They raised the country: the history of domestic truck cranes from the USSR to the present day

On construction sites in low-rise construction, the use of truck cranes with a small lifting capacity of 25-50 tons is justified. Heavy automotive giants are used only for “spot” operations: for moving especially heavy loads, installing industrial equipment. One can only imagine what architectural monuments the ancient Egyptians would have left us as a legacy if modern giant truck cranes had come to their aid at that time!

Read The largest tower and crawler cranes in the world

This article will tell you about the largest truck cranes in the world from five manufacturers: Zoomlion, XCMG, Liebherr, SANY, Terex-Demag. The models of truck cranes they produce are among the most powerful and tallest self-propelled mobile machines. If we consider giant truck cranes in analogy with world landmarks, we can mention the fact that the largest truck crane is 4 times taller than the Statue of Liberty.

Until recently, it was believed that the title of “The largest truck crane in the world” belonged to the German truck crane Liebherr LTM 11200-9.1. But the Bauma China exhibition held in 2012 refuted this. Last year, the Chinese company Zoomlion presented its giant.

The largest truck crane in the world - Zoomlion

A new product that broke all records was the ZACB01 truck crane, capable of lifting 2,000 tons! The Chinese “Maximum” was created on a 12-axle all-wheel drive chassis (24x24, QAY 2000). The crane is equipped with an 8-section telescopic boom with a length of 106 meters. The manufacturer has provided for the use of four engines of different power on the machine: 150, 260, 430 and 650 hp. ZACB01 has a mass of 96 tons.

Photo source: tehnoverh.ruThe largest truck crane in the world ZACB01 is capable of lifting 2,000 tons

The release of the new product, recognized as the highest lifting and high-altitude truck crane in the world, was timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the formation of Zoomlion.

Second place - the largest truck crane from XCMG

Second in the ranking of “The largest truck cranes in the world” is the XCMG XCA5000 crane unit. Like its Chinese counterpart Zoomlion, the XCA5000 was presented at Bauma China 2012. The XCMG XCA5000 truck crane has a lifting capacity of 1,600 tons. The development of this impressive lifting mechanism required Chinese engineers to combine seven key technologies in one crane (intelligent control system, redundant drive, etc. .d.). Before the crane was released, the manufacturer filed 50 patents.

Photo source: tehnoverh.ruThe maximum travel speed of the XCA5000 truck crane is 80 km/h

The crane is installed on a 9-axle all-wheel drive chassis, which is complemented by an electro-hydraulic steering servo and a pneumatic-hydraulic suspension. A special feature of the XCA5000 truck crane is the ability to move it in a “crab” way, i.e. sideways. The vehicle is capable of moving along the highway at speeds of up to 80 km/h, its weight is 96 tons. The boom of the truck crane reaches a height of 105 m, and with a cantilever extension - 165.5 m.

Another largest XCMG truck crane


Fifty dollars, or Everything is known by comparison. Russian-made 50-ton truck cranes

In its arsenal, XCMG has another masterpiece of lifting technology, which can rightfully defend its place in the ranking of the largest truck cranes in the world. This is a 1,200 ton QAY1200 truck mounted crane. Many experts note the similarity of this model with a truck crane from the German concern Liebherr. This is largely the result of close cooperation between the two companies.

Photo source: tehnoverh.ruThe largest truck crane XCMG QAY1200

XCMG QAY1200 was first presented at the exhibition in 2010. The vehicle received recognition and trust from the public only after a long series of tests, the most interesting of which was the lifting in 2012 by a QAY1200 truck crane to a height of 80 meters of another QY160K company truck crane with a lifting capacity of 160 tons, costing 1 million 305 thousand dollars. To complicate the experiment, a full cup of water was placed on the QY160K. The delicate work of the operator in raising and lowering the load to the ground did its job: not a single drop was spilled from the cup.

Other largest cranes: a little exotic

Cranes can move not only on solid ground, but also on water surfaces : for this they are installed on pontoons. Floating cranes are used to move assemblies of offshore drilling platforms and other massive structures.

Of course, floating cranes have their own giants and record holders.

One of the largest floating cranes is the Hyundai-10000, whose lifting capacity is 10 thousand tons.

This crane, which appeared in 2022, is equipped with two booms 180 meters high, and it has 8 hooks at once (the weight is evenly distributed between them). The crane receives the energy it needs to operate from 2.2 thousand kW generators installed on board - there are 4 of them in total, plus one spare, whose power is less.

The operation of floating devices not only involves lifting heavy loads to great heights, but is also carried out on a rather unstable plane. Sea waters are unpredictable. Therefore, special tanks are installed on board the Hyundai-10000: in the event of lifting a particularly massive load, they can be filled with sea water to provide maximum stability.

In addition to floating cranes, there are also crane vessels: by and large, they are the same thing, only the external outlines of the floating base are close to those of a ship.

Here the palm is held by Sleipnir from the Heerema company. This is a semi-submersible crane vessel equipped with two cranes, each of which is capable of lifting up to 10 thousand tons to a height of 129 meters.

Sleipnir is equipped with a helipad and can hold 20 thousand tons of cargo on board. Its living compartment can accommodate 400 people. Accordingly, the ship is also equipped with lifeboats - there are 9 of them in total, with 70 seats each.

The giant with a Scandinavian name (it refers to Sleipnir, the eight-legged horse of the supreme god Odin) was assembled in 2022 in Singapore specifically for the installation of oil and gas platforms, as well as offshore wind turbines.


In the two years since its commissioning, Sleipnir has already made history: in 2022, the vessel lifted and transported steel parts of the Brent Alpha platform from the North Sea near the UK to Norway. The weight of the cargo was more than 10 thousand tons. This crane also took part in the development of the Leviathan gas field in Israel. There he lifted a module weighing more than 15 thousand tons, which has never been done by crane vessels before.

Another type of crane is a bridge crane. This is a crane, the load-handling device of which is suspended from a load trolley and moves along a movable steel structure (the bridge itself).

The largest overhead crane is considered to be Taisun, which has been working at the dock of YantaiRafflesShipyard Limited (Singapore, China) for many years. This company manufactures floating drilling platforms for the oil industry, and a crane with a height of 133 meters and a span of 126 meters is indispensable for their assembly.

Taisun parameters allow the installation of large-scale metal structures, the height of which can be equal to the height of a ten-story building. The process is carried out as follows: a crane slowly lifts the upper part of the drilling platform to a height of 80 meters, and then lowers it onto the lower floating part that is docked.

In this work, “Teysun” has no equal. The crane has been the current record holder of the Guinness Book of Records for many years: initially its best achievement was 17,100 tons, but in April 2008, Taisun updated its record and lifted a barge weighing 20,133 tons.

The largest truck crane from Germany (video) - 1200-ton Liebherr truck crane


Truck crane device. A car that reaches for the sky

The German company Liebherr is considered the undisputed leader in the field of crane engineering today. For about 45 years, it has been producing lifting equipment, using the most modern technologies and engineering solutions. The most striking “attraction” of Liebherr in the model range was the largest mobile crane LTM 11200-9.1: this model made its debut at Bauma 2007. From that moment on, for several years the company was the only one in the world to produce mobile cranes of this size and lifting capacity.

Photo source: liebherr.comThe largest mobile crane Liebherr LTM 11200-9.1 debuted at Bauma in 2007

The LTM 11200-9.1 has a lifting capacity of 1,200 tons and, when fully assembled, is capable of lifting loads to a height of up to 190 meters (equal to the height of a 50-story building!). To power the working mechanisms of the truck crane, it is equipped with a 6-cylinder engine producing 367 hp. The vehicle is also equipped with an 8-cylinder engine producing 680 hp, which powers a 9-axle chassis. The width of the crane is only 3 meters, which allows unhindered movement on public roads.


The largest forklift in the world

The best domestic truck cranes for 2022

Truck crane from Galichanin (load capacity over 70 t)

The truck is equipped with reinforced suspension using technologies such as hydraulic and pneumatic. There is an option to adjust the position of the structure relative to the level. Regarding lubricant systematics, the developer has ensured complete centralization. The car engine is equipped with 6 cylinders, produced by the Mercedes Benz plant. Engine power is 540 hp (1800 rpm). The gearbox is mechanical, and the fuel tank is designed to hold 500 liters. The number of seats in the cabin is equal to 2, while the cabin is equipped with an air conditioning system. The seats are mounted on pneumatic suspension, the driver's seat is equipped with a heating system. It is possible to give a signal when reversing. The standard equipment includes headlights with an anti-fog function.

The model's boom is designed for 5 sections. The crane engine produced by the Mercedes Benz plant produces 175 hp. The fuel tank is designed for 320 liters, there is an automatic reset function. To simplify operations with winches, mirrors are installed. To avoid typical problems when working with weights exceeding the norm, an appropriate protection system is integrated into the design.


  • Powerful engine;
  • Equipped cabin;
  • Crane protection system.


  • The volume of the tank is not enough for everyone.


“I am the director of a construction company, so I need to purchase the appropriate equipment for the job. Regarding cranes, the choice naturally fell on a domestic manufacturer, because imported models are much more expensive. Truck cranes designed for loads of 100 tons or more from the company “Galichanin” show good results in terms of stability of operation and availability of maintenance. In addition, service during the warranty period is free; the factory covers these costs. I’m already purchasing the 5th copy for the company and I can give a strong recommendation!”

Truck crane from the company “Klintsy” model Ks-65719-3K

The model is designed to lift a load of up to 40 tons, and is based on a chassis from KamAZ. The device shows excellent results both in urban and suburban environments.

The crane design is equipped with a hydraulic pump drive. The crane uses the truck's engine to operate and does not require separate power. The hydraulic drive allows the operator to work more smoothly and combine several actions at the same time.

The boom is designed for 4 compartments and has a length of 11.2 m when folded and 34 m when extended. The folded boom guarantees high maneuverability when moving the truck, and the full-size one will give the operator sufficient height for comfortable transportation of goods.

In addition to the basic boom configuration, it is possible to install an add-on that allows you to increase the working area. In addition, there is an option to integrate a counterbalance system, which increases the level of lifting capacity.

To work in confined spaces, the developer has provided a system that allows operations to be performed on supports that are partially extended. The boom itself is made of steel of foreign markings and quality standards. The mechanics of working with loads meets modern world requirements for equipment of this category.

The security system is monitored using an on-board computer. The display shows structural load indicators and recommendations. For greater security, the developer has provided automatic locking mechanics.


  • High quality steel boom;
  • Possibility of installing additional elements to increase productivity;
  • On-board computer with security system.


  • Not found.


“I am buying truck cranes for further rental. My company specializes in light-duty equipment, so I paid attention to this model. During operation there were no complaints, although minor breakdowns did occur. A truck crane from the Klintsy company is serviced at a reasonable price. I recommend it to anyone looking for light-duty equipment!”

Truck crane from the company “Klintsy” model KS-55713-1K-1

The low-capacity model, designed for 25 tons, is based on a chassis standard compatible with Kamaz. One of the most popular models among fans of this company. The developer has equipped the truck crane with a set of unique functions.

The crane operates on a hydraulic pump and is powered by the base engine of the truck, which is equipped with a separate power control unit. The mechanics of the crane are based on a separate drive. The hydraulic structure consists of high quality foreign spare parts, which provides flexibility in control.

The boom is designed for 3 sections with a maximum length of 21 m and a minimum length of 9 m. This arrangement provides convenience in travel mode and wide functionality when working with loads. The design allows the boom to be extended while the load is being held. This feature opens up additional opportunities for working in difficult-to-access areas.

It is possible to install body kits on the boom to increase the productivity of operations. The base of the crane allows you to move loads when the structure is fully rotated.

The model is made of lightweight steel alloys. Imported spare parts guarantee a long service life without breakdowns. The developer integrated the on-board computer with a protection system against a number of factors, such as overload and work near power lines. A system based on the calculation of data based on coordinates protects against falls.

The salon is 2-seater, equipped in accordance with the standards. The operating levers are installed so that the operator does not experience discomfort when operating. The manufacturer provides a 1.5 year warranty from the date of purchase of the model. The declared period of guaranteed service of the model is 10 years.


  • Full rotation of the installation during operation;
  • Comfortable ride when the boom is folded;
  • Advanced protection system;
  • Comfortable interior;
  • Made from imported parts.


  • Not the cheapest model in the light-duty segment.


“An excellent machine for working on small construction projects. Our company is engaged in construction in the private sector, so there is no need for high-capacity truck cranes; a 25-ton model is sufficient. Klintsy have already proven themselves to be good in our company, so I decided to buy 2 more models from this manufacturer when expanding the company. The taps work perfectly, there have been no breakdowns over several years of use, only minor ones and not due to warranty cases (by accident). I can recommend this model to anyone looking for a high-quality light-duty truck crane!”

Truck crane “Galichanin” model KS-55713-4V

The model is notable for its wheel structure, which provides the vehicle with high maneuverability even in the most difficult conditions. Also, the boom design contributes to convenience when moving.

The boom is designed for 4 sections, which are driven by hydraulics. The developer purchased foreign spare parts to ensure the model the greatest stability and smooth operation.

The characteristics of the model show better results in comparison with previous models in this segment. The height and load capacity indicators have been improved, and the control of the structure has become noticeably smoother. An integrated security system will provide overload control and voltage protection (if work is performed near areas with high electrical voltage).

In addition, the boom design allows the integration of body kits to achieve better height results. The carrying capacity of the model is 25 tons. The salon is equipped in accordance with modern requirements for comfort. The control levers are designed for comfortable operation.


  • High cross-country ability even in difficult to reach areas;
  • Advanced protection system;
  • Comfortable salon.


  • Not found.


“I purchase similar equipment for rent for a task. The model from the company “Galichanin” with low load capacity is in great demand among organizations specializing in the construction of private houses. During the time I owned this truck crane, there were no serious complaints. The manufacturer guarantees free maintenance in case of breakdowns provided for in the warranty agreement. I can recommend this model to anyone looking for reliable equipment for handling cargo!”

Truck crane from the company “Galichanin” model KS-55729-5V

This model is in high demand from buyers interested in truck cranes with low lifting capacity. The copy is designed for 32 tons.

The boom is designed for 4 compartments, there is the possibility of full unfolding while holding the load. Additional stability in operation is provided by counterweights and the base of the crane. With the maximum layout, the boom reaches 30 m, and when assembled, 9 m. This layout ensures comfortable movement of the car.

The cross-country ability is impressive, because the truck is equipped with 8 wheels, which makes it possible to move even in difficult to reach areas. There is a built-in ability to control the air pressure in the tires, which is necessary when driving on different types of roads. The engine runs on diesel, the power figures are impressive.

The manufacturer provides a standard set of guarantees for the maintenance of this model. The buyer can count on free maintenance in case of warranty failures.


  • Powerful diesel engine;
  • Smooth operation of the crane;
  • Possibility of adjusting the air pressure in the wheels.


  • Not found.


“I work as a crane operator in a construction company. The company purchased several models from the Galichanin company, so in the first weeks of work we had to get used to the new crane. Once I got used to the design of this model, the work became noticeably easier, since the developer provided this truck crane with imported components, which allows operations to be performed with the greatest smoothness. In addition, the crane cabin is equipped with comfortable seats and a comfortable location of control levers. Impressions from the KS-55729-5V model are only positive!”

Truck crane from the company “Galichanin” model KC-55713-6

The model is designed for 25 tons with a maximum boom length of 28 m. Suitable for work on construction sites and other enterprises that involve working with cargo.

The boom is designed for 4 sections; there is the possibility of increasing the length using body kits. To ensure smooth operation of the crane, the developer has integrated a hydraulic-based system, which is powered by the main engine.

The truck's cross-country ability meets the standards for such equipment. The engine runs on diesel and shows stable operation. Servicing the engine will not require significant costs; the truck crane is able to work even in the most difficult to reach places.

The protection system built into the on-board computer is designed in accordance with the requirements for such technologies. The truck crane is protected from overloads and high voltage (if work is carried out near the appropriate places.


  • High cross-country ability;
  • Powerful engine;
  • Easy to maintain.


  • Not found.


“I am the director of a company specializing in the construction of small residential buildings. The KC-55713-6 model from the Galichanin company demonstrates good results in such aspects as stability, cross-country ability and maneuverability. I recommend it to anyone interested in purchasing a light-duty truck crane!”

The largest truck crane from SANY is SAC12000

Another giant, again of Chinese origin, is the SANY SAC12000 truck crane. Despite the fact that Sany cannot boast of such experience in the production of lifting machines as the previous company, in 2010 it managed to surprise the world with a powerful truck crane with a lifting capacity of 1,200 tons.

Photo source: The largest truck crane SANY SAC12000

The Chinese habit of creating high-quality copies of other manufacturers also played a role here. The SAC12000 is similar to the German LTM 11200-9.1, although, according to Sany experts, 23 patented solutions were incorporated into the machine.

The largest mobile crane in the Terex-Demag line (video)

One of the most experienced companies in the production of mobile cranes, Terex-Demag, also did not remain aloof from record figures for lifting capacity. The pride of the company in the field of construction of heavy-duty mobile cranes is the AC 1000 model, which we also cannot fail to mention in the rating of the largest mobile cranes in the world.

Photo source: terex.comThe largest Terex-Demag truck crane is the AC 1000 model

The crane has a lifting capacity of 1,000 tons and a boom length of 100 m. Demag used the ovaloid boom design and low-noise technology of the Daimler Crysler OM 501 LA engine to develop the truck crane. Despite the indicated load capacity of 1,000 tons, the manufacturer positions the AC 1000 in terms of cargo characteristics with a class of 1200 tons. Experts call the Terex-Demag AC 1000 a direct competitor to the Liebherr LTM 11200-9.1.


All advertisements for the sale of truck cranes

The truck crane was able to demonstrate all its capabilities in 2012. A German dairy company leased an AC 1000 for a multi-tonne tank installation job at a dairy plant, with the condition that production would not be interrupted. Within a month, all the necessary tanks at the plant were installed and it was fully operational.

Interesting Facts

The history of the largest wheeled cranes is full of interesting and unexpected moments. Lifting mechanisms have been used for a long time, but the ability to install them on a wheelbase only appeared in the 20th century.

Interesting facts about truck cranes:

  • the first serial wheeled truck crane using a hydraulic system was created by Liebherr - L3000;
  • To install tower cranes, they use truck cranes, a kind of revenue among their “brothers”;
  • China is the leading country in the production and operation of the largest wheeled cranes;
  • While moving, truck cranes' lifting capacity is reduced by about five times.

To study the available large cranes on wheels, you can study lifting equipment for rent from MosSpetsStroy LLC.

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