The first crossover MAZ-2000 “Perestroika” 2022-2023 for 1.4 million rubles was presented: German reliability and powerful engine

Many entrepreneurs and enterprises are faced with a difficult choice: which is better: KAMAZ or MAZ dump truck? Real testing of both cars, as well as reviews from those who have experienced both transport options in practice, will help answer this question. First of all, it is best to contact the direct manufacturer of the car, who in the technical documentation gives a detailed description of the equipment, and also indicates in which cases the vehicle can show its positive characteristics. Let’s say right away that each manufacturer offers several models of machines. Even the popular KAMAZ model of the first years may be inferior in parameters to the MAZ, which was released in recent years.

Should I choose MAZ or KAMAZ?

Main features of the truck

In order to understand which automaker is better, whose trucks are more popular, it is best to contact the main consumers. By evaluating a set of reviews for each brand, you can easily reach a verdict in a long-standing dispute. And the easiest way to evaluate reviews is to imagine that right now you need a cargo model from a well-known manufacturer. Whose car turns out to be better is the one we will buy.

First of all, you need to decide why KamAZ or MAZ is needed. After all, each brand has a large selection of models for their intended purpose. There are ordinary flatbed vehicles with different carrying capacities, and there are specialized timber trucks or dump trucks. Each model range has several powerful tractors and, of course, all-terrain options with increased cross-country ability.

The next step is to determine the selection criteria. Better in what? Let us dwell on such popular and at the same time important settings:

  • price;
  • reliability and quality;
  • price of consumables during the service process;
  • comfort during use.

Also, do not forget about the nuances of using a new car and a used car. In each specific case there will be a difference between a MAZ or KamAZ car. What to choose for personal use, and what is better to leave and not think about, will be shown by a comparative characteristic based on reviews.

Similarities and differences

A comparison of trucks of the MAZ and KamAZ brands allows us to note the common features of these vehicles. Equipment from both manufacturers:

  • has a cabover cab layout;
  • unpretentious to fuel quality and operating conditions;
  • demonstrates reliability and high maneuverability;
  • subject to a small ownership tax.

There are many differences between the trucks of the two brands. Among these, the main ones are the following nuances.

  1. Availability of spare parts and components. The economic difficulties that the MAZ enterprise has faced in recent years have provoked a shortage of spare parts, which is associated with restrictions on their production and interruptions in supplies to other countries. The domestic manufacturer does not have such problems.
  2. Fuel consumption. In this aspect, KamAZ is also the best, which requires less fuel than MAZ to perform similar operations. This is confirmed by real and documented facts of numerous diesel fuel consumption checks. The main reason for this state of affairs is the displacement of the internal combustion engine.
  3. Technical equipment. The Belarusian manufacturer has repeatedly suspended the development of its own technologies due to economic difficulties, while the Russian plant has been steadily investing significant funds in updating and modernizing its products, making them more unpretentious and reliable.
  4. Load capacity. In this aspect, it can be stated that the competitors' vehicles are equal. However, the KAMAZ automobile plant has a separate model range of heavy specialized trucks. The automaker from Minsk simply has no similar analogues.
  5. Price. MAZ trucks are noticeably cheaper than cars of the domestic brand. The high price tag of the latter is explained by better technical equipment and a higher level of comfort.

A little history

To better study the question of which is better - MAZ or KamAZ, let's look at some historical facts. And let's start with the senior truck manufacturer - MAZ.

The first trucks rolled off the assembly line of the Minsk Automobile Plant back in 1947. MAZ-200 managed to become indispensable assistants when a modernized version of the MAZ-500 appeared in 1957. The modified “500s” went into production only in 1965 and were the basic version for a large variety of special equipment. There were simple dump trucks and tractors, as well as milk tankers and fire engines. The next time the 500 series was modernized was only in 1977. The emerging MAZ had a more modern look for that time, and also carried a durable metal platform on the chassis.

The history of the KamAZ brand began much later. The first 5 trucks were produced in 1976. Thus, KamAZ is 19 years younger than MAZ. As we see, at this stage it is still impossible to answer the question of which is better - MAZ or KamAZ. The entire Soviet Union was included in the production of the enterprise on Kama. In record time, several complexes for the production of trucks of various modifications with their own research center were built. It was a complete production, where everything, from the screw to the power unit, was produced on site. Within 10 years, that is, by 1986, KamAZ fully recouped the funds invested in construction.

Advantages of tractors

In conclusion, I would like to talk about the advantages of Maz and Kamaz cars:

  1. Huge selection and availability - MAZ manufacturers produce a wide variety of types of trucks and passenger vehicles, and also produce original parts. Kamaz sells in all post-Soviet states.
  2. Reliability is the main advantage of the two brands of car, subject to proper maintenance.

The engines installed on MAZ and KamAZ fully comply with European norms and standards and are considered “indestructible”.

A comparative review of these two tractors is in this video:

Features of MAZ

Trucks from the well-known MAZ company have proven themselves well in transporting goods over long distances. Supporters of choosing this car note its great adaptability to highway roads and good asphalt. Supporters of the car note a comfortable cabin and greater reliability of power units. Cars of the lower Euro-2 class are especially praised. And this despite the fact that today the MAZ model line includes cars with the Euro-6 class. When answering the question “MAZ or KamAZ - what to choose?” MAZ supporters have no doubts and cite numerous stories in defense of the long and trouble-free service life of Minsk cars.

Today the company actively cooperates with the French concern Mann. MAZ produces several types of trucks with Mann cabs. The end result is a comfortable car that meets all European standards, but at a cost significantly lower than its foreign counterparts.

Advantages from KamAZ

KamAZ can be said to be the most common truck in Russia. The huge production in Naberezhnye Chelny, despite various economic difficulties, is constantly being improved, producing a wide variety of trucks and special equipment. Adherents of KamAZ note excellent cross-country ability and incredible stability when operating in the most severe conditions. High-speed engines show excellent results. This fact is confirmed by constant victories in the Dakar Rally.

Many car enthusiasts who answer the question “Which is better - MAZ or KamAZ (dump truck)?” answer in favor of KamAZ know about the advantages of the competitor. At the same time, the majority of MAZ supporters confirm KamAZ’s greater suitability for off-road use. Snow drifts on winter roads, forest windbreaks during harvesting work, spring thaw or autumn off-road conditions are conquered with equal success by the imperturbable KamAZ.

Another advantage is a reliably operating gearbox. Let us remind you that the cars of this brand have an eight-speed gearbox with a divider, due to which the number of gears increases to sixteen. After KamAZ began to actively cooperate with the Mercedes concern, the flagships 5490 and 65206 began to be equipped with a power unit from Mercedes, namely the Daimler OM 457LA. At the same time, the flagship KamAZ-5490 also has a Daimler cab. It is clear that for a new truck of this class you will have to pay more than 4 million rubles, but this is still less than a foreign car of this level.


Trucks produced by the Kama Automobile Plant are extremely popular and in demand in our country. According to these indicators, they actually have no competitors. The domestic company systematically expands its model range, and all its equipment is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, maintainability and high cross-country ability.

Powerful power plants of our own and foreign production, which are used to power KamAZ, allow for large-tonnage cargo transportation without loss of speed.

We should not forget about the Dakar rally, in which the KAMAZ-MASTER team is the most titled and famous, regularly winning prizes, and often the entire podium.

Among the many undeniable “advantages” of domestic KamAZ trucks, the following advantages deserve special attention.

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  1. Quite low fuel consumption.
  2. Excellent traction and dynamic performance.
  3. Simple operation and reliability of the units.
  4. High quality engines and gearboxes.
  5. Excellent maneuverability. Various types of roads and weather conditions, difficult terrain and dirt are not a problem for KamAZ.

Disadvantages of trucks from KamAZ

When considering the question of which is better - MAZ or KamAZ (dump truck), owner reviews are of significant importance. It is important to consider not only the advantages of each brand, but also their disadvantages. So, what do drivers who have experience driving cars from each brand complain about?

When the question concerns KamAZ trucks older than 5 years, many complain about insufficient comfort. This especially applies to drivers transporting goods over long distances. In particular, MAZ supporters believe that KamAZ is not intended for long trips. The next main disadvantage is considered to be weak spare parts and problems with the engine. Again, this applies to used cars. Whereas for MAZ, on the contrary, it is believed that you made the engine once and forgot about it.

To the fullest

In the end, we decided to subject the surviving dump trucks to another check. So, the sellers of the “Chinese” allow you to load at least 30 tons into the back? Great! We again went to the sand pit and asked the loader driver: “Pour as much as you can.” It is clear that we will overload the machines, but by how much?

Rectangular bodies are classic: they have more volume with smaller dimensions, a lower center of gravity and are easier to equip with exhaust gas heating. But it is believed that bodies of the “half-pipe” type (far left) are less susceptible to freezing - and they will be relevant when Euro 4 standards come, where the exhaust is “cooler”

After all, “dump trucks” often do just that - they load until things start to fall off the sides. In MAZ, in addition to the four buckets already filled, the same amount fit (8 buckets - that’s 18.4 cubic meters), and in Shacman - all seven (11 buckets - 25.3 “cubes”) Oh, mommies...

Fortunately, it’s not far to the weighing station, we moved there at a snail’s pace. The MAZ was the first to be weighed: it, fully loaded, weighed almost 44 tons. Not weak. And when the weighwoman weighed the “Chinese” along the axes and calculated the total, she began to lament: “You are not allowed to weigh yourself here at all! My scales are designed for a maximum of 50 tons!” How many do we have then? Just don't fall: 54 and a half tons. How much does a four-axle “Chinese” weigh when loaded to capacity? It's scary to imagine.

But that’s how they load. And they drive. And then they wonder why the asphalt is broken, the “Chinese” cars constantly break down and so many serious accidents happen to them. The fault is mutual: both the Chinese, who make oversized bodies, and our builders, for whom profit is more important than safety.

MAZ problems

Both brands include recommendations from owners to avoid overheating powertrains. In principle, any diesel engine does not tolerate this well. KamAZ praises the YaMZ 238 engine most of all, even comparing it with a Kalashnikov assault rifle. That is, just as reliable and trouble-free.

MAZ truck tractors often have complaints about the box. Moreover, this applies to both the Minsk version and the German ZF. The latter also “bites” in cost.

And yet, which is better - MAZ or KamAZ (dump truck)? Owner reviews are divided approximately equally. And in general, the MAZ is considered more powerful and high-torque, designed to transport large loads over long distances. Considering that the reviews relate mainly to used cars, we understand that today the picture can change constantly. After all, both KamAZ and MAZ are developing and producing new cars.

What is the difference

The differences in technology are visible to the naked eye. They are noticeable in the following details:

  1. Fuel consumption. The difference is noticeable immediately. For KAMAZ it is significantly less than for MAZ. The main reason for this is the engine displacement. In addition, there is real documented evidence from fuel consumption tests.
  2. Technical equipment and power. In recent years, the Belarusian company has suffered many economic losses, which is why the development of new technologies has been suspended. Their competitors are doing much better. In 2003 alone, KAMAZ spent more than $150 million on the purchase of high-tech Japanese equipment. This made it possible to make a number of improvements to existing transport models, making it more unpretentious.
  3. Availability of spare parts. Due to economic problems, the MAZ company does not have enough funds to produce and supply spare parts to other countries, which is why a certain shortage arises.
  4. Load capacity. Perhaps the most important difference that can affect the final choice of the buyer. If we do not take into account the heavy KAMAZ family, then this figure is equal.
  5. Price. Here the clear leader is MAZ. The high cost of Russian equipment is explained by more comfortable conditions and greater technical equipment.

Whose tractor is better

To better understand the advantages and disadvantages, let’s take one car from each brand in the same class and compare. The first comparison will be tractors. And since modern tractors imply a seat-hitch connection, these will be seat tractors. From KamAZ we will consider the KamAZ-65806 with a coupling load of up to 23,225 kg, and from MAZ - MAZ-643019-8429 with approximately the same load - 23,000 kg.

Interestingly, both variants have a Mercedes engine. For MAZ it is OM501LA with 435 hp, and for KamAZ it is OM457LA with 428 hp. The situation is similar with the 16-speed gearbox from ZF. The maximum speed of the Kama tractor is 90 km/h, and the Minsk tractor is 100 km/h. But KamAZ has two fuel tanks of 300 liters each versus one of MAZ.

Overall, the results are very similar cars. The only thing is that you will have to pay more for Euro-5 from KamAZ than for Euro-4 from MAZ. Therefore, to the question “Which is better - MAZ or KamAZ (tractor)?” There is no clear answer.

Which dump truck to choose

In the dump truck category, it is best to consider top-end new products that carry maximum weight. KamAZ has a suitable four-axle 33-ton truck capable of taking 25 cubic meters at a time - this is KamAZ-65801. The car is equipped with a Cummins 11.8 liter turbocharged diesel engine with a power of 440 hp. The dump truck is equipped with a 16-speed ZF gearbox.

The opponent from MAZ can provide a MAZ-6516V9-480-000 dump truck in response. This truck carries up to 21 cubic meters of payload with a total weight of up to 26,900 kg. The car is equipped with a YaMZ 651.10 turbodiesel with a power of 412 “horses”. There is also a 12-speed gearbox with a single-plate clutch. The vehicle speed is forcibly limited to 85 km/h.

As can be seen from the description, the reviews do not give a categorical answer to the question of which is better - MAZ or KamAZ. The only thing you can notice is that KamAZ has a more powerful vehicle with the stated body volume. At the same time, MAZ cars are less expensive.

Loading sand

It took two days to repair, adjust and pump. Well, now you can boot. Just to what mass? Many “dump trucks” work with overload, but we decided to act within the law - and load so that the loaded trucks weigh 30 tons (this is what is allowed in Russia for single trucks).

Apart from the typical Chinese radio, the interior is almost like that of a MAN! Even the steering wheel is the same

Both MAZ and KAMAZ fully allow this (their permissible maximum weight is about 33 tons), but the “Chinese”... We couldn’t believe our eyes when we saw in the PTS and on the sign riveted to the cab that the permissible maximum weight is only 25 t. Can this be possible, given the 19 cc body? But the sellers reassured us: this was, they say, a mistake by the certification authorities. “We are allowed to load at least 30 tons!”

But the buyer of such a dump truck will automatically be fined when communicating with a traffic police inspector - he should add the weight of the cargo according to the invoice with the weight of the dump truck from the registration certificate and compare the amount with the maximum permitted weight from the same certificate.

On the left is the climate control control, on the right is the shift diagram on the gearshift leverA typical solution for the “Chinese” - the body lift lever is located to the left of the driver

You can relax on a bed with a lifting headrest…...and on the right seat, leaning back

Before loading, we timed the raising and lowering of the bodies. The slowest was the MAZ with the Avtomaster body (it takes more than a minute to rise, and the body is very “sausage”), the fastest was the “Chinese”: rising in half a minute, lowering in ten seconds!

At the same time, the control of the body lift is noticeably different between dump trucks: the most confusing is, again, MAZ-Avtomaster, and we liked the lift handle on the side of the driver’s seat on the “Chinese” truck.

Dealers call the Shacman "the poor man's MAN": its cabin is borrowed from the old German MAN F2000

By the way, shortly before our tests, a disaster occurred in the Moscow region: the same Shacman with a raised body while moving demolished a concrete overpass over the road, which, having fallen, crushed the cab with the driver. The media wrote that the driver could accidentally lift the body while moving, hitting the handle. We checked this: it is impossible to accidentally lift the body, and even while moving! In addition, when the body is raised, the buzzer beeps and the warning light comes on, not to mention the fact that the body is visible in the mirror. This means that the driver was driving with the body raised and was either completely inexperienced or very tired.

The loader quickly poured four buckets of sand into each of the dump trucks (that’s 9.2 cubic meters) - and we again went to the weighing station, where we discovered that a couple of cars had been overloaded. And for the tests to be correct, the deviation should not exceed 300 kg. I had to climb into the back and throw out several hundred kilograms of sand with shovels in the drizzling rain...

This is what dump trucks look like when loaded to the maximum. At the same time, MAZ weighs about 44 tons, and Shacman - all 54 tons! It’s just that its rear wheels (photo on the left) are scary to look at

Before the tests had time to begin, MAZ-Avtomaster dropped out of them, having walked only a few kilometers with the load. Even before this, the release bearing was regularly howling, and after the first start up a steep hill (the car did not slip), there was a strong smell of burnt clutch in the cabin

It looks like the clutch was not adjusted at the factory - and this is the result. Unload and go to the fence! With a mileage of only 3586 km.

By the way, on the same hill, MAZ-Avtomaster rested its rear underride guard on the ground, so much so that a couple of bolts were cut off from its mounting. It was not for nothing that we complained that the beam was located too low.

It is impossible to inflate the rear inner wheels without removing the outer ones!Above the front bumper there is a crack sealed with Velcro with hieroglyphs

And then we, using three cars, began to drive kilometers along the asphalt roads of the test site to measure fuel consumption. After each lap, we changed cars to eliminate the influence of driving style (one driver presses the throttle harder, the other weaker, and everyone switches differently). We drove along the highway, up and downhill, along winding access roads. But not for long.

and the next day I was driving a MAZ... And suddenly I lost sight of the KAMAZ that was driving behind me. He stood in the middle of a long climb, flashing his emergency lights. The despondent driver Vitya climbed out of the cab: “I can’t change gears, and the cabin stinks of a burnt clutch.” KAMAZ died for the same reason as MAZ - having covered only 175 km with a load and with a total mileage of 2197 km on the odometer.

Judging by the card, the service recommends changing the oil after 5000 km. Wow! Exhaust gas switching is done competently, in a European style

Just like in the series "Knockout Game". Or according to the old song about ten little Indians: “One of them drowned, they bought a coffin for him, and here’s the result - nine little Indians. Nine little blacks went swimming in the sea..."

And here’s from another song: “The result was simple: a tractor arrived, and there was...” No, not a cable, but a steel rod. A dump truck that is unloaded on a rigid coupling is quite a sight! Having placed KAMAZ next to the deceased MAZ, we decided to complete the fuel efficiency measurements. We’ll talk about what happened a little later, but for now we’ll talk about our impressions of the cars.

From the driver's point of view

The first thing that all dump trucks have in common is problems with steering adjustment. The MAZ steering wheel was adjustable only by tilt angle: the height adjustment knob did not work. The “Chinese” has the same thing: the height adjustment knob was tightened tightly. And in the case of KAMAZ, we were absolutely sure that the steering wheel was not adjustable - and only on the last day we accidentally found the switch. The designers hid it at the very bottom of the panel, under the handbrake!

The second common feature is disgusting gear shifting, a deuce plus. With a plus - because the gears could be somehow “stuck in”.

I wonder how long this wiring will last?The cabin revealed an impressive set of tools, but of “Chinese” quality

A piece of chipped plastic from the inner door lining was found in the cabinThe lock on the tank lid is stuck. We picked it up - and here is the result

The MAZ forces on the lever were such that it was necessary to drive the gears with terrible force, sometimes with both hands! No amount of throttling helped. At the same time, there is a sharp seam along the knob of the lever, and by the end of the tests I was wincing from pain in my hand. Perhaps, after adjusting the drive and grinding the knob, the situation would have improved, but there was neither time nor energy for this.

In addition, in the Yaroslavl gearbox, not only the switching pattern is inverted, but also the upper and lower rows: when the flag is “up,” the lower row is turned on, and vice versa. Horror.

The Weichai in-line engine with common rail injection in this version develops 336 hp.

KAMAZ is little better in this regard: what is the point that its 16-speed gearbox is made under a German license, if even the drive we repaired worked disgustingly, and the “halves” did not work at all?

Even more surprising was the “Chinese”, which had a 12-speed Shaanxi gearbox. In winter, during testing of a four-axle MAZ dump truck, we really liked it both in terms of clarity and effort. But here it’s as if it was made at a completely different factory. The gears are located very close to each other, and the two on the far right did not turn on regularly: I almost cried from powerlessness.

This is what the corners of the “Chinese” doors look like...MAZ......and KAMAZ. Bitter grief!

And now about the differences. One thing can be said about the interior of the MAZ: it exists. Ancient plastic, buttons and levers, poor “seats” without a headrest, sun visors covered with wrinkled material. MAZs with new-style cabs leave a completely different impression!

And on the move, such a MAZ is a cross between a cleaver and a jackhammer. The car is shaking terribly from engine vibrations and road unevenness; the cabin is very noisy (and the fan often turns on). The engine is weak, so you have to constantly shift, and the gap between the gearbox ratios is too wide. In one gear the engine no longer pulls, in another it “overwinds”. Moreover, on the first day of testing, MAZ accelerated to 85 km/h, and on the second day it no longer wanted to go faster than 75 km/h! Looks like it's due to problems with the fuel injection pump.

KAMAZ against this background is already from the present century. The driver sits on an excellent Grammer seat (it is produced under license in Yelabuga), in front of his eyes is a multi-colored shield made by the Chelny branch of the American company Ametek, the front panel is modern and ergonomic. And what kind of interior lighting is there: in the evening the light literally floods the cabin. True, only the top rows of buttons on the panel are illuminated, but the turn signal indicators are too bright and blinding.

On the move, the KAMAZ is much more dynamic than the MAZ (why, with 400 “horses”!), the engine is very flexible (which means you can switch less often). True, KAMAZ is a terrible “whistle”: its turbine whistles loudly, and from under the gearshift lever cover (we did not secure the cover with screws, for fear of repeating problems with the drive) heat comes from the engine.

The suspension is the softest among all, but it’s scary to take turns: the car starts to “float away”. On a straight line, the loaded KAMAZ easily accelerated to hundreds, but at the same time the “Check engine” and emergency oil pressure indicators came on a couple of times. Moreover, the oil level was normal! This is fine?

The interior of the “Chinese” is better than that of KAMAZ - almost the MAN of the previous generation, only made in China. The steering wheel (also like the MAN, with places for the keys on it) is covered with leatherette, the seats, like those of KAMAZ, are German licensed, but not Grammer, but ISRI. True, the belt here is not built into the back, like the KAMAZ, but it didn’t bite: the “Chinese”, the only one of the four, could be driven with a belt on.

And behind the seats is a sleeping bunk: it’s true, narrow, 45 cm, and with funny little frills on the bedspread, but with a very conveniently rising headboard. By the way, Mercedes just used almost the same system for raising the head of the new Actros tractor: was it really something they copped from the Chinese?

The height of the “Chinese” front axle beam from the road is 29 cm, the engine sump is 45 cmAt MAZ, the front axle beam is located 28 cm from the asphalt, the engine sump is 46 cmKAMAZ radiators are located very low! Although they are covered with protection: from it to the asphalt - 28.5 cm

On the front panel there is not only a radio, but even climate control controls. Of course, they are made in Chinese: the sound is bad, the radio is blinding blue at night, and even if it is turned off, this backlight does not go out. The climate control is “buggy”: you manually set it to, say, 22°C, and it starts to fry! And the cigarette lighter surprised me. Having heated up, he... Shot straight into the engine tunnel. So it's not far from the fire.

On the move, the “Chinese” is not as dynamic as the KAMAZ (the engine is weaker and the suspension is clearly stiffer), but it is more harmonious: the pedals are not hard, the car does not “fall” in turns and does not strain at high speed. The evening illumination of the cabin, although not dazzling, is quite “passenger-like”, and the high beam is brighter than KAMAZ, not to mention MAZs with dim and slanted headlights.

10 ton flatbed truck

What about simple flatbed trucks? MAZ has a suitable model for 10 tons. This is MAZ-5340V5-8420-000. This is a simple 4-wheeled truck with a YaMZ-536.10 turbocharged diesel engine. The engine belongs to the Euro-4 class and has 310 hp. with a volume of 6.65 liters. Nine-speed manual transmission from ZF and drum brakes. The car speed is limited to 85 km/h.

KamAZ has something to answer to its longtime opponent. This is the top model KamAZ-65207 with a Mercedes engine. 401 horsepower, a 16-speed transmission from ZF and a modern cab open up new horizons in the world of trucks. You can load 16 tons of payload on board with a total volume of 48.4 m3. The car is equipped with disc brakes on both the front and 4 wheels at the rear.

The only advantage of MAZ is the price. After all, 5340V5 can be purchased for about 3 million, while KamAZ-65207 costs twice as much. Therefore, our question is “Which is better - MAZ or KamAZ, capable of carrying 10 tons?” there is a simple answer. MAZ is cheaper when buying a new configuration.

Who is who

What if we add to these two dump trucks their classmates in the same price niche? Rusbusinessauto found a KAMAZ-6520, and the Moscow region company Spetsavtotekhnika provided the Chinese Shaanxi (now called Shacman). Let's tell you who is who.

The MAZ-5516 dump truck (now with the A5 prefix) is very familiar to both drivers and mechanics. The engine is the well-deserved YaMZ-238, only modernized, with the index 6582.10, the gearbox is also from Yaroslavl. But here’s what’s curious: despite the popularity of this model, it is not in the factory catalog or on the MAZ website! Only agricultural option and wood chip truck.

Why? Apparently, because the model is frankly outdated, and instead of it a more modern MAZ-6501 with a new type of cab is offered. But it is more expensive, and buyers still buy the familiar model.

MAZ with the Avtomaster body has the same design as the MAZ-5516A5, with the exception of the body: thanks to it, the car receives a new VIN and becomes formally Russian with the opportunity to participate in government tenders. The body itself is made in the form of a half-pipe (it is believed that in winter the rock freezes to it less, although the center of gravity increases), it is made more accurately than the Mazovsky one, equipped with Italian hydraulics and a pneumatic system for switching the exhaust “body-street”. Moreover, when the body is raised, the exhaust automatically switches to “street” (otherwise in winter a cloud of gases interferes with monitoring unloading).

But this system is poorly located, under the belly of the car (oh, the pneumatics will turn sour in winter!), and the rear underride guard is too low due to the presence of the hitch - for which we later paid.

KAMAZ-6520 is the model on which the plant is now relying. In the price list it is presented in 15 modifications! With bodies of different volumes (from 12 to 20 cubic meters) and sections (rectangular or “half-pipe”), KAMAZ or Madara drive axles from Hungary, with or without cabin restyling. There are even options that meet Euro 4 and Euro 5 standards. Moreover, all KAMAZ-6520 vehicles are equipped with a 16-speed ZF gearbox manufactured by KAMAZ.

We got version 6520-26014-63 - with restyling, four-point air suspension for the cabin (which other competitors did not have) and an engine. Is this a typo? Is common rail injection really necessary here? Exactly! Although the engine itself is a familiar KAMAZ-740, only meeting Euro 3 standards. And the body is welded clearly better than that of the MAZ-5516 and the “Chinese”.

Log and timber carriers

Frequently, trucks are required for specific jobs, such as transporting timber. Let's consider what domestic manufacturers can offer for these purposes. Here, MAZ offers a good option - MAZ-6312V9-426-012. This log carrier is capable of transporting cargo with a length of more than seven meters and a total weight of 20,800 kg. The modern YaMZ 651.10 engine has a power of 412 “horses” and a service life before major overhaul of 1 million km.

Option from KamAZ - KamAZ-658600. This road train can transport long cargo up to 6 meters with a total weight of 11 tons. Good additions include a manipulator and all-wheel drive on all three axles. And again, the answer to the question of which is better - MAZ or KamAZ (timber truck) remains open. After all, some will need more cross-country ability, while others will need more space.

Comparison of KamAZ, MAZ and KrAZ dump trucks

Dump trucks are the most versatile carriers of all construction materials, bulk and bulk cargo, such as sand, crushed stone, gravel and construction waste. In a word, everything for which unloading carried out by tipping from the body is suitable. Not a single construction project can be completed without dump trucks.

These machines are beneficial due to the reduction in time for unloading, which can be done in four ways: rear, side, two-sided or universal on all sides. However, they also have disadvantages: for example, the load capacity of a dump truck is less than that of a truck with a fixed loading platform.

In addition to classification by type of unloading, dump trucks can also be divided by body type (hopper, platform, sliding hopper, sliding platform). In addition, there are dump trucks that are unloaded by tilting the entire vehicle using telescopic lifts.

In Russia, dump trucks are produced by URAL, GAZ, Yarovit. But, despite the collapse of the Soviet Union and the transformation of the former fraternal republics into foreign countries, dump truck models developed in Belarus and Ukraine successfully compete with each other on the Russian market.

For our comparison, we selected the three most striking new models from representatives of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian automobile industry. These are KamAZ 6520-26020-73, MAZ 6501V9-8420-000, KrAZ C20.2R. All of them belong to the category of heavy three-axle dump trucks with a lifting capacity of 20 tons, and have a 6x4 wheel configuration.

Let's see what they can do.

Dump truck KamAZ 6520-26020-73

Let's start with the domestic model, produced by the leader among Russian dump truck manufacturers - the Kama Automobile Plant.

KAMAZ 6520-26020-73 is the latest model in the 6520 series, developed to meet the requirements of the Euro-4 eco-standard, which came into force in Russia at the beginning of 2013. In addition to legal requirements, the wishes of direct consumers of KAMAZ dump trucks were also taken into account when developing this model.

The dump truck is equipped with a powerful domestically produced engine KAMAZ 740.73-400 with 400 hp, a manual 16-speed gearbox - ZF and fuel equipment from BOSCH.

The body installed on the car, with a volume of 16 m3, is positioned by the manufacturer as optimal, since you can safely move with it on roads equipped with stationary and mobile weight control points, without fear of exceeding the axle load.

Thanks to the KAMAZ towing device (such as a kingpin-loop or a backlash-free coupling), the dump truck can also work as a road train, which will help to significantly reduce the cost of cargo transportation.

Among the innovations of the model is a restyled all-metal cabin, although without a berth. The machine has noise and thermal insulation, as well as an exhaust gas aftertreatment system (AdBlue).

The declared service interval of the dump truck is 25 thousand km. Thus, for 100 thousand km. mileage maintenance will need to be completed 4 times. The average cost of service at KamAZ is 25 thousand rubles. Considering that on average a dump truck covers 40-50 thousand km per year, servicing the vehicle per year will cost at least 50 thousand rubles.

Development Director of KamAZ-Don LLC Kharon Yusupov:

“The main advantages of the dump truck compared to previous models produced by the plant include, first of all, an increase in the frequency of maintenance to 25,000 - 50,000 km, as well as an extension of the vehicle warranty from 75,000 km and 18 months to 100,000 km and 24 months.

Due to its specifications, namely increased power, load capacity and body volume, the machine is widely used as a mining dump truck.”

Dump truck MAZ 6501V9-8420-000

The dump truck from the Minsk Automobile Plant is a new product for the Russian market (it went on sale in the fall of 2013).
The machine is designed for use in areas traditional for rear dump trucks. It is most convenient for working in road construction and quarries. The YaMZ-651.10 engine (Renault Dci11) has proven itself in MAZ vehicles since 2009. This unit is distinguished by its endurance and performance and is used in various types of freight transport, in addition to dump trucks: tractors, onboard vehicles and other special equipment. The German-made ZF16 gearbox installed on the machine is designed for heavy loads.

MAZ is equipped with a body with an impressive volume of 20 m3, which will allow you to transport not only heavy loads, but also large ones. The machine is also equipped with a mountain brake, inter-axle and inter-wheel axle blocking.

Both the appearance of the dump truck and the cabin, which is equipped with a full-fledged berth, have been updated.

As for machine service, maintenance for this dump truck, according to experts, will cost 30,000 - 40,000 rubles per maintenance. The frequency of service intervals declared by the manufacturer is every 25,000 km, and, according to the recommendation of experts, it should be slightly reduced and ideally be every 15,000 km. Thus, according to average estimates, servicing a dump truck per year will cost the consumer no less than 70 thousand rubles.

Leading specialist of the automotive sales department of Velikan-Rostov LLC Sergey Pleschunov:

“The car went on sale recently, but the demand for it is already quite high. From the consumer's point of view, its price is quite acceptable; other advantages of the model are a large body and a powerful engine.

As for the disadvantages, I would note that there are disadvantages in assembling the car. And, unfortunately, many people underestimate the importance of timely maintenance, but you need to take care of the car! Then it will last a long time.”

Dump truck KrAZ C20.2R

The dump truck from the Kremenchug Automobile Plant is also new to the Russian market (it went on sale in the winter of 2012-2013).
KrAZ C20.2R is characterized by the widespread involvement of developments from foreign (French, Austrian, Croatian) companies, which is synonymous with quality for consumers. The dump truck is positioned by the manufacturers as a special project of their design bureau, which is unlike all other models known to the Russian market. The car has a six-cylinder YaMZ-6511 engine with a diesel fuel system and a mechanical dual-range gearbox zf 16s151.

What distinguishes the C20.2R from previous models of the manufacturer is the use of a new cabin from the French company Renault Kerax, which has improved noise insulation as well as an ergonomic layout of control devices and good visibility.

The special steel alloy from which the car body is made was developed by the Austrian company Voestalpine. Its nominal volume is 14 m3. With the involvement of developments from foreign manufacturers, a telescopic mechanism for working with cargo was created - specialists from the well-known company Binotto worked on it.

The new “road truck” KrAZ C20.2R can be quite effectively used as a utility vehicle: for snow removal work and as a base for watering equipment. Attachments for winter road maintenance were developed by the Croatian company RASCO.

As for maintenance, under normal operating conditions of the KrAZ, according to experts, the first change of oil, oil and fuel filters will need to be done after 20,000 - 30,000 km, subsequent ones - every 40,000 km; the first gearbox oil change - after running in 1000 km, then every 60,000 km; Changing oils in car axles - every 40,000 km. With an average annual mileage of 50,000 km per year, it will be necessary to undergo maintenance only 1-2 times, and with an average cost of servicing a car of 35-40 thousand rubles, the average annual expenses will be from 35 to 80 thousand rubles.

Deputy Director of the Trading House PJSC "Auto KrAZ" for the sale of cars in the Russian Federation Viktor Sorvin:

“This dump truck is not just new, it is qualitatively different from the previous ones. The machine is extremely reliable: it will not let you down not only when working in the city, but also on the traditional off-road expanses of KrAZ, in difficult terrain, in quarrying or logging. The cabin is comfortable, there is practically no noise.

At a price of 4,050,000 rubles, taking into account the payment of a recycling fee of 435,000 rubles, the car is more expensive, but it is also better in quality, and what is more important for the buyer is up to him to decide.”

ModelEngineEngine power, hpLoad capacity, kgBody volume, m3checkpointAverage fuel consumption, l/100 kmService interval frequency, kmNumber of maintenance services per 100,000 kmAverage cost of maintenance, thousand rubles.Price of the new model, rub.
KamAZ 6520-26020-73KAMAZ-740.73-40040020 00016ZF163925 0004252 650 000
MAZ 6501V9-8420-000YaMZ-651.1041220 00020ZF163725 0004352 730 000
KrAZ C20.2RYaMZ-651136220 00014ZF16s1514040 0002-3354 050 000

So, judging by the table, the most profitable purchase for the consumer will be a dump truck from MAZ: it has the most powerful engine and lower fuel consumption, as well as the most voluminous body. However, if everything was determined solely by technical characteristics recorded on paper, things would be much simpler.

Judging by the price, the difference between MAZ and KamAZ, taking into account its variation depending on the region and dealer, is not significant. As for the most expensive of the presented models - KrAZ, in fairness it is worth noting that as of January 1 of next year, the recycling fee, which the Ukrainian supplier is currently paying, will be extended to all automakers. Consequently, the price gap between the three models will not be so striking. In addition, it would be unfair not to note the obvious advantages of the KrAZ model, which is currently rare in Russia: in addition to the traditional use of dump trucks, the machine is also capable of working in public utilities, and increasing service intervals will somewhat reduce maintenance costs.

Experts have mixed opinions regarding the use of foreign developments (for example, YaMZ engines created jointly with Renault) on domestically produced cars. Nikolay Tarasov, a truck driver-mechanic with twenty years of experience, oh - if this is a KamAZ, then the filling is KamAZ. When anything breaks down, even an engine, you can easily find and install the right part. But if you have a domestic car with an engine from a foreign manufacturer, then repairs will be more expensive and less efficient. Our cars with foreign engines do not work! I am for domestic producers!”

Special equipment from famous brands

There are quite a lot of interesting equipment among the MAZ model range. There are truck cranes, concrete mixers, buses, and garbage trucks. Of particular interest is the all-wheel drive tractor MAZ-6425Х9-433-000. This truck is equipped with a 420-horsepower YaMZ 6585.10 engine and a 9-speed gearbox from the Yaroslavl plant. There is a large cabin with a berth. The total weight of transported cargo reaches 21 tons.

The KamAZ model range is no less wide. Here you can find buses, truck cranes, concrete mixers and garbage trucks. Simple chassis are also available for sale, which can be customized with any additional equipment. Which is better - MAZ or KamAZ, the photo of which is above? As you can see, there is no gain in terms of assortment and breadth of the model range.

KAMAZ declares war on MAZ on its own territory 16:46, June 13, 2022 Print version

Last week, KAMAZ demonstrated its top-end new products next to MAZ - at the test site in Lipki! This was the first such large-scale test drive of a Russian manufacturer in Belarus.

The event was organized by one of the two official dealers of KAMAZ PJSC in the Republic of Belarus, representing the equipment of the Kama Automobile Plant since 2015. Among the priority tasks that this company has set for itself in the coming years is to achieve leadership in the “Trucks” segment in the automobile market of Belarus. That is, neither more nor less

the dealer company together with the Russian auto giant are going to challenge the Minsk Automobile Plant and make KAMAZ. number one brand in Sineokaya! KAMAZ declares war on MAZ on its own territory? It’s bold, to be sure. And what to fight with?

At the Republican testing ground for mobile vehicles in Lipki on Wednesday, September 12, the top five vehicles from the new line of the Kama Automobile Plant with Daimler components were presented: KAMAZ-5490 NEO and KAMAZ-65206 truck tractors, KAMAZ-65201, KAMAZ-6580 and KAMAZ dump trucks -65801. These models have already appeared at various exhibitions in Belarus, some of them are already running on Belarusian roads, but they have gathered in one place for the first time.

distant battle

The flagship of the new KAMAZ-5490 NEO model range has been produced in Naberezhnye Chelny since last spring. This is one of the most popular models in the KAMAZ line, which is now breaking sales records: thus, according to the press service of KAMAZ PJSC, in the first half of 2022, 2,936 NEO truck tractors were sold, which is almost double the results of the same period in 2017 .

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