TOP 27: best Chinese trucks - rating 2022 - 2022, the most reliable brands

The Chinese auto industry has been present on the Russian market for a long time, but it was the PRC dump trucks that forced it to be taken seriously. They have proven in practice that they are capable of working around the clock and in harsh climate conditions, even when Soviet-Russian special equipment could not stand it. The popularity of dump trucks in Russia is explained by the large shortage of such domestic equipment, while the Chinese auto industry offers a sufficient range at more favorable prices and delivery times.

Unidentified cargo-carrying objects - a phenomenon of the Chinese car market

The phenomenon of the Chinese truck market is that today it remains poorly understood.
Moreover, even the Chinese Ministry of Industry cannot give specific figures. Most likely, this is due to the fact that, in addition to a couple of dozen well-known brands, there appear every now and then, managing to release one or two models.

Moreover, not all manufacturers can identify competitors. Large companies sell their components on a colossal scale, which allows small firms to produce their trucks with an abundance of other people's parts. Cabins, engines, axles and gearboxes are often made by independent companies that sell them to both the former and the latter.

In his material for Auto Review, Maxim Chernyavsky describes the current trend as follows: “During my visit to the Dongfeng plant, there was clearly a new truck standing near the workshop with an unknown emblem, but on brand components. Neither the director nor the chief designer of the plant could answer what kind of machine this was.”

Appearance in Russia

Another reason for choosing Chinese dump trucks was the banal lack of domestic equipment in the Far Eastern region that meets modern requirements. The problem was solved quite quickly, since the Chinese border is very close, and the entire variety of the Chinese heavy machinery market was easily accessible.

The first large deliveries of Chinese equipment were for the construction of the federal highway

This is how Shaanxi, Howo and other companies from the Middle Kingdom delivered their first trucks to Russia. After a short time, the Russian dump truck market began to be actively filled with equipment from Foton, Dong Feng, JAC, FAW and CAMC.

It is worth noting that with the volumetric influx of technology, some problems also appeared. There are a lot of manufacturers, as well as a range of equipment, in China, and the inexperienced Russian buyer is often faced with the problem of choice. Fraudulent schemes were not left out, under which cars that were no longer new, refurbished or defective were imported into the country. As a rule, having completed a deal with a Russian purchasing company, the front office disappeared and there was no one to make demands, which is why the reputation of Chinese equipment at first suffered greatly.

Often, “gray” dump trucks had weak frames because they were made from cheap metal that could not withstand the loads placed on it, temperature changes, corrosion, etc. But time passes and everything changes; today, one might say, the market for trucks made in China is normalizing and taking on civilized shape. Finally, official representative offices have appeared in Russia, which are responsible for the quality of imported equipment, service and the provision of dealer services.

It should be noted that not all Chinese equipment has become as widespread as dump trucks. What is the reason for this effect and why did onboard vehicles or tractors not take root? According to dealers and those who actually operate special equipment, the main reason for such a high popularity of Chinese dump trucks has Russian roots, namely, the lack of domestic vehicles.

Sales of medium and heavy trucks in Russia in 2012 increased to 138,000 units.

This is due to the fact that over the past 10-12 years the construction market has been developing very actively and domestic manufacturers of special equipment have not been able to properly navigate in time.

In turn, Chinese manufacturers were able to offer customers very interesting conditions. For example, they committed to deliver equipment within 20 days after ordering, versus 2 months from the Russian manufacturer.

It is also important that Chinese dump trucks are cheaper (on average by 200,000 rubles) than their Russian and Belarusian counterparts. But suppliers did not stop at dump trucks alone, and today tractor units and trucks with a manipulator are being actively supplied to Russia; on-board vehicles with a crane-manipulator produced by Zoomlion have begun to appear.

There is an opinion that most Chinese technology is similar to each other. Indeed, as for the range of engines, almost all of them are identical. All vehicles are equipped with six-cylinder diesel engines with a volume of 9.7 liters, equipped with Bosch fuel equipment, which, together with new engine control units and exhaust systems, allows this equipment to meet EURO 3 and 4 environmental standards.

Among the similarities, it should also be noted the 9-speed manual transmission, manufactured by Fuller, which is installed on almost all Chinese dump trucks. This is where the similarities end; in everything else, like other manufacturers, Chinese ones have serious differences. Both in price and quality.

Pros and cons of Chinese trucks

Every year the demand for Chinese trucks (China truck) is growing. Because in a growing industry, it is more profitable for buyers to order cheap and reliable cars from China than to buy expensive ones from Europe and America. Trucks from the Middle Kingdom have the following advantages:

  • Lower price relative to similar units.
  • Fast delivery to any location.
  • Excellent technical characteristics.
  • Availability of spare parts in auto stores.
  • All equipment is certified.

It is worth mentioning the disadvantages, because it is unknown how many shortcomings are hidden behind the low price. In order not to be disappointed by purchasing a car from China, you need to be aware of the following disadvantages:

  • The heavy congestion at the Chinese customs border is accompanied by disruptions in the supply of spare parts.
  • A small amount of equipment on the Russian car market.
  • The quality and durability of use are noticeably lower than their European counterparts.
  • Additional costs for delivery and customs clearance.

However, given how many shortcomings Chinese designs have, people continue to buy them. This equipment is of lower quality than expensive European equipment, but it is able to withstand the necessary loads and perform the assigned tasks. Therefore, despite all the disadvantages, the demand for them is growing.

Every year more and more specialized auto repair shops and technical centers appear in the CIS countries. There you can make a complete repair or carry out diagnostics.

DFL 3251A – large 19 ton truck

A good car with a large reserve of power and 19,000 kilograms of carrying capacity will be an excellent assistant in business. Commercial vehicles may well compete with more expensive representatives of the class, but it is quite difficult to determine its most important advantages. Based on reviews of the Dongfeng DFL 3251A, this particular Dong Feng dump truck is one of the most popular and in demand. The technical characteristics of the machine are as follows:

  • the 6*4 wheel formula allows for maximum flexibility in driving on difficult roads;
  • Cummins engine – a large 8.9-liter diesel power unit, producing from 310 to 375 horsepower;
  • huge torque makes the unit very flexible and easy to use;
  • The 9-speed gearbox will allow you to find the desired engine operating mode and provide economical travel;
  • The presence of a special mining brake allows the use of the 19-ton Dong Feng dump truck in quarries.

Chinese technology is only partially represented in the design of the Dong Feng DFL 3251A. The technical characteristics of the car are pleasing, and the ride comfort also leaves a positive impression. With such transport you can safely equip the driver for a long trip and not worry about the level of his working conditions. The dump truck also has disadvantages, but they need to be discussed only taking into account the specifics of the transport operation.

Rating of new Chinese dump trucks

In recent years, new dump trucks from the Chinese automobile industry have proven themselves most successfully when operating in Russia, and are the most popular in the domestic market:

HOWO 4×2 ZZ3167M3811. Dump truck with a carrying capacity of 12-14 tons (body volume 7.7 m3), with a turbodiesel engine with a power of 290 hp. and intercooler. Has 6 speeds. mechanical transmission with differential lock. Maximum speed – 75 km/h.

HOWO (HOKA) ZZ3253N4641C1/NIFA 8×4. Dump truck with a lifting capacity of 31 tons, with a Steyr engine with a power of 336 hp. It has underbody heating with exhaust gases, a fluid coupling, ABS, and increased cabin comfort.

FAW 6x4 CA3253P7K2BT1A. A dump truck with a carrying capacity of 25 tons, an engine of 260 hp, a maximum speed of 80 km/h, and a fuel consumption of 26 l/100 km.

SHACMAN 6x4 SX3255DR384 F2000. New Chinese dump truck with a lifting capacity of 25 tons, 340 hp engine, 12-speed. Gearbox, high-speed axles, ABS, hydraulic outlets are installed for the dump trailer. The cabin is equipped with additional sound insulation.

FAW 3250 6x4 J6. Load capacity 19 tons (body volume 19 m3), turbodiesel 370 hp. with intermediate cooling.

Foton Auman BJ 3251, BJ 3253. Load capacity 13 tons, engine 336 hp, maximum speed 77 km/h, cabin equipped with a berth.

DongFeng DFL 3251 A. Load capacity 19 tons (body volume 15 m3), equipped with various engines (310, 340 and 375 hp) from Cummins.

JinBei Cowboy

The company produces inexpensive low-power trucks JinBei Cowboy 1027 and 1044. The difference between the models is the cab. In 1027 it is single, and in 1044 it is double. They are also equipped with:

  • A liter engine with a power of 70 hp. With. and 1.3 liters per 88 liters. With.
  • Manual five-speed gearbox.
  • Maximum load capacity 1100 kg.

Buyers of the model are attracted by the low price of 350 thousand rubles.

The best cars in the Chinese domestic market

China produces many trucks exclusively for the domestic market. This is due to the peculiarities of the urban layout (narrow streets, off-road conditions), as well as patent disputes (many models are copies of foreign trucks). Below we will look at the best Chinese trucks that China produces for the domestic market.

Small truck JinBei Cowboy 1044

A compact truck with a two-chamber cabin, which is suitable for transporting small loads (up to 1.1 tons) within the city. The petrol or diesel engine can produce up to 88 horsepower.


  • Compact dimensions.
  • Fuel economy.
  • Good carrying capacity.


  • Not suitable for transporting large loads.
  • Not suitable for traveling long distances.

The model has a younger brother, JinBei Cowboy 1027 , which differs only in its single-chamber cabin.

Chenggong Victory K1 light truck

A small truck that is adapted for small towns and villages. The vehicle's carrying capacity is not too high (up to 900 kg), and the engine power is only 90 horses. However, the high seating position and good tires allow the truck to be used off-road.


  • Can drive off-road.
  • Volumetric body.
  • Low fuel consumption.


  • Low load capacity.
  • Weak engine.

Small-tonnage truck Lifan T21

A compact truck that is adapted for narrow Chinese streets. It features a two-block cabin and good power (engine with 97 horses, 1.5 tons of load capacity). The long platform allows you to transport large loads.


  • Suitable for cities with narrow streets.
  • Not bad power.
  • Low fuel consumption.


  • Small gas tank.
  • Bad on-board computer.

Truck JMC Carrying 1051

A high-quality Chinese truck of average quality, which has little circulation in Europe and Russia. Load capacity – 3 tons. A 2.8-liter turbodiesel engine with an intercooler allows it to develop power up to 115 hp. s, so the model is suitable for traveling any distance.


  • Robust, reliable design.
  • Good load capacity.
  • Powerful engine.


  • Expensive spare parts.
  • Rear-wheel drive only.

Truck FAW 1051

A compact truck with a carrying capacity of up to 3 tons, with a powerful engine (120 horses, 2.1 liter). Well suited for quick trips over long distances, an excellent option for small or medium-sized businesses. Contains many useful little things - a comfortable cabin, a pneumatic brake, a high-quality body.


  • The body can be equipped with isothermal or sandwich panels.
  • Fast, powerful engine.
  • Can drive off-road.


  • Mediocre load capacity.
  • High fuel consumption.

Truck FAW 1083

An improved version of the previous model - a higher load capacity (up to 4.5 tons), a more powerful engine (up to 130 horses) and so on. We had to sacrifice functionality - the FAW 1083 truck cannot use isothermal and sandwich panels and drives worse off-road.


  • Good performance.
  • Durable housing.
  • Powerful turbocharged engine.


  • Mediocre cross-country ability.
  • High diesel consumption.

Sinotruk tractor HOWO EXPO

A high-quality Chinese tractor, which is in no way inferior in performance to its foreign counterparts (although it began to be exported only recently). The load capacity is 20 tons, and the platform is suitable for transporting both standard and large-sized cargo. Engine power is 336 horsepower.


  • High cross-country ability on any road.
  • Good load capacity.
  • High quality components.


  • High fuel consumption.
  • Expensive spare parts.

Tractor JAC HFC 1083 K

Compact tractor for quick transportation of small loads weighing up to 8 tons. The diesel engine is equipped with a turbocharger and provides power up to 136 horses. The tractor is small in size, so it can be used in cities with narrow streets without any problems.


  • Compact sizes.
  • Good maneuverability.
  • Stable engine.


  • Low load capacity.
  • A total of 136 horsepower.

Shaanxi Shacman 4186 tractor

A high-performance Chinese tractor, which recently began to be sold in Europe and the Russian Federation. The machine shows impressive results: load capacity is up to 40 tons, engine power is up to 420 horsepower. The cabin is made of durable metal, and there is a sleeping area inside the cabin.


  • An excellent choice for long-distance travel.
  • High load capacity.
  • Good ergonomics.


  • Very high fuel consumption.
  • Large dimensions.

Sinotruk STEYR EXPO 6×6 dump truck

Modification of the Sinotruk HOWO EXPO tractor for a dump truck. The vehicle uses a foreign WD 615TD engine, which provides high power (up to 340 horses) and smooth running of the truck. The dump truck can transport cargo of any category weighing up to 20 tons.


  • Performance Stayer engine.
  • Good load capacity.
  • Durable reinforced body.


  • High diesel consumption.
  • Engine parts are very expensive.

CAMC 3601 dump truck

Initially, the model was produced for the needs of the domestic market, but recently it began to be sold in the Russian Federation. The model has very large dimensions, so it is recommended to use it only in large industries. Load capacity - up to 40 tons, engine - 385 liters. With.


  • High load capacity.
  • Powerful engine.
  • Excellent ergonomics.


  • Very large dimensions.
  • High diesel costs.

Sinotruk HOWO A7 dump truck

Another Chinese truck that has recently begun to be sold to European countries. The dump truck is available in several modifications with different bucket volumes. Load capacity is from 18 to 41 tons, and engine power is up to 440 horses. It is recommended for use in production due to the high weight of the machine.


  • Very high engine power.
  • Very high load capacity.
  • Several modifications.


  • Creates a large load on the ground.
  • Spare parts are difficult to obtain in the Russian Federation.

Major Chinese truck manufacturers

  1. Hovo. It is considered a leader in the production of dump trucks. On Russian roads, after passing a series of tests, it received high marks, including in frontal collisions. Fuel consumption on dump trucks is about 30 l/100 km, spare parts are manufactured at many well-known factories. The car cabin has good sound insulation, air conditioning, a comfortable seating area and an LCD display in place of the control devices.
  2. Shaanxi. A small plant is engaged in the production of dump trucks, which has become famous in Russia thanks to its products similar to the automaker MAN. All dump trucks are equipped with a Euro-2 engine, have good heat and sound insulation, are economical, with comfortable steering and body, with a capacity of 19 m3. The cars are equipped with electric torch fuel heating, a floating cabin suspension, a seating area and a comfortable driver's seat.
  3. Shacman. Cars from this manufacturer are produced using technology similar to Mercedes and have an optimal price-quality ratio. Equipped with a 6-cylinder 9.7 liter turbocharged engine and manual transmission. The driver's seat is equipped with air suspension and is adjustable to suit the driver's body characteristics. The maximum speed of dump trucks is up to 80 km/h, which is achieved quite quickly.
  4. Foton. A state-owned enterprise, it has been producing since 1996, leading the market for large machines. Dump trucks are supplied under the AUMAN brand, which are technologically identical to Shaanxi in most components and assemblies.
  5. JAC. The dump trucks of this automaker are distinguished by excellent comfort - an informative dashboard, anatomical seats, a berth, a tilt- and height-adjustable steering wheel, a viewing cabin and large rear-view mirrors. In addition, the car frame is reinforced with a specially designed channel.
  6. FAW. The automobile corporation began operations in 1953 and owns a large number of subsidiaries. FAW dump trucks are characterized by moderate fuel consumption, durability and low price. These are reliable and unpretentious machines that can cope with high loads. They are equipped with Bosch fuel systems, Wabco brakes, and power steering.
  7. Dongfeng. The company has been producing cars since 1969 and is closely associated with Cummins, whose engines it equips its trucks with. All modifications of dump trucks are produced on a 6x4 wheelbase with a 16m3 body, an engine pre-heater, an autonomous interior heater, climate control, a seating area, etc.
  8. Beifang Benchi. This brand produces vehicles jointly produced by DaimlerChrysler and FIRMAKO based on the licensed production of truck models that are not new and are no longer produced in Europe. The design of the dump trucks is simple, and the vehicles themselves have an optimal price-quality ratio. The power unit is 9.7 liters. turbocharged diesel, 280 hp The transmission is 9-speed manual, with center differential lock. The maximum speed of cars is limited to 80 km/h.

The lineup

DFL 3251A

The dump truck has a 6x4 wheel arrangement. It is widely used in the construction industry, road construction, and mining industries. This technique is the most popular due to its high engine power - 375 horsepower.

Technical characteristics of the DFL 3251A (375) dump truck:

CharacteristicsUnit measurements Indicators
Load capacityT19,15
Dump platform volumem316,3
Base widthm3,8
Dump platform lift anglehail50
Fuel tank volumel400
MotorDF Cummins
Motor typediesel

Video review of the Dong Feng DFL 3251A dump truck:

DFL 3251 AXA

This dump truck is used in heavy industry, including mining. It has a 6x6 wheel formula. The new type of suspension significantly increases the service life, since the machine is designed for use in off-road conditions. The engine power is 340 horsepower.

Technical characteristics of the DFL 3251 AXA dump truck:

CharacteristicsUnit measurements Indicators
Load capacityT18,35
Dump platform volumem312,7
Base widthm3,8
Dump platform lift anglehail50
Fuel tank volumel400
MotorDF Cummins
engine's typediesel

The main breakdowns and disadvantages of Chinese trucks

Owners of dump trucks from Chinese manufacturers may encounter the following typical problems:

  1. Load capacity. Carriers often overload vehicles, and they are not afraid of fines and breakdowns, since these amounts are already included in the cost of transportation. For this purpose, the sides of domestic trucks have always been extended. The situation became significantly worse with the advent of dump trucks from China. The problem is that the rated load capacity is exceeded due to the placement of a disproportionately large platform on the vehicle. For example, a Chinese three-axle truck with a platform volume of 18 m3 can transport 29 tons of sand, but its permitted load capacity is only 22 tons. Or a four-axle dump truck with a body of 25 m3 and a load capacity of 25 tons can accommodate 40 tons, resulting in an overload of 15 tons.
  2. Unreliability of individual components and parts. Some car models have a disproportionately weak engine, or the unit itself contains low-quality parts, for example, friction linings that crumble during operation. On the first batches of Hovo, after several tens of thousands of km. The brake drum could fail, and the system itself could leak. Shanxi's starter broke down after 10 thousand and the body lifting mechanism stopped working. If the truck had Chinese tires, they quickly failed and swelled from overload.
  3. Short service life. Cars break down quite often, and although this factor depends on timely maintenance, working conditions and the professionalism of the driver, in comparison with new European trucks, breakdowns occur more often. This is especially noticeable after two years of operation.
  4. Low speed indicators. The operation of Chinese trucks leads to their rapid wear. They are not designed for high speeds; moreover, under such operating conditions, the car begins to overuse fuel (up to 40%).
  5. Poor quality spare parts. Spare parts purchased in stores last much less than original ones. This applies to bearings, rods, bushings, fasteners, and other consumables. Some carriers find analogues to Chinese spare parts from European manufacturers.
  6. Weak electrics. The electrical systems in some trucks are not designed to withstand harsh climates, and they use iron wiring (instead of copper), which rusts and fails.
  7. Low residual value. A used truck cannot be sold for a high price, except to an inexperienced buyer.

Advantages of Chinese dump trucks

Today, most of the dump trucks in Russia are imported from China, while the range of companies and models is constantly expanding, adding to the well-known brands those that few have heard of. This equipment is positioned as the cheapest, combining reliability and modern technological innovations.

Certain disadvantages of dump trucks are associated with incomplete compliance with modern technological requirements, since many machine components are borrowed from previously created European vehicles. But this is compensated by the relatively low price, which is 10-20% lower compared to domestic analogues.

Chinese automakers have been successful in fixing identified common truck faults and are rapidly expanding their service network. This makes it possible to safely purchase Chinese dump trucks, without fear for their performance, and receiving qualified technical support.

Beifang Benchi dump trucks

Beifang Benchi products are a joint development of two companies: FIRMAKO and DaimlerChrysler. Dump trucks of this campaign are produced under a license purchased from Mercedes, however, their production in China began only after eight years of their withdrawal from production in Europe.

Beifang Benchi dump truck

In 2003, the license expired, and the company was forced to switch to developing its own models and components. As a result, the emergence of a new player in the market - the Baotou North-Benz (Beifang-Benchi) Heavy-duty Trucks Co. campaign. And although the exterior of these trucks is the grayest compared to their competitors, they remain the most popular in China.

Features of Chinese dump trucks

Dump trucks from China successfully make up for the shortage of similar vehicles from the domestic auto industry, while having an advantage over it in the following points:

  1. Cars are quickly delivered and repaired.
  2. The main parts are produced at the factories of well-known manufacturers.
  3. Successful experience of operation all year round in any conditions.
  4. Good quality at a price lower than competitors.
  5. No shortage of spare parts.

Like any other cargo equipment, Chinese dump trucks have the following modifications:

  1. By type of unloading – inclined and forced.
  2. By body type - bunker, sliding or stable platform.
  3. In the direction of unloading - universal or in any one direction.
  4. Lift type: hydraulic, telescopic.
  5. According to potential load and dimensions from 4x2 to 10x6.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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