News of the agricultural market and agriculture → Tractor with problems: state technical supervision refuses to register equipment with “old-style” passports

Registration of self-propelled vehicles in Gostekhnadzor

  • tractors (except walk-behind tractors);
  • mini tractors;
  • loaders;
  • skating rinks;
  • special drilling equipment;
  • excavators;
  • snow removal machines;
  • harvesters;
  • pipelayers;
  • vibratory rollers;
  • snowmobiles;
  • asphalt pavers;
  • electric cars;
  • reach trucks;
  • electric stackers;
  • ATVs;
  • tingers;
  • all-terrain vehicles;
  • self-propelled road construction machines;
  • reclamation technology;
  • agricultural machinery.

Gostekhnadzor (State supervision of the technical condition of self-propelled vehicles and special equipment in the Russian Federation) is a special body that checks the technical condition of special equipment, road construction machines and trailers for them during their use in order to ensure the safety of people, property, and the environment.

Tractor registration (without documents)

Good day. I am buying a tractor for which there are no documents. The previous owner bought it from an organization and was given a certificate stating that the tractor brand, engine number, etc. was on the balance sheet of the organization and was sold to such a citizen. The question is, what should I do now? I want to register it? 1. A person - a citizen or a legal entity - who is not the owner of property, but who in good faith, openly and continuously owns either his own real estate for fifteen years or other property for five years, acquires the right of ownership of this property (acquisitive prescription). The right of ownership to real estate and other property subject to state registration arises in the person who acquired this property by virtue of acquisitive prescription from the moment of such registration.

Registration deadlines and fees

Clause 1.5 of the Rules for State Registration of Self-Propelled Vehicles specifies two deadlines for registration of PSM. The first - during the validity period of the transit numbers, the second - 5 days from the date of purchase, clearance at customs or deregistration.

Responsibility for failure to comply with the announced deadlines is specified in Article 19.22 and provides for a fine of 1,500 to 2,000 rubles for citizens and from 2,000 to 3,500 rubles for officials.

Article 19.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Violation of the rules of state registration of vehicles of all types, mechanisms and installations

    Violation of the rules of state registration of vehicles of all types (except for vessels under construction, sea vessels, mixed (river-sea) navigation vessels, inland navigation vessels, including small vessels), mechanisms and installations if registration is mandatory -

entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles; for officials - from two thousand to three thousand five hundred rubles; for legal entities - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles. Violation of the rules of state registration of vessels under construction, sea vessels, mixed (river-sea) navigation vessels, inland navigation vessels, including small vessels, and rights to them, or failure by the owner or charterer of the relevant vessel to fulfill the obligation for state registration of the vessel within the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation one of the registers of ships of the Russian Federation, if such a period is established, or the obligation to inform the body that carried out the state registration of the ship about changes in information to be entered into the register of ships of the Russian Federation -

How to get a passport for a self-propelled vehicle

The procedure for registration and issuance of a passport is carried out by the customs authorities, who affix the series and number of the document indicating its authenticity. To obtain the paper, the vehicle is properly checked for the presence of the necessary technical characteristics and parts.

  • engine capacity is about 50 cubic meters and the device is fully equipped;
  • engine power more than 4 kW and maximum speed 50 km per hour;
  • additional trailers with mandatory registration with Gostekhnadzor authorities;
  • chassis, which are not included in the complete vehicle package and are separate parts.

What is the difference between PSM and PTS?

Legally, both of these documents are equivalent; they confirm the official registration of the vehicle in the relevant structures. The differences lie in the design and technical features of the machines for which they are issued:

  • PTS is issued for motor vehicles with a maximum speed of over 50 km/h and approved for use on public roads, as well as trailers for them;
  • PSM is required for self-propelled vehicles not intended for use on public roads, the maximum design speed of which is 50 km/h or less.

Equipment without PSM

The essence of the matter is briefly this: the procedure for registering a PSM is prescribed in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 460 of May 15, 1995. It states that passports are issued by: manufacturing enterprises, State Technical Supervision authorities and customs authorities. A sample of the PSM form is described in the “Regulations on the passport of self-propelled machines and other types of equipment”, approved by the State Standard of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation on June 26, 28, 1995. Tractor with problems: state technical supervision refuses to register equipment with “old-style” passports

– We paid 1,920,500 rubles for the Belarus-1025.2 tractor with air conditioning, but, as it turned out, we acquired problems for ourselves along with the machine. We can’t register it because the passport of the self-propelled vehicle (PSM), issued by the dealer, is of an old type and is not registered with Gostekhnadzor,” an agricultural producer from the Bokovsky district of the Rostov region complained to the newspaper.

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Possible reasons for refusal to receive a document

In order to avoid receiving a negative answer, when preparing a document you should pay attention to the following aspects:

  • the presence of various inconsistencies in transport that may threaten the health and life of passengers;
  • provision of incorrectly executed or unreliable documents, since the procedure requires the presentation of papers in Russian without errors and various corrections;
  • availability of copies of documents when presentation of their originals is mandatory.

In some cases, to confirm the suitability of a self-propelled vehicle and its further operation, it is necessary to conduct an additional examination that will show the real condition of the vehicle.

How to register a tractor with Gostekhnadzor

  • Submit an application to Gostekhnadzor to register a tractor that has belonged to you for more than five years. To do this, you will need to attract two witnesses (not relatives) who will confirm this fact in writing. In the application, indicate the engine and chassis numbers of the tractor.
  • Gostekhnadzor checks these numbers in the database - that the tractor with the specified engine and chassis numbers is not registered and is not on the wanted list. The Gostekhnadzor inspector inspects the equipment to ensure that it is in serviceable, technically sound condition. You will be given a certificate “not included/not listed” and an inspection report.
  • The court is not interested in the inspection report, but the certificate, plus a certificate from witnesses that the equipment belongs to you, must be attached to the claim to the court. It is not necessary to hire a lawyer: you can draw up a claim yourself, using a model from the Internet.
  • Within a month, the court will consider the claim and issue a ruling allowing the tractor to be registered. It is possible that the judge will require an appraisal of the tractor, with the provision of a corresponding certificate from the appraiser, but this is in individual cases.
  • With the court decision (which comes into force 10 days after it is made), contact Gostekhnadzor, which, on its basis, will register the “rare” tractor and draw up all the necessary documents for it.

It is impossible to officially register such a tractor and you cannot use it either. But there is still a lot of such equipment in the country, and it continues to work. For example, tractors that were inherited from collective and state farms that were wiped off the face of the earth. There are no documents for them; they have already been repaired many times on their own. But if you want, you can legalize such a technique. And there is no need to try to negotiate and promise a bribe to Gostekhnadzor.

Regulations on the passport of self-propelled vehicles and other types of equipment (approved

3.23.2. The operation of a self-propelled vehicle of the owner, who is a legal entity, is recorded on the basis of accounting data for the past year and the readings of the hour meter or speedometer and is certified by the signature of the responsible person, as well as the seal of the owner. 4.4. Providing machine manufacturing enterprises with passport forms is carried out by state technical inspections corresponding to their location, which at least once a year monitor compliance by machine manufacturing enterprises with the established procedure for issuing and processing passports.

How to register a tractor with Gostekhnadzor

— Application in the prescribed form; — Owner’s passport (identity document); — A document confirming your ownership (sale and purchase agreement, certificate stating that the tractor was found or donated, etc.); — Passport of a self-propelled vehicle (PSM, a document in which all unit numbers are indicated); — MTPL agreement for self-propelled vehicles with a speed of more than 20 km/h — Receipts for payment of state duties:

  • State duty for issuing state registration plates;
  • State duty for issuing a vehicle registration certificate;
  • State duty for making changes to a previously issued PSM;

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— Certificate of conformity for self-propelled vehicles A little theory. A tractor is a self-propelled machine, that is, not a car, but not a moped, of course. If its engine capacity is more than 50 cubic centimeters, such a self-propelled vehicle must be registered. And since our tractor is to some extent a vehicle, it has all the attributes of a vehicle: a passport (but not a PTS, but a PSM - a passport of a self-propelled vehicle), numbers on the engine, frame, body. All this is reflected in the PSM.

Which category should I open?

We figured out that the rights are necessary, but it remains to figure out which category needs to be opened.

Let's take a closer look at the categories of rights and what they give us:

  • A – you can drive any vehicle or motorcycle.
  • B – refers to equipment with a motor power of up to 25.7 kW.
  • C – refers to vehicles with engine power up to 110.3 kW.
  • D – engine power over 110.3 kW.
  • E – refers to tracked vehicles with motor power greater than 25.7 kW.
  • F – this category includes the management of combines, self-propelled seeders and other similar equipment.

How to register a tractor - all the nuances of registration

As a rule, the registration period does not exceed 5 days, regardless of who submits the application - an individual or a legal entity. The received permit is issued for an unlimited period. It will be necessary to re-register a tractor only if the special equipment will be sold or transferred to another user. In some cases, it is necessary to deregister the tractor. For example, for the purpose of disposal, sale or change of residence of the owner (if, of course, the move is planned to another region). The owner must provide the following documents to the registration authorities:

What are the rules for registering tractors and self-propelled machines?

  • identification of the owner (passport, refugee ID, etc.);
  • if the registration process is not carried out by the owner of the vehicle, then a notarized power of attorney and a passport of the representative of the owner of the technical device are required;
  • confirming ownership of transport;
  • MTPL policy if necessary;
  • self-propelled vehicle passport;
  • completed application;
  • on payment of the required amount of state duty;
  • confirming payment of transport tax for the last reporting period (excluded if a new vehicle was purchased);
  • transit number, if one was issued previously;
  • registration certificate, if the vehicle has not previously been deregistered;
  • technical inspection report carried out by an employee of the organization.

If the owner is a foreign company, and the technical equipment is imported into the territory of the Russian Federation for a certain period (and this period is more than 6 months), then a temporary registration of the vehicle is carried out at the address of the organization’s branch (on the territory of the state).

The procedure for obtaining a driver's license and registering the vehicle

As mentioned above, the registration of small agricultural equipment is carried out by Gostekhnadzor. Such techniques include:

  • Tractors;
  • Self-propelled equipment intended for construction;
  • Units designed for uprooting bushes, stumps, for watering, etc.;
  • Large self-propelled agricultural units, such as combines, mowers, etc.
  • Trailers.

The registration procedure is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. By following these steps, you can easily register your mini tractor:

  1. Find out where the regional branch of Gostekhnadzor is located. If you have problems with this, then you need to find the official website and find out the address there.
  2. Prepare registration documents. It should be taken into account that for each region of Russia the package of documents may be individual. But as standard documentation it is used:
      Statement from the owner;
  3. Owner's passport;
  4. Registration certificate for a mini tractor;
  5. Documents that confirm the fact of purchase and sale.
  6. Come to Gostekhnadzor along with the self-propelled vehicle. This is necessary so that representatives of the government agency conduct a technical inspection. The thoroughness depends on the unit itself, its degree of wear and production.
  7. The owner undertakes to re-register after the expiration of the registration period specified in the issued papers.

Registration may be refused for the following reasons:

  1. In the event that during the technical inspection, non-compliance with generally accepted standards and requirements related to the safety of people, property and the environment was discovered. The easiest way is to register factory equipment, which initially has all the necessary certificates. If a homemade device is to be registered, then an examination must be carried out to confirm its safety during operation.
  2. If the documents are filled out incorrectly. There are corrections, crossing outs, and writing in pencil or pen that was not provided.
  3. Originals of required documents are missing.

Permits to drive a mini tractor with a trailer

No special permits are needed to drive a mini tractor with a trailer, other than what has already been said.

The owner is obliged to register the minitractor with Gostekhnadzor. You must also open the required category, in this case A or B, and obtain a tractor driver’s license.

Registration of a tractor without documents

A visual inspection of the vehicle is carried out by a technical expert on the territory of Gostekhnadzor or with a visit to the place specified by the owner of the equipment. During the inspection, the technical serviceability of the machine is checked, as well as identification marks - numbers, plates, etc. If the inspection inspector has no comments, he draws up a positive inspection report. Before registering a vehicle, Gostekhnadzor employees check the equipment for the absence of restrictions on it, as well as full compliance of the submitted documents. If there are no complaints, the owner is issued a registration certificate and registration number.

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What documents do you need to own a mini tractor?

There is no clear answer. In most cases, owners of mini tractors use the equipment in fields far from public roads or while moving along secondary roads, so they do not seek to register it officially. However, if the mini tractor was purchased for municipal needs, then you will have to drive it along city streets. Based on this, driving a vehicle must necessarily have an open category B. And on roads where there is active traffic, it is best to transport units in adapted bodies.

How to register a tractor with Gostekhnadzor

  • Collection of a mandatory set of documents, consisting of: an application for registration of a non-standard vehicle;
  • owner's passport;
  • a document indicating the owner’s residential address;
  • payment documents for purchased parts, components and assemblies from which the tractor is assembled.
  • Submission of documents to Gostekhnadzor;
      Preparing the tractor for inspection:
  • clean and wash equipment;
  • install all required accessories, such as a spark arrestor on the exhaust pipe, when using it to work with flammable materials;
  • equip the tractor with mandatory accessories, including a first aid kit, fire extinguisher and warning triangle.
  • Presentation of the machine for inspection by a special commission of Gostekhnadzor, which will carefully inspect the structure and check its safety:
  • environmental;
  • when driving on streets and country roads.
  • In case of compliance with the standards, the owner is issued a passport for the tractor and registration plates. But you can operate it only if you have a driver’s license of the required category. The amount of the state duty for issuing a tractor driver's license is also regulated by the Tax Code and is 2,000 rubles (if the document is on paper, then you will have to pay 500 rubles).

    Do you need a license for a mini tractor in the Russian Federation?

    When purchasing a mini tractor from a factory, registration with the state technical supervision is not required, because the manufacturer did it himself. An exception is a device that was purchased outside the country and there are no representatives in your country. But at the same time, you need a driving license.

    It remains to figure out exactly what rights are needed. The usual driver's license, which confirms the right to drive a car, is not suitable. It is necessary to obtain a license from technical supervision, which is called a tractor driver’s license. There are several categories from A to F.

    You shouldn’t hope that only we have such rules. Belarusian farmers, for example, must also open a category and register their mini tractor with Gostekhnadzor.

    Why do you need to register a mini tractor and how to register it?

    True, the situation with the registration of walk-behind tractors is not very simple. On the one hand, according to the law, they are not subject to state registration, but on the other hand, when driving them on public roads, disagreements may arise with traffic police officers. Therefore, it is better for the owner of a walk-behind tractor, firstly, to have at least a category A license, which gives the right to drive a motorcycle. And secondly, drive a walk-behind tractor with a trailer “under your own power” only in the nearest fields and vegetable gardens, where roads are officially considered “technological passages” and are not under the jurisdiction of the traffic police. If you need to drive on a public road, it would be better to use a trailer to transport the walk-behind tractor. In Russia, almost any car or motorcycle is subject to mandatory registration with government agencies, but now we are not talking about cars that are registered by the state road safety inspection, but about special equipment, which often does not even require a license to drive. About that equipment - tractors, self-propelled road-building or agricultural machines and trailers for them, which is checked and registered by Gostekhnadzor. This includes the following types:

    22 Dec 2022 marketur 3192

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    What does the law say?

    According to the law, a walk-behind tractor with a trailer is not considered a vehicle, so there is no need to obtain registration or other documents for it. Road rules say nothing about how to operate such units and how to behave on the road. Therefore, a license to drive a walk-behind tractor in the CIS countries is not needed.

    Often online there is dissatisfaction with the owners of such agricultural equipment who drove onto a public road and received a fine from law enforcement officers for this. We would like to note once again that the traffic rules make no mention of walk-behind tractors at all. But, since you are driving on a public road, you must know the rules of the road. Therefore, a document confirming this is required, namely at least a driver’s license of category A. This category gives the opportunity to drive a motorcycle.

    It's another matter if you are the owner of a mini tractor. Despite the fact that this is not a vehicle, it is still a self-propelled vehicle. Therefore, it is likely that registration with Rostekhnadzor (Russia) or Gostekhnadzor (Ukraine) will be required. The procedure is paid and consists of establishing the compliance of a minitractor with the standard established by law.

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