Tractor Bison. reviews, service, video work

How to do it yourself

Anyone who builds a tractor with their own hands must first study the technical data, drawings and photos. This will help avoid manufacturing errors and save time. Any tractor can serve as the basis for agricultural machinery. Basically, the T-150 is used as the base (frame), the cabin can be homemade or from MTZ, the rolling axis is suitable from a caterpillar tractor. The drive can be 4x4 or rear-wheel drive, depending on desire and purpose.

To make a homemade Bison tractor yourself, you will need to assemble the following tools:

  1. Frame of the future tractor.
  2. Suitable power unit. Many designers use the YaMZ engine.
  3. Welding.
  4. Angles, profiles and other rolled metal products for creating load-bearing structures.
  5. Wheels.
  6. Drill, grinders, sets of wrenches and screwdrivers.

Let's look at the main stages of assembling the Bizon tractor:

  1. Development of an accurate drawing, as well as thinking through the complete design of the future vehicle.
  2. Assembly of the frame part. At the same time, there is no need to rush, since it is necessary to think about where all the main components will be located, the places where they are attached, as well as the convenience of the location. All these nuances will depend on the frame material that was taken as a basis.
  3. Depending on the purpose and capabilities, it is worth choosing the appropriate power unit. In this case, the choice is quite large, from simple MTZ motors to powerful YaMZ ones. It is also necessary to provide for the placement and mounting of the future engine on the frame.
  4. When the first three points are done, you should think about the gearbox and transfer case. According to most designers, the best option is a power take-off transfer case with a 4x4 configuration. It should be taken into account that the flywheel needs to be modified. The clutch is individually adjusted to the size of the engine and gearbox.
  5. Bridges are being installed. In this case, if the dimensions are chosen correctly, then there should be no problems.
  6. At the last stage, all subsequent nodes are installed. The brake system, steering and suspension parts are taken from other agricultural machines. Do not forget that you will need a towing device or unit for attaching attachments.

If you have problems, you can visit the forum. For example, the “Bison” tractor is well described on in the category: “questions, answers, discussion.”

Design principle and manufacturing process

How to make a Bison tractor yourself is a question that torments everyone who has ever seen this miracle of technology in action. Fortunately, in our time of universal access to information, even a person far from this industry can assemble a tractor with his own hands. All drawings, the manufacturing process, a list of donor parts, photographs and even videos of the manufacturing process, the assembly of a finished mechanism or the process of repair and replacement of parts - all this is available on the Internet, you just need to enter the corresponding query in the search bar.

The manufacturing process of the Bison tractor itself can be roughly divided into several main components:

  • Frame assembly. The main thing is that all its elements, connecting nodes and chassis parts are placed in the most rational way.
  • Next, you should choose a power unit, which can be any engine; here only your capabilities serve as a guide. The best option is a water-cooled diesel engine.
  • The next stage is the gearbox and power take-off shaft transfer case. The most popular among mini tractor owners is the 4x4 transfer case. For proper clutching, the engine flywheel usually requires reworking on a lathe, and it is better to weld a completely new basket housing for optimal fit.
  • Installing a bridge, as a rule, does not cause any particular difficulties; it is enough to choose the appropriate size.

Next, all that remains is to correctly install the wheels and achieve positive shock absorption (pneumatic tires can be used), as well as place the steering elements, usually taken from other equipment. In other words, anyone can make a Bison tractor with their own hands.

Advantages of the tractor

Compared to factory tractors of a similar type, the Bizon tractor has a number of significant advantages compared to other agricultural machinery of a similar type:

  1. Possibility of installing any attachments or traction equipment.
  2. Economical. A controversial issue, since everything will depend on the components and assemblies with which the tractor was equipped.
  3. High productivity.
  4. Fast payback.
  5. Possibility of modifications and modernization of main components, as well as body parts.
  6. Compact, in some cases small in size.

And now about the disadvantages:

  1. Registration of a homemade tractor is not always possible.
  2. Failures associated with the wrong choice of structural elements.

Compared to the advantages of the tractor, the disadvantages seem insignificant.

A huge advantage in choosing a homemade tractor is that the cost of such an agricultural machine is quite low.

Those who cannot build a tractor on their own can buy them in Russia and the CIS, at various sites for selling agricultural equipment.


Maintenance depends on the components and assemblies that are installed on it. If there is a YaMZ power unit, then maintenance is carried out once every 15,000 km or after 720 operating hours. In this case, it is worth changing the engine oil, as well as coarse and fine filters. Do not forget about the injection pump, which requires periodic repair and maintenance.

If a different power unit is used, then it is worth looking at the technical maintenance cards for this particular engine model. Also, before starting any work, it is recommended to carry out a visual and technical inspection of the vehicle, checking the main components and assemblies.

Homemade tractor “Bison” with YaMZ 236 engine

The Bizon is most popular with the YaMZ 236 engine. This is due to the fact that the power unit has high technical characteristics and is also not picky in maintenance and repair.

Let's consider the main technical characteristics of a homemade device:

TypeV6, 12 valves, diesel or turbodiesel
Power dataFrom 120 to 288 hp
Motor dimensions1800/1060/1190 mm
Axle (front/rear)MAZ/T-150K

The homemade product was able to show itself in action at competitions and exhibitions. Many farmers became interested in this development and modifications and also began to research the photos. “Bison” is a domestic development that has no analogues, since it has entered mass production and has many options for individual execution.

Public use

The popularity of the tractor became too high that they began to hold not only exhibitions, but also competitions to see whose design was better. If you watch the “Bison” tractor races at the 2022 track show, you can see how many options people have come up with for the design of the device. Such events are held regularly throughout the country, so new videos about homemade agricultural machines constantly appear on the Internet.

Tractor Bison – Build it yourself

Owners of agricultural land cannot always afford to purchase a new or used tractor, since such equipment is highly expensive. But there is a way out - this is the Bison tractor, which you can make with your own hands. Spare parts from other machines are suitable for this. Despite the fact that this is a homemade product, it has a number of obvious advantages. In particular, comparative cheapness, the possibility of individualization, installation of any type of attachments, ease of operation, as well as good performance.

Tractor Bison. reviews, service, video work


“Bison” is more of a common name for homemade tractors, which handy craftsmen have learned to assemble from scrap materials and parts.

It should be noted that the resulting units are quite significant, which cost their owners much less and are just as effective as those models that were assembled in production.

The main incentive to create such a unit was the availability of parts of existing non-functioning equipment and the desire to save money on the purchase of a new tractor.

“Bisons” turn out to be completely working mechanisms that are aggregated with many models of attachments.

Beginning of work

Bison is a machine that is designed to process agricultural plots using additional technical equipment. Its use can significantly speed up work, reduce financial costs and physical labor.

But you need to understand that making a tractor with your own hands is a complex and lengthy undertaking. Before starting any work, be sure to familiarize yourself with the technical part of the issue, study photographs of this tractor, its features and capabilities. A drawing is drawn up - the better quality it is, the lower the risk that errors, both small and critical, will be made during the manufacturing process.

Next, the necessary set of tools is selected, thanks to which it will be possible to assemble the Bison tractor. Here's what you need to prepare:

First of all, a welding machine. Don't forget about a set of keys, screwdrivers, fasteners (nuts, bolts, etc.). You will need measuring instruments - ruler, tape measure, level. You can drill and cut using a drill and grinder.

  • Consumables and components

To assemble a Bison tractor with your own hands, prepare:

  1. the frame is the basis of the future car. In most cases, the frame is taken from older models of compact tractors, for example, the T-150;
  2. cabin - you can take it, for example, from MTZ, or make it yourself. In the second case, you need to stock up on rolled metal products - angles, pipes, profiles, etc., from which the homemade cabin will be made;
  3. wheels - any tractor wheels of your choice;
  4. rolling axle - a well-proven axle from a caterpillar tractor;
  5. drive is optional. It is recommended to give preference to 4x4, although you can choose the rear one. But front-wheel drive for such a car is not the best solution;
  6. engine - most of these tractors are equipped with a YaMZ 236 power unit. It has good technical and operational characteristics, is reliable, does not lose its performance under unfavorable environmental conditions, is economical and does not require maintenance. The homemade Bison tractor with the YaMZ 236 engine is the most popular option, proven by time and harsh operating conditions.

Bizon tractors - overview of the features of the model range

Under the name Bison, today’s agricultural machinery market offers a wide variety of units – varying in power, configuration, functionality, appearance, and soil treatment parameters. But Bison tractors attract special attention. Search robots give non-standard and unexpected answers to queries. We have systematized the Bizon line of tractors:

  • Bison mini tractors made in China
  • BIZON motor tractors made in Belarus
  • the most extensive group is the most incredible units, homemade Bison tractors.

Model range of Bison tractors

The line of models is represented by small-sized innovative motor-tractors made on the basis of water-cooled SH series motor-blocks. The machines are distinguished not only by decent technical characteristics, but also by high ergonomics and comfort in operation.

When developing the design of the Bizon motor tractor, all the features were provided so that the owners of agricultural machines could work at a higher level than when driving conventional walk-behind tractors, which many users improve in every possible way “for themselves” to make it easier to control.

First of all, the cars are distinguished by a modern, streamlined design, their appearance is extremely attractive. Since Bizon mini tractors are small-sized, light-class equipment, they are not equipped with a cabin. But special attention was paid to the design of the seat - it is adjustable in several positions.

All controls are within arm's reach. Agricultural machines are distinguished by intuitive controls.

According to user reviews, even beginners in agriculture can completely master the control of a mini tractor in the shortest possible time.

The lighting system is also designed to ensure comfort - you can work with a powerful halogen headlight in the dark.

Exemplary technical characteristics of the vehicles will allow you to choose the most appropriate option from the model range: all-wheel drive units or 4x2, with a differential lock, power steering, extended wheelbase, adjustable wheels, engine power from 12 to 20 hp.

In addition to the review of the Bizon tractors, we invite you to read the description of the Belarus MTZ model range.

Motor tractor BIZON SH - 121A

The power of the diesel unit is 12 hp, the wheel arrangement is 4x2. The mini tractor is equipped with wheels, an electric start system, and a differential lock.

The basic configuration includes a plow and an active cutter, hydraulically adjustable. Designed for various agricultural works. The transmission provides 6 forward/2 reverse speeds.

Soil processing parameters: depth 20 cm, working width 110 cm.

Minitractor BIZON SH - 121B

An improved model with rear-wheel drive and 12 hp. It differs from the previous version in its modern design, large wheels, and a modernized cutter. There is also a model BIZON SH-121E on the market with similar technical characteristics.

Tractor BIZON SH-120E LUX

The luxury model differs from previous versions in the improved design of components and mechanisms, equipped with two-section hydraulics, a soil tiller with a side gearbox, and an adjustable track of the front and rear wheels. Tractor weight 560 kg.

Tractor BIZON SH - 151B

More powerful modification 15 hp. developed on the basis of the basic model Bison SH-121A. The motor tractor is an all-wheel drive modification, distinguished by a modern design, enlarged front wheels, a reinforced rear shaft, and a modernized large tractor cutter. The remaining technical characteristics of the machines are identical.

Tractor BIZON SH-150E

Another all-wheel drive car with 15 hp. It features a rototiller with a side gearbox.

Minitractor Bison 160DVX

Unit power 16 hp, wheel arrangement 4x2. Compared to younger versions, it stands out with the following improvements: floating hydraulic mode, tractor gearbox, quick-release fluid couplings, reinforced adjustable front beam, adjustable track. It can be equipped with an additional single-body plow and cutter, in which case the price of the set will be higher.

Tractor Bison 160 LUX

An improved modification of the previous model, which optimally takes into account the shortcomings of all previous modifications.

The mini tractor is characterized by: a modernized transmission, an improved generator, double-acting hydraulics, and an increased wheelbase.

The motor tractor can be rationally combined with a wide range of attachments for the walk-behind tractor, which allows you to significantly expand its functionality. Tractor load capacity is 0.5 tons.

Tractor BIZON SH-164E

The motor tractor is equipped with a 15 hp diesel engine. with water cooling. The machine is capable of performing a variety of agricultural, utility, construction and cargo work. This model is distinguished not only by its improved design, but also by its high ergonomics and rational technical solution.

Minitractor Bison 180E with generator

The unit has a power of 15 hp and is supplied with a plow and an active cutter. A special feature of the modification is the presence of a coupling with a floating mode and an additional generator for charging the battery.

Minitractor BIZON 2 WD

The model is equipped with a CF13NM engine with 16 hp. with horizontal arrangement. The wheel track width is adjustable. The cutter drive is direct, directly from the gearbox. Instead of pedals, rear wheel locking levers are installed. Additional equipment - cutter. Successfully performs any agricultural, municipal, road construction work.

Tractor Bison 4WD

The all-wheel drive wheeled mini tractor is equipped with a powerful 18 hp ZH1100N engine, electric starter, rear differential lock, power steering, large 40 liter fuel tank. Maximum travel speed is 29.57 km/h.

Designed to perform a wide range of agricultural work, used in public utilities, construction, road and transport work. The tractor is equipped with: a large rototiller, a tow hitch for additional implements, and a double-furrow plow.

Tractor weight 755 kg.

Minitractor BIZON 201DVX

A new powerful 20 hp engine is installed on the agricultural unit. with horizontal arrangement ZS1100H, water cooling. The modification has a 4x2 wheel arrangement and a differential lock. The track is adjustable.

Tillage parameters are similar to the initial versions: depth 10-20 cm, working width 110 cm. It can be easily aggregated with walk-behind attachments and transports loads.

A modification with or without a cutter can be realized.

Features of operation

Bizon motor tractors are made from high-quality raw materials, have a simplified design and minimal maintenance. Almost all modifications are equipped with an active cutter and plow.

In an aggregation with attachments, they perform a variety of agricultural work: plowing, cultivating, weeding between rows, hilling, cutting furrows for planting plants, sowing crops, and harvesting.

Bison tractors are capable of performing utility work, construction sites, and transport.

Rich in necessary functionality, convenient and easy to use, equipped with devices for attaching a hitch, reliability - it is thanks to these indicators that consumers choose the Bizon tractor.


The units run on diesel fuel. They consume motor oil of class 15W-30, 15W-40. For transmission, TAP-15, TAD-17 oil is recommended.

To questions about the maintenance of tractors, the answer is unequivocal - like all equipment, Bizon mini tractors require appropriate routine maintenance: minimum maintenance every shift, followed by periodic maintenance, depending on the degree of complexity of the unit.

TAD-17 oil TAP-15 oil Engine oil 15W-30 Engine oil 15W-40

Major faults, repairs

Bizon mini tractors are subject to the same possible operational failures as similar models Zubr, Centaur, Uralets: problems with the engine, transmission, gearbox.

The list of possible malfunctions is, in general, standard, as well as practical tips for eliminating them.

Thanks to the simple design of tractors and the high unification of the main components and mechanisms, owners can independently cope with eliminating defects and carrying out repairs without much difficulty.

Homemade tractors Bison

Naturally, it is impossible to carry out any single classification of homemade Bison tractors. The only thing that unites them is that unique machines were made with the own hands of talented creative people, albeit with varying degrees of technical training.

Obviously, it is no coincidence that such a nominal designation for exclusive homemade products emerged - Bison. It is well known that the bison is a very powerful, strong animal. The length of an adult bull can reach 3 m with a height of 2 m, and its weight exceeds a ton. They are fierce, unstoppable animals, but not reckless. By analogy with their qualities, the national brand is named - homemade Bison tractors.

Homemade Bison tractor

In numerous discussions on forums you can see reviews of already working units and step-by-step instructions with practical tips for beginners. The power of homemade Bisons starts from a few kW and sometimes exceeds 300-400 horses.

As a rule, many users not only willingly share their achievements and best practices, but also warn against repeating their own mistakes and provide answers to the most challenging questions of beginner “Kulibins”.

The presence of old decommissioned equipment encourages the implementation of individual projects; new standardized components and mechanisms available for sale; desire and opportunity to demonstrate your talent and skills in practice; real benefit in monetary terms.

In terms of technical characteristics, homemade Bisons are not only not inferior to serial equipment, but sometimes even superior, and the cost of the machines cannot be compared with factory models. Sometimes mini tractors from well-known brands simply do not justify themselves either in price or in terms of stated performance indicators.

Homemade mini tractor Bison

In addition, repairing expensive imported motor tractors is also not a cheap pleasure, since spare parts and consumables are sometimes only required.

The same cannot be said about the national brand Bison, where the interchangeability of components and mechanisms is at the highest level.

In the discussions you can even find experience in using parts from washing machines, motor pump elements, duralumin from airplanes, not to mention GAZ, VAZ engines and other modules.

The undeniable advantages of home-made Bisons is that their design is created with pre-designated characteristics, that is, the owner, when manufacturing the tractor, initially reaches the required parameters.

Tractor Bison 180E with floating mode

In video reviews and materials presented on the Internet, detailed discussions, and countless reviews, you can find practical advice on assembling the Bison tractor at any stage, starting from scratch. We encourage you to share your personal experience in designing your own Bison tractor - you are guaranteed grateful feedback from the owners. In the meantime, exciting reviews and video reviews:

Build process

The homemade agricultural Bison tractor is assembled in stages, with strict adherence to existing standards and recommendations. This process is divided into several main steps:

  • Manufacturing of frame structure

A very important stage. There is no need to rush to complete it. You definitely need to clearly think through what the mini-tractor will look like, where all the elements, mechanisms and components will be located in it. It is necessary to take into account the likely loads and features of future operation so that the machine can withstand them.

If there is no opportunity to purchase YaMZ, you can pay attention to cheaper models from MTZ. It is desirable that the power plant be diesel or turbodiesel (which is even better). Take care of high-quality engine cooling.

  • Installation of movement and control mechanisms

The power take-off shaft transfer case and gearbox are selected strictly individually, focusing on the selected power unit. As mentioned above, it is recommended to use all-wheel drive mechanisms, which provide a significant increase in the productivity and power of the tractor. The clutch is tailored specifically to the engine. Therefore, the flywheel will need to be machined on a lathe. It is advisable to make the box casing from scratch.

This stage is considered one of the easiest. It is not difficult to install bridges; the main thing here is the competent selection of parts that must have the appropriate dimensions, without any deviations. Failure to comply with this rule will lead to the fact that you won’t even be able to assemble your own Bison mini tractor.

The main point of this stage is the adjustment of depreciation. At home, it can be done using pneumatic tires.

  • Installation of other equipment and components

The stage includes installation of such nodes as:

  1. brake system;
  2. steering;
  3. lever control;
  4. towing device;
  5. suspension elements.

The above mechanisms and parts can be taken from other agricultural machines that act as donors of spare parts.


  • Engine power is reduced and crankcase oil consumption may increase.
  • The engine does not start and black smoke comes out of the exhaust pipe. This indicates that the filter is clogged or the pressure in the system is low.
  • If the crankcase oil is quickly consumed, it is necessary to inspect the cylinder-piston group for wear.
  • Extraneous noise and knocking may occur.
  • Low oil pressure in the lubrication system.
  • Coolant fluid may enter the lubrication system.
  • The coolant may overheat.
  • Sudden stoppage of diesel engine operation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Homemade Bison-type tractors have both obvious advantages and no less noticeable disadvantages, which is typical for machines made at home, and not in a factory. The advantages of such tractors include compact dimensions, efficiency, relatively low weight, high maintainability (including in field conditions), good performance, simple operation and ease of maintenance.

It is also possible to constantly refine and modernize components and mechanisms, which increases the technical and operational characteristics of the tractor. Any attachments can be installed here. For example, for plowing - a plow, for snow removal - a blade, etc.

Disadvantages are possible problems with registering the Bison as a vehicle, as well as frequent breakdowns due to not very competent assembly. You can also read about the T-130 “Bulldozer” Tractor – Technical characteristics.

Homemade tractor "Bison": description, assembly, recommendations

The homemade Bison tractor will be a real help in carrying out agricultural work on private and farm plots. Land owners cannot always afford to purchase a factory-made analogue, but making the equipment with their own hands is quite possible. This will save money and make good use of spare parts from non-working units. The machine is a completely independent modification, capable of being aggregated with various attachments. This makes it possible to significantly speed up the process of cultivating the land, minimizing manual labor.

Diesel Engine Maintenance

As with any equipment, homemade Bison tractors require regular maintenance.

When carrying out shift maintenance, it is necessary to clean the engine from dirt and dust accumulation.

Inspect and visually identify possible leaks.

When starting the engine, pay attention to the duration and noise level.

Check the color of the exhaust gases; as a rule, they are colorless.

Be sure to check the oil level after work and before starting.

Since the tractors turn out to be completely different, different brands of fluids are used for them.

The most common oils in use are SAE classification 10W-40 for the engine and 85W-90 GL-5 for the transmission.

Subsequent maintenance is carried out after 60, 120, 240 and so on hours of use of the tractor.

When preparing the Bizon tractor for winter, you must do the following:

  1. Perform all scheduled maintenance activities.
  2. Clean the lid and filter element of the fuel tank from dirt.
  3. Clean the fuel tank.
  4. Fill with winter fuel.
  5. Attach the insulation to the motor.
  6. Fill the cooling system with antifreeze.
  7. When warming up a diesel engine at subzero temperatures, it is necessary to fill it with hot water and oil when starting.

general information

Next, we will consider the features of the homemade Bison tractor and the possibilities of its assembly. As experts advise, you first need to study the drawings and sketch out the future design on paper. This approach makes it possible to avoid unnecessary errors during work. In addition, you should prepare all the necessary materials, parts and tools.

  • Set of keys and screwdrivers.
  • Drill and grinder.
  • Welding machine.
  • Angles and pipes for creating load-bearing structures.
  • Suitable power unit.
  • Wheels.
  • Fastening elements.
  • Level, tape measure and other measuring devices.

How to make a homemade Bison tractor?

All main operations for assembling the equipment in question can be divided into several stages:

  • Assembly of the frame part. The main thing here is not to rush, to think through the most rational placement of the elements of a given unit, taking into account the expected load and other technical issues. As an option, you can use an analogue from the K-150 model.
  • Choice of power plant. In this part, the choice is quite wide, much depends on your capabilities and requirements. An efficient engine for such a machine will be a water-cooled diesel version.
  • At the third stage, you should start selecting the gearbox and power take-off shaft transfer case. Users note that a 4x4 transfer case is best suited in this regard. To ensure proper clutch of the power plant flywheel, the unit will need to be modified on a lathe. It is better to make the casing for the basket from scratch, precisely fitting it to the required dimensions.
  • The installation of a bridge usually does not pose any particular problems. The main thing is to choose a part that respects the dimensions.
  • At the final stage, all that remains is to install the wheels and adjust the shock absorption, for example, using pneumatic tires. In addition, you need to equip the homemade Bison tractor with controls. As a rule, they are picked up from other agricultural machines.

Manufacturing process

In what sequence to start working and how to put the structure together - this question plagues many farmers who are ready to start assembling the unit.

Conventionally, the process of assembling the Bison tractor can be divided into several stages:

It is very important to pay maximum attention to the rational placement of all structural parts so that the connecting nodes and chassis parts do not interfere with each other, and are also assembled compactly.

Choose a suitable power unit that not only meets your requirements, but also suits your capabilities.

The ideal option is a liquid-cooled motor. It is best to use diesel as fuel.

Decide on the gearbox and power take-off box.

One of the most popular is the transfer case with the 4x4 formula. You will have to tinker with some details, finalizing their design.

This procedure is usually not difficult, but you need to choose the right size.

Install wheels and steering.

They are usually removed from equipment that is no longer in use.


The agricultural machine in question objectively has a number of advantages, namely:

  • Small overall dimensions.
  • Compactness.
  • Economical.
  • Good performance indicator.
  • Possibility of mounting a PTO.
  • Easy to operate and maintain.
  • High maintainability.

Mostly proven and reliable components are used for assembly, resulting in multifunctional agricultural equipment with a power of up to 240 horsepower.

Benefits of homemade Bison

In comparison with popular mini-tractors of domestic and foreign production, the homemade Bison tractor has a number of advantages. The unit is different:

  • compactness and small dimensions;
  • efficiency;
  • high performance;
  • possibility of installing a PTO;
  • ease of management and maintenance.

Only proven and reliable components are used for assembly, which allows you to create a machine suitable for plowing and cultivation with a power of up to 240 hp. IN


The homemade Bison tractor, the photo of which is given below, was liked by many users. They don’t even think about replacing it with an expensive factory equivalent. And this is not surprising: if spare parts for the machine in question can be found at any disassembly site, then repairing factory tractors often costs almost the amount of their original cost. Another huge advantage of the described unit is its quick payback.

More about the power unit

Since the YaMZ-246 diesel engine has a wide range of applications and is most often used for installation on a homemade Bizon tractor, we will consider its parameters in more depth.

The six cylinders of the diesel power unit are arranged in two rows at right angles. The cylinders have a V-shaped arrangement, which reduces the length and weight of the motor. A feature of motors in this category is the rational placement of all components, combined with simplicity of design. At the same time, all elements are available for operation and repair.

In the front part of the power plant there is a fuel filter, a pneumatic brake system with a compressor, and an electric generator. The parts are fixed on the top cover of the block. The elements are driven into operation using a belt pulley from the fan shaft. In addition, there is a water pump and hydraulic power steering at the front. They are launched directly from the crankshaft pulley of the power plant. On the left side at the end of the cylinder block there is a system for coarse and centrifugal oil purification. The oil pump located on the front main bearing cover also operates from the crankshaft gear.

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