Use of T-40, T-40A tractors for agricultural work. Plowing

Plug-in all-wheel drive - a real tractor is nothing without it. You can buy a tractor and implements for it, but wait the entire season for orders and there won’t be any.

The hardest work is with the mower. Spare parts can be obtained without any problems, so replacing two gearbox gears and clutch discs yourself did not affect the family budget. It’s all according to the proverb: “If you please people, you’ll annoy yourself.” Clutch, brakes, gas - everything is the same.

The latter sends oil to the hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic tank or to the hydraulic drive of the machine. Life Family estate Accidents are not accidental There is just no money, I would take it.

The tractor has no suspension in the chassis, which means there are no problems with springs, shock absorbers, or fastening all these components and parts.

The latter sends oil to the hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic tank or to the hydraulic drive of the machine. I worked for him for 3 years and always worked hard, with or without money. Pros and cons of T-25 and T-40. At your request.

Read additionally: kun for MTZ-82

Use of T-40, T-40A tractors for agricultural work. Plowing

on the given plowing depth and the soil resistivity, plowing units with T-40 and T-40A tractors are made up of two or three-furrow plows PN-2-30R, PN-3-35, PON-2-30, PSG-3- 30A, PKS-3-35 and others.


The T-40 tractor is most often aggregated with a double- or three-furrow plow, from which one body is removed. Three-furrow plows can be used at shallow plowing depths or on light soils.


It is most advisable to use the T-40 tractor with a three-furrow plow and use a double-furrow plow with it only in difficult working conditions.


The above-mentioned mounted plows are attached to three points of the mounted system of the tractor linkage mechanism. The locking rods should be adjusted so that the plow in the working position deviates from the average position to the right and left by 120 mm, and does not swing when lifted to the transport position.


It is forbidden to adjust the working stroke of the plow using locking rods, because this will lead to their breakage. In addition, a plow secured in this way will not work correctly and its resistance will increase.


To work with mounted plows, a movable stop is moved on the rod of the power cylinder of the tractor hydraulic system in order to avoid locking the cylinders. Otherwise, when working in fields with uneven terrain, breakdowns of the plow or hitch mechanism cannot be avoided.


From the transport position to the working plow, it should be transferred by moving the hydraulic system distributor handle to the floating position of the distributor spool. The plow lowers under its own weight. The lever should be moved quickly, without holding it in the “neutral” or “lowering” position, because due to forced lowering and excessive pressure, parts of the tractor’s mounted system may fail. When working with mounted plows, it is prohibited to set the distributor handles to the neutral position, in which the piston and rod are locked, because the resulting rigid connection between the tractor and the plow will lead to uneven plowing depth and breakdowns.


From the working position to the transport plow, the plow is transferred by quickly moving the distributor handle to the uppermost position. It is recommended to maneuver the tractor only with the plow deep.


Stable operation of a tractor unit with a mounted plow is ensured if the middle of the plow's working width coincides with the longitudinal axis of the tractor.


If the middle of the plow's working width is to the right of the longitudinal axis of the tractor, it tends to exit the furrow to the right; if left - left.


When working with double-furrow plows, set the tractor track width to 1200 mm, with three-furrow plows – 1350 mm.


and when plowing, the right wheels of the tractor move in the furrow, the left wheels move along the unplowed field. Due to the fact that the tractor moves at an angle, more traction weight falls on the right drive wheel. And the traction conditions of the right drive wheel are better than those of the left one. This is why the left drive wheel slips more than the right one.


To reduce slipping of the left drive wheel, it is recommended (in addition to securing the main set of weights to the disks of the drive wheels) to use additional weights applied to the tractor. They are mounted on the disk of the left drive wheel using bolts 170 mm long. You can also increase the grip weight by filling the tires with a special solution or water.


To reduce slipping of the left wheel in straight processing areas, it is recommended to lock the drive wheels.


When working with mounted plows, a mechanical drive wheel loader should be used. It is also necessary to take into account that the use of a mechanical loader when processing heavy and very dense soils leads to such a decrease in the deepening force of the plow that the uniformity of plowing depth is disrupted. If by adjusting the plow it was not possible to restore its normal depth, then the central link is moved along the comb one or two holes higher.


If the tractor is not fully loaded, it is recommended to attach one link of harrows or light rollers to the arable unit.


The straightness of the furrows affects the productive operation of high-speed arable units. That is why, when dividing fields in a plowing area, you should ensure that the paddock is as straight as possible.


the productivity of the T-40 tractor when plowing stubble with a double-furrow plow at a plowing depth of 25 cm and at a speed of 7.5 km/h is 0.47 hectares per hour of net work with a fuel consumption of 15.75 kg/ha; when plowing fallow land to a depth of 24 cm - 0.45 ha/h with a per hectare fuel consumption of 12.9 kg.


The productivity of the T-40 tractor when plowing stubble with a three-furrow plow PN-3-35 (according to experimental data) is 0.58 ha/h with a per-hectare fuel consumption of 12.8 kg.


The performance of the T-40A tractor when plowing fallow land with a PN-3-35 plow to a depth of 24 cm was 0.63 ha/h with a fuel consumption of 15.2 kg/ha.


The average performance of the T-40 and T-40A tractors on plowing (translated into soft plowing) is 0.52 ha/h for the T-40 tractor, and 0.55 ha/h for the T-40A tractor.


Reviews for analogues:

The large wheels have a stiff suspension, while the front wheels have a spring suspension.

Like Show list of ratings Better MTZ 82 Minsk assembly is much faster and the number of operations it can do more than T and LTZ 60 Like Show list of ratings LTZ60 can a 3-body plow pull easily?

Some tractor manufacturers have difficulty accessing places to replace consumables.

Sorokovka is reversible. I have found myself in such situations no more than three or four times with other people’s carts, I don’t have much transport work, but I still remember vivid, if not terrible, impressions from such trips. As soon as you start repairs, you see that at the factory and here everything is provided to make such work easier.

More on the topic: Do-it-yourself electrical wiring for MTZ-80


Life Family Estate Accidents are not accidental A more realistic option is to purchase a used tractor that can work out the remainder of its service life without additional costs of material resources and working time.

It was inconvenient to adjust it through the hatch located in the cockpit. It is in our favor - every year the profit per motorcycle hour generated is growing little by little. The engine developers made several changes to the design of the power plant, which made it possible to significantly reduce fuel consumption during operation of the machine.

Market news

Owner reviews After several years of working on new generation machines, you begin to understand how imperfect the technology of that time was. The tractor has no suspension in the chassis, which means there are no problems with springs, shock absorbers, or fastening all these components and parts.

The bridge on the forty is not automatic at MTZ. In order for the tractor to serve for a long time, it is necessary to operate it correctly and carry out diagnostics and repairs in a timely manner. To perform maintenance correctly after 60 hours, you need to adhere to the rules: First of all, carry out all the operations of daily maintenance. If the demands are low and there are no “show-offs”, you can live. And watching how others bend to their superiors at their places of duty, before farming I worked as an executive secretary at a newspaper, I have never regretted that in the nineties I sharply changed my lifestyle. The cabin is a total disaster. MTZ vs T40

T-40 as a universal tractor for farming. Let's discuss all homemade trailers

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Let's talk about homemade products for this tractor. I'll post my photos in a week. I don't have a camera yet.

Spit it out! Very interesting to see. I’m currently working on attachments for the T-40.

I’ll definitely post it. Now I’m interested in something homemade for weeding potatoes. Or is everyone just hilling up several times? I found a couple of devices for hilling and settled on a Polish planter without tanks. not difficult to do yourself. Files: _015_4.jpg

I’ll definitely post it. Now I’m interested in something homemade for weeding potatoes. Or is everyone just hilling up several times? I found a couple of devices for hilling and settled on a Polish planter without tanks. not difficult to do yourself.

Why a planter? There is also a hiller of this kind.

Do you also install wheels with lugs on the hiller? What if you need to deepen a section somewhere or vice versa? If you loosen the bolt on the hiller and raise or lower it, it will be long and laborious. If you take a beam from a professional pipe 60*60, 80*80, 100*100 and hang individual sections, it will be easier to operate.

I'll put on the wheels I can find and see the rest

I don’t know about the absorption of grain, but the absorption of flour processed in the crushing chamber is possible. Of course, the PTO revolutions are not enough. PTO 540 a needs from 1500 to 3000 rpm for crushing and, in turn, to create an air flow for transportation through pipes. DKU principle. In order not to carry grain upstairs, you need to place a bunker with an auger at the bottom.

Hello. Igor, can you tell me what the maximum weight of the attachment is? I found five hillers and a beam in the ferrous metal. I want to make a hiller of the KON-2.4 type, but something is scary: can such a cultivator handle a forty?

I have a Lidselmash 4-row planter - its weight is 700 kg; on the road, when you drive, you can’t move quickly, otherwise it will throw up the FDA and take off from the ground. Tractor with FDA but without counterweights. In the garden, when I load up the potatoes when planting, and then I turn around with her, I start a little and rear up, in short, funny. I haven’t seen KON-2.4, or maybe I have, but I don’t know what it is. In short, I myself have 5 sections of hillers, width 2.8, the weight of the cultivator is about 350 kg, it pulls like a beast, much lighter than a plow.

How wide do you plant potatoes on a board of perches? 50 cm)))


/ live forever, learn forever /

What plow? There is a 4*35 plow frame from which a 3*35 plow will be made. Will such a unit be able to handle it? What gear are you plowing in?

What plow? There is a 4*35 plow frame from which a 3*35 plow will be made. Will such a unit be able to handle it? What gear are you plowing in?


/ live forever, learn forever /

What plow? There is a 4*35 plow frame from which a 3*35 plow will be made. Will such a unit be able to handle it? What gear are you plowing in?

What plow? There is a 4*35 plow frame from which a 3*35 plow will be made. Will such a unit be able to handle it? What gear are you plowing in?

To find out what kind of plow you have, you need to measure the width of the plowshare, that is, the knife that cuts the ground)) if it is 35 cm, then the plow is PLN-3-35, or when plowing, measure the width of the plowed land, divide by two)) These plowshares need to be heated and tightened in the forge so that they they were sharp, if they were blunt, then there was a lot of resistance on the tractor))) Three hulls on heavy ground MTZ, YuMZ are also straining if you plow not 15 cm but as it should be 25 cm)))) And on the T-40AM you can carry three as soon as possible it will be 15 cm for the grandmothers, quickly traveled in the back to the front and then the flat potato will give birth ha-ha-ha))) For plowing standards, as it should be, two buildings because the traction class is not the same as UMZ, MTZ T-40, 1.4 and 0.9 book and much more))


/ live forever, learn forever /


Questions about T-40

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The T-40 technology is very capricious and there can be so many causes and breakdowns that a day would not be enough for you to list. I'll write it very briefly. 1. The hydraulics are not perfect, the power steering and flow valve constantly malfunction. 2. The engine is prone to overheating. The service life of a piston is 3 years, or even less. 3. The clutch is also not very happy, from the inconvenient adjustment through the hatch from the cab to the breaking off of the basket bolts and frequent wear of the release bearing cup. 4. The bearings spill out in the box, which leads to the inclusion of 2 speeds at the same time. 5. Sometimes the crankshaft breaks. Among the advantages there is a decompressor and reverse. The tractor is more suitable for transport use. Most of the attachments are suitable from MTZ, but not all because the traction class is different. The engine goes into regular diesel oil (the main thing is to change it on time) into the TAD-17 transmission.

Yes, very pessimistic. But why is the T-40 considered by the “locals” to be the most passable and unpretentious vehicle? All forays into forests and other places are made mostly in the 40s. Do all of the listed malfunctions occur constantly or are they the result of illiterate operation? That is, if you don’t “tear” the tractor and operate it correctly, then a lot can be avoided? Is the engine life of a piston engine 3 years when plowing or in general? Clarify please.

Igor, thanks for the review of the tractor. Most likely we won’t take it, it’s a bit old. And it will start to break anyway. Most likely I’ll pick up a VTZ 4x4 of average condition or, most likely, we’ll take a Chinese 4x4. With uv.

Thanks for your feedback. The tractor is good, but already outdated. It’s better to save some money and get something newer. T-40-55-60 are good tractors, but the plant is dying (or is being deliberately killed) and soon it will be difficult to get spare parts for it, but it will last for 10 years. With uv.

This price was greatly increased for you by 60-90 tr. at most I can find it if needed

Yes, I thought so too, the car is 22 years old. I need something newer so that I don’t have to lie under it every day. It’s not known how it was previously “driven” (it looks clean, painted), what’s inside. But take care of it from new and everything will be fine. But the prices are killer now! MTZ-82 from factory capital costs from 290,000 to 370,000 rubles. The Chinese rule anyway, they have firmly and forever occupied the niche of tractors between the MTZ-132 and MTZ-82. VTZ no longer counts, with a price of 485,000 rubles, and with the design of the Russian Federation, it is not a competitor. And thanks for the offer, do you have a lot of 40s?

Yes, private owners only had T-40s when the collective farms were destroying them and giving them away, I honestly don’t know what to do with it in the winter, once I got dropsy, heat up the water, spill it, start one gimor, unless it’s a new one

Your T-40 is a bit expensive. They are now offering me for 80 thousand and spare parts to boot, but it’s worn, of course, and even with an electric starter. It’s better with Launcher, less hassle. Problem-Spare parts. As a rule, it’s made to order and takes a long time, although it varies by region, but even YuMZ has everything.

Your T-40 is a bit expensive. They are now offering me for 80 thousand and spare parts to boot, but it’s worn, of course, and even with an electric starter. It’s better with Launcher, less hassle. Problem-Spare parts. As a rule, it’s made to order and takes a long time, although it varies by region, but even YuMZ has everything.

It's better with launch. Why then is everyone switching to the starter? You probably didn’t bother with the launcher, otherwise you wouldn’t have written something like this. Now a starter with a gearbox even with 60 ac. they are pulling, and you are a launcher, a launcher.

I had a leak, put some sealant on it and it became dry.

I don’t worry about the YuMZ, it starts instantly and in winter you can turn it on the decompressor - this is also true for the T-40. It’s easier for me to set up a starter than to charge batteries and they are not cheap. By the way, the T-40 launcher has an excellent manual starter. In our villages everything is with launchers. Can you tell us more about the starter with gearbox on the T-40?

I don’t worry about the YuMZ, it starts instantly and in winter you can turn it on the decompressor - this is also true for the T-40. It’s easier for me to set up a starter than to charge batteries and they are not cheap. By the way, the T-40 launcher has an excellent manual starter. In our villages everything is with launchers. Can you tell us more about the starter with gearbox on the T-40?

Czech gear starter MAGNETON. Suitable for both MTZ and T-40 due to the lack of a bell! Of course, it costs more than its domestically produced counterparts (I saw the Cheboksary one somewhere around 4500-5000, but its bell is also made of aluminum, I think its life will not last long) I installed it at MTZ in the summer and digested the box for 190 (small cabin). Some positive emotions. In the future I will install it on the T-40. Everyone I know rides them!

It’s not in vain that I’m asking about the starter; a homemade tractor turned up and I want to buy it. The T-40 motor and the question about the starter are interesting because it’s a little expensive to buy a large battery and it would be good if a 90-100 amp one is suitable. I’ll tell you about the tractor in the topic about homemade products.

"Locust", of course, is a weak device, its best place is the "mistress" with KUN in the wings, I've had it for about 12 years. It only needs a little re-equipment.

Yesterday was too early, tomorrow may be too late!

40 is a normal tractor, confirmed by stories from experienced tractor drivers. It’s just that on state and collective farms they “assigned” the same work to him as at MTZ without making adjustments for traction class, etc. As a result, tractors started pouring in and everyone said: tractor Gamno! Just now MTZ was dragging these two carts, but he couldn’t see it. Well, we don’t have enough culture for servicing and operating air vents - the oils for them were prescribed of worse quality than at MTZ (if there was a choice) and they didn’t like to change them more often than in a water tank. You understand the cultures.

As I already said, I’ve had one for 15 years, under KUN-12. For its time it was quite suitable for small jobs. It will work for private household plots if you look after it, it is correctly said to use high-quality fuels and lubricants, and not pour waste into all the holes. In my TAP-17 bridge, in the MS-20 engine, in the hydraulics, I have never had any testing from internal combustion engines, only from compressors. But despite everything, this is still the last century, against the backdrop of modern technology it looks funny, progress cannot be stopped.

Yesterday was too early, tomorrow may be too late!

Forum members help. The hydraulic system of the T-40am tractor does not work. Something to look at, maybe there are weak points.

I completely agree, if you treat technology as if it were your own person, then it will answer you in the same way. and please, if you give advice on the characteristics of tractors, do not generalize; agricultural work should be divided into at least two categories: crop production and livestock production. I use my T 40AM in livestock farming, and I think that the forty is just right. for example, mowing as well as raking hay with an 80 is not economically feasible, it is better, of course, to do it with a 25, but then you need another more powerful one for loading and transporting hay and removing manure, and a 40 copes with all this with a bang. There have been no problems in maintenance and repair since the moment of purchase for 7 years now, I don’t even know what to complain about (not counting the perversity of the idea of ​​Soviet designers), but then all the equipment was not made for people, but for the “results of the five-year plan”, the kun has also been hung for 7 years, the steering has not broken, but I and the battery are also 7 and so far I don’t complain even in winter, and here in Siberia the winters are not for children. Maybe I came across a special tractor, or maybe it’s all about the relationship with him. I took it by hand, immediately went through almost every nut and after that it serves me faithfully without causing any problems. and overheating of a forty is not as bad as an eighty, it’s cooled down and that’s it, but if an eighty loses its head or, God forbid, something happens to the block, that’s a real crapshoot. and in plowing and 80 no hero Toto they were sent to state farms every winter for repairs.


Category food

The most difficult work on a tractor is with a plow.

And my friend and I, just the two of us, without crane beams, using an ordinary jack and a two-hundred-liter barrel, like a roller for a diesel pan, rolled the tractor into two parts, replaced the broken release bearing roller and put it back together. It is recommended to fill the tractor with M10DM oil in the amount of 10 liters, which is just enough for a year. Used Belarus MTZ of earlier releases can be found much cheaper.

Watch the video of how the tractor was loaded onto a KAMAZ manipulator: When I watched how everything was being prepared, I still had jitters that the tractor would be damaged, but after the successful loading I relaxed.

We live in the same village, we all know each other, we have relatives, neighbors, friends of relatives and neighbors, classmates and co-workers. The price depends on the year of manufacture, condition and the presence of additional equipment. Evgeniy Sakharov August 09 This is a double-edged sword. When using a tractor every day all year round, you usually end up with more engine hours.

The machine can last for many years if you follow the operating instructions: Do not overload the engine with long-term operation. It’s more difficult with spare parts than with MTZ ones. The engine is one big problem. Here you need to choose a golden mean. This means that tractor drivers received from seven hundred thousand to a million in just a week. You can plant and process potatoes, dig them up - but here it’s not as massive as in plowing and mowing. Or the clutch also failed once at the height of the season when working on gardening. As for money, not everyone can take it. Clean fuel tanks and filters.

The same thing applies to working with a potato digger. The high-pressure fuel pump injection pump ensures that at the right moment, a strictly defined proportion of fuel is injected into the cylinder, where it mixes with air and spontaneously ignites from compression.

The only advantages I can include are the presence of a decompressor and reverse, since everything else is disadvantages. The most dangerous job is with a loaded trailer on a slippery road, especially where there are slopes. On the panel on the left side there are sensors to monitor temperature, oil pressure, air pressure and battery charge. In general, you cannot relax despite the simplicity of the actions associated with operating a tractor. Comparison of tractors in Mud - Tractor Belarus or T 40? — Tuning

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