Mulching function in a lawn mower: evaluating the benefits

The concept of “mulching” implies covering the ground around the plant with a variety of materials that regulate air and water regimes in the upper layers of the soil. The use of such a technique is not new, because many experts spoke about its benefits 20 years ago.

Today, suitable materials for mulching can be used:

  • Grass clippings or hand-pulled weeds (without seeds);
  • Expanded clay;
  • Peat;
  • Polymer film;
  • Needles;
  • Shredded tree bark, etc.

This procedure allows you to slow down the growth of weeds, create landscape design on the territory, decorate the lawn, improve the properties of the soil and protect it from frost and other factors. Currently organic and inorganic mulch is used.

The first includes those objects that will rot on their own over time: sawdust, grass, pine needles, husks, compost, bark, etc. The second includes materials that need to be removed after completing direct duties, otherwise they can cause harm to the soil and plants: roofing felt (crushed), polymer film, gravel, expanded clay and so on.

Sometimes special plants are used to cover the soil. But in this case, it is necessary to ensure that they do not interfere with the natural growth of useful plants.

Principle of operation

A popular agricultural technique reduces labor costs and increases soil fertility. Rotting grass debris releases nutrients that feed natural ingredients and minimizes the use of chemical fertilizers.

A lawn mower not only cuts plants, but also shreds and spreads mulch over the lawn. The mowed layer protects the lawn from frost and summer heat. The soil does not dry out, which allows you to reduce the number and volume of watering. The thickness of the coating does not interfere with the development of grass, while slowing down the activity of weeds.

Lawn care Source

The operator does not need to stop and waste time cleaning the device. A lawn mower with a mulching function cuts the crops on the lawn evenly. The vegetation ends up in a special collection with a plug, in which sharp knives crush the mass. While moving, the device evenly pours the chaff over the area.

Lawn cuttings Source

The covering does not lie on the vegetation, but on the soil. Fine mulch takes up the free space between the blades of grass. A thin layer is practically invisible, so the cuttings do not spoil the appearance of the lawn. The soil microflora will quickly extract useful substances, and the remains can be easily removed with a rake.

A cheap way to create an elite lawn

According to some sources, mulching was invented by English gardeners. When the use of watering hoses was prohibited, they began to cover the green lawns with chopped vegetation.

Today this is called lawn mulching. It includes several procedures:

  • regular grass mowing;
  • cleaning dried plants;
  • processing of raw materials;
  • returning mulch to the soil surface.

Thanks to this, the temperature balance on the lawn is regulated during the cold season. Moisture is retained during hot summers. Fertilizing the soil with useful substances. Protecting the area from weeds.

Having carefully examined the root zone of plants, you can see how it successfully develops and bushes. In addition, the turf layer becomes much thicker and denser. Indeed, at all times, high-quality fertile soil was the key to the prosperity of green spaces.

In regions where harsh winters prevail, it is advisable to create a thick layer of turf on lawns.

Differences from conventional models

A lawn mower with a mulching option is a device with increased functionality. In normal mode, the equipment operates like a traditional model. The device mows grass and small vegetation, and transfers the cut residues to a collection container.

To mulch the lawn, the supply channel is blocked with a plug. When the option is enabled, the device sends the plants to the compartment with knives. In the tank, sharp blades grind the grass into chops. As it moves, the machine evenly scatters fine debris across the lawn. In traditional models, the ejection is carried out to the side, in devices with an additional mode - backwards.

How the mulching model works Source

What type of mulching knife should you use?

There are two types of grass cutting knives. The first of them is called “2 in 1”, it is designed for efficient mowing and ejection of grass from the deck, or collecting grass in a grass collecting hopper. Mulching knives (type 2) have an improved curved design, which consists of additional cutting edges. They are involved in the grinding process and will be able to produce maximum grinding of the grass.

Knives need to be sharpened at least once a season. Moreover, it is recommended to do this in specialized service centers. It is there that you can get a high-quality sharpening and balancing of a knife that will mow and mulch the grass as efficiently as possible, without vibration.

And you can always get qualified advice in choosing gardening machinery and equipment, or simply sharpen and balance a knife at our Technodid service center.

How to choose a lawn mower

The productivity of the mulching option in the device is affected by the engine power. The built-in motor distributes performance between nodes. The main part of a lawn mower is the cutting blades that cut the grass. The remaining energy goes to the wheel drive and the chopper knife.

When the load increases, a weak motor often does not have enough power for additional options. A deficiency negatively affects the functionality of other components. The quality of the device's operation decreases. The lawnmower mows slowly and mulches the lawn for a long time and unevenly.

How to choose a lawn mower with mulching Source

The cutting width also depends on the power. The more hair the device removes at a time, the faster the procedure will go. To work with a large lawn, preference is given to models with a parameter of 45-50 cm. For a lawn of up to 5 acres, 30-40 cm is sufficient.

Productivity and price depend on the type of model. Devices with the function of chopping vegetation are divided into 3 groups:

  • Gasoline. Powerful, self-contained units are designed to handle high loads on spacious lawns. The minimum engine parameters are 4 l/s. The devices are noisy, smoke and often have a lot of weight.
  • Electrical. Lightweight, manoeuvrable, corded mulching lawn mowers are easy to maintain. Quiet units operate from a wall outlet or from a rechargeable battery. The disadvantages of the devices are that they heat up quickly and are dependent on the energy source. They are inferior in power to gasoline models.
  • Robots. Compact devices operate on the principle of remote-controlled vacuum cleaners. The owner sets the settings for mulching the lawn with a lawn mower in the application. The models additionally have a humidity sensor, which will protect expensive equipment from operating in the rain or on wet grass.

Motor speed affects the speed of the knife. The higher the parameter, the cleaner the cut. For high-quality mowing with mulching, the characteristic should be from 2.5 thousand revolutions per minute. The lawn mower will not slow down under heavy loads, so you don’t have to worry about bald spots appearing on your lawn.

To make the mower last a long time

Lawn mowers do not require special ongoing maintenance, but they definitely need to be given attention. For long and reliable operation of these devices, it is enough to regularly carry out a number of preventive measures.

After you have finished mowing, dry the mower and thoroughly clean it of any remaining grass. Small pieces of grass along with the soil can stick to the inside of the casing or in the grass catcher; they must be removed from there so that they do not cause corrosion. For this procedure, you can make your own small spatula from some wood or plywood scraps.

If you used a gasoline mower and cut slightly damp grass, then after work you must first roll it out into the sun or place it in a well-ventilated area and dry it thoroughly.

Anyone understands that the most important part in a lawn mower is the blade. The condition of the knives must be monitored with special care, because this directly determines how accurately you can cut the grass. With prolonged use, the cutting edges of knives become dull, jagged or worn down. Then you need to sharpen them or change them.

At the end of the season, a clean, well-maintained lawn mower should be stored in a warm and dry room. Garages and sheds, where there may be sudden temperature changes, are best avoided.

We hope that our tips helped you. Buy lawn mowers according to the recommendations, use and care for them correctly, carry out the necessary activities on the lawn, especially mulching discussed above. And then, your beautiful lawn will always remain this way; excess moisture, cold and other unfavorable factors will not be afraid of it.

Pros and cons of using such devices

Many homeowners mistakenly believe that mown grass can ruin the overall appearance of their lawn.
However, if done correctly, this will not happen. A layer of fine gruel will be evenly distributed over the area and will only fill the space between the stems. With the help of a lawn mower, the work can be done so well that the mulched grass will simply be invisible on the lawn. After some time, it will rot and turn into fertilizer, providing the gardener with a good service.

Pros of using a lawn mower for mulching:

  • obtaining organic raw materials at no additional cost;
  • time saving - the grass catcher will be released automatically;
  • ensuring the protection of the land plot from drying out and the growth of weeds;
  • giving the lawn a neat, attractive look.

Expert opinion

Kuznetsov Vasily Stepanovich

The disadvantage of this mulching is the poor quality result when working with the unit in wet weather. Wet grass will lie unevenly and clump into clumps. If necessary, you can try mowing only the tops of the stems.

It is advisable to carry out the mulching procedure regularly - this will keep the area in perfect order.

Another interesting fact is that the more often a lawn mower is used to cut grass, the less wear and tear on its mechanisms. As for knives, it is recommended to sharpen them from time to time.

Lawn care in late autumn and winter

Preparing for winter, cold weather and other adversities. In addition to those autumn actions that we have already discussed, one more stage of preparation should be carried out - creating a snow barrier. It will help create a snow cushion that will protect the lawn from freezing and icing. By the way, areas where there is not a lot of snow can practice covering the lawn with spruce branches or fallen leaves.

As can be seen from the listed works, lawn care is a troublesome task and almost all year round, but does this really matter when an emerald carpet makes our life more fun almost all year round?

Sources: https: //

Lawn care during spring-summer-autumn

This is the hot season for active lawn use. Be prepared that the entire time (season) that you plan to enjoy the beauty of your lawn will also delight you with a variety of physical activity, since the lawn requires care and attention.

a) Lawn mowing

What is the first thing that comes to mind when we hear “lawn care”? Of course, the first picture in my head is of a man carefree walking with a lawn mower. Indeed, one of the most important maintenance activities is mowing the lawn.

The first couple of times, I think you will also enjoy walking with a lawn mower, inhaling the pleasant aroma of freshly cut greenery, but this will quickly pass. So you should clearly motivate yourself, and in case of natural laziness, “zombie” yourself with the following mantra: “Every haircut makes my lawn more beautiful, thicker, greener. My plot is an island of happiness, covered with a lush green carpet” (repeat many times from haircut to haircut). But seriously, mowing the lawn is a very useful activity, and therefore should be done regularly.

What is its usefulness:

  • It creates that very aesthetic, attractive look for which we love lawns so much.
  • It helps fight weeds, since the latter do not tolerate regular cutting.
  • After it, the lawn becomes denser, which means thicker and greener.

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Now briefly about the main thing: You need to cut from May to October (depending on the region, the dates may shift slightly), 3 times a month to a height of 5-6 cm (parameters for the most common types of grasses). Another important point - cut in different directions so that there are no trampled paths.

b) Watering

In principle, everything is clear with watering. We water either early in the morning or in the evening, just like other plants. If the watering system is automatic, then we program it and enjoy life; if we water it with a portable hose, then we be sure to ensure that the water is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the lawn.

c) Combing the lawn

This is done in order to lift fallen or crushed grass, and it is most convenient to carry out this procedure while collecting mown grass, so to speak, two birds with one stone.

d) Piercing, aeration and fertilization

Aeration, as well as fertilization, is usually carried out twice a year in spring and autumn, preferably at the same time. Aeration is the mechanical piercing of the top layer of soil to improve air circulation and the flow of water to the root system.

Why fertilizer is needed, I think it’s already clear. I will only focus on listing what fertilizer is applied for what:

  • nitrogen fertilizers – to enhance lawn growth
  • phosphorus fertilizers - to maintain the bright color of the grass
  • potassium fertilizers - to maintain the durability of the lawn and the development of the root system

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that for lazy people, those in a hurry, especially busy people who are afraid to confuse “how much to weigh in grams,” there are complex fertilizers that are selected depending on the growing conditions of the lawn.

e) Mulching Mulching is the act of sprinkling the lawn with a mixture of peat, soil and sand, 1.5 kg of mixture per 1 square meter. m of lawn. Due to this, the properties of the lawn are improved, young grass grows better, old grass is nourished, and the lawn becomes dense and uniform. Usually mulching is carried out in the fall, in September-October, before this you need to clean, comb and prick the lawn. You need to sprinkle it carefully, to the roots, so that the soil does not cover the tops of the grass. The mulching procedure is carried out once a year.

e) Weed control

This eternal struggle is carried out mechanically and chemically. If there are not very many weeds, then, of course, it is better to resort to the mechanical method. And if the weeds attack, then herbicides are in your hands, and, so to speak, “die all living things.”

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