Zil 130 engine technical characteristics fuel consumption

ZIL-130 is a Soviet-Russian truck produced in the period 1962-2014. This model became one of the most popular trucks of the Soviet era. The car received a large number of modifications intended for civil and military needs. In particular, there is a modification with a load capacity of 6 tons. At the same time, the ZIL-130 is a typical medium-duty truck, which is located between the GAZ-3 models and the more powerful and heavier MAZ-500 truck. ZIL-130 is the successor to the outdated ZIL-164 model. It is noteworthy that in 1986 the car received a new standardized index - ZIL-431410. The ZIL-130 version was equipped with rear-wheel drive, but all-wheel drive trucks were also produced on the basis of this vehicle.

ZIL design

For its time, the basic ZIL-130 was a fairly powerful car, and the fact that the ZIL 130 has such high fuel consumption per 100 km is due to this. The car has an engine equipped with 8 cylinders. All modifications of this model have power steering, as well as a 5-speed gearbox. It uses A-76 fuel for movement.

EngineConsumption (highway)Consumption (city)Consumption (mixed cycle)
ZIL 13025 l/100 km35 l/100 km30 l/100 km

Dimensions and weight

The truck has the following parameters:

  • length/width/height – 6.37/2.5/2.65 meters;
  • distance between front/rear wheels – 1.93/1.85 m;
  • ground clearance - 33 centimeters;
  • cooling system volume – 26.5 liters;
  • net weight of the platform – 860 kilograms;
  • the weight of the assembled gearbox is 200 kilograms, and the same figure for the cabin is 0.55 tons.

The total weight of the vehicle is about 11.5 tons with a full load, which allows it to withstand driving over bridges and other engineering structures on the roads.

How much fuel does ZIL consume?

ZIL is a dump truck, so it consumes quite a lot of fuel. The fuel consumption of ZIL 130 is 31.5 liters according to official data.

This figure is indicated in all documentation, but it corresponds to reality only when the machine is relatively unloaded and in good condition. And yet, it is more interesting to know what the real fuel consumption is for the ZIL 130.

Increase in norm

There are circumstances under which the average fuel consumption on a ZIL increases for every hundred kilometers.

Such a circumstance may be the time of year.

And now let’s talk about how costs are increasing


  • in the southern regions the change is insignificant - only about 5%;
  • in the temperate climate zone there is an increase in fuel consumption by 10%;
  • a little further north the flow rate will already increase to 15%;
  • in the Far North, in Siberia - up to 20% increase.

Having this data at hand, it is easy to calculate what gasoline consumption is on a ZIL 130 in winter. For example, if you do the math (taking the norm as 31.5 cubic meters), then a car will spend at least 34.5 cubic meters of gasoline for a kilometer distance in a temperate climate in winter.

Linear fuel consumption also increases with increasing mileage - we wear out the engine. Here the statistics are as follows


  • new car – mileage up to 1000 km – increase by 5%;
  • for every new thousand km driven – an increase of 3%.

Fuel consumption varies depending on the terrain you drive on. It's no secret that the fuel consumption of the ZIL 130 on the highway is less than normal, and is usually 28-32 liters for every 100 km

. On the highway you have to stop less, the road is better there, you can gain stable speed and not overwork the engine. Cars of this brand most often drive along the highway, because trucks of this type are designed to move cargo over long distances.

As drivers say, fuel consumption rates for the ZIL 130 in the city are increasing significantly. The dump truck has to constantly maneuver, stand at traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, and maintain a speed that is not as high as it could develop on the highway, which is why gasoline consumption increases. In urban conditions it is 38-42 liters per 100 kilometers.

Where are ZIL-131 trucks used?

Despite the increased amount of fuel consumed, the ZIL-131 truck was specially optimized and adapted for off-road use. For this purpose, the manufacturer provides a reinforced bridge design. The tires have 8 layers and a special tread pattern. This increases and improves grip on the road surface. Additionally, the cargo vehicle is modified with a center differential. Model 131 is different from other cars. In terms of its characteristics and parameters, it is not inferior to tracked vehicles. In wartime, the car was installed to arm the Katyusha. This model was also used for unified normal dimensions. Advantages include the possibility of installing a covered van. It transports service stations and points for providing radio communications. Now this technique is also used at military training grounds. The truck was used in aviation. It was equipped with equipment that made it possible to service aircraft. In urban conditions, the ZIL-131 model served as snow removal equipment. At enterprises you can find this truck as a tank for transporting oil, gasoline, and other combustion products. ZIL-131 is used in fire departments. This is the most common modification used in urban environments.

Fuel economy

Prices for gasoline and diesel do not stand still - they are rising every day. Drivers, in order to save their money, have to come up with special tricks to save money. It “eats” a lot, and switching to gas will be ineffective. Some of them are used for ZIL-130


  • Without significant increases, ZIL consumes fuel, which is in good technical condition, especially regarding the condition of the engine, carburetor, and vehicle ignition system.
  • Fuel consumption can be reduced by taking a few minutes to warm up the engine in winter.
  • A person's driving style can also affect a car's fuel consumption: they should drive more calmly and avoid sudden starts and braking. Consumption is also lower when driving faster.
  • If possible, avoid busy streets in the city - gasoline consumption on them increases by 15-20%.


The value of MTZ-82 for agriculture

This suggests that it is suitable for the full cycle of agricultural work, from preparing the land before planting crops and ending with the necessary work assigned to equipment such as a tractor. When choosing an engine for a commercial vehicle, and especially a truck, of course, you should pay attention not only to efficiency, but also to engine power.

Fuel consumption ZIL 130

ZIL 130 is a Soviet truck model equipped with a 5-speed gearbox. Production began in 1962 and continued after the collapse of the Soviet Union in Russia until 2014. Initially, the truck was equipped with a 150 hp gasoline engine, later models with a diesel engine and a gas cylinder with a capacity of 140 and 120 hp appeared on the market. Fuel consumption on trucks depends on the type of engine, operating conditions, and condition of the vehicle.

Fuel consumption ZIL 130 per 100 km

Fuel consumption of ZIL 130 depends on:

  1. Obstacles on the way - pedestrian crossings, traffic jams. On the highway at high speed, fuel consumption will be less than when driving around the city.
  2. Body load. Initially, the technical documentation stated a load capacity of 6 tons, but this truck is capable of “pulling” 8. In this case, fuel consumption will increase by 10-15%.
  3. Pre-warming the engine before driving in the cold season. A warm engine consumes less fuel
  4. Technical condition. A new or just repaired car always consumes less gasoline or diesel fuel. Therefore, owners should maintain the truck’s mechanisms in good technical condition to avoid unnecessary waste of fuel.

Diesel engine

For a ZIL diesel engine, fuel consumption per 100 km is 20-25 liters. If the load is exceeded, poor technical condition, driving in cold weather and around the city with a large number of stops, this value can increase to 30 l/100 km.

Consumption of ZIL 130 with gasoline engines

For 100 kilometers, a gasoline engine consumes 30-35 liters of fuel. Truck owners consider this type of engine to be the most expensive, preferring, if possible, to install diesel or gas equipment on a dump truck.

ZIL 130 with HBO

Gas is cheaper than gasoline, so if they want to save money, future ZIL buyers opt for models with gas-cylinder equipment. There are 2 versions of the gas cylinder for ZIL - 138A and 130I. The first has a power of 120 hp, the second produces 135. Fuel consumption is 30-35 liters of gas per 100 km - depending on the type of route, weather conditions and the condition of the car.

The advantage of a ZIL truck with gas-cylinder equipment is the ability to convert the engine to gasoline without additional tricks. The engine power will increase to 160 hp.

Pendant History of creation

Measuring the fuel consumption of a ZIL 131 with a D245 engine. When installing the piston, flat-shaped steel rings are installed in such a way that the locks of the annular disks are at an angle of 180 to one another. The front bushing on the fan side, made of aluminum alloy, is equipped with a thrust collar that holds the camshaft from axial movement; the remaining bushings are made of special cast iron.
  • the direction of the arrow that is on the bottom is towards the front of the crankshaft;
  • the direction of the arrow and the mark that is on the connecting rod rod is in one direction - this rule applies when a kit is installed in the assembly for cylinders located on the left (left group);
  • The direction of the mark on the connecting rod rod and the arrows are in different directions - this is how the kit should be installed for cylinders located on the right (right group).

ZIL 130 owner reviews about consumption

Ruslan, Leningrad region

I bought a ZIL produced in 1993 and drove it for 5 years. Fuel consumption was 30-35 liters per 100 km, but when loaded the engine consumed 5-7 liters more than when the body was half empty.

I drive a ZIL-130, manufactured in 1995, I keep an eye on the condition of the car, fortunately it’s easy to sort through the engine in the garage with my buddies, and getting a spare part is not a problem. The engine is gasoline; on the highway, with a load of 6 tons, it consumes 25 l/100 km; when driving around the city, it requires 30 l/100 km. The hardest thing is off-road - there it reaches 35 l/100 km.

I was warned about the gluttony of the gasoline engine when I was planning the purchase. I didn’t listen, and later discovered that a loaded dump truck consumes up to 40 l/100 km. I freaked out and installed a diesel engine. I have never regretted it - in 7 years it has paid for itself more than once, because... consumption is now a maximum of 25 liters of diesel fuel.

I bought a ZIL-130 1991 specifically to service a construction site. The original gasoline engine on the 92 worked flawlessly, even if it had to pull 8 tons. I didn’t like the gas mileage, so I installed the MT3-80 diesel. Now it consumes a maximum of 20 l/100 km, while the load capacity remains the same.

I live in a rural area, I have my own farm, so a truck is necessary. I bought a 130 model with a 130I engine to run on both gas and gasoline. It consumes more gas - 34-36 liters, but it also costs less. If you fill with 92 gasoline, it comes out to 30-32 liters per 100 km.


Power System – Lubrication System

International certification of four modifications of the D-245 for compliance with Euro-4 standards took place in 2011, and their mass production began in January 2012. Dobrynya was first presented at the Commercial Vehicles exhibition back in 2006 and throughout its production and operation it has earned flattering reviews from both experts in the use of the vehicle and its sales.

intake and exhaust cylinder 1exhaust cylinder 4
exhaust cylinder 2exhaust cylinder 5
intake cylinder 3intake cylinder 7
intake cylinder 6

Engine for a ZIL 130 car: characteristics, malfunctions and tuning

Nowadays you can find a huge amount of goods. It can be divided not only by quality, but also by cost. It is worth noting that this also applies to the automotive market. And this is quite natural. After all, every manufacturer wants to make a huge profit from sales and invest less money. During the Soviet era, the ZIL 130 engine, which was distinguished by its good strength and durability, gained enormous popularity.

Many drivers said that this is simply an indestructible unit that does not require much attention. The first vehicle with the ZIL 130 engine was released at the beginning of 1962. This was the first truck to roll off the Moscow assembly line.

Design of the D-245 diesel engine. About the history of the model

The axial force of the crankshaft is perceived by 4 bimetallic or aluminum alloy half rings, which are installed in the bores of the BC and the cover of the 5th main bearing. They are distinguished not only by high reliability, but also by efficiency when operating in any weather conditions, which makes MMZ engines indispensable for heavy equipment: tractors, loaders, excavators and buses.

Type of gas exchange systemwith turbocharging and ONV
Power (kW/hp)100/136
Rated speed (rpm)2400
dimensions1011*702*1080 mm
Weight530 kg


The ZIL 130 engine was installed on all trucks, both ZIL 130 and ZIL 131. And this is not surprising. After all, if you look at the design, the ZIL 131 engine is very similar to the standard ZIL 130 engine.

These units had a small degree of unification. To put it simply, the power unit from the Zil 130 was slightly reduced in volume, to 6 liters, which made it possible to obtain lower fuel consumption. The power unit also received a two-chamber carburetor system and a special speed limiter.

The more powerful engine is the ZIL 375, which has a volume of about seven liters. This type of machine is mainly used at the Ural Automobile Plant. Thanks to this, it was possible to obtain an increased cylinder radius and piston stroke.


The technical characteristics of the ZIL 130 engine deserve special attention.

ModelZIL 130
Power unit typeGasoline, four-stroke, carburetor
Power148 hp at 3000 rpm (with limiter)
Number of cylinders8
How the cylinders are arrangedAt an angle of 90 degrees
Minimum cylinder diameter and piston stroke100 mm diameter and 95 mm stroke
Total engine capacity6 liters
Compression ratioAbout 6.5
Minimum power at 3200 rpm150 horsepower or 110 kW
Torque at 2000 rpm401 Newtons per meter
Fuel consumption of the ZIL 130 engine313 grams
How cylinders work1 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 6 – 3 – 7 — 8
Cylinder numbering:Right 1 – 2 – 3 – 4
Left 5 – 6 – 7 – 8
Total engine weight640 kilograms
Engine pusher ZIL 130Made of quality steel, has a slight overlay of cast iron, fully mechanical
Gas pipelines of the ZIL 130 engineThe intake is made of aluminum alloy, has a special cavity for heating the fuel mixture, and is located between the cylinder heads
The outlet is made of high-quality cast iron, located one on each side of the block
Oil pump for ZIL 130 engineHas several sections; gear, located on the right side of the cylinder block, the pressure reducing valve has a pressure of 320 kPa. In the lower section, oil is supplied to the oil cooler, the bypass valve has a pressure of 120 kPa.
Cleaning filters for the ZIL 130 engine
Fine cleaningCeramic filter elements, equipped with economizer and pump
settling tankLocated on a bracket, has a slot type
RadiatorHas three rows, snake type

The motor is installed on the following car models: ZIL 130, 131, 375 and 508.

I would also like to note that the ZIL 508 engine has three compression rings and one oil scraper ring. The thermostat of the ZIL 508 engine deserves special attention. It has a solid filling and is installed in the exhaust pipe. The ZIL 131 engine cooling system is based on liquid, a completely closed type with forced circulation.

If we talk about the piston pin, then the ZIL 375 engine has it made of steel, completely hollow and floating. This refers to a certain feature of the car. The flywheel for the ZIL 375 engine is made of high-quality cast iron, equipped with a steel crown for starting the power unit from the starter. Speaking about the power supply system of the ZIL 375 engine, it contains the principle of forced supply of a portion of fuel.

Fuel consumption standards for special and specialized vehicles

Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 2008 No. AM-23-r

Last modified: May 14, 2014, July 14, 2015, April 6, 2022, September 20, 2022

Fuel consumption standards for special and specialized vehicles

Special and specialized vehicles with equipment installed on them are divided into two groups:

— vehicles performing work during the parking period (firefighting truck cranes, tank trucks, compressor, drilling rigs, etc.);

— vehicles performing repair, construction and other work while moving (aerial platforms, cable laying machines, concrete mixers, etc.).

The standard fuel consumption (l) for special vehicles performing the main work during the parking period is determined as follows:

Qн = (0.01 x Hsс x S + Hт x T) x (1 + 0.01 x D), l (5)

where Hsс is the fuel consumption rate for mileage, l/100 km (in cases where a special vehicle is also intended to transport cargo, the individual rate is calculated taking into account the performance of transport work:

Hsc' = Hsc + Hw x W,

where Hw is the rate of fuel consumption for transport work, l/100t * km;

W — volume of transport work, t * km);

S is the mileage of the special vehicle to the place of work and back, km;

Ht is the rate of fuel consumption for the operation of special equipment (l/h) or liters for the operation performed (filling a tank, etc.);

T—equipment operating time (hours) or number of operations performed;

D - total relative increase or decrease to the norm, as a percentage (when operating equipment, only allowances for work in winter and in mountainous areas are applied).

Standard fuel consumption (l) for special vehicles that perform the main work during movement is determined as follows:

Qн = 0.01 x (Hsс x S' + Hs" x S") x (1 + 0.01 x D), (6)

where Hsс is the individual fuel consumption rate for the mileage of a special vehicle, l/100 km;

S' — mileage of the special vehicle to the place of work and back, km;

Hs" - fuel consumption rate for mileage when performing special work while moving, l/100 km;

S"—vehicle mileage when performing special work while moving, km;

D - total relative increase or decrease to the norm, % (when operating equipment, only allowances for work in winter and in mountainous areas are applied).

For vehicles on which special equipment is installed, fuel consumption standards for mileage (for movement) are established based on fuel consumption standards developed for basic car models, taking into account changes in the weight of the special vehicle.

Fuel consumption standards for special vehicles performing housing and communal services are determined according to the standards of the Housing and Communal Services Department of the Gosstroy of Russia (K.D. Pamfilov Academy of Public Utilities).

15.1. Telescopic aerial platforms

Model of a special or specialized vehicle Basic model Norm for car mileage, l/100 km Equipment operating norm, l/h
1 2 3 4
AG-60 GAZ-51 26,5 3,0
AGP-12 GAZ-52 28,5 3,0
AGP-12 GAZ-53 30,5 3,5
AGP-12A GAZ-53A 30,5 3,5
AGP-12B ZIL-164 35,0 3,5
AGP-18.04 (ZIL-508.10-8V-6.0-150-5M) ZIL-43662 39.3 B **
AGP-22 (ZIL-508.10-8V-6.0-150-5M) ZIL-431412 40.2 B **
AGP-22.04 (D-243MMZ-4L-4.75-81-5M) ZIL-431412 20.5 D **
AP-17 GAZ-53A 32,0 3,5
APK-30 Ural-375 66,0 5,0
AT-53G GAZ-53A 27,5 3,5
VI-23 ZIL-130 35,0 4,0
VS-18 MS GAZ-52-03 27,5 3,0
VS-22 (ZIL-508.10-8V-6.0-150-5M) ZIL-131 48.5 B **
VS-22 MS ZIL-130 38,5 4,0
VS-26 MS ZIL-130 39,5 4,0
GVG GAZ-51 26,5 3,0
MShTS-2A ZIL-157, ZIL-157 1C 50,0 3,5
MShTS-3A ZIL-130 41,4 4,0
SPO-15, -15M Ural-375 77,5 5,0
TV-1 GAZ-51 26,5 3,0
TV-1 GAZ-52 25,0 3,0
TV-1 GAZ-53, GAZ-53F 30,5 3,0
TV-2 GAZ-52-03 26,0 3,0
TV-23 ZIL-131 46,0 4,0
TVG-15 GAZ-51A 27,0 3,0

15.2. Drilling rigs

Model of a special or specialized vehicle Basic model Norm for car mileage, l/100 km Equipment operating norm, l/h
1 2 3 4
AVB-2M GAZ-66 31,0 8,0
BKGM-63AN GAZ-53 31,0 7,5
BKMA-1/3.5 ZIL-130 37,0 12,0
BM-202A, -202 (BKGM-66-2) GAZ-66A 31,0 8,0
BM-302A, -32 (BKGM-66-3) GAZ-66 31,0 8,0
BM-802S KrAZ-257 54,5 8,0
LBU-50 ZIL-157K 44,5 8,0
MRK-1A ZIL-157 46,0 8,0
MRK-3A ZIL-131 46,0 8,0
MRKA-690A ZIL-130 42,0 12,0
OBUDM-150 343 ZIL-157 48,0 8,0
OBUE-150 ZIV ZIL-157K 44,5 8,0
URB-2A ZIL-157K 47,5 8,0
URB-16 ZIL-157K 45,5 8,0
URB-50M GAZ-66 32,0 8,0

15.3. Disinfection units

Model of a special or specialized vehicle Basic model Norm for car mileage, l/100 km Equipment operating norm, l/h
1 2 3 4
DUK-1 GAZ-51 23,0 6,0
DUK-1 GAZ-63 27,0 6,0
DUK-2 GAZ-51 23,0 16,0
OTV-1 GAZ-51 23,0 6,0

15.4. Cable layers

Model of a special or specialized vehicle Basic model Norm for car mileage, l/100 km Equipment operating norm, l/h
1 2 3 4
KM-2M GAZ-63 30,0 7,0
P-3229 ZIL-130 37,0 10,0

15.5. Kinomovedvizhki

Model of a special or specialized vehicle Basic model Norm for car mileage, l/100 km Equipment operating norm, l/h
1 2 3 4
Automovie mover AFV-51-2 GAZ-51A 24,0 5,0
Avtokinoperedvizhka AM-2 UAZ-452 18,0 4,0
Autoclub G1A1 "Kuban" GAZ-52 28,0 1,0
Autoclub G1A2 "Kuban" GAZ-53A 30,0 1,0
Autoclub "Uralets" GAZ-53A 30,0 1,0
"Kubanets 1A" UAZ-452 18,0 1,0
Mobile theater and cinema GAZ-51 24,0 1,0
Mobile theater and cinema GAZ-52 28,0 1,0

15.6. Compressors

Model of a special or specialized vehicle Basic model Norm for car mileage, l/100 km Equipment operating norm, l/h
1 2 3 4
APKS-6 ZIL-130 33,0 9,0
PKS-5 ZIL-164 33,0 11,0

15.7. Automotive cranes

Model of a special or specialized vehicle Basic model Norm for car mileage, l/100 km Equipment operating norm, l/h
1 2 3 4
AK-5 ZIL-130 38,0 5,0
AK-75, -75V ZIL-130, ZIL-431412 40,0 6,0
AK-75 ZIL-164 39,0 6,0
GKM-5 ZIL-130 38,0 5,0
GKM-5 ZIL-164 39,0 6,0
GKM-6.5 MAZ-500 30,5 5,5
K-2.5-12, -2.5-13 GAZ-51A 26,5 4,5
K-46 ZIL-130 38,0 5,0
K-51 MAZ-200 34,0 5,0
K-51M MAZ-500 33,0 6,0
K-64 MAZ-500 31,0 5,0
K-67 MAZ-500 30,5 5,0
K-68, -69, -69A MAZ-200 34,0 5,0
K-104 KrAZ-257 55,0 6,0
K-104 KrAZ-219 62,0 6,0
K-162 (KS-4571A) KrAZ-258 52,0 8,4
K-162 (KS-4561), -162С KrAZ-257 59,0 8,8
KS-1561, -1562, -1562A GAZ-53A 33,0 5,0
KS-1571 GAZ-53-12 32,0 5,0
KS-2561, -2561D, -2561E, -2561K, -2561K1, -2571 ZIL-130, ZIL-431412 40,0 6,0
KS-2573 Ural-43202 38,0 6,0
KS-3561 MAZ-500 33,0 6,0
KS-3561A, -3562, -3562A MAZ-500A 33,0 6,0
KS-35628 MAZ-5334 33,0 6,0
KS-3574 (KAMAZ-740-8V-10.85-220-5M) Ural-5557 46.0 D **
KS-3574 (YaMZ-236-6V-11.15-184-5M) Ural-5557 45.0 D **
KS-3575 ZIL-133GYA 33,0 6,0
KS-4561A, -4561AHL KrAZ-257 56,0 8,8
KS-4571 KrAZ-257 52,0 8,4
KS-4572 KamAZ-53213 31,0 6,0
KS-4576 (YaMZ-238M-8V-14.86-240-5M) KrAZ-250 57.0 D **
KS-5479 (YaMZ-238D-8V-14.86-330-8M) MZKT-8006 40.0 D **
KS-55713 (YaMZ-238M-8V-14.86-240-5M) Ural-4320- 55.8 D **
KS-5573 MAZ-7310 125,0 18,0
LAZ-690 ZIL-130, ZIL-164 37,0 5,5
MKA-10G MAZ-500 33,0 5,0
MKA-10M MAZ-200 38,0 5,5
MKA-10M MAZ-500 34,0 5,0
MKA-16 KrAZ-257 57,0 8,8
MSK-87 (ZIL-508.10-8V-6.0-150-5M) ZIL-130 44.0 B **
SMK-7 MAZ-200 34,0 5,0
SMK-10 MAZ-500 34,0 5,0
KS-45717K-1 (KAMAZ-740.11-8V-10.85-240-10M) KamAZ-53229 37.5 D **
KS-55713-4 (KAMAZ-740.13-8V-10.85-260-5M) KamAZ-53228N 44.6 D **
KS-55729 (YaMZ-236BE-6V-11.15-250-8M) MAZ-630303 44.3 D **

15.7.1. Automotive cranes domestic and CIS countries produced since 2008

Model, brand, modification of the car Number and arrangement of cylinders Engine power,


Working volume, l checkpoint Basic fuel consumption rate, l/100 km
1 2 3 4 5 6



(Ural highway-4320;


6V 230 11,15 5M 45.4D

(mine KamAZ-53229; KamAZ-740.31)

8V 240 10,85 10M 40.0D

(mine URAL-4320; YaMZ-236NE2-24)

6V 230 11,15 5M 45.1D


4320 MKT 25 (YaMZ-236NE2-24) 6V 230 11,15 5M 46.0D


6V 230 11,15 5M 41.3D



(mine KamAZ-43108; KamAZ-740.31)

8V 224 10,85 5M 32.3D

(mine KamAZ-65115; KamAZ-740.62)

8V 280 11,76 10M 40.8D

15.8. Labs in cars

Model of a special or specialized vehicle Basic model Norm for car mileage, l/100 km Equipment operating norm, l/h
1 2 3 4
AVP-39231 GAZ-66-11 32,0
Dor. lab. (ZMZ-402.10-4L-2,445-100-5M) GAZ-33023 17.5 B
KSP-2001 GAZ-66-11 32,0
KSP-2002 GAZ-66-11 32,5
Counter-weight lab. (UMZ-4215СО-4L-2.89-110-5М) GAZ-2705 17.5 B
LKDP-39521 GAZ-66-11 32,5
Maud. 39121 UAZ-3151201 17,0
Maud. 3914 UAZ-220601 18,0
OMS-2 GAZ-51 25,5 3,0
PPZK-3924 GAZ-66-11 32,0
PPZK-3928 PAZ-672M 39,0
ETL-10 GAZ-51 25,5 5,0
ETL-10 GAZ-53 30,0 5,0
ETL-35-01 GAZ-51 25,0 4,0
ETL-35-01 GAZ-63 29,0 4,0
Maud. 2811-000001-04 (road laboratory) (UMZ-421500-4L-2.89-89-5M) GAZ-2705 18.3 B
(UMZ-421500-4L-2.89-89-5M) GAZ-2705 18.3 B
Maud. 2977 (lab.) (ZMZ-40522-4L-2,464-140-5M) GAZ-2705 16.8 B
Dor. lab. (UMZ-4215SR-4L-2.89-96-5M) GAZ-2705 19.0 B
Autolab. (ZMZ-40630S-4L-2.3-110-5M) GAZ-27057 17.7 B
Lab. (ZMZ-40630-4L-2.3-98-5M) GAZ-27057/AL-28510A 18.4 B
Dor. lab. (ZMZ-4063-4L-2.3-98-5M) GAZ-32217 17.6 B
RE lab. (D-245.7-4L-4.75-117-5M) GAZ-33081 16.5 D
GAZ-38473-0000010 (road laboratory) (UMZ-421500-4L-2.89-89-5M) GAZ-2705 17.5 B
VL2 (ZIL-508.10-8V-6.0-150-5M) ZIL-433362 VL2 44.5 B

15.9. Winches on car chassis

Model of a special or specialized vehicle Basic model Norm for car mileage, l/100 km Equipment operating norm, l/h
1 2 3 4
GAZ-63 3,0
ZIL-131 5,0
ZIL-157K 4,0
KamAZ-5320 3,0
KrAZ-257 5,0
MAZ-200 3,0
MAZ-500 3,0
SAZ-3502 4,0
Ural-375 6,0
Ural-4320 3,0

15.10. Workshops on cars

Model of a special or specialized vehicle Basic model Norm for car mileage, l/100 km Equipment operating norm, l/h
1 2 3 4
AVM-1 GAZ-51 25,0 3,5
AT-63 GAZ-53A 26,0 3,5
ATU-A GAZ-51 25,0 4,0
ATU-A GAZ-63 27,0 4,0
GOSNITI-2 GAZ-51 25,0 4,0
GOSNITI-2 GAZ-63 29,5 4,0
LV-8A (T-142B) ZIL-131 52,0 4,0
Maud. 39011 GAZ-52-01 25,0 3,5
Maud. 39021 GAZ-66-11 30,0 4,0
Maud. 39031 GAZ-66-11 31,0 4,0
Auto mechanic. (D-245.7E2-4L-4.75-117-5M) GAZ-33081 20.3 D **
GAZ-4795-10-33 (D-245.7-4L-4.75-117-5M) GAZ-33081 18.9 D **

15.11. Loaders

Model of a special or specialized vehicle Basic model Norm for car mileage, l/100 km Equipment operating norm, l/h
1 2 3 4
4000M 27,5 5,0
4001 38,0 5,0
4003, 4006 40,0 6,0
4008 54,0 6,0
4008M engine ZIL-120 46,5 6,0
4008M engine ZIL-130 54,5 6,0
4009 54,0 6,0
4013 27,5 5,0
4014 40,0 5,0
4016 43,0 5,0
4018 33,0 5,0
4020 12,0 2,5
4022-01 18,0 3,0
4028 53,5 6,0
4043, 4043M 28,0 5,0
4045, 4045M, 4046 40,0 6,0
4049 45,0 5,0
4055M 31,0 5,5
4063 28,0 5,0
4065 29,0 5,0
4070 54,5 6,0
4081 29,5 5,0
4091 13,0 2,5
40912 18,0 2,0
4092 20,0 3,0
4312-01 33,0 6,0
7806 73,5 6,0
7806 YaMZ-238 engine 110,0 6,0
VK-10 30,0 5,5
UP-66 33,0 5,5

15.12. Firefighting vehicles

Model of a special or specialized vehicle Basic model Liquid fuel consumption rate
for car mileage l/100 km When the engine is running with special units*, l/min When the engine is running in stationary mode without load, l/min
1 2 3 4 5
AC-30 (53A) mod. 106B GAZ-53A 32,00 0,110
AC-2.9-30 (53A) mod. 106V GAZ 53-12 33,00 0,110
AC-30 (53-12) mod. 106G GAZ 53-12 33,50 0,110
ATs-30 (3307) mod. 226 GAZ-3307 33,50 0,110
ATs-10 (53-12) simplified GAZ-53-12 33,50 0,200 0,110
ATs-10 (3307) simplified GAZ-3307 33,50 0,200 0,110
AC-30 (66) mod. 146 GAZ-66 34,00 0,275 0,110
ATsL-30 (66) mod. 147A, 147-01 GAZ-66 34,00 0,275 0,110
AC-30 (66) mod. 184, 184A GAZ-66 33,50 0,275 0,110
AC 0.8-4(5301FB) mod. PM-541 ZIL-5301 FB 4x4 22,00 0,200 0,060
AC 1.5-30/2(5301) mod. 2-MM ZIL-5301 4x2 18,50 0,220 0,060
AC 1.5-40/4 (5301) ZIL-5301 18,50 0,220 0,060
ATs 2-4(5301) PM-542,

AC 1.820(5301)

ZIL-5301 19,00 0,200 0,060
ATs-40 (130)-63A ZIL-130 40,50 0,330 0,150
AC-40 (130) mod. 63B ZIL-130 41,50 0,330 0,150
AC-40 (431412) mod. 63B ZIL-431412 41,50 0,330 0,150
AC 2.5-40 (4333) PM-540 ZIL-4333 41,50 0,330 0,150
AC 3.0-40/4 (433104) ZIL-4331 33,00 0,250 0,110
AC-3.0-40 (433104),

ATs-40 (433104) 001-MM

ZIL-4331 33,00 0,240 0,110
ATs 4-40 (433104) mod. 540A ZIL-4331 33,00 0,240 0,110
ATs-40 (433362) ZIL-4333 41,50 0,330 0,150
ATs-20/200 (433104) ZIL-4331 32,50 0,250 0,110
AC-40 (131) mod. 42B ZIL-131 51,50 0,330 0,150
AC-40 (131) mod. 137, 137A ZIL-131 51,00 0,330 0,150
AC-40 (131) mod. 153 ZIL-131 52,00 0,330 0,150
AC-40/3 (131C) mod. 153A ZIL-131S 51,00 0,330 0,150
AC-40 (131) mod. 1-Thu ZIL-131 51,00 0,330 0,150
ATs 2.5-40 (131N) mod.6-VR ZIL-131N 51,00 0,330 0,150
ATs-40 (133ГЯ) mod. 181A ZIL-133GYA 35,0 0,250 0,150
TLF-2200 Rosenbauer AC-2.0-40/4 (4331-04) ZIL-4331 33,00 0,250 0,150
AC-40 (133G1) mod. 181 ZIL-133G1 54,50 0,330 0,150
ATs-40 (375)TS1 mod.102A Ural-375 64,50 0,360 0,200
ATs 3-40/4 (4325) mod. 3-PS Ural-4320 39,00 0,250 0,150
AC-40 (43202) mod. 1-PS Ural-43202 40,50 0,250 0,150
AC 6.0-40 (5557) Ural-5557 44,50 0,330 0,200
ADC 6/6-40 (55571-10) Ural-5557 42,00 0,250 0,150
AC 8.0-40 (5557) Ural-5557 47,00 0,330 0,200
ADC 8/6-40 (55571-30) Ural-5557 47,50 0,330 0,200
AC 8.0-40/4 (4320) Ural-4320 46,00 0,250 0,150
ADC 9/3-40 (55571-30) Ural-5557 50,30 0,330 0,200
AC-40 (43202) mod. PM 102B Ural-43202 40,50 0,250 0,150
ATs-4/40 (5557) IR mod. 002 Ural-5557 42,50 0,330 0,200
ADC-40-6/3 (5557-10) Ural-5557 43,00 0,250 0,150
ATsPS-6/6-40 (55570) Ural-5557 43,00 0,330 0,150
ATsPA-9/3-60 (4320-30) Ural-4320 42,00 0,300 0,150
AC 3-40 (4326) mod. PM-536 KamAZ-43101 35,00 0,250 0,150
AC-40 (43101) mod. 001-IR KamAZ-43101 39,00 0,250 0,150
ATsL 3-40-17(4925) mod. 537 KamAZ-4925, 43101 39,50 0,250 0,150
AC 5-40 (4925) mod. PM-536 KamAZ-4925, 43101 39,50 0,250 0,150
AC 5.0-40 (4310) mod. PM-524 KamAZ-43101 40,00 0,250 0,150
ATs-6-40/4(53211) mod. TLF 6500 Rosenbauer KamAZ-53211 40,00 0,250 0,150
TLF 6500 ATs6.0-40/4 (53211) mod.1-DD KamAZ-53211 44,50 0,250 0,150
AC 7.0-40 (53213) mod. 524 KamAZ-5320 39,00 0,250 0,150
ATs 7-40/4 (53213) KamAZ-5320 39,00 0,250 0,150
ATs-40/4(53211) mod. 240 KamAZ-53212 39,00 0,250 0,150
AC-TLF Magirus-Deutz Magirus-Deutz 32,00 0,300 0,200
ATs-7-40(53229) mod.524 KamAZ-5320 39,00 0,250 0,150
AB-40(43202) mod.187, AC-40 (43202) mod. 187 Ural-43202 41,00 0,250 0,150
AB-20 (53213) KamAZ-53213 44,50 0,250 0,150
AA-40(131) mod. 139 ZIL-131 50,50 0,330 0,150
AA-40(43105) mod. 189 KamAZ-43105 40,00 0,250 0,150
AA-60 (7313) mod.160.01, MAZ-7313, 7310 110,00 0,400 0,200
AN-40(130E) mod.127 ZIL-130E 39,00 0,330 0,150
ANR-40(130) mod.127A ZIL-130, 4314 38,50 0,330 0,150
ANR-40(431410) mod.127B ZIL-431410 38,50 0,330 0,150
AR-2(131) mod. 133 ZIL-131 50,00 0,330 0,150
AR-2(43101) PM KamAZ-43101 35,50 0,250 0,150
AR-2(43105) mod. 215 KamAZ-43105 40,00 0,250 0,150
PNS-110(131) mod.131, 131A ZIL-131 50,5 0,150
(for doors 2D-12B) 1,100 0,350
AP-3(130) mod.148A ZIL-130 41,00 0,150
AP-4(43105) mod.222 KamAZ-43105 40,50 0,150
AP-5(53213) mod. 196 KamAZ-53213 38,00 0,150
ACT-0.5/0.5(66) mod.207 GAZ-66 33,00 0,275 0,110
ACT-3/2.5(133ГЯ) mod. 197 ZIL-133GYA 38,50 0,250 0,200
AGVT-150(375) mod.168 Ural-375 65,00 0,350 0,200
AGVT-100(131) mod. 141 ZIL-131 49,50 0,330 0,150
AL-30(131) mod. 21 and 22 ZIL-131 49,00 0,250 0,150
AL-30(131) mod. PM-506V ZIL-131 49,00 0,250 0,150
AL-30(43105) mod. PM-512 KamAZ-43105 40,50 0,200 0,150
AL-30(4310) mod. PM-512 KamAZ-43101 39,00 0,200 0,150
AL-45(257) mod. PM-109 KrAZ-257 48,50 0,350 0,200
AL-50 Magirus-Deutz Magirus-Deutz 52,00 0,350 0,150
AL-50(53229) KamAZ-5320 44,50 0,250 0,150
AL-37(53212) KamAZ-5320 37,00 0,250 0,150
AKP-30(53213) mod. PM-509A KamAZ-53213 41,50 0,200 0,110
AKP-30(53213) mod. 509B KamAZ-53213 41,50 0,200 0,110
KP-Bronto-330(53213) KamAZ-53213 45,00 0,200 0,110
APT-26(4310) rise. telescope. KamAZ-4310 39,00 0,200 0,150
ATSO-20(375) mod. 114 Ural-375 61,00 0,360 0,200
ASO-12(66) mod.90A GAZ-66 32,50 0,200 0,110
ASO-8(66) GAZ-66 33,50 0,180 0,110
ASO-(672), AG-(672) PAZ-672 36,00 0,200 0,110
ASO-20(3205) PAZ-3205 36,00 0,200 0,110
ATSO-20(43101) KamAZ-43101 36,00 0,200 0,150
AT-3(131) mod. T2 ZIL-131 50,00 0,350 0,150
AG-12(3205), AG(3205) PAZ-3205 36,00 0,200 0,110
AG-24(130) mod. 198 ZIL-130 39,00 0,330 0,150
AD 45/20(3302) GAZ-3302 19,00 0,160 0,080
AD-80/1200(66-11) GAZ-66-11 32,50 0,200 0,110
AD-90(66) mod. 187 GAZ-66 33,00 0,200 0,110
ASH-5(452) mod. 79B UAZ-452 18,00 0,060
ASh-5(452) mod. 79A UAZ-3741 18,00 0,060
ASH-5(22034) RAF-22034 16,50 0,060
ASH-5(39620) UAZ-3962, 37411 19,00 0,060
ASH-6(3205) PAZ-3205 36,00 0,110
ALP-5(3962) UAZ-3962 19,00 0,060
ALP-6(452) mod. 173 UAZ-452 18,00 0,060
ALP-30(66-11) forest patrol vehicle. GAZ-66-11 33,00 0,275 0,110
8ТЗ11(131) ZIL-131 50,00 0,275 0,150
ASA-4(3302) mod. 541 GAZ-3302 Gazelle 19,00 0,160 0,080
ASA-16(43101) KamAZ-43101 39,50 0,250 0,150
ASA-4(131) ZIL-131 50,00 0,330 0,150
ASA-20(4310) mod. 523 KamAZ-43101 38,00 0,250 0,150
APRSS-3(3962) UAZ-3962 19,00 0,060
ASP(2131) VAZ-2131 “Niva” 4x4 13,90 0,150
ASML-41accident-rescue auto VAZ 13,90 0,150
APS-41 emergency rescue car VAZ 13,90 0,150
APP-2(3302) mod. 002 GAZ-3302 19,00 0,160 0,080
APP-05(3302) mod. 003 GAZ-3302 19,00 0,080
UKS-400V-131 ZIL-131 50,00 0,150
AA-5.3/40-50/3(4310) KamAZ-43101 41,00 0,330 0,150
Bronto F-52 HDT Bronto 52,00 0,390 0,150
KP-Bronto-Sky-Elevator-50 Bronto (SISU) 63,00 0,260 0,280
KP Bronto-50-2T1 Bronto 52,00 0,200 0,110
AL DLK-53 Mercedes-Benz Mercedes Benz 65,00 0,435 0,150
AV-20 (KAMAZ-740.10-8V-10.85-210-5M) KamAZ-532130 37.0 D ** **
AC-3.0-40 (ZIL-508.10-8V-6.0-150-5M) ZIL-4334 39.6 B ** **
ADC-40-6/3 (YaMZ-236M2-6V-11.15-180-5M) Ural-5557-10 34.4 D ** **


* For fire trucks that have a speedometer trip meter when operating a special unit, the liquid fuel consumption rate is not established.

In this case, fuel consumption is taken into account based on the speedometer reading and the liquid fuel consumption rate per 100 km.

15.12.1. Firefighting vehicles domestic and CIS countries produced since 2008

Model, brand, modification of the car Number and arrangement of cylinders Engine power,


Working volume, l checkpoint Basic fuel consumption rate, l/100 km
1 2 3 4 5 6



(sh. ZIL-530104;

D-245.9 E2)

4L 130 4,75 5M 19.5D

(sh. ZIL-530104;


4L 109 4,75 5M 19.0D

(mine KamAZ-4308;

Cummins B5.9 180)

6L 178 5,88 5M 22.6D

(mine KamAZ-4308;

Cummins 4IS Bel85)

4L 185 4,461 5M 22.0D

(Highway AMUR-5313;


4L 152 4,75 5M 24.0D

(mine KamAZ-4308;

Cummins 4ISBe 185)

4L 185 4,461 5M 21.1D

PSA mod. 1 MI

(Ural highway 43206;


6V 230 11,15 5M 29.5D

(sh. ZIL-433112;


8V 134 6,00 5M 37,4



Cummins 4ISBe 185)

4L 180 4,461 5M 21.9D


ZIL 509.10)

8V 175 7,0 5M 42,7

(mine KamAZ-43253;

Cummins 6ISBe 210)

6L 210 6,692 6M 23.7D

(mine KamAZ-43253;

Cummins 4ISBe210)

8V 210 6,7 5M 23.9D

(Ural highway 43206;


6V 180 11,15 5M 27.3D

Maud. 005-MI


w. Ural 5557;

YaMZ-236NE 2-24)

6V 230 11,15 5M 32.8D
5.5-40 mod. 005-MI

(Ural highway 5557;


6V 230 11,15 5M 32.2D

(Kamaz highway 43118;


8V 224 10,85 5M 34.1D


(mine URAL-4320;


6V 230 11,15 5M 35.2D

(Ural highway 4320;

YaMZ-236NE 2-24)

6V 230 11,15 5M 33.3D


5662 CH AA 13/60


8V 400 11,76 8M 44.5D

(Cummins 4ISBe210)

6L 210 6,692 6M 24.6D



(sh. PAZ-3205;


4L 122 4,75 5M 20.8D

(sh. PAZ-3205;


8V 130 4,67 4M 33,8


48470A 2.0-40/2


(highway Ural-43206;


6V 230 11,15 5M 31.4D

(43206) mod. 008MI

(highway Ural-43206;


6V 230 11,15 5M 34.1D

15.12.2. Foreign fire fighting vehicles since 2008

Model, brand, modification of the car Number and arrangement of cylinders Engine power,


Working volume, l checkpoint Basic fuel consumption rate, l/100 km
1 2 3 4 5 6


AMT Trakker ASM-20.AMT (container module) 6L 420 12,880 16M 41.6D

DLK 23-12 NB CS

6L 275 5,883 4A 34.4D
Magirus DLK 55CS 6L 352 7,790 16M 47.8D


6L 275 5,883 9M 33.8D
Magirus M32L-AS (ladder) 6L 299 5,880 6M 31.9D
Magirus Multistar (lift) 6L 275 5,883 8M 32.8D
Magirus RW Daily 65C15D 4L 146 2,998 6M 14.1D
Magirus RW Daily 65C18D 4L 177 2,998 6M 15.5D
Magirus Snorkel GTLF27/70 WT300 (foam lifter) 6L 450 12,880 12A 53.9D

Super Dragon ARFE 14000DP 250 HRET 15 (airfield)

8V 1024 20,080 6A 72.4D
Magirus TLF 30/25-2 6L 252 5,883 6M 29.4D
TFFV (for extinguishing fires in tunnels) 6L 340 7,790 6A 36.8D
Trakker AD380T44 (foam lifter) 6L 440 12,880 16M 40.6D
Trakker DLK 55CS (ladder truck) 6L 360 7,790 6A 50.1D


LTM 1070-4,IF (crane) 6L 367 10,520 12M 75.7D
LTM1045-3.1F (crane) 6L 367 9,960 12M 63.1D

15.13. Bitumen trucks

Model of a special or specialized vehicle Basic model Liquid fuel consumption rate
for car mileage l/100 km For 1 hour bitumen pump operation, l For 1 hour

Tank heater work, l.

1 2 3 4 5
D-642 ZIL-130V1 37,5 8,0 3,0
DS-10 (D-351) KrAZ-258 51,0 10,0 3,5
DS-39A (D-640A) ZIL-130 34,5 8,0 3,0
DS-41A (D-642A) ZIL-130V1 38,0 8,0 3,0
DS-53A (D-722A) ZIL-130V1 41,0 8,0 3,0
DS-96 ZIL-130V1 38,5 8,0 3,0
MV-16 GAZ-53A 32,0 6,0 2,5

15.14. Tarmac trucks

Model of a special or specialized vehicle Basic model Liquid fuel consumption rate
for car mileage l/100 km For 1 hour of asphalt distributor work, l. For 1 hour

Bitumen pump work, l.

1 2 3 4 5
D-164A MAZ-500 31,5 6,0 8,0
D-251A ZIL-164 34,0 10,0 8,0
D-640A (DV-39A) ZIL-130V1 34,5 10,0 8,0
D-642 (DS-53A) ZIL-130V1 40,5 10,0 8,0

15.15. Self-loading vehicles

Model of a special or specialized vehicle Basic model Liquid fuel consumption rate
for car mileage l/100 km For loading and unloading a set of containers, l.
A-130F, -853 GAZ-53-12 27,0 2,1
NIIAT P-404 GAZ-53A 28,0 4,2
U-77 GAZ-52-04 25,0 2,2
U-77 GAZ-53A 28,0 2,3
TsPKTB-A130, -A130F GAZ-53A 28,0 2,3
TsPKTB-A130V1 ZIL-130V1 37,5 2,2
TsPKTB-A133 ZIL-133GYA 27,0 3,0
TsPKTB-A53213 KamAZ-53213 27,0 3,0
4030P GAZ-53-04 25,0 2,5
4030P GAZ-53A 28,0 3,0
4030P ZIL-130AN 34,0 3,0

15.16. Fuel tankers and oil tankers

Model of a special or specialized vehicle Basic model Liquid fuel consumption rate
for car mileage l/100 km For filling and draining one tank, l.
1 2 3 4
AVZ-50 GAZ-51A 24,0 2,0
ATZ-2.2-51A GAZ-51A 25,0 2,0
ATZ-3-157K ZIL-157K 40,0 3,0
ATZ-3.8-53A GAZ-53A 27,0 3,0
ATZ-3.8-130 ZIL-130 33,0 3,0
ATMZ-4.5-375 Ural-375 53,0 4,0
ATsTMM-4-157K ZIL-157K 40,0 3,0
LV-7 (MA-4A) ZIL-131 43,0 3,0
MZ-51M GAZ-51A 24,0 2,0
MZ-66, -66-01, -66A-01 GAZ-66 30,0 2,4
MZ-3904 GAZ-63 28,0 2,2
Maud. 4611 ZIL-495710 33,5 3,0
T-8-255B KrAZ-255B 44,0 4,0
TZ-7.5-500A MAZ-500A 26,0 3,0
TZ-500 MAZ-500 25,0 3,0
3607 GAZ-52-01 23,0 2,0
3608 (ATZ-2.4-52) GAZ-52-01 23,5 2,0
3609 GAZ-52-04 23,0 2,0
ATZ-124320 (YaMZ-236NE2-6V-11.15-230-5M) URAL-4320 34.9 D **
ATZ-56132 (KAMAZ-740.10-8V-10.85-210-5M) KamAZ-53212 30.9 D **
ATZ-56142 (YaMZ-238M2-8V-14.86-240-5M) MAZ-5337-041 30.6 D **

15.16.1. Domestic and CIS fuel tankers and oil tankers manufactured since 2008

Model, brand, modification of the car Number and arrangement of cylinders Engine power,


Working volume, l checkpoint Basic fuel consumption rate, l/100 km
1 2 3 4 5 6

(mine URAL-5557; YaMZ-236)

6V 180 11,15 5M 29.8D

15.16.2. Foreign fuel tankers and oil tankers manufactured since 2008

Model, brand, modification of the car Number and arrangement of cylinders Engine power,


Working volume, l checkpoint Basic fuel consumption rate, l/100 km
1 2 3 4 5 6

(s. MB Atego 1018; airfield)

4L 177 4,249 6M 20.0D

15.17. Tank vehicles

Model of a special or specialized vehicle Basic model Liquid fuel consumption rate
for car mileage l/100 km For filling and draining one tank*, l.
1 2 3 4
AVV-2M GAZ-51A 22,0 2,0
AVV-3.6 GAZ-53-12-01 25,5 3,0
AVV-3.6 GAZ-53A 26,0 3,0
AVV-3.8 GAZ-53A 26,0 3,0
AVTs-1.5-63 GAZ-63 27,0 2,3
AVTs-1.7 GAZ-66 29,0 2,3
AC (D-243MMZ-4L-4.75-81-5M) GAZ-53-12 15.7 D **
ATs (KAMAZ-740.11-8V-10.85-240-10M) KamAZ-53215 30.6 D **
ATs (YaMZ-238-8V-14.86-240-5M) KamAZ-5320 27.0 D **
AC-1.9-51A, -2.0-51A GAZ-51A 22,0 2,0
AC-2.4-52 GAZ-52-01 23,0 2,2
AC-2.6-53F, -2.9-53F GAZ-53F 22,0 2,0
AC-2.6-355M Ural-355M 32,0 2,5
AC-3.8-164A. -4-164A ZIL-164A 32,0 3,0
AC-4.2-53A GAZ-53A 26,0 3,0
ATs-4.2-130 ZIL-130 32,0 3,5
AC-4.3-130 ZIL-130 33,5 3,0
ATs-8-5334, -8-5435 MAZ-5334 24,0 3,0
ATsL-147 GAZ-66 29,0 2,5
ACM-2.6-355M Ural-355M 31,0 3,0
ATsPT-1.5 GAZ-51A 23,0 2,0
ATsPT-1.7 GAZ-66 30,0 3,0
ATsPT-1.9 GAZ-51A 22,5 2,0
ATsPT-2.1 GAZ-52-01 24,0 2,2
ATsPT-2.8 GAZ-53A 26,0 3,0
ATsPT-2.8 ZIL-164 33,0 2,5
ATsPT-2.8-130 ZIL-130 33,0 3,0
ACPT-3.3, -3.8 GAZ-53A 26,0 3,0
ACPT-5.6, -5.7 MAZ-500 25,5 3,0
ATsPT-6.2 MAZ-5335 25,5 3,0
Maud. 46101 Ural-43203 33,5 3,0
Maud. 3613 GAZ-5312 25,5 3,0
TSV-6 ZIL-130 32,0 3,0
TSV-7 (ZIL-508.10-8V-6.0-150-5M) ZIL-431418 36.5 B **
ATs-46123-011 (ZIL-Z75-8V-7.0-180-5M) ZIL-433360 38.6 B **
ATs-7-4310 (KAMAZ-740.10-8V-10.85-210-10M) KamAZ-4310 30.7 D **
ATs-8.500 (YaMZ-238M2-8V-14.86-240-8M) MAZ-500 26.8 D **
G6 OPA-5336 (YaMZ-238M2-8V-14.86-240-5M) MAZ-53366 29.3 D **
G6 OPA-5336/1 (YaMZ-238DE2-8V-14.86-330-9M) MAZ-533605-241 31.4 D **


* The norm does not apply when filling and draining by gravity.

15.17.1. Tank vehicles produced since 2008

Model, brand, modification of the car Number and arrangement of cylinders Engine power,


Working volume, l checkpoint Basic fuel consumption rate, l/100 km
1 2 3 4 5 6



(machine MA3-63 03A5; YaMZ-6582.10)

8V 330 14,86 8M 32.6D

(mash. MAZ 5336A; YaMZ 6562.10)

6V 250 11,15 8M 28.2D
56132-000001-32 (w. MA3-5376A3; YaMZ 6562.10) 6V 250 11,15 8M 28.2D

15.18. Cement trucks and concrete mixer trucks

Model of a special or specialized vehicle Basic model Liquid fuel consumption rate
for car mileage l/100 km For loading and blowing one tank, l.
1 2 3 4
ABS-7 (KAMAZ-740.11-8V-10.85-240-10M) KamAZ-53229 29.4 D **
BN-80-20 KrAZ-257B1 50,0 5,0
RP-1 ZIL-130V1 36,0 3,0
C0571 ZIL-164A 36,5 3,0
S-570A MAZ-200V 32,0 3,0
S-571 ZIL-164A 36,5 3,0
S-571 ZIL-130V1 37,5 3,0
S-942 KrAZ-258 41,0 5,0
S-956 GAZ-53B 29,0 2,5
S-1036B MAZ-500 27,0 4,5
SB-89 ZIL-130 35,0 3,0
SB-89B1 ZIL-431412 35,0 3,0
SB-92 KrAZ-258 42,0 5,0
SB-92 (KAMAZ-740-8V-10.85-220-5M) KamAZ-55111 39.5 D **
SB-113 ZIL-130 33,0 3,0
SB-239 (KAMAZ-7403.10-8V-10.85-260-5M) KamAZ-6540 33.7 D **
TC-2A (S-652A) KrAZ-258B 50,0 5,0
TC-3 (S-853), -3A (S-853A) ZIL-130V1 38,0 3,0
TC-4 (S-927) ZIL-130V1 37,5 3,0
TC-6 (S-972) MAZ-504A 29,0 4,5
TC-10 ZIL-130V1 38,5 3,0
TC-11 KamAZ-5410 31,5 3,0
U-5A ZIL-130V1 39,0 3,0
42184-OZPS KrAZ-258B1 55,5 5,0
ABS-580711 (KAMAZ-740.31-8V-10.85-240-8M) KamAZ-53229R 30.0 D **
MAN 33.360 (6L-11,967-360-16M) 34.5 D **
Volvo FM 12 (6L-12,1-420-14M) 35.4 D **


** Fuel consumption standards for the operation of special equipment installed on vehicles are determined according to data from manufacturers of special and specialized vehicles, l/h.

15.18.1. Foreign-made cement trucks and concrete mixer trucks since 2008

Model, brand, modification of the car Number and arrangement of cylinders Power



Working volume, l checkpoint Basic fuel consumption rate, l/100 km
1 2 3 4 5 6


Actros 332B 6L 320 11,946 16M 31.9D


FEE 6x4

Liebherr HTM 704

6L 320 7,146 6A 36.3D

15.19. Armored vehicles of domestic and CIS countries produced since 2008

Model, brand, modification of the car Number and arrangement of cylinders Engine power,


Working volume, l checkpoint Basic fuel consumption rate, l/100 km
1 2 3 4 5 6


2170 "Priora"


4L 133 1,596 5M 9,3


43269 "Shot"


8V 240 10,85 5M 33.7D
ASPTs 671011

(mine KamAZ-65115; KamAZ 740.62)

8V 280 11,76 10M 33.0D


31631 "Patriot"

(Iveco FI A)

4L 116 2,287 5M 10.7D
3163-10 "Patriot"


4L 128 2,693 5M 14,5



(sh.G AZ-2752; ZMZ-40522A)

4L 140 2,464 5M 16,4


4L 133,3 2,429 5M 15,8

(highway GAZ-2752; ZMZ-405240)

4L 133,3 2,464 5M 16,5



(highway GAZ-27057; ZMZ-45240)

4L 123,8 2,464 5M 18,0


4L 81 1,69 5M 11,9



(highway GAZ-2705; ZMZ-405240)

4L 123,8 2,464 5M 16,4



(highway GAZ-2705; ZMZ-40522)

4L 140 2,464 5M 16,8

(highway GAZ-3102;


4L 130 2,285 5M 13,2

15.19.1. Foreign armored vehicles since 2008

Model, brand, modification of the car Number and arrangement of cylinders Engine power,


Working volume, l checkpoint Basic fuel consumption rate, l/100 km
1 2 3 4 5 6



(Ford Ranger)

4L 143 2,449 5M 12.2D


A8L 6.0 quattro 12W 450 5,998 6A 20,0


Suburban 8.1 4WD 8V 344 8,128 4A 27,0


Transit 2.4D 4L 140 2,402 6M 13.2D
Transit Connect 1.8TDCi 4L 90 1,753 5M 9.5D


S600 12V 517 5,513 5A 22,6
S600 4Matic 12V 517 5,513 7A 20,6
S600 12V 517 5,513 7A 20,0
S600L 12V 517 5,513 5A 22,0
S600L B6/B7 12V 517 5,513 5A 22,5
S600LIVM XXL 12V 517 5,513 5A 23,8
Sprinter 315CDI 4L 150 2,148 5M 13.4D
Sprinter 524 6V 258 3,498 5A 19,2



(VW Caddy)

4L 105 1,896 5M 8,ID


Crafter 50 2EKZ 2.5TDI 5L 163 2,461 6M 14.5D
Crafter 50 2EKEZ 2.0BiTDi 4Motion 4L 163 1,968 6M 13.8D
Caddy 2.0D 4L 69 1,968 5M 7.7D
Transporter 2.0TD 4L 140 1,968 6M 9.9D
Transporter 2.5TDI 5L 131 2,461 6M 10.3D
Transporter 2.5TDI 4Motion 5L 131 2,461 6M 11.7D
Transporter T5 2.0BiTDI 4L 180 1,968 6M 10.3D



(VW Transporter 4Motion 2.5 TDI)

5L 131 2,461 6M 10.5D

(Ford Transit 330 SWB 4Motion)

4L 140 2,402 6M 12.7D

(FordTransitVan 330)

4L 145 2,261 5M 13,6


4L 116 2,402 6M 12.3D




4L 140 2,402 6M 12.3D

(Ford Transit 2.2TDCi 4 Motion)

4L 125 2,198 6M 10.8D

(FordTransit 330SWB)

4L 155 2,198 6M 10.1D

(FordTransit 2.2TDi)

4L 155 2,198 6M 13.6D

(Ford Transit 460)

4L 140 2,402 6M 13, ID



(Lexus LX570)

8V 367 5,663 6A 18,5

(VW Transporter 2.5 TD)

5L 131 2,461 6M 11.0D

(VW Transporter 2.0 4Motion)

4L 116 1,984 5M 13,6

(Toyota Camry 3.5)

6V 277 3,456 6A 13,5



(VW Transporter)

5L 131 2,461 6M 11.7D

(VW T5 2.0BiTDI)

4L 180 1,968 6M 11.7D

(VW Transporter 2.0TDI 4Motion)

4L 140 1,968 6M 9.7D

(VW Caddy)

4L 105 1,896 5M 8,ID

15.20. Cars for transporting suspects, temporarily prisoners and accused, domestic and CIS countries, produced since 2008

Model, brand, modification of the car Number and arrangement of cylinders Engine power,


Working volume, l checkpoint Basic fuel consumption rate, l/100 km
1 2 3 4 5 6



(24m; highway GA3-3309; D-245.7EZ)

4L 119 4,75 5M 18.7D

(26m; D-245.7E3)

4L 119 4,75 5M 18.9D




Cummins4ISbel 85)

4L 185 4,461 5M 21.3D

(36m; KamAZ-740.31)

8V 224 10,85 5M 38.9D
651 PAZ

(56 m; Cummins 6ISBe 300)

6L 300 6,692 9M 32.1D

15.20.1. Staff cars produced since 2008

Model, brand, modification of the car Number and arrangement of cylinders Engine power,


Working volume, l checkpoint Basic fuel consumption rate, l/100 km
1 2 3 4 5 6




4L 107 2,89 5M 15,5
  • Back
  • Forward


If you look at the design of the engine, it is based on a four-stroke eight-cylinder unit with a carburetor system with a constant fuel supply.
A small feature is the V-shaped arrangement of the cylinders. Due to this, it is possible to obtain very high power and low weight of the engine.

All pistons and cylinders are driven by one crankshaft.

The power unit also has a liquid cooling system, which is very convenient. The car owner will be able to drive in any weather.

The lubrication system has a combined system: high pressure and splashing. Thanks to this, all parts of the ZIL 130 engine will receive their portion of oil and will not fail.

The engine power supply system of ZIL 375 and 130 is very similar. Their fuel is supplied forcefully and constantly, which is very cool. Due to this, the power unit will work without interruption.


Separately, I would like to talk about some modifications of the ZIL 130 engine. The fact is that in Soviet times they tried to design a vehicle that would last a long period of time.

  • The first cars were equipped with a simple carburetor engine with a V-shaped cylinder arrangement. This system had an engine capacity of 5,200 cubic centimeters. After some time, everyone became convinced that it was technically impossible to develop the potential that was required.
  • Because of this, the designers produced the same V-shaped unit, but with eight cylinders. Due to this, it was possible to increase power to 150 horsepower, which is very good. Neither the ZIL 357 engine nor the ZIL 131 brand engine could boast of such potential.
  • Next, the designers released a completely new motor, which allowed it to accelerate to 90 kilometers per hour. The main features include a four-stroke cycle and overhead valve arrangement.

Cylinder head

Diesel engines D-260 and their modifications are 4-stroke, piston, six-cylinder internal combustion engines, with a single-row, vertical cylinder arrangement, equipped with a direct fuel injection system and ignition of the fuel mixture from compression. At first glance, the power ratings are insufficient for engines of this volume, but in reality this MMZ engine provides excellent traction even for heavy modifications of ZILs and various trucks.


In this section it is worth talking about changing the oil. This process is very easy to do.

To do this you should:

  1. Unscrew the drain plug;
  2. Unscrew the oil filter plug and drain the oil;
  3. Unscrew the nut and remove the oil filter cover;
  4. Remove the metal and rubber seal;
  5. Remove the oil filter and remove the rod;
  6. The filter should be changed in the reverse order;
  7. Fill in the oil and let the power unit run for 5 minutes;
  8. Check the oil level using the dipstick and top up if necessary.
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