Which hydraulic distributor to put on a homemade mini tractor

Mini tractors are versatile, powerful equipment that can handle any labor-intensive work. It is often used not only in the agricultural sector, but also by public utilities. Some people buy this equipment in stores, while others make it themselves. So, craftsmen, in order to make their homemade product more reliable, attach hydraulics to it. We will tell you what it is and how to do it yourself further.

Factory and homemade hydraulics for a motor tractor

Despite their small dimensions, modern mini tractors allow their owners to cope with very labor-intensive work. Starting from plowing the soil and ending with transporting crops, firewood, coal, and various cargoes. The equipment is used not only in the agricultural sector, but also in public utilities and construction. The key to this expansion of the functionality of the unit is special attachments and a reliable hydraulic system. It will reduce labor costs and significantly simplify pressing agricultural tasks through the use of a wide range of mounted implements (dozer blades, buckets, seeders, tedders, tedders). In addition, the operation of the minitractor’s hydraulics directly affects more convenient control of the agricultural machine:

  • provides easy steering;
  • simple wheel control (when placed near the drive wheels);
  • the vehicle can turn around almost on the spot;
  • guarantees quick stopping of the tractor (if there is a hydraulic brake).

However, before connecting the hydraulic cylinder and the factory PTO, it is worth considering. Most of the engine power will be spent on the functioning of these components and the tractor will not be able to reach maximum speed.

Side-swivel baby with hydraulic drive

A topic by a portal user with the nickname RoteRatte about how he made a universal flat-rotating hydraulic platform on wheels caught the attention of many. Of course, the “baby” in the photo below is capable of a lot.

Lift and transport FBS blocks weighing 200 and 500 kg.

Remove the fertile soil layer from the area.

Use a bucket to clear snow on roads in SNT in winter.

Moreover, as various attachments are manufactured, the range of tasks that a mini-tractor loader can solve will expand significantly.

DIY hydraulics for a mini tractor

The question “How to make hydraulics for a mini tractor with your own hands?” occurs among many owners of agricultural machinery. After all, factory equipment is quite expensive. Another reason to think about homemade products was the availability of information and parts for assembling each individual unit.

By creating a manually controlled hydraulic valve yourself, owners of special equipment will receive several advantages:

  • possibility of using additional attachments;
  • improvement of the braking system;
  • simplified control of the unit.

The adjustment of all components and parts is carried out for a specific person, who will manage the work process. And this will make the tractor more convenient and comfortable to operate.

To assemble hydraulics yourself, you will need a competent diagram and a number of spare parts. First of all, you need a good oil pump that will act on the hydraulic motors. The hydraulic elements are mounted on the metal frame of the mini-tractor, as close as possible to the drive axle. You will also need a distribution element to change the direction of rotation, a set of hoses, a reservoir and a spool for oil drainage. When assembling, you should consider several nuances:

  • the hydraulic pump for the minitractor is located directly above the tank (free oil supply, quick start);
  • it is necessary to calculate the power of all tractor mechanisms (perhaps for greater productivity you will need a two-section hydraulic pump, which guarantees uninterrupted operation of the mechanism even under significant loads);
  • The installation of cleaning oil filters will extend the service life of the system.

After purchasing the necessary parts and careful calculations, you can begin assembling the unit, calibrating the parts and checking the tightness of the connections, the cleanliness of the hoses, and the functioning of the hydraulics.


Having figured out how to make hydraulics for a mini tractor with your own hands, it is worth considering the main advantages that such home-made devices bring. Positive properties include:

  1. Possibility to use attachments.
  2. In the process of creating a diagram of the future unit, it can be supplemented with other devices.
  3. Controllability increases, as well as the ability to customize it “to suit you.”

The main disadvantage is the waste of time required to create such a structure. By assembling the hydraulics for a small mini tractor yourself, you can significantly increase its performance and also simplify its management. It is important to strictly adhere to the drawings, purchase high-quality parts and avoid inaccuracies.

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How do hydraulics work?

The hydraulic system is a complex set of built-in mechanisms designed to receive and transform the energy of the internal combustion engine with its further transfer to the working parts of special equipment. The hydraulic system gives the tractor operator the ability to control trailed and mounted agricultural implements, as well as regulate their operation: change the lift of the frame, adjust the appropriate rut depth.

The principle of operation of hydraulics on a tractor is based on the continuous circulation of fluid - it is this fluid that is responsible for converting the energy created by the motor into the force necessary for the stable operation of the installed equipment. In both old and modern tractors, the role of this fluid is played by hydraulic oil.

Structurally, the hydraulics on a tractor consists of the following components:

  • oil reservoir;
  • a filter that protects the system from foreign components entering it. Thus, the filter element prevents accelerated wear of the entire system;
  • a system of pipes through which oil continuously circulates under pressure;
  • a pump equipped with a drive and a built-in activation mechanism. When assembled, this unit is designed to create pressure in the tractor hydraulics, which is necessary for the movement of oil and the operation of attachments;
  • distributor - the function of this unit is to direct the working fluid to the built-in final mechanism, the role of which is played by the power cylinder or hydraulic motor of the trailed implement used. The distributor constantly monitors the operation of all hydraulics and, if necessary, switches it to idle mode. If there is an increased load on the system, the distributor reduces the pressure inside it, thereby preventing the system from overheating;
  • The cylinder is the final assembly that receives oil from the distributor. It is the cylinder that is responsible for lowering and raising the attachment used;
  • motor – connected to the wheels.

In addition, the hydraulic structure includes valves, shut-off couplings, bends and coolers.


To ensure efficient operation of the tractor hydraulic system, it is necessary to follow the rules of operation and timely maintenance.

When working with equipment equipped with hydraulics, its components should be regularly checked for malfunctions. The occurrence of a small-scale failure inevitably leads to failure of other parts of the system. If one is detected, you must immediately use all available means to eliminate it:

do not allow the required load on the hydraulic pump, hydraulic cylinders, oil hoses and other components to be exceeded; avoid excessively high pressure, if necessary, release it in a timely manner or select a suitable control valve; To maintain stable operation of the hydraulic mechanism, it is important to change/add fluid to the system in a timely manner: insufficient quantity will lead to a decrease in operating efficiency and rapid failure of the unit; All maintenance and repair work on the system should be carried out with the tractor engine turned off (cold) after releasing the pressure.

Table of common hydraulic system faults and how to fix them:

Malfunctions and their causes

Malfunction: low lifting and pushing force of hydraulic cylinders or its complete absence.

Reason: the oil level in the system has dropped.

An oil with unsuitable characteristics was used.

Replace the oil with a suitable one.

The oil or hydraulic cylinder filter is dirty.

Replace or wash the filter element.

Presence of air in the system.

Blow out the system - remove air, identify the point of its penetration and eliminate it.

Presence of fluid leakage through worn seals.

Replace the seals with new ones.

The operation of the pressure relief valve is disrupted - it gets stuck in the open position.

Wash/blow out the valve. Replace if necessary.

Malfunction in the valves of the hydraulic distributor.

Replace valves or their parts, if necessary, replace the entire unit.

Leaks in the system's connecting points.

Check for leaks, fix those found by crimping, tightening, installing clamps, replacing.

Malfunction of the piston or hydraulic cylinder seals.

Check the hydraulic cylinder for pressure leaks. Replace seals and piston. If necessary, change the entire assembly.

To learn how to install hydraulics on a mini-tractor with your own hands, see the following video.

Tractor hydraulic oil

For stable operation, the tractor hydraulic system requires high-quality working fluid. Oils for filling hydraulics can be of three types: low-, medium-viscosity and viscous. The first group includes liquids of the MGE-4A and MGE-10A brands. MGE-4A oil is distinguished by a light fraction that has undergone multi-level purification. This oil contains additives that accelerate its thickening, as well as inhibitors that protect hydraulic system parts from oxidation and rust formation. In addition, MGE-4A oil has good resistance to low temperatures.

How to make hydraulics for a homemade tractor?

Despite the complexity of the device, hydraulics for the tractor can be made independently. To do this, the operator will need to be as careful as possible, since for the coordinated operation of the assembled mechanism, it is necessary to make accurate calculations and act strictly according to them.

A homemade mechanism gives the tractor driver important advantages:

  • the ability to operate additional attachments, including a trailer;
  • improving the braking characteristics of the tractor;
  • increased handling both on smooth roads and off-road;
  • individual components and the general hydraulic structure can be adjusted in a way that is convenient for use by a specific person.

All this will make the practical use of agricultural machinery with hydraulics not only convenient, but also more efficient, regardless of the work being performed.

To assemble the hydraulic system on a tractor yourself, it is important to adhere to the drawings. They need to describe not only the dimensions and characteristics of the components, but also the sequence of their installation.

In the future, tractor hydraulics should be assembled in the following sequence:

  1. First you need to make a strong frame. All hydraulic elements will be attached to the supporting structure. To ensure minimal loads are applied to the frame, the nodes used must be installed as close to the axial center as possible. This will improve balancing and reduce vibration on the supporting structure;
  2. After this, you need to secure the hydraulic oil reservoir. If it is plastic, then it can be fixed with clamps. If the tank is metal, then it is better to weld it to the frame;
  3. Next you will need to install the oil pump. It should be located above the tank. This way the pump will have free access to the working fluid and will be able to ensure a stable start of the entire system;
  4. During the manufacture of a hydraulic system for a tractor, it is necessary to correctly calculate its performance. Thus, the manufacturer will understand whether it is necessary to install a more productive 2-section pump;
  5. After installing the pump, you need to secure the filter elements. There should be several of them - at the outlet of the oil reservoir and at the point where the fluid is supplied to the cylinders. The more filters, the more difficult it is to maintain the hydraulics. However, with an increase in their number, the service life of the homemade system will increase;
  6. At the end, you will need to stretch tubes between the hydraulic units. They must be made of a material that is resistant to oil components. It is best to choose tubes made of technical rubber. The tubes must be secured to the outputs and inputs using clamps. You can learn more about making hydraulics for a tractor in the video.

After assembly, the finished hydraulics will need to be tested. To do this, you need to install a small implement on the tractor, connect it to the system and start the tractor engine. Then you need to start the homemade hydraulics, allowing the pump to pump a small amount of oil. After about 15–20 minutes of operation in light mode, you can move on to more intensive use of the mechanism.

Hydraulic design of a mini tractor

Homemade hydraulics are a good way to expand the functionality of a mini tractor and save a significant amount. The assembly and installation of such a structure cannot be called something very complicated. If you have the necessary parts and tools, every farmer who wants to can make this mechanism.

The main element of any hydraulic system is the pump, which is responsible for circulating fluid through the hoses. Oil flows to the pump from the reservoir. The pumping mechanism itself operates from the energy generated by the diesel engine of the mini tractor. Under the action of the pump, the oil flows through flexible tubes to the distributor. To make hydraulics for an agricultural machine, you can use an NSh-10 pump.

Making a hydraulic distributor with your own hands is quite difficult, so the best solution would be to dismantle a ready-made unit from any old tractor. A distributor of the P-80 brand, which is equipped with MTZ tractors, will be suitable for installation on a homemade machine.

Through the distributor, the oil enters the cylinder, the main function of which is to raise and lower attachments. Ready-made homemade hydraulics should be installed on the frame of a homemade machine, closer to its drive axle.

The system can also be supplemented with motors that must be connected to the wheels. Thus, hydraulics will not only lift the attachments, but also participate in braking the mini tractor.

When such hydraulics operate, oil will flow into the cylinders. Due to the drop in its level, the wheels of the minitractor will slow down. When the lever is moved to neutral, the drive wheels will be completely locked.

From general to specific

When every millimeter matters. Photofact

There are two most common methods for creating a mini excavator with your own hands: you can install attachments on a small tractor or build an autonomous homemade mini excavator that can move independently or with the help of other vehicles. The second option is more labor-intensive. You need to make your own frame, install at least the rear axle (can be used from an old car), and the engine. If you feel technically savvy, you can combine engine parts or use Chinese motors from different manufacturers. Just keep in mind that if you assemble parts from different machines, you will have to constantly adjust these parts and make modifications to them.

Photo source: exkavator.ru The main thing is to make a start

How to make homemade hydraulics for a tractor

Farmers are interested in what hydraulics are for a homemade tractor, and how to make it with their own hands. Small dimensions are not a hindrance to performing the necessary tasks and proper operation of all functions. This is proven by such agricultural equipment as mini-tractors - perhaps the most popular equipment used by farmers when cultivating lands of different sizes and with varying soil complexity.

Is it possible to make hydraulics for a mini-tractor yourself?

A mini-tractor allows its owner to plow the soil, cultivate the soil, and also transport cargo, including harvested crops, coal or firewood over fairly long distances. It is worth noting that due to the large number of functions, mini-tractors can be used not only for agricultural work, but also in construction and public utilities.

Thanks to its widespread use, there are ways to independently design equipment. This raises a number of questions regarding the manufacture of certain elements, including the hydraulic system that allows the tractor to work with attachments such as a trailer. Many farmers who decide to make a tractor with their own hands are wondering how to make hydraulics for a homemade tractor.

Installed hydraulics on a homemade mini tractor makes working on it more convenient. Attachments are, of course, an important element of the tractor design, but the hydraulic system is a much more important system on which the functioning of all equipment depends. It can greatly reduce labor costs when operating the machine, and also make the tasks of agricultural work easier. The system provides such capabilities thanks to a large number of attachments installed on the tractor.

  1. The tractor's hydraulic linkage system makes steering much easier.
  2. Hydraulics for a mini tractor work to simplify wheel control when installed near the drive wheels.
  3. The design of the hydraulic system for the tractor allows you to turn the tractor while remaining almost in one place.
  4. Hydraulics on a homemade mini tractor, if a special brake is installed, allows you to quickly stop the machine.

Before you decide that you need to connect a hydraulic cylinder, you should take into account that the main power of the power plant will support the operation of these very elements, which is why the mini-tractor will not be able to reach the maximum possible speed. This is especially true for a homemade tractor, whose power, as a rule, is not very high.

Side-swivel baby with hydraulic drive

A topic by a portal user with the nickname RoteRatte about how he made a universal flat-rotating hydraulic platform on wheels caught the attention of many. Of course, the “baby” in the photo below is capable of a lot.

Lift and transport FBS blocks weighing 200 and 500 kg.

Remove the fertile soil layer from the area.

Use a bucket to clear snow on roads in SNT in winter.

Moreover, as various attachments are manufactured, the range of tasks that a mini-tractor loader can solve will expand significantly.

About a year ago I took up the task of landscaping my site. There were a lot of things to do - level the site, pull out the old FBS blocks on which the old house stood, uproot stumps, etc. I was thinking about ordering a small-sized tractor to remove the topsoil, but the price tag for working on two sites with a total area of ​​about 250 sq. m. I was charged 30 thousand rubles. Moreover, the “firms” also fed me with promises for 2 weeks. So I thought and thought and made a mini tractor, and then completed this job in 2 days.

From the idea to the implementation of the mini tractor in metal, it took RoteRatte about 7 months. The key to success is careful calculation, planning, as well as the maximum use of ready-made factory components and parts from automotive equipment.

After developing the concept of the device, the user ordered and purchased units that you can simply put at home and not think that their prices will rise. These are the engine (“390th” Champion with an electric starter, 13 hp), hydraulics (hydraulic pumps, hydraulic cylinders), drives and wheels.

Rolled metal was left for later. RoteRatte also thought out the layout of the mini tractor in such a way as to minimize turning work.

Of the main tools RoteRatte used:

  • angle grinder (angle grinder);
  • household welding inverter;
  • simple drilling machine;
  • drill;
  • hammer.

Main technical characteristics of the mini tractor:

  • length – 2050 mm;
  • width – 1100 mm;
  • height – 1400 mm;
  • speed – 3-4 km/h;
  • weight – 400 kg.

Although the user calculated various parameters of the hydraulic system and drives on special calculators, the “baby” turned out to be stronger than intended. For example, a mini tractor can easily lift and drag concrete foundation blocks weighing 200 kg.

The “baby” drags a block weighing half a ton with a slight slip, due to smooth tires mounted on “Gazelle” rims of 16 radius.

The user also manufactured a set of attachments. These are two buckets.

The first with a volume of 250 liters is for light materials, and the second with a volume of 170 liters is for heavy materials, as well as a chain with a hook and a mini-trailer.

An interesting way is an unusual way of “uprooting” heavy FBS from the ground, which was invented by a user. The photo below demonstrates the RoteRatte know-how using a chain and a mini-trailer.

How to make a hydraulic system for a mini-tractor with your own hands

Farmers who decide to make their own agricultural machinery are interested in how to make hydraulics for a mini tractor. This issue is also due to the significant high cost of ready-made equipment offered on the market. The popularity of such a homemade product is also due to the fact that all the parts necessary to assemble the tractor’s hydraulic system are available to everyone. Also, the system diagram is published on the Internet in the public domain, which also makes the production of equipment much easier.

Do-it-yourself hydraulics for a mini tractor gives the farmer three main advantages:

  1. Additional equipment can be used, including a trailer.
  2. Better braking system.
  3. The most convenient control.
  4. All elements are regulated taking into account the needs of a specific person, who will subsequently drive the tractor and supervise all work. This is what will make the tractor the most comfortable to drive.

Let's look at how to make hydraulics for a mini tractor with your own hands. A device such as hydraulics for a mini tractor requires drawing up a competent diagram and preparing all the necessary elements for assembly. One of the key elements is a powerful oil pump, which will act on the hydraulic system of the mini tractor.

All elements are mounted on a frame made of metal, and the condition must be met that all elements are attached as close to the axis as possible.

In addition, you need to prepare in advance a distribution element that will help change the direction of rotation, several hoses, a tank and a special element for removing oil.

  1. The hydraulic pump must be located above the tank so that it has free access to the oil supply and ensures quick start-up of the system.
  2. It is imperative to calculate the operating power of all elements of the equipment, so you can understand whether it is worth installing a hydraulic pump equipped with two sections. This will make work uninterrupted, even if the loads are very heavy.
  3. Cleaning oil filters will keep your hydraulic attachment system running longer.

How a homemade hydraulic system works

Let's look at how hydraulics work on a mini tractor. Manufacturers of diesel mini tractors answer the question of what kind of oil to pour into the hydraulics very simply: the simplest oil is M-8DM or M-8 V. However, in winter it needs to be changed to a more viscous substance.

Many people are interested in the problem of excess pressure on the structure. Therefore, in order to regulate it, some craftsmen install a distributor that operates on two pistons - it distributes the pressure in the required way. A self-made unit, like hydraulics, requires the installation of some ready-made parts, including a distributor. It can be removed from MTZ.

Once the system is connected, it is easy to start. With the unit running, the equipment will need to be run in to check that everything is working correctly and without failures. On a machine with a homemade hydraulic system, you need to check the oil pressure in the engine and the serviceability of all components, and then check the tractor in operation.

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