and leveling the surface of the garden.

Milling cutters are particularly useful when cultivating clayey, wet or hard substrates. They are often used for gardening on virgin lands or pastures.

Due to the simplicity of the design, you can assemble the cutting element yourself. Before this, you need to draw up drawings or find a ready-made diagram that indicates the dimensions, the required number of materials and elements.

Experts do not recommend making cutters with a diameter greater than 50 cm.


By creating a plow with your own efforts, you can achieve the operating parameters that are necessary for field conditions. These include:

  • Blade angle.
  • Quality and depth of soil cultivation.
  • Capture area.
  • Efficiency.

Depending on the power of the unit, the desired plow design is selected. During the manufacturing process, you need to use high-quality materials that can withstand heavy loads without compromising performance.


You can put wheels from an old walk-behind tractor, moped, bicycle or other vehicle with suitable dimensions on a homemade motor cultivator.


The accessory is necessary to improve the adhesion of the cutting elements to the ground. It helps the unit function freely in difficult conditions and cultivate the soil without stopping.


The presence of a trailer will make the cultivator as useful and functional as possible. But before you make such a structure, you need to make sure that the machine can drag it.


The product is necessary for hilling potatoes or other garden crops. There are such options for homemade hillers:

  • Listerny.
  • With variable working width.
  • Disk.
  • Propeller.


Any work in the garden requires a lot of effort. To make the process comfortable, you should create a special seat - an adapter.

Additional tips and tricks

During any work in the workshop, all safety measures must be observed . First of all, it is necessary to protect your eyes, especially when working with welding, regardless of its type.

In arc welding, it is not only the intensity of light resulting from the burning of the arc that is dangerous, but also the scale that appears at the site of the frozen weld. Moreover, it can break off spontaneously while the metal is cooling, flying to a great height.

Hitting hot viburnum with a hammer towards you is also a bad idea, since it can get not only into your eyes, but also into exposed skin, behind your collar, and into your hair. Therefore, they must be closed first.

When working with gas welding, heating metal with it for processing or cutting, you must use gloves and face shields - the work is carried out at high temperatures. Also, remember that oxygen creates an explosive mixture when it comes into contact with oil - a spark is not needed to detonate this mixture.

The principle of operation of “Tornado”, how to use the tool

Using this tool to loosen the soil is not difficult.

The height of the Tornado can be adjusted.
You need to install the tool with its teeth perpendicular to the soil surface and rotate it 60°. Thanks to the sharp teeth of the cultivator, it is easily screwed into the ground, while loosening it. The handle is used as a lever; even slight pressure helps the tool penetrate the soil. The cultivator handle should be positioned not perpendicular, but at an angle to the ground.
If you need to cultivate an area with a large layer of turf, it is recommended to divide it into squares up to 25 × 25 cm in size. And after that you can cultivate the soil with a cultivator.

When working with Tornado, it is better to wear closed shoes to avoid damaging your feet with teeth.

How to make a manual Tornado cultivator at home

When spring comes, summer residents and owners of personal plots begin planting work. First, the soil is prepared for this, and only then the plants are planted. The most labor-intensive process is loosening and digging the soil. Many people use a shovel for this, but there is a more convenient device - a cultivator, with which you can quickly and easily process even large areas.

This tool can be purchased at the store, but with some skill you can make it yourself.


The Tornado cultivator is a multifunctional garden tool that consists of a metal base, a semicircular horizontal handle and curved sharp teeth located at the bottom of the rod. The teeth of the structure are turned counterclockwise and have a spiral shape. Since the device is made of hardened 45 grade high carbon steel, it is highly durable. The design of the cultivator does not have a gearbox (its function is performed by the handle), but in some models the manufacturer has added a convenient pedal. When the metal base is turned, the teeth quickly penetrate the ground to a depth of 20 cm and carry out high-quality loosening, additionally removing weeds between the beds.

The cultivator works very simply. First, a soil cultivation scheme is selected, then the tool is assembled from three parts (it is delivered disassembled), the height of the rod is adjusted according to growth and installed in the soil. After this, the rod is rotated 60 or 90 degrees, the lever rule is triggered and the teeth enter the ground. It is much easier to process dry soil, since it “flies” out of the tines on its own; it is more difficult to work with wet soil. In this case, you will have to periodically pull out the cultivator and shake it off from lumps.

After cultivating the plots with the Tornado cultivator, there is no need to use a rake; the plots of land are immediately ready for planting crops. In addition, the area is simultaneously cleared of weeds. The tool wraps their roots around its axis and removes them, which reduces the risk of re-sprouting. This saves many summer residents from using chemicals when controlling grass. This cultivator is excellent for processing virgin soil. In addition, the device can perform the following types of work:

  • loosening the soil between the beds of already planted crops;
  • laying out beds when planting vegetables;
  • soil treatment around the trunks of bushes and trees;
  • harvesting potatoes and other types of root crops.

What is the tool

The most common are hand cultivators, whose weight is no more than 20 kilograms, they are compact and have high productivity .

With this device you can not only loosen the soil, but also remove weeds and apply fertilizers. The tool will also come in handy during the care process after planting the plants; with their help you can perform the following actions:

  • hill up the beds;
  • thin out;
  • loosen the soil between the beds.

Of course, such a hand tool is certainly not comparable in capabilities to a walk-behind tractor, but it is quite suitable for performing the assigned tasks. It can also be used even in hard-to-reach areas.

Cultivators "Tornado": varieties and subtleties of application

Dacha owners use various tools to process their plots, but try to choose types that increase the speed and quality of work. Today, the Tornado manual cultivator has become an excellent alternative to conventional shovels and hoes. This agricultural tool is considered unique because it can simultaneously replace all garden tools for processing any type of soil, is easy to use and is characterized by high productivity.

Classification of cultivators

There are several types of such devices, but in order to choose one or another option, you should know more about each of them.

For example, the design of a rotary ripper includes four moving discs, one rotating blade handle and staples. In addition, it is equipped with wheels and a long handle. Using this device you can perform the following actions:

  • loosen the ground;
  • enrich it with fertilizers;
  • remove weeds.

The device is set in motion by pressing on the handle and the sprocket assembly, then it turns.

Another type of device is a mini model . It is specifically designed for use in gardens or small greenhouses. With its help, the soil is cultivated around trees and shrubs, weeds are also quickly removed and holes are dug for seedlings and small garden crops.

The gasoline cultivator is equipped with an engine, which is needed to operate the cultivating cutters. Their working depth is 150 mm; they are often used to lay out new landscapes. They can also quickly plow heavy soils and remove weeds by the roots.

The manual cultivator-ripper looks like a small rake and is equipped with 3-5 curved teeth with sharp ends.

If you apply a little force, they can loosen the soil and break the crust on it. When the teeth enter the soil, the device pulls towards itself to create furrows. Options for tools with long handles are used in the garden, and with short handles - on flower beds and indoor plants.

Root remover - ripper "Tornado" has pointed spiral-shaped teeth with diversified directions. First, the device is placed vertically in relation to the ground, then rotated 60 degrees and buried in the soil, and then turned clockwise again. Then the device is lifted, and the roots are removed with it.

The depth of treatment using Tornado is 20 cm; accordingly, only weeds are removed, and planted crops are not harmed.

Electric tools are designed to work in small areas; they are compact and have good maneuverability; accordingly, they can be used near bushes and trees and hilling them.

Make sure in advance that the cord is long enough to freely cultivate the soil. This cultivator is environmentally friendly and can be used in greenhouses.

Let's get acquainted with factory-made cultivators

If a farmer does not have the opportunity to create an inexpensive, effective assistant, Ukrainian engineers have done this. Without a motor, with one wheel and handles, the simple design makes it easy to work on the site. One of 6 working units is attached to the socket. That’s why the device is called the 6-in-1 universal manual cultivator.

The device weighs 9.5 kg, the controllability is good, and the cultivator can be easily handled by women’s hands. The parts shown in the photo represent working tools:

  1. Hiller, which is the main working tool. Cutting furrows and raking potatoes is done using a hiller. But it is replaced in the kit by a disk ripper, which performs the same function as the hiller.
  2. A flat cutter with mounted razor knives that cut the roots of weeds is adjustable to the width of the rows of plants.
  3. The inter-row cultivator is used for loosening and cutting the grass. This tool has adjustable axial tilt and depth of descent into the ground.
  4. There is a plow; it is used to cut furrows when sowing seeds in the ground.
  5. Loosen the ground when a crust forms using the stars that are included in the kit.
  6. The set includes a furrow former and a marker along with it. The unit is used during sowing.

The factory design does not withstand work in heavy, damp areas. Therefore, in the reviews of the masters there is advice to strengthen the wheel mounting frame and strengthen the handles with two rigid jumpers. The handles need to be lengthened somewhat and made more comfortable.

It is worth paying attention to the design of Vinnitsa craftsmen. It was called without any frills - the “Universal 5 in 1 Digger” manual cultivator. The product costs 450 hryvnia, translated into Russian money 3000 rubles.

The following tools can be mounted in turn on the supporting frame:

  • hiller;
  • interrow;
  • plow with marker;
  • razor;
  • cultivator.

The result is a frame measuring 64x30x30 cm with a mounting device. The nimble tool will become an indispensable assistant when planting and hilling, weeding and loosening the garden.

We are used to getting a harvest through hard work. The principles of smart farming suggest otherwise. Do not dig the soil unless necessary, this will destroy its structure. Do not loosen the top layer deeper than 5 cm for the same reason. Do not weed the beds until the last weed. Mulch the soil more often and breed beneficial microorganisms in it. Labor will become easier and the harvest will be greater.

The flat cutter will clear the top layer of vegetation, trim the roots and shoot furrows with an arrow. To raise the soil and saturate it with air, there is a ripper and a cultivator. They will destroy the crust after watering or rain. The included markers will help you adjust the width of the attachments. The plow and furrow holder are indispensable spring tools.

The manual cultivator contains parts made of high-quality steel. The durable keel coulter determines the depth of tillage. The handles are easy to control and durable. The set of tools is optimal, and the dimensions are such that the cultivator will fit into any nook and cranny.

Homemade hand cultivator

It is quite possible to make a manual cultivator with your own hands , without the need for any special tools or materials. The work may take no more than a day, it all depends on the chosen design and configuration of the future tool.

The parts are simple and reliable, but if the tool does break, replacing the broken part will be easy. It can be made from existing materials.

Another advantage of making a device yourself is that it is quite simple to make it even without special education.

Assembly instructions

assemble such a device from various available materials , and there are both simple and more advanced options.

An old bicycle that can no longer be repaired can serve as the basis for production; you will also need an old two-handed saw or a head from a used cultivator. The tools you will need are:

From the bicycle you only need to take one wheel and frame. You will need to attach the cultivator head to the frame, and if it is not there, then half the tip of a two-handed saw, or steel rods, or sharp metal rods with sharpened ends. Attach handles based on aluminum or steel pipes to the bicycle handlebars. A transverse jumper is placed between them.

DIY electric cultivator

In a workshop, you can make an electrical device based on an industrial meat grinder. Moreover, the model does not play a role here. And if you approach the work competently, then in the end you will assemble a fairly powerful device. It is important to note that you will need a welding machine to work.

Manufacturing instructions:

  • Two corners are attached to the gearbox, pipes with bends are then welded to the corners, which will serve as handles;
  • to increase strength, a steel bridge is welded between the handles;
  • the axles of the cultivator wheels need to be welded to the corners;
  • provide lugs on the wheels, which can be made on the basis of car springs; they are welded onto the wheels;
  • connect the engine. For capacitor starting, the switch is placed on the handle of the device.

Using such a unit under conditions of rapid movement will allow you to roughly plow the ground, and if it works slowly, you will get a fine fraction.

Do-it-yourself Tornado cultivator

The homemade Tornado device will allow you to perfectly loosen the ground due to its twisted teeth. The pipe serves as a lever and is attached to the handle. The pipe must be at least half a meter long. The lever fixed in the pipe should protrude 25 centimeters into both sides of the handle. To strengthen the fastening, you can use electrical tape. Spiral teeth are made on the basis of spring steel, but their diameter should be a maximum of 20 cm. This size is optimal for the convenience of weeding the space between the rows.

Also, the Tornado ripper can be made on the basis of old forks. You only need to prepare a pitchfork and a hammer. The teeth are given the desired shape with a hammer.

to warm up the metal before starting , but it should not soften too much. When exposed to high heat, steel will lose its properties and will simply break under hammer blows.

In this case, the lever can be a metal or plastic pipe attached with self-tapping screws. Its length should be about 50 cm, and it will act as a handle. As a result, it will be possible to work on different, even heavy soils, and remove weeds even with persistent and branched roots.

The best electric mini-cultivators

Daewoo Power Products DAT 2000E 2 kW

Rating: 4.9

This mini-cultivator did not start rolling off the assembly line yesterday. And it doesn’t linger on store shelves—this model finds its customers very quickly. What is this connected with? With impressive performance, low cost and easy maintenance. Also, owners of Daewoo Power Products DAT 2000E like the fact that the scales under the device show only 12 kg. With this option, the manufacturer could even abandon the wheels. But they are still present here, simplifying the use of the cultivator even more.

Koreans are increasingly using electric motors in their farming equipment. This is exactly what is used here. Its power is 2 kW. Or 2.72 hp, if this measurement system makes sense to you. This engine turned out to be not only lightweight, but also reliable. It also does not require a gearbox. Therefore, the speed of movement of the cultivator will depend only on the force with which you push it.

Power to the motor is provided by the electrical network. Before purchasing, keep in mind that the mini-cultivator uses a very short power cable, so stock up on an extension cord.

As expected, the device has a removable handle. This means that you can easily take it to the dacha in the trunk of any car. Even though the cultivator itself is quite large. And for good reason! This is a rare case when a tool belonging to the light class uses six cutters at once! Due to this, the tillage width has increased to 40 cm. Therefore, even owners of very large summer cottages can think about purchasing a Daewoo Power Products DAT 2000E. As for the plowing depth, it does not exceed 23 cm - this is due to the standard diameter of the cutters used here.

Otherwise, this is a typical garden cultivator with a worm gear. Its capabilities suit most buyers. This is evidenced, for example, by the review Kerim left in the “All Tools” online store: “I bought it for garden beds. Convenient, pulled out the extension cord and got to work. A good replacement for a cultivator on soft soil; you don’t need to refill anything, change spark plugs or tinker with the mixture.” Indeed, in this regard, the Daewoo Power Products DAT 2000E is much more convenient and simpler than its gasoline engine counterparts.


  • Not very high cost;
  • Decent electric motor power;
  • The cultivator turned out to be optimal in weight;
  • Easy to transport;
  • Decent tillage width;
  • Easy to learn controls.


  • Not the most well thought out trigger handle;
  • The kit does not include tools for servicing the gearbox.

Greenworks G-MAX 40V G40TL (27087)

Rating: 4.8

Like other cultivators included in our selection, this one belongs to the light class. However, this did not stop him from having a comfortable D-shaped handle. This model is also ready to boast wheels with cast rubber. Therefore, you will not need to hold the entire 13-kilogram structure suspended. At the same time, the wheels turned out to be relatively small, and therefore they practically do not interfere with the immersion of the cutters into the ground.

It should be understood that this model was created exclusively for summer cottages with a modest area. And the cultivator will definitely not cope with soil that has not been cultivated for many years. This is evidenced by the cultivation depth stated in the technical data sheet, which is only 12.7 cm. If you are going to plant crops that require greater depth, then it is better to consider purchasing some other model. As for the processing width, in this regard there are absolutely no complaints about the Greenworks G-MAX 40V G40TL - here this parameter is 26 cm.

Since the device has an electric motor, the buyer can expect significantly simplified control. In particular, there is no gearbox that would force you to change gears regularly. The problem is that much more useful things are not found in the kit with the mini-cultivator. For example, a buyer would not mind having a battery and a charger at his disposal. However, they are offered to be purchased separately. However, at such a cost this can be forgiven. Much more important is that this model is generally capable of operating on battery power. This means that you do not need to look for an extension cord, which also costs a lot of money. Tatyana also speaks about this, leaving the following review on Yandex.Market: “We bought it for my grandfather. Coping. Smiles. Very satisfied. Easily and quickly makes beds in new places, loosens the soil around trees and bushes. And we are calm that a rest break is inevitable when the battery charge runs out.”


  • Battery operation possible;
  • Relatively light weight;
  • Comes with four sharp cutters;
  • Optimal tillage width;
  • Easy to learn controls;
  • The price cannot be called particularly high;
  • There are wheels;
  • The warranty period has been increased to three years.


  • Not very deep plowing depth;
  • The battery and charger must be purchased separately.

Hyundai T 1820E 1.5 kW

Rating: 4.7

This mini-cultivator is made in the signature colors of Hyundai Power Products. The device has a very compact size, so after simple disassembly it can easily fit in the trunk of a car. For control, a D-shaped handle is used, on which there is a corresponding lever. Movement around the garden is carried out using relatively small wheels. The weight of the cultivator is 12 kg. This is quite enough for 200 mm cutters to loosen the soil to the maximum depth available to them.

Most inexpensive mini tillers come with four tines. Here their number has been increased to six. This allowed the Korean manufacturer to increase the width of the cultivated soil to 40 cm. It seems that this is enough for almost any bed.

The electric motor located here has a power of 1.5 kW, which, translated into more conventional units of measurement, gives 2.04 hp. This is more than enough for the cutters to easily cope with land that has already been processed in some way before. If you arrive at an abandoned area overgrown with grass, you risk the fact that the device will not have enough weight or the power of its motor. However, in such situations you do not need a mini-cultivator, but a full-fledged walk-behind tractor.

This model is very easy to assemble. This is confirmed by the review of a customer who wished to hide her name: “I assembled it myself, it doesn’t require much intelligence. I tried it the next day. Very, very pleased. Of course, you need to use force when working, but not as much as before.”

Finally, we note that the noise level emitted by the Hyundai T 1820E is approximately 93 dB. It's loud, but the petrol equivalents are even noisier. In short, you can do without headphones.


  • Decent tillage width;
  • Optimal weight;
  • Easy to fold;
  • Easy to learn controls;
  • There are wheels;
  • The warranty period has been increased to three years;
  • Low cost.


  • Not the most convenient inclusion;
  • Not very deep plowing depth;
  • Difficulty checking the lubrication in the gearbox.

CHAMPION EC1400 1.4 kW

Rating: 4.6

Many mini-cultivators are equipped with a D-shaped handle, which can be removed quite easily. CHAMPION EC1400 is no exception to the rule. The motor here is located under the yellow body. Since the engine is electric, the device did not need a gearbox. It turns out that the speed of movement of the cultivator will depend only on how much effort you yourself make.

This model is one of the most affordable on the Russian market. However, this did not stop her from getting at least small wheels. She also has six cutters at her disposal instead of four. With them, the width of tillage increased to a quite adequate 40 cm. Nothing bad can be said about the plowing depth, which here reaches 22 cm. But the ground should be, so to speak, familiar with a shovel. A mini-cultivator is definitely not suitable for cultivating virgin soil. However, only a walk-behind tractor, which is sold for completely different money, can solve such a problem.

Like the other models discussed in this article, CHAMPION EC1400 belongs to the light class. The scales under the mini-cultivator will show only 11 kg. And there is no need to add anything to this, since the device is not capable of running on battery power. The included network cable is quite short, so be sure to stock up on an extension cord.

As mentioned above, an electric motor is located above the six-inch wheels. Its power is 1.4 kW (1.9 hp). Its maintenance is as simplified as possible. I'm glad that the noise level it produces is quite low. Especially when compared with gasoline engines.

Perhaps this model has no serious drawbacks. You can only find fault with little things. For example, Maxim Yakovlev wrote the following on Yandex.Market: “There is not enough device to remove the electric plug from the cultivator’s footprint; the wire constantly tries to get into the cutter. Although this problem occurs with all electric cultivators. It’s also bad that when not in use, the cutter doesn’t rotate and it’s difficult to clean.” In a word, you can easily come to terms with all this. You can learn more about the capabilities of the cultivator by reading the CHAMPION EC1400 review on OnlineTrade.


  • Low cost;
  • Easy to disassemble;
  • Decent tillage width;
  • Easy to learn controls;
  • There are wheels;
  • Optimal weight;
  • Not very high noise level.


  • The cable may get caught under the cutter;
  • The power cannot be called prohibitive;
  • The cutters are difficult to clean.

Tips and tricks for working independently

If you decide to assemble such a tool yourself, then do not forget to follow the necessary safety precautions . Above all, take care of your eyes, especially when welding, no matter what type of welding.

Thus, when arc welding, the danger is represented by the intense light obtained as a result of combustion and arc, as well as scale that appears at the site of the frozen weld seam. When the metal cools, it can suddenly break off and fly to a great height.

If you use gas welding to heat metal for processing or cutting, do not forget to wear gloves and face shields, since the work is carried out at high temperatures. You also need to remember that oxygen, when in contact with oil, creates an explosive mixture that does not even require a spark.

When you decide to make your own farm equipment, you can save money on purchasing it .

And even if you do not have experience or special skills, you can make your own cultivator from an old bicycle of the simplest type and provide yourself with good help when cultivating the land.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Tornado cultivator is a unique manual design that allows you to increase labor efficiency several times. Despite the fact that the device’s performance is in many ways inferior to that of a motor cultivator, it is significantly superior to conventional garden tools. It is worth considering several main advantages of such a cultivator.

  • Ease of use and eliminates stress on the joints and spine. The unique design ensures an even load on all muscle groups. During work, the arms, legs, shoulders and abs are involved, but they are not strained. In addition, the instrument can be easily adjusted to suit any height thanks to its height adjustment, which ultimately improves ergonomics and reduces stress on the spine. The light weight of the device, which does not exceed 2 kg, also simplifies the work.
  • Simplicity of design. The manual cultivator is quickly assembled and disassembled. Once dismantled, it comes in three separate parts, making it easy to transport and store.
  • No energy consumption. Since the work is carried out by the owner’s physical strength, the need for fuel and electricity is eliminated.
  • High-quality soil cultivation. During loosening of the earth, its upper layers do not turn over, as happens with conventional digging with a shovel. Thanks to this, the soil is better saturated with air and water, earthworms and beneficial microorganisms are preserved in it. This significantly improves soil agricultural technology. In addition, the tool cleans plantations well of weeds. He removes not only their upper part, but also turns out the roots.

As for the disadvantages, there are practically none, except that you need to be careful when working with the cultivator. If your legs are positioned incorrectly, the sharp teeth of the device can cause injury. Therefore, before starting to cultivate the soil, it is recommended to wear closed shoes, and when assembling and dismantling the cultivator, its sharp part must be deepened into the ground.

A hand cultivator for a gardener is an essential tool

What is a hand cultivator? This is a device for cultivating the land using mechanical devices and hand strength. Just as the work of caring for beds and flower beds is varied, there are also many hand tools, made by hand and industrially. Soil rippers with a grip of no more than 20 cm, on a long or short handle, are considered to be cultivators for manual use.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are advantages and disadvantages to using hand cultivators. Speaking about the positive aspects, the main ones should be highlighted:

  • inexpensive;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • durable, since the designs of these tools are simple, they are not in danger of breaking;
  • increase the efficiency of tillage;
  • do not disturb the balance of microorganisms, since they do not move the lower layers of soil upward and do not dry it out, as happens when using a shovel;
  • reduce pressure on the spine and back muscles, which allows you to cultivate a large area of ​​land with little effort.


  • are completely unsuitable for work on plantations, as they will be ineffective compared to more powerful modern units, such as walk-behind tractors;
  • the need to use physical force and control;
  • it is necessary to control efforts, since it is easy to disrupt the root system of grown plants;
  • somewhat outdated, as the instrument is increasingly improved and new types appear.

Why are cultivators needed?

Even the most technology-rich area will not be well-groomed if a person’s hand with a narrow tool does not pass through it, loosening the soil next to plants and flowers, breaking the soil crust and exposing and tearing the roots of weeds. This tool is called a hand cultivator and its purpose is:

  • loosen the soil, ridding it of crust and saturating it with air oxygen;
  • cut furrows for sowing plants, and then sprinkle with new seedlings;
  • rid cultivated plants from the neighborhood of weeds;
  • smooth the surface and break up lumps - harrow.

These are not all the functions of cultivators. A tool with a comfortable grip, sometimes with handles and a wheel, is used for cultivating the land on a par with electric or gasoline-powered cultivators.

Cultivator "Tornado": description of hand tools

located in Bryansk, Russia. The Tornado cultivator has a metal base with a horizontal semicircular handle and sharp curved teeth. When the tool shaft is turned, the teeth easily penetrate the soil, loosening the soil. The Tornado ripper is an easy-to-use tool, thanks to special hardening and special tooth sizes. The tool can be used to loosen the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm and remove weeds between plants in a targeted manner. The Tornado cultivator can be disassembled into three fragments, so it is easy to transport.

Types of working bodies of cultivators

A manual cultivator for the garden, such as the one in the photo, is always in use.

Among the many shapes and sizes of tools, they are classified into several types according to the shape and function of the working part. Thus, a pitchfork with curved horns that wraps itself around the roots of the ubiquitous wheatgrass was invented relatively recently, and was called “Tornado” for its effect in combating malicious perennial plants.

Among the new tools, one can note the flat cutters of engineer Fokin, with three-sided sharpening of a narrow strip of tool steel. They have a rectangular handle, adjustable angle for working, and can extract any weed from a narrow crack. These loop-shaped weeders cut the roots at depth and do not turn over the top layer of soil, keeping mulch on the surface. Toothed hand cultivators, on the contrary, are needed to loosen the top layer.

Rotary cultivators are used for loosening and weeding. They are efficient and require little effort to set the stargazer in motion. Miniature arrowheads on curved rods make excellent rippers and are often mounted on homemade tools with hand-pulled wheels.

So, cultivators are divided according to the shape of the working body;

  • flat cutters and hinges;
  • serrated, with a flat, sharp and arrow-shaped end, from one to 7 links;
  • rotary, with a set of rotating sprockets;
  • straight vertical rods – rake tools.

Some models combine two functions, for example a manual rotary cultivator with a loop weeder.

The well-known manufacturer of the drug EM-1 Baikal for improving soil health has created a tool for cultivating the soil. Plate flat cutters of various widths, assembled in a set. Their difference is that the strip is sharpened on both sides and the work efficiency doubles. Handles for these flat cutters are selected separately. The goal is to cut the roots of weeds, which will then destroy effective microorganisms.

Any summer resident dreams of always having the right tool at hand. Therefore, they buy them and create their own designs based on known shapes, but changing the dimensions, handle height, and grip width.

What kind of device is this, how does the cultivator work?

In short, the Tornado cultivator is a root remover or baking powder, an environmentally friendly multi-tool with several functions.

The design of the Tornado hand cultivator consists of a metal rod. A handle similar to a bicycle handlebar is installed on one side of the rod. The other end is equipped with teeth. However, those same teeth have a spiral shape, turned counterclockwise.

An important design feature of such an instrument is the adjustment of the rod according to height. Because of this, the tool can be used by a capable person of any height, and even by a child taller than 1 meter.

Many people will ask, how does such a tool work correctly? It's simple - you need to install it perpendicular to the plane of the ground and turn it until the teeth are completely immersed in the post.

A lot of good videos have been made about the work of the tornado cultivator. For example, this:

Even a fragile girl can easily cultivate ridges of several tens of meters with just such a cultivator. Interestingly, the load distribution is thoughtful. The user does not strain his back, but works with all parts of the body. Arms, back, shoulders, legs and torso are involved. If there is a distribution of the load, then it is almost impossible to become exhausted when working with the tool.

Experts advise using just such a tool in abandoned or neglected areas, because removing weeds and wild plants is the main function of a cultivator. Compared to a hoe, this cultivator will save both time and effort. There is no need for an awkward body position when working, as well as periodic bending and squatting.

How a hand cultivator and a tornado root remover work in practice is shown in the video:

If you test a cultivator or root remover together with a shovel, you will find that the shovel processes the soil 4 times slower. Moreover, it doesn’t matter who exactly used the tools, because when comparing, you need to perform chaotic movements at a certain pace.

Proper tillage is carried out by loosening, and not by moving the layer. The natural layer and fine root system are destroyed during aggressive digging with an ordinary bayonet shovel. Proper use of a root cultivator preserves the right environment for future plants.

Benefits stated by the manufacturer:

  1. Removing weeds is a pleasant, simple task. You just need to plunge the working pins of the cultivator around the weed.
  2. It is convenient to get rid of unwanted vegetation on the ridges. It is impossible to spoil the growing crop with such a tool.
  3. You can do the same thing as with a pitchfork, distributing weeds into compost pits or piles.
  4. Easy to assemble, convenient to store and easy to transport from site to site.
  5. The working rods or teeth are made of hardened steel and are resistant to corrosion.

How to make a hand cultivator with your own hands

Anyone can attach the attachment to the handle. We suggest building a hand-held cultivator with your own hands from a discarded bicycle and improvised means. It is better to take a wheel from a teenage touring bike with a wide rim. Only the front wheel with fork is used. The working part on the frame can be made in any way - with teeth in 2 rows, stars or a flat loop. The main thing is that in a homemade hand cultivator the frame must be strong with bolted stiffening ribs connected to handles made of simple or laminated wood. Instead of wood, you can use light tubes made of non-ferrous metal. A convenient and lightweight ripper is indispensable for processing wide row spacing and tree trunk circles.

Another equally effective hand tool would be a hand-held rotary cultivator. Main components in the drawing:

  • working elements sprockets or discs – 1;
  • axles for fastening working sprockets – 2;
  • bushings for assembling the unit - 3;
  • connecting brackets, large and small – 5, 4;
  • frame rod, turning into a pipe and connected to a transverse handle - 6,7, 8.

Discs are spherical and are created by shaping. But with the same success you can use manual “hedgehogs” and with their help assemble the working part. A detailed drawing of a manual cultivator with your own hands will help you.

Among the homemade designs there are full-fledged walk-behind tractors created on the basis of chainsaws and other motor equipment. The value of these homemade devices for the owner is that he used available tools and created a tool to suit his needs. On the other hand, the cost of factory models does not always allow you to buy a cultivator from a well-known, reliable manufacturer. How else can you assemble a manual cultivator with your own hands, watch the video:

Cultivators Tornado

Obtaining high yields depends on good soil cultivation and care. All gardeners are well aware of how difficult it is to work the soil to get a good return on your investment. Digging up a garden has always been considered a difficult task. It takes a lot of time and effort and adds pain to the spine, muscles of the arms, legs and back.

To significantly facilitate agricultural work, the appearance of the Tornado manual cultivator was a pleasant surprise and a godsend for gardeners. Summer residents the new gift from the developers.

Manual cultivator for weeding. Types of manual cultivators

Using a hand cultivator is necessary if you need to cultivate flower beds, greenhouses, alpine hills, and areas between bushes and trees at your dacha. The intended purpose of the device is for the garden and for indoor plants. Depending on the design features, the following options are distinguished:

  • rotary;
  • ripper;
  • root remover;
  • potato digger;
  • flat cutter

Hand cultivator at work

Manual garden cultivators have many advantages. These include:

  • ease of use;
  • affordable price;
  • small dimensions;
  • light weight;
  • no need for maintenance, i.e. lubrication, refueling;
  • careful cutting of weeds;
  • the ability to treat hard-to-reach and delicate places in the country;
  • a wide range of work performed;
  • higher level of safety compared to motorized and electrical appliances.

Manual units for dachas are not without their drawbacks. Their disadvantages are:

  • low productivity, so they are not suitable for performing tasks over large areas;
  • obsolescence compared to modern self-propelled units;
  • the need to replace disks in rotary structures;
  • low efficiency on hard soils, virgin soil;
  • the need to use physical force, so processing the area may require a lot of labor.


Rotary cultivator

In another way, such a soil ripper is called a star ripper. It operates via a small shaft with sprocket discs. The soil is captured by the sharp teeth of the cutting mechanism, after which it is lifted and turned out. This is how digging and weeding occurs at the same time. Additionally, the cultivator is equipped with an adjustable handle. The star design is convenient for processing in hard-to-reach places. Often the kit includes a weed blade attachment.



This version of the manual cultivator is devoid of any mechanisms. The end of the device is supplemented with 3-5 teeth with flat plates. They can cut deep into the soil. To loosen the soil, you need to pull the cultivator towards you. If you lower the structure with force, you can break through the dense crust that occurs after heavy rainfall or compaction. The ripper can be a regular size for a garden or a miniature one with a short handle for indoor plants.

Root remover

Cultivator-horse remover

It looks like a pole with spirally curved and elongated fingers-teeth at the end. With this cultivator you can accurately and quickly remove the roots of weeds and other unnecessary plants on the site. It is also suitable for loosening the soil and digging holes in it for seedlings. Moreover, this type of device will not damage the soil structure by mixing the fertile composition. With its help you can give the site a beautiful and well-groomed look.

Potato digger

Potato digger

Traditionally, villagers use pitchforks to dig up potatoes. A slight modification of their design turns such a tool into a simple but convenient hand-held cultivator. His forks are bent at an angle of 30-50 degrees to the ground, and instead of a handle, a metal pipe with a horizontal handle is used. Potatoes are dug up by sticking the cultivator into the soil near the bush, turning it around its axis and tilting the handle until the potatoes are removed.

Flat cutter

Manual flat cutter

With the help of such a cultivator you can cut off the roots of weeds and loosen them. This device does not turn over the top layer, due to which the structure of the soil is not disturbed, but the yield increases. A manual flat cutter is several sharpened flat knives or peaks that are attached to vertical reinforcement rods. When moving, peaks or knives can go to a depth of 10-20 cm, cutting off the upper layer.

Operating principle

Cultivators for manual tillage are divided into two groups: rippers and rotary models. Representatives of the first variety are shaped like a hand equipped with three or five metal “fingers.”

Cultivator for the garden

In essence, this is a highly modernized hoe, which requires a lot of physical effort to operate. Therefore, this option is more suitable for working in greenhouses. The working element of rotational models is made in the form of stars, with a large number of rays.

During operation, the stars literally “bite” into the ground, loosening the soil and at the same time cutting and crushing weeds.

How to use a rotary cultivator with stars? Due to the simplicity of the design, this device is quite easy to handle.

The unit is installed vertically in the ground, the standard position of the cultivator: the stars are located between the rows, the connecting axis passes over the bed. The cultivator is driven by applied forces.

Even taking into account the fact that the driving force is a person, cultivating the land is much faster than when performing similar actions with a shovel or hoe.

Almost all models of manual rotary cultivators are equipped with additional wheels, which makes it easier to move the unit around the beds. In addition, the product can be attached to a long handle, which allows you to work without bending your back.

This point is very important for pensioners who often suffer from radiculitis; in fact, they are the main buyers of this type of gardening equipment.

Popular models


Root remover , called “Tornado”, is an unusual device that has recently become widely available and has already proven itself well.


This equipment, a manual cultivator - root remover, was created to facilitate the work of owners of small plots, as well as elderly people who garden.

Its design is extremely simple - a handle, which also acts as a lever, a base in the form of a pipe, to which the working part is attached from below - metal rods twisted in the shape of a spiral.

This device allows you to relieve tension from the lower back during work, while facilitating the work process itself.

Everything related to cultivation - loosening the soil, digging and removing weeds can be done much faster due to the fact that the process is carried out in a vertical plane. With its help, you can process the soil to a depth of up to 20 centimeters, without turning it over.

Also, it is suitable for all types of soil, no matter how wet or heavy it is.


Manual cultivator - potato digger , works on the same principle as the equipment listed above. It is primarily intended for harvesting potatoes, but it can also be used for cultivating small areas of soil - loosening the soil in a certain place, removing roots and weeds.

It can also be used to process virgin soil, carrying out the same manipulations - cultivation and removal of weed roots.

Tornado – Mini

The Tornado-Mini hand cultivator is a smaller, more compact copy of the regular Tornado . Its design is completely identical to the larger inventory, with one exception. That its dimensions are slightly smaller and its design is more compact.

A homemade cultivator can penetrate only ten centimeters into the soil, which is enough to carry out a minimum number of operations - removing roots and drilling holes for seedlings.

It is also perfect for removing weeds along with their roots in hard-to-reach places - near tree rhizomes, in beds between plants. Also, it can be adjusted in height.

Manual wheeled

A manual wheeled cultivator is probably the progenitor of all sorts of mechanical and semi-automatic variations of such agricultural implements.

Its design is extremely simple, but at the same time, it allows you to perform a large amount of work without resorting to the help of equipment or any manpower other than the operator who controls it.

It consists of the simplest parts - a frame to which the handles are attached, wheels that act as the base and blades with which, in fact, cultivation is performed.

Such devices for cultivating the soil were used for a long time - they were very easy to make even in a forge, they did not require the use of additional force, and therefore were much cheaper than plows and harrows.

But the depth of cultivation is still limited by human effort, starting from 3 centimeters and reaching a maximum of 10 centimeters , with the expectation that a large amount of land will need to be processed.

It was not possible to achieve a truly tangible result in order to sow demanding crops, especially on virgin lands.

But as for the rationalization of the work that needs to be carried out on the site, you can always find a way out of any situation.

Now you can easily get all the necessary materials to make everything you need yourself.

Thus, in order to cultivate a plot, you don’t even need to purchase expensive mini-tractors or walk-behind tractors. For them, all the necessary attachments are often supplied separately and additional costs are required to purchase them, or to manufacture them yourself, which is also not free.

Manual wheeled

Therefore, below we will consider an option that will describe in detail how you can make a convenient, cheap and very practical manual cultivator using parts from an old bicycle, a little imagination and improvised tools that are a must-have in any home workshop.

Also, all additional materials and some parts can be found without problems, although not at home, but in any other place, even at a neighbor’s.

Cultivator Tornado and everything about it

So, let's find out what a tornado hand cultivator is . To put it briefly, the Tornado cultivator is a leavening agent or root remover. This tool is environmentally friendly. It has several functions at once.

The design of the Tornado hand cultivator consists of a steel rod. On one side of this rod there is a handle resembling a bicycle handlebar. The opposite end is equipped with teeth.

But still, these teeth resemble a spiral in shape, which is turned counterclockwise.

The main feature of this design is the adjustment of the rod according to height. For this reason, this tool can be used by anyone of any height. You won’t believe it, even for a child who has reached one meter in height.

Many people wonder how a tornado cultivator works. This entire process will be provided in the video that you will find below. Everything is very simple and easy - you first need to install the tool perpendicular to the plane of the ground, and then turn it until all the teeth are completely immersed in the ground.

Even a small, slender girl can easily cultivate the beds on her site with the help of this cultivator.

It should be noted that the load is distributed thoughtfully. The user of this cultivator will never hurt his back. He will work with all parts of the body at once. The process will involve the shoulders, back, torso and legs. If there is a distribution of the load, then at the time of work you will not get tired very quickly. Many experts recommend using this particular tool on heavily neglected and abandoned areas of land, since the removal of various wild plants and weeds is the main function of the cultivator.

If you compare it, for example, with a regular hoe, then the cultivator can save not only your time, but also your effort. When working with a cultivator, you do not need to squat or bend over.

If you test the cultivator with a shovel, you will be able to understand that the shovel will be four times slower in processing the soil. Besides this, it does not matter who is using the instruments, since at the moment of comparison the chaotic movements should be performed at the same pace.

A competent soil treatment procedure should be carried out by loosening, and not simply moving its layer. In this case, the fine root system and the natural layer will be damaged in the case of aggressive digging with a simple bayonet shovel.

Correct use of the cultivator will preserve the necessary environment for future plants.

Advantages of the device

The main advantages declared by the manufacturer:

  1. Removing weeds from garden beds is a pleasant and very simple task. You simply need to plunge the working tines of the cultivator around the weeds. You can very easily get rid of unwanted weeds in your garden beds.
  2. You will not be able to spoil your harvest in the garden using this tool.
  3. You can do the same thing as with a pitchfork, trying to distribute the weeds into piles or compost pits.
  4. It is very easy to assemble, convenient to store, and transport from one site to another.
  5. The working teeth, or rods, are made of durable hardened steel, which has good corrosion resistance.

Cultivator called Tornado Mini

This device is somewhat reminiscent of a cane in appearance. This is a very convenient, lightweight hand tool. It will be a good helper for you in removing shoots and weeds from your beds. You should constantly beautify your summer cottage, but many people simply cannot physically cope with this hard and monotonous work; digging up small sprouts with a shovel or glander is very difficult, in contrast to picking up unnecessary grass with a slight movement of the hand.

The Tornado mini-cultivator is a lightweight version of the standard model. Features and main differences of this tool, as specified by the manufacturer:

Loosening the soil without rotating the earth layer. It can be used on shrubs growing next to flower beds, and also in other places.

  1. Very easy and simple removal of small weeds.
  2. Creating holes for flowers, planting onions, and even seedlings of any size.
  3. The process of processing the top layer of soil close to the root system of trees and shrubs.
  4. You can work with one hand.

If you are in doubt about choosing a cultivator model and its cost, then it is better to buy a budget option - a Tornado root cultivator. The recommended cost for a Tornado cultivator is only eight hundred rubles.

As for practice, the Tornado cultivator model was able to earn the approval and great attention of many people who have spinal disorders on the garden tools market. Many users of this tool claim that the load falls mainly on the hands. But there are also distrustful gardeners who saw this innovation on the market and are starting to make comparisons. For these purposes, purchase a classic model of the Tornado cultivator and a simple bayonet shovel.

You should measure out several squares in the garden bed to test your well-being and the promised reduced load. As a result of this experiment, a bayonet shovel with a handle is used only when creating holes for hedges and compost. As for the cultivator, it already cultivates the soil, forms bows for planting seedlings, and weeds weed-choked areas and corners of the garden simply and easily. According to grateful and adequate gardeners, the Tornado cultivator can:

  • Digging and processing soil in a vertical position is much faster and easier than a simple shovel;
  • They can also easily loosen beds with flowers, strawberries, and perennial crops; assist in the process of transplanting seedlings;
  • Pull weeds out of the soil;
  • Create rows of neatly shaped holes for planting potatoes.

And now we will tell you what a cultivator cannot do:

  • create the correct shape of holes for pillars,
  • remove and cut the roots of serviceberry, cherry, and lilac.

When working with the cultivator with all your strength, you should not put pressure on it, it’s better not to. It is best to perform translational movements; the cultivator will be able to dig into the ground on its own, thanks to the design of its rods.

It is worth noting that the soil layer will be able to maintain the correct structure.

Features of application: 7 important recommendations

The use of a manual cultivator of any kind requires compliance with certain rules:

  1. The use of equipment must be carried out in compliance with all safety regulations.
  2. The selection of a specific model is carried out taking into account the condition of the site and the planned result from the operation of the tool.
  3. When selecting equipment, you should take into account the physical characteristics of the person who will use it.
  4. If it is necessary to cultivate large areas of soil, a manual cultivator for weeding and harvesting potatoes is not effective, as it has low productivity.
  5. Each type of cultivator must be used only for its intended purpose.
  6. Using a hand cultivator on hard ground is quite difficult.
  7. When working with manual equipment, it is difficult to regulate the depth of its penetration into the soil.
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