Discator is an indispensable tool for agriculture

People involved in agricultural activities have probably come across the concept of “diskator”. However, most farmers do not attach due importance to this type of equipment, preferring to use more conventional harrows for cultivating the land.

Let's figure out what the advantage of disk drives is over similar types of trailed equipment.

Main types of disc harrows

Basically, disc harrows are distinguished according to two indicators:

  • Method of coupling the implement to the tractor
  • Weight of gun

Methods of coupling a disc harrow to a tractor:

  • Mounted disc harrows (MDN)
  • Trailed disc harrows (RDH)

By weight, guns are divided into:

  • Lightweight disc harrows (also called harrows) are lightweight, the disc diameter is up to 500 mm, and the embedment depth of such a tool is no more than 7 cm;
  • Medium disc harrows (popularly called short or disc harrows) such harrows have an average weight, the disc diameter is from 500 to 650 mm, and the embedment depth is up to 12 cm;
  • Heavy disc harrows usually have powerful functionality and heavy weight. The disc diameter of large harrows varies from 650 to 760 mm, and the plowing depth is adjustable from 10 to 18 cm.

In addition to the differences listed above, you can also add the angle of attack of the disc harrow and the features of its frame design. And we will make a separate review about the huge selection of discs, racks and hubs for all these types of harrows.

Of course, all these types of tools have their own characteristics and are used for different purposes.

Today we know at least 50 manufacturers of various disc harrows, which is not surprising due to the characteristics of the soil in different regions.

So how to choose a weapon among the huge selection of modern equipment? It is much easier to choose a tool for yourself if you initially determine what working depth and working width you need.

Types of disc harrows


A harrow is an agricultural implement designed for soil cultivation (harrowing). By cultivating the soil with the help of this product, agricultural machine operators prevent the soil from drying out, level its surface, and also remove crust and weeds.

This implement can be used as a separate element and mounted on a tractor using a hitch. Or it can be used in conjunction with other equipment, such as cultivator legs: for example, together with plows or cultivators.

Lightweight disc harrows or harrows

Such implements are used for peeling thin stubble and crumbling soil up to 7 cm deep, mixing it with crop residues. It is better to use in areas with little rainfall to preserve moisture, stimulate weed growth, as well as for mulching and incorporating stubble into the soil.

Depending on the implement, it is used with tractors with power from 22 to 80 hp. using discs with a diameter of up to 500 mm. The speed of use is up to 7 km/h, and the productivity of such implements is usually no more than 2.1 ha/hour

Mounted light disc harrow


The disc harrow consists of the following parts:

  1. Frame. It fixes and supports the harrow.
  2. Discs are round, concave and cutting blades made of steel. They come in two types: smooth (simple blades for normal soil conditions) and serrated (have serrated edges and are used for cutting plant debris in the ground and weeds).
  3. The square axle is a long, heavy steel shaft on which the blades are mounted, forming a hefty battery.
  4. The coil is a component bolted between two disks. Needed to maintain a fixed position and prevent any lateral movement of the disc.
  5. Bearings are necessary to install the harrow axle.
  6. The bumper is a heavy iron plate located at the end of each section of disks that protects them from collision with adjacent elements.
  7. The scraper removes soil from the discs, keeping the concave side of the element clean. Weights provide additional weight to increase disc penetration into the soil.

Medium disc harrows or disc harrows

In the middle category there are more serious implements capable of working at speeds of up to 12 km/h with tractors with power from 80 to 280 hp. Disks for such implements usually have from 500 to 600 mm in diameter, while the processing depth reaches 12 cm, and productivity can reach 8 ha/h.

Such implements are used for cultivating and leveling the soil before sowing, pre-sowing treatment with the application of fertilizers, destroying weeds, and chopping thin-stemmed and medium-stemmed crop residues.

Trailed medium disc harrow

Principle of operation

Disc harrows are used in almost all regions of the country, as they are capable of cultivating soils with high humidity - about 25-40%, as well as soils with a hardness of no more than 3.5 MPa and the amount of crop residues of about 60%.

High productivity and the combination of several technological operations, according to experts, are explained by the principle of its operation, which is as follows:

  1. A disc harrow driven by a traction tractor cuts into the soil cover to a depth of 4-14 centimeters.
  2. During movement, the disks begin to rotate, layers of soil fall on a concave surface, where they crumble, and after falling, they partially turn over.
  3. Simultaneously with the beginning of the process, the sharp edges of the incisors cut the roots of weeds.

During work, it is important to ensure that all disks touch the ground. Check this condition before starting processing by installing the equipment on a level surface. If any cutting component does not reach the surface, then check its diameter and replace it if there is significant wear.

Heavy disc harrows or as they say - in one pass

In the heavyweight category, tractors with power from 280 hp are used. and higher. For such implements, discs with a diameter of 650 to 760 mm are used at a maximum speed of up to 12 km/h. The productivity of such harrows reaches 14 ha/h.

Such implements are used mainly for large areas with mulching large volumes of straw and coarse stubble. Often, heavy harrows are combined with additional fertilizer application equipment or seeders.


Correct selection and strict adherence to the operating rules of a disc harrow will not only save money when purchasing, but will also significantly increase the service life of the product.

Heavy disc harrow Back

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Often, disc harrows are used as part of a whole complex of processing equipment - seeders, cultivators, plows. And the most popular additional equipment, which is most often used by the heavy disc harrow, is rollers.

These devices are designed to perform a wide range of work:

  • smooth ones trample the ground after filling the seeds;
  • ringed ones compact deep layers and at the same time loosen the upper layers;
  • rollers with spikes break up the largest clods of earth;
  • rod or lattice ones break up clods of only the specified size.

The presented equipment is usually hinged and is directly connected to the frame structure of the harrow using hinges. They can be mounted on any type of device, including the BDT (heavy disc harrow). The combined use of several types of products allows you to reduce the cost of processing the fertile layer, reduce the time frame and achieve a better result.

Comparative characteristics of harrows

Harrow nameBZPT21BMR-12BMR-18BPGP-15BPGP-17BPGP-21BPGP-23BMR-5.6BMR-6.2BMR-8.7BRK-8BRK-3.8BRK-7.6BRK-11.4BZSS-1.0PM 3x4PPM 4x4 PPM 6x4 PPM 6.5x4 PPM 8x4 PPaper machine 2.5x2 nPM 3x5 PPM 4x5 PPM 5x2PPM 6x2 P
Typetrailedtrailedtrailedtrailedmountedtrailedtrailedsemi-trailer (semi-mounted)mountedtrailed
Working width, m21,41218.2151821245,66,28,783,87,611,40,95346,56,58,22,53,54,55,56,5
Productivity, ha/h25-3812-18.317-2715-2218-2731-3225-365,6-8,46,2-9,38,7-13,5Up to 14.5Up to 6.8Up to 13.6Up to 20.4Up to 1.23-44-56-76-76,8-8,42,1-2,33,7555,576,25
Operating speed km, h12-1810-1512-1810-15Up to 2010-128-128-15
Working body diameter, mm52014-16520up to 80
Processing depth, mm40-12050-6040-12050-6060-80
Number of working bodies, pcs175114516518520552568032406060801824303846
Dimensions (LxWxH), mm22080x8875x15507150x12430x108010200x18000x10809000x15700x156001705x4360x11457330x2330x15506960x3600x15506800x8500x23007000x4200x150010000x8400x150010000x12600x150036100 x 6700 x 1560044100x 67 00x1560065700x 6900x 1560065700x 6900 x 1560043900 x 73600 x 39002500x1800x160034700 x 62000 x 1560044700 x 62000 x 1560055700x 62000 x 1560065700 x 62000 x 15600
Weight, kg68002350370052006000650070007009901430500023005300800040,00351036505250525075507502550325037503950
Required tractor power, l/s184-265from 120from 150from 160from 200from 300from 35080120,00150-180200-240300-350300-350400-45080-100120150180210

Discator is an indispensable tool for agriculture

People involved in agricultural activities have probably come across the concept of “diskator”.
However, most farmers do not attach due importance to this type of equipment, preferring to use more conventional harrows for cultivating the land. Let's figure out what the advantage of disk drives is over similar types of trailed equipment.

disk drive selection

There was a question about buying a disk drive, who can tell me bdm-agro or bda-interservice. 3-meter 4-row with a roller.

There was a question about buying a disk drive, who can tell me bdm-agro or bda-interservice. 3-meter 4-row with a roller.

Another question, some make racks on bushings and attach them to holes in the frame, picture below. Are there any problems with this mount? And others to the frame using clamps on spring struts.

Another question, some make racks on bushings and attach them to holes in the frame, picture below. Are there any problems with this mount? And others to the frame using clamps on spring struts.

I would like to save some farmers from buying diskers. Several years ago I purchased three paper machines; they are produced in Krasnodar. Just like those shown in the picture above, four meters long. It costs little money, about 600 thousand. rubles But, most importantly, a very weak design. Namely. I can’t name it exactly, the whole hub with axle shaft and bearings. It seems that the cutting unit is called what the disk is attached to. In the picture at the top, it is circled and labeled - centralized lubrication. I'm talking about him. Since many farms purchased such tools, stopped plowing, the load on the paper machine is small, but it is the weak design of this unit that should make designers think about how to make this unit more durable, but no, they continue to make carbon copies. But it is profitable for the plant to produce an inexpensive unit and constantly sell components. This unit without a disk costs about 4,300 rubles at the factory. If you order through your agricultural database, there will be a + extra charge. Somewhere, replacing all these components will cost half the cost of the Diskator. The designer simply needs to be shot. Well, also for those who are against plowing, but work as disk tillers. I promise you that in three years, because of the discs, you will have serious problems with bindweed. With the help of these tools you will multiply them and removing them will be a whole problem, even in the selection of herbicides. There are simply no effective herbicides against bindweed.


Cost of new and used equipment in Russia (RUB)


500 000


Sales department


210 000

Information is absent"Energotekhkomplekt"



199 000

No data"AgroCapital"

215 000

Information is absent
t., +7 (919) 696-16-16

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Information is absent"AgroAvtoGroup"

180 000

No data"TD "Kama-Agro"

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There is no information on prices for used equipment


+7 (Sales department of spare parts and components)

Check price and availability

No data "TraktorSpetsMash"


Head of Sales Department+7915656-16-23

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There is no data on the cost of used equipment
Ufa"AgroSpetsTekhnika Ufa" t. 8-937-322-56-03
Availability and price to check
There is no information on prices for used equipment
Saratov "TD Polesie" t.+7,, +7 (8452) 57-29-78

Availability and cost to be confirmed

There is no data on the cost of used equipment
Penza "AgroCentre" t.,

Check availability and price

There is no information on the price of used equipment

Features and Benefits

What is a diskator? This is a disc harrow, where a separate mounting post is used for each cutting element. This design allows you to completely eliminate clogging of the cutting discs, which has a positive effect on labor productivity.

In addition, discators show good performance in conditions of high humidity and dense vegetation. The main purpose of this type of agricultural equipment is to prepare the land for sowing without prior plowing.

It is worth noting that individual fastening of discs allows for better control of weeds by mixing the soil with plant residues. However, these are not the only advantages of PM.

Diskators can perform the following operations:

It is worth noting that in one pass across the field, the disker performs several operations at once: it crushes the soil, levels the surface and mixes the soil with weed residues.

Moreover, each of the installed disks has individual adjustment, allowing you to smoothly change the processing width or angle of attack.

Thanks to their versatility, diskers help save up to 12 liters of diesel fuel per hectare processed. Accordingly, this type of agricultural equipment pays for itself already in the second season of operation.

Diskators also have design flaws. For example: a rigid mounting option for a strut often leads to mechanical damage to the hub.

To avoid breakdowns, the bearing must be lubricated regularly, which requires additional maintenance time.

It is typical that such problems occur only in Russian-made disk drives. Imported models use a spring-loaded rack mounting system.

Features and Benefits

What is a diskator? This is a disc harrow, where a separate mounting post is used for each cutting element. This design allows you to completely eliminate clogging of the cutting discs, which has a positive effect on labor productivity.

In addition, discators show good performance in conditions of high humidity and dense vegetation. The main purpose of this type of agricultural equipment is to prepare the land for sowing without prior plowing.

It is worth noting that individual fastening of discs allows for better control of weeds by mixing the soil with plant residues. However, these are not the only advantages of PM.

Diskators can perform the following operations:

It is worth noting that in one pass across the field, the disker performs several operations at once: it crushes the soil, levels the surface and mixes the soil with weed residues.

Moreover, each of the installed disks has individual adjustment, allowing you to smoothly change the processing width or angle of attack.

Thanks to their versatility, diskers help save up to 12 liters of diesel fuel per hectare processed. Accordingly, this type of agricultural equipment pays for itself already in the second season of operation.

Diskators also have design flaws. For example: a rigid mounting option for a strut often leads to mechanical damage to the hub.

To avoid breakdowns, the bearing must be lubricated regularly, which requires additional maintenance time.

It is typical that such problems occur only in Russian-made disk drives. Imported models use a spring-loaded rack mounting system.

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