Light trailer Bee: technical characteristics, reviews, modifications. Zubrenok trailer technical characteristics

Hi all! Next up is the Zubrenok trailer. Many people have heard about it, as it is one of the most popular caravans of its time.

He doesn't have any special differences. This is a well built single axle trailer designed for passenger cars. But Zubrenok has a rich history with a continuation.

Now you will not be able to buy a new trailer under the original name Zubrenok. His time has passed, no matter how you look at it. But used models are still being sold. There is a real opportunity to take a trailer in almost perfect new condition. You just need to look.

I suggest you get acquainted with Zubrenok, study its origin, history of existence and some technical characteristics.

The story of one Zubrenok

In general, such trailers are called MAZ, which is due to their production at the Minsk Automobile Plant. At one time, various versions of Zubrenkov were produced, the most popular of which are considered to be MAZ-8114 and MAZ-8162. But people prefer to call them Zubrenok. I won't argue with them.

More than 30 years ago, the first copy of a trailer for a passenger car from the MAZ plant, which eventually became legendary, appeared. Zubrenok's birthday is usually celebrated on April 17th. The TS first saw the light in 1982.

The work site responsible for the production of this trailer has managed to produce about 300 thousand copies over 25 years. Agree, the figure is impressive.

A real boom in popularity on Zubrenka occurred in the late 80s of the last century, when the number of summer residents, gardeners and other people who received land plots sharply increased. Zubrenki sold like hot cakes throughout the Soviet Union.

In 1991, the plant celebrated a kind of anniversary by producing the two thousandth copy of its trailer. MAZ employees handed it over to the Minsk Automobile Plant museum. You can still find it in Minsk, take a look at the then bestseller.

From 1982 to 1992, MAZ produced only two versions:

  • 8114;
  • 8111.

The only difference between them was the height of the awning. Already in 1992, a new modernized version was launched onto the conveyor, which received the MAZ 8162 index. The updated Zubrenok received additional folding sides, and its load capacity indicators were noticeably increased.

This was an important step for the plant, since reviews from owners of previous versions clearly showed that the classic Zubrenok was somewhat short of the needs, and more trips had to be made to transport cargo. By increasing the load capacity, it was also possible to maintain demand for the design.

Sad ending

But then the USSR collapsed. Demand for the trailer, then produced in Belarus, which had ceased to be part of the Soviet Union, immediately began to fall.

The hardest year was 1996. There were practically no sales, orders were declining, people had no money, and problems arose with salaries. But MAZ somehow survived these terrible times.

The plant tried to look for new ways of development, selling stale trailers and selling new developments. Soon the work area switched over to working entirely on the basis of individual orders.


Now it’s time to talk about the dimensions, dimensions, and technical aspects of the most popular Zubrenki.

Judging by reviews and some statistical data from past years, the best-selling trailers for passenger cars in the MAZ plant’s assortment turned out to be two models:

  • MAZ 8114;
  • MAZ 8162.

Therefore, I propose to study their technical characteristics and understand what innovations were introduced into the classic Zubrenok, which allowed us to get the 8162 model.

As for me, these two trailers can impose good competition on such solutions:

But Minsk Zubrenok is very far from the same MZSA 817715. But these trailers are of several different generations.

Tooth 8114

Classic metal body, side structure, synthetic fabric awning and one axle. This model can be briefly described this way.

The vehicle is suitable for towing various types of vehicles that have a tow bar and a socket for trailer electrical equipment.

Among the technical parameters, I note the following:

  • The overall dimensions of the platform are 1600x1500x350 mm;
  • The curb weight here is 155 kg;
  • It is allowed to transport cargo weighing up to 345 kg;
  • Full weight 500 kg;
  • Single-axis design;
  • Spring suspension;
  • Electrical equipment is designed for 12 W;
  • With such a trailer it is allowed to accelerate to 80 kilometers per hour.

In general, try to take a responsible approach to the issue of transporting trailers, since there are a number of nuances here that many people for some reason forget about.

What can you say about Zubrenok 8114 itself? Nothing supernatural. But this is a classic work trailer that will deliver the required load without any problems. At the same time, you can cover it with an awning and spend a minimum of money on purchase and maintenance. The price is attractive and affordable.

The design uses high-quality springs, but if the trailer is many years old, it is better to modify and modernize the suspension. However, not all sellers stored Zubrenok correctly all these years, which is why the natural processes of aging and destruction of structural elements began.

Notch 8162

Here the technical specifications have changed a little. Some parameters remain the same.

The main design feature is the appearance of folding sides. But in general, this is the same classic flatbed trailer with an awning and a metal body for multi-purpose use.

In terms of technical parameters, I would highlight the following:

  • The platform has dimensions of 1800x1200x350 mm;
  • The type of suspension remained spring;
  • Electrical equipment is adapted for 12 W;
  • Accelerating to more than 80 kilometers per hour is not recommended;
  • One axle and two wheels R13;
  • Curb weight increased to 190 kg;
  • The updated model carries cargo weighing up to 510 kilograms;
  • The total (total) weight is 700 kg.

Trailer classification

Trailers with different chassis designs are divided into:

  • Trailers are multi-axle vehicles aggregated with traction machines of all types, the weight of which is distributed on its own chassis.
  • A semi-trailer is a single-axle or multi-axle transport mechanism, the weight of which is distributed between its own wheels and the chassis of the tractor, aggregated with base vehicles equipped with special coupling devices located on the frame - saddles.

More difficult to control when moving, trailers have greater stability than semi-trailer designs and can independently move forward and backward when force is applied.

Constituting a single whole with the mechanized complexes of which they are a part, semi-trailers provide the ability to easily maneuver when moving, but cannot move independently when mechanical force is applied and require special supporting devices to maintain a horizontal position in the absence of a tractor.

Trailed and semi-trailer transport devices manufactured with different numbers of axles, depending on the design of the cargo area and its use, are divided into flatbed, dump, trailed tanks and barrels for transporting liquid substances, vans, heavy and light trailers, as well as various specialized trailer mechanisms, including which include:

  • low-load trawls used for transporting high loads,
  • trailed platforms for transporting hay rolls;
  • sand spreaders used in municipal services;
  • concrete mixers preparing the mortar while moving;
  • timber trailers;
  • trailer platforms for transporting livestock;
  • asphalt concrete recyclers;
  • trailers for walk-behind tractors;
  • tractor carts with add-on sides and others.

Material on the topic: On the transportation of oversized cargo on public roads

Trailed and semi-trailer transport devices, actively used in all areas of economic activity, are represented on the market by a large number of models produced in the CIS countries and abroad, including trailers 2 PTS-4, 2 PTS-6, 1 PTS-1, 2 PTS-9, PPTS- 5, PST-6, Athletic 520, OZTP-8572, RZhT-4M, PRK-3, PSTB-17, PS-60A, STS-12, ZPTS-9, TP-10 and others.

Buy a MAZ trailer – prices have been reduced on popular items!

Today it is easy to buy trailers for MAZ trucks, which are effectively used to increase the load capacity of trucks. They are not equipped with an engine and are used to create road trains and modify truck tractors.

For vehicles of the Minsk Automobile Plant, it is recommended to use original trailers based on MAZ, i.e. from the manufacturer. This guarantees full compliance of the trailer with the technical characteristics of the vehicle and the standards for freight transport.

Which trailer should you choose?

A cargo trailer, just like the car itself, must be of high quality and reliable so that its owner does not incur losses from cargo damage and does not experience problems when operating the equipment. We recommend paying attention to the products of the Minsk Automobile Plant. MAZ began its professional activity back in the years of the Soviet Union, and therefore is well known to the modern Russian buyer.

Belarusian-made equipment represents the optimal combination of price and quality, performs well in the difficult conditions of Russia, and also allows for quick and inexpensive maintenance or repairs - spare parts for a truck or trailer can be found without problems, as well as specialists who will undertake the repair of the vehicle .

Where to start choosing

If you want to save money and buy a used kit, I will not support you in this decision. Tires for passenger trailers are much cheaper than car wheels, so you won’t have to spend a lot of money even buying a new set from leading manufacturers. Plus there will be more confidence in quality and durability.

Before purchasing new tires for your caravan or motorhome, pay attention to the condition of the old tires:

  • carry out a visual inspection for unevenness, damage and tires;
  • measure the current tread depth and its condition (how strong and uniform wear is on them);
  • check tire pressure;
  • Make sure the TWI indicator complies with regulations.

TWI is a depth indicator. Trailer wheels must be replaced if the tread depth is less than 1.6 millimeters. But in general, it is recommended to adhere to the minimum parameter of 2 millimeters so that the operation of the trailer is safe.

Carry out similar manipulations if you have a spare tire. It is often ignored, although in some cases a spare tire can help in an emergency.

Selection criteria

I recommend that you first choose a suitable and high-quality trailer that has a powerful beam, a high-quality and durable hub, a fairly powerful drawbar and a reliable locking mechanism.

If the trailer is good, there will be no problems with the wheels. I can’t say specifically which manufacturer’s wheels you should buy and with what characteristics. After all, some have R10 tires, others need at least R13, and others will even need a huge R16 rim.

Therefore, we will consider several basic criteria for choosing trailer tires.

  • Trailer purpose. It can be a regular passenger trailer, a boat trailer, a walk-behind tractor, or a cargo trailer. It is logical that you will not install wheels with a diameter exceeding 20 inches on a compact passenger car;
  • Terms of Use. If these are rare trips with a trailer to transport a small load, then there is no point in buying expensive and high-strength tires. For lovers of camping, long country trips or carriers of large loads, specialized reinforced tires are suitable. Manufacturers offer wheels that are resistant to deformation and are better adapted for long periods of downtime in adverse conditions. They feature additional cordoba braiding to increase load-bearing capacity. They are specifically labeled as trailer tires. The price is high, but it is worth it;

Load capacity. All tires have their own load indexes that you should use as a guide. If, for example, this index is 100, then the maximum load on one wheel will be 800 kg. If you have a two-axle trailer with 4 wheels, then they will withstand a maximum weight of 3600 kg;

Diameter and dimensional characteristics. Everything is simple here. Check your trailer's owner's manual to see what type of tire the design is designed for and what size rim the rim will support. The range of acceptable parameters is wider than on cars, but there are limitations; Price. Not the most important criterion, but you shouldn’t ignore it. You don't have to buy the most expensive kit if you only use your trailer occasionally. But you shouldn’t make do with cheap or used solutions. Choose a middle ground that will ensure reliable and long-lasting service.

If you operate a homemade trailer, there will be some difficulties with the choice of tires. Based on the characteristics of the axle and the design intended for mounting the wheels. Plus, compare the resulting trailer with the factory model, because assembly is usually carried out in the image and likeness of some real-life trailer.

But homemade caravans are a separate issue. By the way, we'll talk about it soon.

When leaving a trailer idle for a long time, try to adhere to the rules for storing rubber. They are similar to car tires. That is, it is better to keep the trailer without wheels, placing them according to the recommendations. I have already written a separate article about storing tires, so this is an excellent reason for you to follow the link.

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What types of MAZ trailers are there?

MAZ's product range includes several types of trailers. This is a dump truck, which is used for transporting bulk cargo to construction sites, on-board awnings and log carriers, with a chassis on which you can install any superstructure according to your individual wishes.

The carrying capacity also depends on the specifics of the cargo being transported. If you need to transport large volumes of products, then it makes sense to give preference to 10-15-20-ton trucks. And a five-ton trailer is perfect for everyday needs.

How to register a homemade trailer

A homemade trailer that can be used without fear must be registered with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. To register you must have:

  • Conclusion of a technical examination on the compliance of a self-made vehicle with the requirements of GOST001. 220-80. Where such an examination can be done, you need to check with the MREO. Since a conclusion issued by a laboratory not accredited by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate may be declared invalid.
  • Receipts confirming the purchase of parts and materials used to manufacture the vehicle.
  • Certificate for the hitch hinge (this is why we advise you to buy it and not do it yourself).
  • A copy of your passport.
  • A copy of the vehicle's registration certificate.
  • An application addressed to the head of the MREO with a request to register a homemade trailer.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.
  • 4 photos of homemade products taken from different sides (size 10 by 15 cm).

If you present all these documents, you will be allowed to undergo technical inspection. A positive inspection result will be the basis for registering a self-made vehicle.

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