In Nizhny Novgorod they are ready to build a three-axle Gazelle. Photo of triaxial gazelle


This animal combines strength and grace. From the first days it covers more than 15 km. Among animal sprinters, the gazelle is the leader in athleticism. Thanks to selective nutrition and endurance, her body contains only 5-7% fat in relation to muscle mass.

The appearance varies slightly depending on the type of gazelle; the photo shows the viewer thin-legged and slender animals. The eyes are large and expressive. The neat elongated head is set on a high neck. The head is crowned with 2 hollow horns, slightly curved inward. The romantic gazelle is an animal whose photo ranks first in the top models of the wild world.

According to the morphological reference book it has the following description:

Gazelles are animals with a proportional body. Maximum height up to 110 cm, body length 170 cm. Dense muscular frame covered with thin leather. The coat color ranges from light brown to brown-orange. There is white fur on the belly and near the eyes.

Gazelle Dorcas

Series Next

Series Next.

Next light-duty trucks once made a real splash among users of such vehicles. They began to be produced in 2013 as a modification of the Gazelle Business.

The vehicle has an independent front suspension with springs and linkage control, as well as a power-assisted rack and pinion steering wheel.

Thanks to these changes, the car drives more smoothly and is quite stable on the road. The cabin has also undergone transformation - now it has become more comfortable and spacious. Its frame was completely galvanized and treated with special anti-corrosion impregnations and sealants. The wings are made of highly durable plastic.

The interior has also improved - there are additional shelves, stands, and compartments. It is possible to intelligently adjust the seat. Vibration inside the cabin has been reduced, sound insulation has become better, and visibility has increased.

As for the engine, the EvoTech 2.7 diesel engine is used, which fully complies with the latest environmental standards. The radiator ventilation area has increased, so the engine is cooled more efficiently. And thanks to the use of a Webasto preheater, the risk of the engine not starting in cold weather is reduced.

Important! The modified version is also more secure. It has a shorter braking distance, and has a traction control and dynamic stabilization system. Some models even have airbags.

A car with a short wheelbase has a load capacity of 1,440 kg, and with a long wheelbase – 1,270 kg.

Detailed instructions can be seen in the video:

Characteristic signs

The largest gazelle reaches a height of 110 cm, the smallest - up to 50 cm. Both sexes wear horns. Females are slightly larger than males and have a more rounded chest structure. If you look, the photo of the animal fascinates with its grace, combination of lines and proportions. The dense red fur has a clear border between fawn on the back and white on the belly.

In the East, the animal gazelle was described in many treatises on poetry. Hunting for artiodactyls was equated with the best forms of recreation. When jumping, the animal's body extends in an even arc. As you run, the muscles roll, creating a colorful visual effect.

Thanks to paintings dedicated to this topic, we can judge what the gazelle animal looked like in the past. This species was formed so perfectly that it did not change its morphological structure. The appearance in the 10th–15th centuries was the same as it is now.

Sverdlovsk region, GAZ-3274-10-01 (32740A) # AM 836 66 — Fotobus

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Comments · 25

Photos: 991 Local editor

Filming location: Sadovaya Street, Railway Station stop, Stroitel bus station.

No photos

And the stencils are indecently similar to the Kopeisk Passenger Automobile Enterprise Municipal Unitary Enterprise (compare: - I wonder if it’s an accident?

Photos: 123

Underground nickname - Kishok

Photos: 7

We already had a three-axle dolphin (3215 “Maxi”), we are waiting for a 3-axle gazelle and a gazelle with an accordion

Photos: 8

Quote (Sturm, 06/21/2010):> we are waiting for a 3-axle gazelle and a gazelle with an accordion

Take it higher - GAZelle-double-decker.

PS: Let's look at this photo, turn on our imagination and be horrified :)

Photos: 677

Quote (Rodion, 06/21/2010):> PS: We look at this photo, turn on our imagination and are horrified Quote (Rodion, 06/21/2010):> May the author forgive me, but before going to bed I quickly took this photo, we look and are horrified

What's so terrible about it?

Photos: 8

Alexei24, before you go to bed, imagine a 4-axle, 2-story GAZelle... I imagined it - I’m sitting like a cucumber.

Quote (Rodion, 06/21/2010):> May the author forgive me, but before going to bed I quickly took this photo, we look and are horrified :)

I've seen a similar collage somewhere before. =)

Photos: 1895

The interior of these “guts” is quite cramped. And in the heat, it’s completely impossible, 2.5-3 hours. Nightmare! The Iveco in the background is much better. It is more spacious and comfortable. It’s more comfortable to sleep in)) I understand that ours apparently won’t think of what the Italians thought of. Sorry for off.

Photos: 336

Quote (AntreCot, 06/21/2010):> Alexei24, before you go to bed, imagine a 4-axle, 2-story GAZelle... I imagined it - I’m sitting like a cucumber.

Here she is! Only 3-axis...

Photos: 17

Wow, what a fantasy it was! :)

I agree with LiYazovets, it’s a very cramped GAZelle, it took me two hours to drive inside, and it was a real pain with my height. I thought that it was the only one of its kind in the Tagil direction, but I came across at least two more similar “modifications.”

No photos

This is a self-propelled gun! I would kill whoever came up with this, and the carriers *** do not care about the comfort and safety of passengers! We would also buy PAZ!

ALX Voronezh region

Photos: 60919 Deputy administrator

This is a homemade product, but it has passed certification and all the necessary tests.

Photos: 118

And what is the length of this miracle?

Photos: 1895

In my opinion, it’s not a self-propelled gun, but a completely registered extension of the base. Since there is a modification, it means that it was not taken out of thin air, but rather legally “certified”))) It is most likely not carried out by GAZ itself, but by some one or Nizhny Novgorod. Quote (Alexey (VLG), 06/21/2010):> This is a self-propelled gun! I would kill whoever came up with this, and the carriers *** do not care about the comfort and safety of passengers! We would have bought a PAZ too! I agree, I would have killed it myself. But instead of a groove we have an Iveco. In addition, the groove is gasoline, and the gazelle is gas, iveco-diesel. Savings, comrade)) Also, instead of a groove, there is a county and a ducato. The length is about 7 meters. Iveco is a little longer. For carriers, the main thing is money, and everything else comes later. Tickets for Iveco are more expensive, but with comfort. Listen, everyone who has traveled in a BULL MINIBUS will understand me, in comparison with it, this Limousel is just an angel)))))) At least it’s not a tractor diesel and the rubber bands on the windows don’t leak during rain and flood the interior.

Photos: 991 Local editor

And what about the price for Iveki? And how long? Last year they cost the same, regardless of the type of minibus... But it’s for the best if so, you can choose what to take (although it’s better to match the schedule of a normal bus).

Photos: 991 Local editor

Quote (Maestro, 06/21/2010):> I thought that it was the only one like this in the Tagil direction, but I came across at least two more similar “modifications”.

There are 4 such miracles in Tagil. One left the intercity route, rode around the city for a year, but has now returned back to the track. All of them are produced in 2003-2004.

Photos: 991 Local editor

Quote (LiYazovets, 06/22/2010):> everyone who has traveled in a BULL MINIBUS will understand me, in comparison with it, this limousel is just an angel))))))

KAVZ-3244, 32441 were more or less decent for the first 3 years of operation. Then they ran briskly (2.10 to Yekaterinburg or 3 hours to Serov from Tagil is easy...) and the engines did not rattle. But handicraft assembly, exploitation for slaughter and age (the youngest in Tagil is already 5 years old, and the bulk of them were born in 2001-2002) take their toll. Now, of course, it’s better not to use them unless absolutely necessary. Although even in their current state, they will be better than this miracle of the Nizhny Novgorod automobile industry.

Photos: 1895

Quote (GrekOFF, 06/22/2010):> Why is the price for Iveki already different? And how long? Last year they cost the same, regardless of the type of minibus...> But this is for the better; if so, you will be able to choose what to take (although it is better to match the schedule of a normal bus). I don’t know, I don’t buy tickets, my relatives buy them. I learned from them, the same way. You can choose, just ask the cashier which bus is coming (BUT to her it’s Iveco, it’s County, it’s a miracle, it’s all the same.) In her understanding, a gazelle is just an ordinary gozelyuk. And the minibus is Iveco. Big bus - bull and county. Quote (GrekOFF, 06/22/2010):> Although even in their current state, they will be better than this miracle of the Nizhny Novgorod automobile industry. Why are they better? I think on the contrary...

Photos: 25

Quote (LiYazovets, 06/22/2010):> It is most likely not carried out by GAZ itself, but by some company or Nizhny Novgorod.

Do not discredit the honest name of well-deserved companies. :)Two people were doing this.

Photos: 991 Local editor

Quote (LiYazovets, 06/22/2010):> Why are they better? I think on the contrary...

If something happens, there is still at least some kind of passive safety, and the cabin (if we ignore the murder) is more comfortable, especially on single seats in the right row.

Photos: 1895

Quote (LLirik, 06/22/2010):> Do not discredit the honest name of well-deserved companies. :)> Two people did this. I know that they are well-deserved. But I’m not defaming them, I’m just giving an example.

Photos: 13

Now this limousine, forgotten by everyone, sits idle on Vostochnaya. On the 8th I see 4 gazelles, AM836 66, AX016 66, AX237 66, AA001O 96

Photos: 1895

It’s true that they marked it yellow. Today I saw it on the street. Eastern: (I don’t think they will accept it here, because it stands very inconveniently). And here is the general plan where it stands Having believed the inscription on the Volga, I was afraid to cross the ribbon)) Photos: 991 · Local editor

Sometimes they come back...

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Habits and behavior

The long-legged gazelle is cautious and does not like to approach unfamiliar objects. Before breaking into a gallop, she studies in detail the object that has attracted her attention. Thanks to this, field journalists get a photo of the animal.

Character and behavior changes depending on the habitat and the presence of predators. The desert gazelle is the most cautious among its fellows. She prefers to leave the area at the slightest sign of danger. The red gazelle, on the other hand, is curious.

Gazelle animals never drink muddy water. Even in desert areas, they find the cleanest parts of the reservoir to drink.

The inhabitants of the plains live in herds, the rocks gather in groups of 2-5 individuals. These instincts are inherent in nature for the rational use of habitat resources.

Thomson's gazelle

Before summing up

New GAZ cars have retained their traditional advantage - a significant price gap over competitors. The cost of the GAZelle NEXT van is from 1,575,000 rubles, the cost of a similar model of European competitors (as an example) is no less than 2,245,000 rubles. On the bus, the differences are even more noticeable. Despite minor assembly flaws and not the most advanced design, all GAZelles, both light and heavy, will be in reasonable demand.

However, driving our “heavyweight” NEXT 4.6 turned out to be not so easy, and this despite good ergonomics, sufficient power and almost “car-like” controls. What's the matter? It turned out that without traffic violations, even a compact, albeit elongated van in a modern city is terribly cramped. Everywhere you spit - solid signs 3.4 (traffic of trucks is prohibited) or combinations of signs 3.27, 3.28 (stopping, parking prohibited) in combination with signs 8.4.1 (trucks). Access control regimes, prohibition of through traffic, “cargo frames”... The slightly elongated and heavier “gazelle” is not allowed anywhere in the metropolis. And the fines are draconian - 5,000 rubles.

But when a pass or permit is available, it turns out that the car in city traffic is on par with passenger cars, and in terms of maneuverability and ease of control it is quite comparable to more compact vans.

Well, God bless them, the megacities. Many vehicle fleets, especially in small and medium-sized cities, purchase equipment with the expectation of short-haul (250–300 km) and intercity transportation with consolidated or lightweight cargo. To transport a couple of tons of cargo, “GAZon NEXT” on local roads sometimes looks excessive, while the option with a volume of 15 “cubes” on NEXT 4.6 looks like a more cost-effective and justified means for solving simple transport problems. And the test fuel consumption figures in the urban cycle showed that the car is more urban than long-distance, it is willingly playful up to 80 km/h, and in the 5th high gear (overdrive!) the engine’s appetite awakens. Therefore, there is no economic reason to heat it in the city for “under a hundred”.

The untimely initiative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade to increase the transport tax (and against the backdrop of the crisis it does not promise to be cheap) on commercial vehicles of the Euro 3 level will put Russian cargo carriers in front of the need to purchase new equipment in the coming year. If prices for foreign-made vans with a gross weight of up to 5.0 tons now vary between 2.4–3.2 million rubles, then against the backdrop of a pandemic (and therefore economic stagnation), rising dollar and euro exchange rates, they will continue their breakthrough to 2.8–3.7 million precisely because of imported components. Therefore, the domestic alternative in the form of a leisurely “super gazelle” priced at 1.6 million rubles no longer seems like some kind of whim.

What does artiodactyl eat?

According to the classification, gazelles are animals from the genus of herbivores. But even among their fellows, they stand out for their food preferences. The stomach of the wild gazelle is 2.5 m longer than that of other artiodactyls. They choose grass and leaves with medium fiber hardness. Preference is given to plants with a high content of essential oils, vitamins and proteins.

The nature of the diet is reflected in how the gazelle looks. Slim body, harmoniously formed muscles. Almost all breeds have toned, strong hips and a streamlined body. Antelope is a gazelle, included in Eastern tales as the fastest animal. Among them, in first place is Dorcas, whose photo was featured in Life magazine in 1982.

The difference is the amount of food needed. Thompson's gazelles living in Africa eat up to 30 kilograms of grass per day. On the contrary, the gazelle antelope from Azerbaijan is content with 10 kilograms.

Design changes

Over the course of 7 years of mass production, the GAZelle NEXT family has become well known to our operators in one way or another. I don’t see any point in listing its entire design now; it’s better to focus on the differences between the newest heaviest and longest version, let me remind you, the total weight is 4600 kg, while the technically permissible value is slightly higher and amounts to 4950 kg.

The already familiar Cummins ISF2.8 engine was brought to the 5th environmental class, at the same time for the heavy series, increasing power to 140 “horses” at 3300 rpm (previously 120 at 3600 rpm), and torque increased to 320 Nm at 1400–2700 rpm. Previously, this value was 270 Nm at 1400–2500 rpm.

The basis for the increase in gross weight and load capacity is the strengthening of the frame. To ensure the stability of the car, the increase in length was distributed proportionally between the rear overhang and the wheelbase. The wheelbase has increased by more than 200 mm and is now 3750 mm. The fourth and fifth cross members of the frame were strengthened by installing additional flanges, and an additional cross member was introduced between the fourth and fifth.

An additional lower spring has been added to the rear suspension, which should provide an overall increase in reliability and improved ride smoothness. The shock absorber mounts have been changed in order to increase their working stroke, the spring packages are now with different main leaves and, as I already said, new unified springs.

The heavy GAZelle NEXT received a new rear axle of the Spicer type, which has an increased load capacity (technically permissible value is 3300 kg) and provides better dynamic characteristics - verified during the test. A differential lock from Eaton is provided. The new model has disc brakes on all axles (the GAZelle NEXT 3.5 has drum-type rear brakes).


The gazelle is an animal whose pictures can be found carved on stones throughout Central and South Asia. Photos confirm that this creature can live both in deserts and in mountainous areas. The gazelle from the deserts of Asia occupies territories close to bodies of water and never strays far from them. Due to their active lifestyle and metabolism, they need to drink at least 25 liters per day.

The dama gazelle occupies the rocky regions of the Sahara. It has become part of the national symbols. In Zemongo National Park, every ranger's badge adorns it. A characteristic feature of the animal are large white spots on the face and chest.

Able to adapt to any climate. Thompson's gazelle, the photo of which is most often found on the Internet, lives in Kenya and Tanzania. The places where she lives turn into a scorched desert in the middle of summer. And only for 2 months are they covered with dense vegetation.

Jeyran lives from the deserts of Kazakhstan to the mountainous regions of China. The places where the gazelle lives are characterized by sharp temperature changes and pronounced changes in seasons.

Types of gazelles

The gazelle genus is divided into species distributed over areas from Africa to Central and Northern Asia.


  • Thompson's gazelle;
  • gazelle Dorcas;
  • Asian gazelle;
  • Gazelle Impala;
  • mountain gazelle Doma;
  • gazelle antelope Bilquis;
  • gazelle Dorcas;
  • goitered gazelle;
  • red-fronted gazelle;
  • red gazelle;
  • Spica's gazelle;
  • Bennett's gazelle;
  • common gazelle.

The Dorcas, Goitered gazelle, Thomson, Dame, Bennett and Speke species are listed in the Red Book. Their beautiful fur and antlers are considered a valuable hunting trophy. Despite the hunting ban, poachers hunt them.

Interesting Facts

  1. Dorcas can go her entire life without water. The places where it lives have practically no open water bodies. The animal receives all its moisture from plants.
  2. People often ask in quizzes what the name of a baby gazelle is. One of the common names is gazelle.
  3. The smallest gazelle is Dorax. They reach a height of up to 50 cm, the weight of an adult male is only 16.2 kg, and that of a female is 12.6 kg.
  4. The African gazelle runs from 15 to 42 kilometers per day.
  5. The gazelle animal has a number of relatives among antelopes - pronghorn, Bilquis, duikers. They are related to the Bovid family.
  6. From the end of the 19th century to the mid-20th century, the black-tailed gazelle was considered an extinct species. They were actively hunted, which led to a significant decrease in numbers. With the introduction of environmental reforms in the animal's habitat in a number of countries, the goitered gazelle was able to restore its numbers, but is still in the Red Book.

We're leaving for the city

Starting the diesel engine produced a quiet noise and slight vibration. For a cargo van, everything is quite at the level of strong competitors, no more and no less. There is no longer a floor-mounted gearbox lever; a compact, quite intelligent-looking joystick emerges from the dashboard. The instrument panel is illuminated with a pleasant green color, which for some reason is out of favor with most automakers today, but Nizhny has remained faithful to this conservative lighting method.

The gearbox engages well, despite the cable-driven joystick. Thanks to the new drive axle (about which a little later), the gear ratios are in complete order. The Chinese Cummins diesel no longer overdrives in low gear to prevent it from falling through when upshifting. The clutch pedal is very light and distinct, and the assembly itself no longer vibrates when heated; old gazelle drivers will certainly notice the progress.

Sensitive brakes, which are now disc brakes on the rear axle, coupled with excellent ZF power steering, make it easy to navigate modern heavy traffic.

In the bustle of the test drive, we were unable to ballast the all-metal van, since then we would have to go to the center, and without a ticket and waybill we would be subject to the “cargo frame”. I don’t presume to judge the dynamics of our GAZelle if we approach the maximum permissible weight. But it is obvious that there will be no critical disaster, although the small 2.8-liter diesel engine had to work harder on the descents and ascents. Traffic in the flow of the Moscow Ring Road, at the intersection of highways near Moscow and in Khimki left no traces at all - the car rolls, drives and changes lanes without getting used to it.

I really liked the chassis setup, flavored with an extra-long wheelbase. “GAZelle NEXT 4.6” is not a jumper at all. When empty, we were unable to provoke the car to buck up the speed bumps. Passing through a terrible railroad crossing on a departmental dead-end line, the suspension muffled the rails as if they were ordinary road joints. Anti-roll bars, a multi-link at the front, long-travel shock absorbers and new rear axle springs do their job brilliantly. In any case, the technology is brand new so far.

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