Carburetor for a UAZ with a UMZ-421 engine - which one is better to install?

Since Soviet times, UAZ cars in various designs and modifications are rightfully considered one of the most popular Russian SUVs. They are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, accessibility and ample opportunities for repairs on their own. Since these cars - especially older models - are not very economical, many are thinking about the question: how to replace the standard carburetor of a UAZ 31514 or another model?

How to reduce fuel consumption while maintaining excellent driving performance of the car? At the same time, a sufficient number of owners of UAZ cars have already decided these issues for themselves; the Internet is replete with numerous reviews about installing a variety of carburetor models on their UAZ 31514 or UAZ 3303. Let's consider possible options for replacing carburetors from different manufacturers, such as PeKar (carburetor plant , St. Petersburg) and DAAZ (Dimitrovgrad Automobile Assembly Plant).

Carburetor for a UAZ with a UMZ-421 engine - which one is better to install?

Many communities of off-road enthusiasts are teeming with questions about which carburetor is best to install on a UAZ with a 421 engine. The main criterion is fuel consumption in suburban mode, because... You need to get to the off-road first. Increased engine thrust and reduced fuel consumption are incompatible; for these reasons, every owner who is thinking about which carburetor to install on a UAZ with a UMZ 421 engine makes a choice for specific needs.

Initially, the cars of the Ulyanovsk manufacturer were equipped with a single-chamber carburetor modification K-131, then with the improvement of technology the K-126 appeared. The latest modification of the standard gasoline supply device is the K-151 carburetor on the UAZ 421 engine. The main thing is to understand that even a new device can work unstably if basic operating rules are not followed. The device for supplying the combustible mixture to the cylinders contains a main element called a diffuser, through which gasoline is supplied to the cylinders.

Adjusting and tuning the K 151 carburetor on a UAZ

UAZ is a legendary car that has become famous not only among the military, but also among the civilian population. The plant really spared no effort and time on it. It is reliable, easy to maintain and repair, but requires constant attention, as it is a breeding ground for problems. One of the sore spots is the food system. Adjusting such a complex unit as the K151 carburetor on the UAZ Bukhanka is not a complicated procedure. However, it requires the correct technique. Today you will learn how to clean and tune, as well as adjust the carburetor to 151 on the UAZ.

The main reasons for replacing the carburetor

The main reason for replacing a standard device is its complex design. Some owners replace the 421 carburetor of the UAZ engine with the predecessor of the 126 model; this approach is advisable for car owners who perform repairs themselves. A simpler design and the absence of unnecessary components make it possible to quickly repair the carburetor for the 421 UAZ engine; in terms of fuel economy, it is no different from the 151 model.

For owners of UAZ cars, dynamic performance is preferred when overcoming off-road obstacles. For better acceleration and performance, carburetors of the 135 modification are installed. The system is characterized by parallel opening of the dampers, which improves the quality of the mixture, but does not have a positive effect on gasoline consumption.

It is necessary to understand that any alteration promises problems with connecting electrical parts. Some modifications may not be suitable in design, which will lead to problems connecting the air filter. The sequence of operation of the idle air valves and econostat requires correct connection and verification of the operating mode.

How to adjust the air damper of a K-151 carburetor?

To start the UAZ in cold weather, you need to use a starting device, which is a manual air damper drive. The bottom line is that during a cold start, you need to pull the handle towards you, thereby closing the damper, and start the engine. As the handle warms up, it should be gradually returned to its original position.

Now you need to adjust the position of the cable so that the damper opens completely and closes without jamming. To do this, completely pull out the handle on the carburetor car and close the choke manually. Fix the position of the cable as in the video and tighten the nut. Try opening and closing the damper. The system must operate accurately without jamming. After this, you can begin adjusting the idle speed.

Which carburetor is better to install on a UAZ with a 421 engine?

Based on specialists who spent a considerable amount of time selecting to answer the question of which carburetor to install on a UAZ with a 421 engine, the three most successful designs were selected. It is important to note that fuel consumption readings are not very different; the costs may not be worth it.

The most common option, leading in the number of positive reviews, is the Solex carburetor on the UAZ 421 engine from the Niva Taiga car. When installing this design, the engine fully reveals its potential; when idle, all four wheels slip. The maximum speed can reach 150 km/h, gasoline consumption parameters range from 9 to 12 liters per 100 km.

The standard device is popular due to the lack of financial investments for replacement. One of the main disadvantages is complex maintenance and setup. The K-151E model is popular due to the full efficiency of the internal combustion engine when configured correctly. Fuel consumption varies between 11-12 liters in mixed driving mode. The Ulyanovsk manufacturer supplies a normal mechanism capable of filling the combustion chamber in full.

Installing the DAAZ modification will allow you to determine which carburetor to install on the 421 UAZ engine. It is possible to carry out maintenance without headaches because... has ease of maintenance and affordable consumables.

The main advantages of installing a Zhiguli mechanism:

  • Excellent engine start in winter;
  • Stable operation, economical fuel consumption under moderate operating conditions;
  • Absence of global alterations when deciding to replace the UMP 421 carburetor;
  • Good traction at low revs.

The diameter of the channels and diffusers does not allow the full potential of the power unit to be developed. Therefore, DAAZ carburetors for 421 engines are not used for vehicles subject to heavy loads or when used in rural areas.

How to reduce fuel consumption on a UAZ 469

Unfortunately, there is no universal “pill” for reducing fuel consumption. There are no standard recommendations or specific modifications that will reduce fuel consumption per 100 km to 10 liters. or less, but compliance with certain measures will reduce the amount of fuel consumed to some extent:

  • Perform preventive maintenance frequently. CO control allows you to save up to 4% of energy consumption;
  • Regular replacement of the air filter and oxygen sensor - up to 10%;
  • Change your oil in a timely manner. This will allow you to get an additional 1-2%.
  • If possible, do not allow the engine to idle for long periods of time.
  • Maintain an optimal driving speed of 90 km/h. Remember that acceleration to 120 km/h greatly increases fuel consumption.
  • Connecting the front axle only makes sense if it is necessary. In the opposite situation, this will lead to increased fuel consumption.
  • Monitor the loading of the vehicle. Remember that every 30 kg of additional luggage and equipment increases standard fuel consumption by approximately 2%. And luggage placed on the roof worsens aerodynamics and increases fuel consumption by another 5% or more.
  • Installation

    Car owners often do the work themselves using garage tools. After the owner has decided which carburetor is better for the 421 UAZ engine, the device is installed. The carburetor on the UMZ 421 is no exception, especially since replacing the standard device will not be difficult. For a smooth ride, it is necessary to make the gas pedal mechanism a cable mechanism, and also redo the choke rod.

    Modifications to DAAZ will require more intervention. The mounting holes do not line up with the studs on the intake manifold, which makes installation very difficult for inexperienced technicians. The accelerator and choke mechanism also need to be redone; there are ready-made options for auto analysis.

    Before installing a used carburetor on the UMZ 421, you must thoroughly rinse the body and internal parts and replace all seals. It is not recommended to install jets from a repair kit; it is best to select the size after installation on the motor. There are many varieties of Solex fuel mixture supply systems. Not all models are suitable for the parameters of the UAZ; it is important to study the design features before installation and the compatibility of components.


    The carburetor adjustment on a UAZ with a 421 engine is carried out under special conditions using a gas analyzer. Specialists will tell you what parameters need to be changed, and it is possible to select jets of the required size on site. You may not be able to set the correct settings yourself, because... The channel sizes differ from the factory ones; a precise approach is required.

    Before the process, it is necessary to check the fuel system and ignition components of the car. Clogged gasoline coarse filters can adversely affect the operation of the internal combustion engine and produce incorrect results during adjustment. A UAZ with a Solex carburetor can last a long time and reliably without frequent adjustments.

    Cleaning the UAZ carburetor

    Before setting up, the unit must be cleaned. To do this, completely disassemble the carburetor: remove the top cover and separate the throttle part from the diffuser.

    Cleaning is carried out using special means for cleaning throttle valves or any other liquid intended for these purposes. You can also use gasoline or kerosene.

    Cleaning is 100% necessary. This will save you from the problems associated with contamination and remove the need to do it in the near future. Therefore, it is necessary to perform it in order to prevent malfunctions.

    Which carburetor is better for the UAZ 421 engine?

    I am currently installing a 421 with a K-151L carb. Before that I had a 451 with a 24 head and a Solex 2141. I liked the Solex. Now I’ll see what kind of beast 151 is. And most likely I’ll install Solex

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