Instructions for winding the speedometer on a gazelle at home

How to properly wind the speedometer on GAZelle Next and Business

The use of electronic control complicates the task of winding up the speedometer on the GAZelle Next. Incorrect intervention may result in damage or reset of the device readings. When changing mileage manually, please note that detection of such interference by the dealer will result in the car being removed from warranty. The use of mileage adjustment means is used to illegally write off fuel, which is grounds for dismissal of the driver.

Malfunctions and repairs

Common device defects:

  • The speedometer periodically does not work, the needle drops to 0, and then the device is activated again. The reason is poor contact of the wiring coming from the sensor mounted on the crankcase box. The sensor connector may be defective or oxidized. Repair consists of checking the circuit, cleaning the elements from contamination and replacing faulty parts.
  • Resetting the device readings at a mileage of 65-66 thousand km. The cause of the defect is a design flaw in the electronic module of the instrument cluster. The unit is changed by an official dealer or flashed with modified software.
  • On some cars, the speedometer needle twitches when driving at a speed of 90-100 km/h. The malfunction is of a constructive nature; the unit cannot be repaired.
  • Incorrect display of speed, the needle moves chaotically across the dial of the device. This causes the odometer reading to increase. The cause of the breakdown is the failure of the speed sensor, which needs to be replaced. The controller inside the instrument cluster may break down, in which case the entire assembly will need to be replaced.
  • The arrow falls on the limit rod. The defect occurs due to a broken return spring; repair consists of installing a new instrument cluster.

Why do they replace hydraulic compensators with bolts on a Chevrolet Niva?

By replacing the adjusting supports in the Chevrolet Niva engine with hydraulic compensators, the engineers hoped to eliminate all the problems with adjusting the thermal clearances of the valves and reduce the noise level ; in fact, it did not work out as desired. The quality of hydraulic compensators is so unstable that out of a dozen parts, only one or two can work tolerably and according to the parameters. Naturally, this affects the operation of the engine - constant knocking under the valve cover, the engine trembles, constant failures and difficult starting. Bolts instead of INA main body

Hydraulic compensator and adjusting bolt.

And that's not so bad. An inaccurately executed hydraulic compensator can bite and prevent the valve from closing in time . If this happens at high speeds, the valve inevitably meets the piston. What this threatens is clear - at least a bent valve, which means loss of compression and misfires. The controller immediately sees the malfunction and simply turns off the injector to save the catalyst. The engine stalls, seemingly for no apparent reason. Even in those engines where there are grooves in the piston bottom and the meeting of the valve with the cylinder is theoretically impossible, the valve does not close completely, its edges burn over time and the story with compression repeats itself. Changing hydraulic expansion joints in Niva 3D

Video about the difference between engine operation on hydraulic compensators and bolts

How to wind up the speedometer

GAZelle cars were equipped with speedometers of several designs:

  • with mechanical drive of all elements;
  • with electronic drive speed indicator and mechanical odometer;
  • electronic version with LCD screen.

Depending on the type of construction, different mileage adjustment techniques are used. If the owner is not confident in his abilities and knowledge, it is recommended to contact workshops that provide such a service.

On early GAZelle cars equipped with a mechanical speed meter, adjustment is carried out by rotating the cable from the electric motor. You can wind up a GAZelle Business with early versions of electromechanical meters using a motor from a computer fan. Power is supplied from the cigarette lighter socket, a free wire with green or yellow insulation is connected to the block (to the green conductor) located above the brake pedal. After turning on the ignition, winding begins.

There are devices mounted in the cigarette lighter socket. The signal wire is connected to the instrument cluster. The device is equipped with a potentiometer that allows you to change the speed of mileage adjustment.

You can make a winding for the speedometer yourself if you know the basics of electronics and circuit design. Such a unit will work on GAZelle-3302 cars equipped with an electromechanical speedometer. The homemade design is based on the 1006VI1 microcircuit; ceramic capacitors and resistors are used. To protect the device from erroneous connection, a diode type KD521, rated for a current of 1A, is used. The device must be insulated from moisture using insulating tape.

The GAZelle Business speedometer winder is equipped with a switch that allows you to turn on the device as needed. The signal wire is connected to the speedometer block instead of the wire from the speed sensor. But in this case, the mileage adjustment stored in the engine control unit does not occur. Therefore, users cut the winding device into the break in the harness running from the speed sensor to the control unit. In this case, the values ​​change synchronously.

When adjusting the speedometer on a GAZelle Business, you must not exceed the speed of 150 km/h. The disadvantage of such a device is the ease of detection by monitoring personnel. In addition, the use of tracking tools based on GPS or GLONASS satellite data allows you to control routes and compare the declared and true vehicle mileage.

Due to the design features, winding up the GAZelle Business speedometer can only be done by sending a correction signal via the digital CAN bus. The mileage value is recorded in 2 memory blocks: the engine control and the speed measurement device, so a synchronous change in the value is required. To do this, a special device is used, which is inserted into the vehicle's diagnostic connector. After installing the unit, you must turn on the ignition, after which automatic mileage adjustment begins.

On vehicles equipped with a Cummins diesel engine, the mileage adjustment device is installed parallel to the factory speed sensor. It only works when the engine is running, ensuring that parameters are recorded in the speedometer and power unit memory blocks. The readings of the standard sensor may “freeze”; to fix the problem, you need to drive forward 2-3 m. After this, the spotter works flawlessly. On cars with a digital tachograph, there may be problems with the operation of the device; it is recommended to disconnect the switching wire from the speedometer.

List for manufacturing a “device for winding run”:

  1. AZ-1 is an emergency ignition unit, previously sold for carburetor cars, but widely used in homemade products, it cost me 160 rubles. (there are also other modifications: az-2, az-3, they are also suitable);
  2. Block for Hall sensor - 35r;
  3. Plug into the cigarette lighter - 35 rubles;
  4. Crocodile - 15 rubles;
  5. Wires 5m - 44p-o.5 cross-section and there was no shorter length;
  6. I also had electrical tape and a soldering iron with solder; but you can also use twists.

Total: 289 rubles - but this is rough, some will have it cheaper or more expensive. But if you work on a “collective farm machine,” you must agree that it will pay for itself in one go. The device for winding mileage is quite compact; it can even be moved into the case of a mobile phone charger so that it is less noticeable.

By the way, if anyone wants to make a pulse generator on their own, here are photos of the insides of the AZ-1:

The device is still being produced, but due to low demand it cannot be found in all auto parts stores, so pick up the phone and call the stores in your city and you will definitely find it.

I took a photo of the inside in case you were unable to find the Emergency Ignition. Therefore, all these elements are sold in any radio equipment store and cost mere pennies; the circuit is very simple.

Therefore, making a device for winding mileage will not cause you more difficulty.

This also made me think, since the wires on the block were all the same color: By the way, the cigarette lighter also has a central wire +. But it seems that the main points are all about production.

Instructions for connecting the winder Gazelle Business - can-motalka

Speedometer twist for Business Gazelle into the diagnostic connector - instructions for connecting. Gazelle business cars are equipped with both petrol and diesel Cummins engines. The Gazelle speedometer winder for Cummins, just like the Gazelle Next speedometer winder, is connected to the OBD2 diagnostic connector and does not require any wiring modifications. For, however, the work of winding up the speedometer of a Gazelle petrol with a Business engine through the diagnostic connector is required, OBD2 is required to be brought into the additional diagnostic connector. wire procedure and will be described in this same way.

instructions for the operation of the speedometer knob, modification is required for wiring on Skoda Octavia, Rapid Skoda, UAZ Bukhanka, Lada Largus, Hino Toyota cars. It is worth noting that most of which have a speedometer mounted on cars - new ones, the cars are covered by a factory warranty. If all modifications are carried out carefully, then this will not be officially revealed by the dealer and will not affect the warranty.

Until 2016, most Gazelle Business cars had an instrument panel installed, as in the picture below. To adjust the operation of the Gazelle speedometer with such a panel (with a gasoline engine), modifications to the wiring are required.

However, at the end of the year 2016, panels from Gazelle Next began to be installed on Gazelle Business. Accordingly, for a car of this type, the Gazelle speedometer twister is suitable for the Next operation of which it is NOT necessary to install additional wires. The Gazelle Next dashboard looks like this:

Modification for the operation of the Gazelle twister on the speedometer Business with a gasoline engine and an old instrument panel of the sample is briefly as follows: you need to find the wiring harness in the area of ​​the lever, remove the gearbox insulation from the harness, find the signal wire, connect the additional wire to the signal wire, bring the additional wire to the diagnostic one OBD2 connector, insert the additional wire into the free socket of the diagnostic connector. An additional wire with a contact crimped at the end and instructions for connecting are included with the speedometer knob for the Business Gazelle.

Details with pictures:

1. Before starting to modify the connection of the speedometer knob, remove the Gazelle negative terminal of the battery.

2. Pull on and remove the cover from the fuse box. The cover is secured with latches.

3. There is a block under the cover; the OBD2 diagnostic connector is built into the fuse box.

4. Use a screwdriver to pry the fastening of the Gazelle diagnostic connector and push the Business connector behind the fuse block.

5. From the left end of the dashboard, unsnap the plastic cover and pull out the diagnostic connector.

6. The diagnostic connector contacts are numbered on the reverse side. Position the connector as shown in the insert, and in the figure there is an additional wire with a crimped end for the connector contact in the 3rd socket on the right in the row of the top connector. From the factory this is a Contact socket. empty on the additional wire on one side of the other, with the solid one having a rectangular hole for inserting. the retainer with the hole towards the connector core. The native diagnostic contact of the Gazelle connector has a slightly different geometry, so inserting the new contact will not be complete. Insert carefully until it stops. The contact will not reach the edge by about a third, but it will stay in the connector well. This is quite enough to connect to the speedometer knob.

7. In the area of ​​the gearbox lever, peel back the carpet and find the wiring harness. Carefully make a longitudinal cut on the insulation bundle. Find the signal wire in the harness. wires The color is indicated in the instructions supplied with the Hidden twister.

8. For the speedometer, lay an additional wire from the lever connector to the gearbox diagnostics. This can be done with a rug under.

9. Remove a small section of insulation on the signal wire. Connect an additional wire, if possible, solder the connection (although this is not necessary) and return it well.

10. Insulate the diagnostic connector in place. Install the battery terminal. Turn on the ignition, connect the Gazelle speedometer knob to the diagnostic connector. When the wheels are in the desired position, the speedometer needle will rise and the winding process will begin immediately. If the speedometer needle does not rise immediately, you need to start the engine, turn it on slowly and drive the gear half a meter, until the wheels are in the position at which the speedometer needle If.

If you have any questions about installing a speedometer on a Gazelle, get technical advice by calling 920 8 (phone) 684-36-92. Or write to the chat at Good luck. website!

. 2705, 33021 “”

. 9.51. : 1 , 2 5-54, 3
, p. 9.51. 5-54 10 3, 6+1 200250. :

. 9.52. : 1, 2, 3, R1 -0.25-10, V1 102

. 9.53. : 1 ; 2 ; 3 5-54

, . 9.53. 5-54 1 6 , 122 200250 . 240 1000+100 -1, 960 4000 -1.

P. 9.54. : 1 ; 2 ; 3 1, 4, R1 -2-330, R2 -2-120, R -2-15

, . 9.54. RI, 0, R2 1/2, R3. . : 330+15, 11+5. 70 ( ) 118+10 .

. 9.56. : 1 ; 2 ; 3 1 ; 4 ; R1 -2-180 ; R2 -2-60

290330 , 1,5 /2 170200 , 4,5 /2 5080 .

How to wind a speedometer on a gazelle with your own hands

Sometimes when operating a car, it becomes necessary to adjust the speedometer readings upward, in simple terms, “wind up the readings.” In order to do this, a large number of different devices are currently sold at a variety of prices, and for those who are friends with a soldering iron, there are many circuits on the Internet that are offered to solder themselves.

For a finished “winder” they often ask for several thousand rubles, but in order to solder it yourself, you still need to purchase radio components and spend some time assembling the device. Don't want to waste money or time? And it is not necessary! Due to numerous requests from drivers, a special revolutionary method of winding a speedometer using a regular computer fan was developed in the workshop of a traveling mechanic.

We will need a computer fan “cooler”, to which 3 wires fit. Absolutely any fan with a 3-wire connection is suitable, from the power supply, from the processor, from the video card - from anything. Such a fan has a Hall effect tachometer inside, exactly the same as is found in car speed sensors.

We take such a fan, remove the connector from the speed sensor and connect the fan according to the diagram. The speed sensor in a car is located on the gearbox, and in 4x4 jeeps it is on the transfer case. We remove the connector and connect the fan instead of the speed sensor, turn on the ignition and let's go! The fan should start spinning and the speedometer should start ticking up the kilometers. The purpose of the speed sensor pins for most cars is shown in the diagram; do not forget that the “mother” connectors are mirrored. To ensure correct connection, check the “plus” and “ground” contacts with a tester; when the ignition is on, they should have + 12 volts.

Is everything sealed and the connector cannot be removed? No problem, we thought about that too! Extend the power wires from the fan so that they are enough to reach the battery and connect the fan to the battery directly. Attach a needle to the fan signal wire and carefully pierce the insulation of the signal wire from the speed sensor in an inconspicuous place and connect the fan signal in parallel. But with this winding method you will have to tinker a little. The fact is that the sensor outputs are made according to the “open collector” scheme, and if the magnets in the standard sensor are in the position where the output switch of the speed sensor is open, then the winder will not be able to work. What to do? You need to catch the moment when the standard speed sensor key closes, and only then start the winder. How to do it? The surest option is to jack up the rear wheel and turn it smoothly to catch the moment when the winder starts working, but you can try and push the car a little at a time, although this may be a little difficult. Do not forget that in any case the ignition must be turned on to start the speedometer itself.

Please note that different fans have different rotation speeds, the speed of the fan is written on a sticker, naturally, the faster the fan, the faster you can wind up the required readings, but meanwhile, in some speedometers protection has begun to be found against those who are too impatient and at too high a winding speed The speedometer stops counting. What to do in this case? Just find a slower fan.

Where can I get a suitable fan? Yes, anywhere, pick it out of a faulty computer, ask a friend, find it in a trash bin, buy it in a store. Coolers are available in any computer store, the price for them starts from 100 rubles, and finding a fan is much easier and cheaper than buying or soldering a “winder”.

And this. Don't steal too much, okay?

Notes of a traveling mechanic © All rights reserved

Do-it-yourself winding on a gazelle business

Winding up the speedometer with your own hands photo

Do-it-yourself gazelle winding business

Winding up the speedometer on a UAZ with your own hands

GNTI - Twisting, winding, winding the speedometer Gazelle Business, Sobol, Valdai - Video reports from the world of science and technology

Winder for gazelle

Do-it-yourself VAZ diagnostics injector

Do-it-yourself winding of the gazelle speedometer

Do-it-yourself winding of the gazelle speedometer

Odometer connection diagram for a gazelle

Instant Video Play Spinner, winder, speedometer winder Gazelle NEXT

Winding up the speedometer with your own hands, photo diagram

Rewinding on Volga Siber (Volga Siber) - October 26, 2011 - Personal website

How to wind an electronic speedometer on a gazelle

speedometer wiring diagram euro-3 loaf - MASTER'S LIBRARY

Do-it-yourself Gazelle speedometer windings

Do-it-yourself winding of a gazelle speedometer photo

Equipment for flashing Gazelle business Firmware for Gazelle Forum - Blogs -

Do-it-yourself winding of a gazelle speedometer photo

Winding up the gazelle speedometer with your own hands

Hi all. This question may have been discussed, but I couldn’t find it and I apologize in advance for that. The question is that a diesel gazelle arrived to install winding. I calmly remove the shield and see that instead of 4 connectors there are only 3. There is no signal from the sensor wire in the chip to the leg! Who will advise what to do?! Thank you very much in advance! Tidy AP 385.3801-90

One of the 3 should be a speedometer signal, it doesn’t work via bluetooth.

if it’s a gazelle business, then hang up az + - and throw an impulse on the wires that hang next to the connector, they’re not inserted there, double green, and I don’t remember something right now in these panels, now half of the signals go via can. but you'll have to drive the car because the sensor may be shorted and the signal won't go through, I just drove it a little and luckily the car drove while standing

I think so too, but when you connect a regular winder like they did on gazelles with an electronic panel, it doesn’t work. I also connect a zero in place of the sensor!

Are there wires coming from the box? and see where

Yes, there are also 3 wires and the same connector coming from the box. When connecting the emergency ignition switch of a block with 3 contacts, the speed usually rose to 160 and held, but on this car the tachometer and speedometer needles rose to the end and fell. and zero reaction! One craftsman assembled the circuit and made the outputs, but he filled everything with epoxy and couldn’t take it apart and see what was soldered there! It’s a little visible that there are 4 resistances and a couple of condensers, and I think I saw a triode peeking out a little there. Here in this diagram, the bastard gradually increases the speed to 150 and keeps shaking calmly!


  • If you have a tachograph, this winder will not wind it! Buy one of the Tachograph Knobs. Although very often this device is just for show and can be ignored.
  • If you have a diesel engine , look at the technical certificate and when ordering, indicate the Ecological class in the comments. There are cars with 4th and 5th classes. The winders for them are different.
  • write in the comments to the order - gasoline or diesel, if diesel is an environmental class.

Why is adjustment not needed everywhere?

There are engines that do not need valve adjustment. Such units are equipped with hydraulic compensators. A device designed to automatically adjust the thermal gap. Hydraulic compensators do not last forever, but a complete replacement or check will be done after 100-120 thousand mileage. Remember one thing, an engine with hydraulic compensators does not need valve adjustment.


A modern device for modern GAZelle Next cars Gazelle Next 2013—2017, 2018 .

So what can a winder do? It can quickly cover the mileage on GAZelle Next cars (Gazelle Next 2013—2017, 2018) , and quite quickly - up to 200 km/h. To use, you just need to insert it into the OBDII diagnostic connector, turn on the ignition and enjoy the speed.

The speedometer winding device is supplied without mileage limitation . There is also no connection by VIN code. In other words, one speedometer winder can be used on any number of cars.


Old price 5000 rub. New price 2999 rub. Favorable price 2490 rub. *



  • Increases mileage at speeds of up to 6,000 km/h, or 55,000 km. per work shift
  • You can safely undergo maintenance at an official dealer, it does not affect the factory warranty
  • Only our universal device can be configured for any other car


  • Warranty on all devices for 5 years without mileage limitation
  • Free delivery by courier service on the day of application, payment after verification
  • Mileage adjustment is legal and does not fall under Russian legislation

Gazel Next (from 2022)

We offer winding of the Gazelle Next speedometer from 2022. own development. Our device:

  • Does not require modification or any intervention in the electrical circuit of the car. The CAN bus is used to adjust the mileage. It is enough to connect the device to the diagnostic connector (under the steering column, near the fuse box), start the engine, and the process of changing the odometer will start automatically.
  • Leaves no traces. The twister on Gazelle Next changes the mileage data in the memory unit on the dashboard, in the ABS ECU and other places where such information is stored. ATTENTION. If you have a car with a Cummins engine or equipped with a tachograph, there are some nuances to calculating your mileage. Call our specialists and they will advise you on the specifics of increasing the mileage on such cars.
  • Has no limits. You can adjust the speedometer on the Gazelle Next by any number of kilometers. Moreover, the device is not tied to a specific vehicle. One winder can serve an entire fleet of vehicles.

If you have a Gazelle NEXT 2022 or earlier, you need a different winding. You can also buy it in our store. You can wrap the speedometer on any Gazelle Next. Our device is suitable for various modifications of Gazel Next. It can be used to track mileage on:

  • All-metal vans Gazelle Next.
  • Buses (Next Citiline).
  • Cargo modifications with flatbed and Euro-platform.
  • Chassis with various add-ons.
  • Gazel Next with double cab.
  • Special vehicles based on this model.
    We have solutions for cars with any engine. Here you can order a speedometer winding for Gazelle Next with a Cummins diesel engine, an Evotech gasoline engine, as well as for modifications of cars with factory gas equipment (LPG). How our odometer adjustment works: Mileage adjustment occurs without interfering with the operation of the car's electronic components. Thanks to this, any errors in the ECU are excluded. When the coil is connected to the Gazelle Next diagnostic connector, it begins to transmit pulses via the CAN bus, simulating those received from the speed sensor (ABS) while the car is moving. Those. the electronics “thinks” that the car is moving, and information about the allegedly traveled distance is recorded in the corresponding blocks. On diesel modifications, winding must be done with the engine running, because Information about hours worked is also recorded in the ECU. By comparing it and mileage information, you can identify the fact of the correction. Thanks to the use of “natural” signals and due to the lack of interference in the operation of electronic units, it will not be possible to detect the fact of mileage adjustment on the Gazelle Next even with the help of dealer scanners. This device can also be used for new cars of the model in question that are under warranty. By purchasing a speedometer winder for Gazelle Next, you can easily meet the established fuel consumption standards even when operating the vehicle in difficult conditions (traffic jams, long periods of idle time with the engine running, etc.). With it, you will not have to pay extra for excess fuel consumption from your own pocket. Also, our device is an indispensable assistant for those who know how to save fuel. The warranty for the device for adjusting the odometer on Gazelle Next is 5 years without limiting the mileage and the number of cars serviced. Order this device through the website, and we will send it to any region of Russia. Payment upon receipt. If you pay for your purchase on the website by card or other remote method, we will provide a 5% discount.

Saving time and money

Agree, there is no point in calling the Internet when you have already gone where you need to go! WE have been making spinners ourselves for many years, and we don’t repurchase them, so we sell them without markups and give good discounts!

Speedometer winder or mileage winder for GAZelle car (latest generation) - does not require installation. You connect the winder inside the car via the diagnostic connector. Winding duplicates all options for recording mileage in the car. It turns at high speed and does not cause errors.

Device characteristics
PurposeIncreased vehicle mileage.
Connection typeThe speedometer spinner (winder) does not require installation.
PossibilitiesThe speedometer winder allows you to rotate it while the car is moving.
SpeedUp to 500 km/h
ErrorsThe winder does not affect the operation of the machine's electrical system in any way.
Guarantee2 years
The model of car

GAZelle Next - does not require installation

GAZelle Biznes - CAN winder will work with cars with a new dashboard

new dashboard (dashboard deflectors are round, speedometer is on the right)

previous dashboard (rectangular deflectors, speedometer on the left)

dashboard of a GAZelle diesel car with a Euro 5 engine

GAZelle Sobol Business - does not require installation

I am making a device for winding the mileage of gas, VAZ.

Excessive fuel consumption happened to me on a “collective farm car”, well, it doesn’t happen to anyone, but you can’t get the fuel back. That's why I started looking for a way to increase mileage. There were many options, but all of them were short and incomprehensible, meaning I had to review several articles to put together one picture. So I decided to write my article, in case I help someone in the same situation.

What is a speed sensor?

Previously, there were cable sensors, i.e. Full mechanics, no problems here. Motor adapter and forward. But now it’s the 21st century, so it’s all electronics. On all modern models, the speed sensor is a Hall sensor, i.e. gives a pulse signal, the more often the faster, the service life is three times longer than that of mechanics.

Speedometer and speed sensor.

In most cars, the speed sensor is directly connected to the dashboard, with a few exceptions; in some, the signal is first sent to the engine management system. But mostly directly.

Warranty for winding (winder)

Installing the winder takes little time and does not require special knowledge.

Winding (winder) will allow you to increase the mileage of the car and set the desired value.

The odometer, controlled by the car's electronic on-board computer, is a very accurate device, however, in some cases it may give incorrect readings.

Changing the drive pair of wheels to non-standard ones, replacing the engine, or a number of other manipulations can lead to the fact that the odometer readings begin to lag behind the actual mileage of the car. This unpleasant situation can be corrected by rewinding the GAZ Gazelle Business speedometer.

Winding (winder) will allow you to increase the mileage of the car and set the desired value.

The odometer, controlled by the car's electronic on-board computer, is a very accurate device, however, in some cases it may give incorrect readings.

Changing the drive pair of wheels to non-standard ones, replacing the engine, or a number of other manipulations can lead to the fact that the odometer readings begin to lag behind the actual mileage of the car. This unpleasant situation can be corrected by rewinding the GAZ Gazelle Business speedometer.

Speed ​​sensor is interchangeable 534.3843 GAZ-3110, UAZ-3160, UAZ-3165

Gas 3423843 Speed ​​sensor GAZ, UAZ injector (round connector) 6 imp. (534.3843) (GAS) G-PART

zommer 3423843 Speed ​​sensor 406 dv.3110,3310,UAZ (6/imp round (ZOMMER/3423843)

Soate 3423843 Speed ​​sensor GAZ-3110, GAZ-3302, 6 imp. round connector with wire

Pekar 3423843 Speed ​​sensor (6-imp, O-fork, not bad) G, Euro-3 CUMMINS 2.8 “Pekar”

China 3423843 Speed ​​sensor GAZ-3110, GAZelle (round connector/6 imp)

Energomash 3423843 Speed ​​sensor 6 pulse round connector

AvtoVAZ 3423843 Speedometer sensor 342.3843 GAZ, UAZ (49.3843)

Manover 3423843 Speed ​​sensor 6-pulse (round connector with wire) GAZ-3110, UAZ-Patriot analogue OEM NO 342.

AVAR 3423843 Speed ​​sensor 5-speed gearbox 6-imp. circular connector “EMERGENCY”

Cartronic 3423843 Speed ​​sensor for GAZ 3302, 3110 doors. 406 (6 imp. round) CARTRONIC

Electrics 3423843 Speedometer sensor 342.3843 3110 (round connector, 6 pulse) (speed meter)


UAZ 3423843 Speed ​​sensor (speedometer drive) GAZ-3102, 3110, 2217, 2705, 2752, 3302; UAZ-3160 ** “PEKAR”

Russia 3423843 speed sensor G-3110,U-3160.65 (6 imp. round size) art. 342.3843 (Schetmash, Kursk)

ZMZ 3423843 Speed ​​sensor GAZ, UAZ/6 imp./round connector/534.3843/35172.03/Energomash/

Kaluga 3423843 Speed ​​sensor 5-speed gearbox 6-imp. circular connector “Kaluga”, pcs.

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